Add image shader from BuildShaderPopupMenuI
On 04/09/2017 at 01:36, xxxxxxxx wrote:
User Information:
Cinema 4D Version: R18
Platform: Windows ;
Language(s) : C++ ;---------
Hello.I use the following code to create a shader list pop up menu when I press a button.
This button is in a ShaderData plugin's description.BaseContainer shader_list; BuildShaderPopupMenuI(&shader_list, NULL, NULL, 0); Int32 res_option = ShowPopupMenu(NULL, MOUSEPOS, MOUSEPOS, bc); BaseShader* parent = static_cast<BaseShader*>(Get()); BaseShader* result_shader = NULL; HandleShaderPopupI(parent, result_shader, res_option, 0 ); if (result_shader) //do something
The problem is that when I press Load Image from the shader list, HandleShaderPopupI cannot use it.
So it seems I have to remove the first options from shader_list container that are related to images.
Is this why you need a separate Add Image button in Layer Shader ?
Can I use only one button to add a shader regardless its type ?Edit: Another thing that I would like to say is that if parent is NULL, the result_shader is NULL as well. How can I get the parent BaseList2D of an iCustomGui in order to use the above code in the custom gui ?
Thank you for your time.
On 04/09/2017 at 02:11, xxxxxxxx wrote:
this is some test code that works perfectly fine for me with "Load Image":
BaseMaterial* material = doc->GetActiveMaterial(); if (!material) return false; // get shader list BaseContainer shaderList; BuildShaderPopupMenuI(&shaderList, nullptr, nullptr, 0); // remove "Clear" shaderList.RemoveData(SHADERPOPUP_CLEARSHADER); // show shader list Int32 res = ShowPopupMenu(nullptr, MOUSEPOS, MOUSEPOS, shaderList); // handle result BaseShader* shader = nullptr; if (HandleShaderPopupI(material, shader, res, 0) && shader) { BaseShader* clone = static_cast<BaseShader*>(shader->GetClone(COPYFLAGS_0, nullptr)); // insert shader material->InsertShader(clone); material->SetParameter(DescID(MATERIAL_COLOR_SHADER), clone, DESCFLAGS_SET_0); EventAdd(); }
What exactly does not work for you? If the default menu of BuildShaderPopupMenuI() does not fit for your needs you can of course build a complete custom menu (but then of course you cannot use HandleShaderPopupI()).
best wishes,
Sebastian -
On 04/09/2017 at 04:23, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hello and thank you for the example.
My mistake was that I didn't check the returned value of HandleShaderPopupI.
But, why do you have to clone the shader ?
Doesn't the shader already belong in the material ? Since material is the first parameter in HandleShaderpopupI, it should already be the parent of that shader right ?Thank you again !