How to get Effectors [SOLVED]
On 29/03/2016 at 04:33, xxxxxxxx wrote:
User Information:
Cinema 4D Version:
Language(s) : C++ ;---------
Hi,I use Melange in order to read Cinema4D files. Everything is kind of OK so far.
Now I've got a file with Linear Cloner Object.
It has an Effector, which is Spline and Cloner works differently... of course.Question is: How to retrieve list of effectors for any object in scene?
On 30/03/2016 at 03:04, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hello and welcome,
Not every object in a Cinema 4D scene has assigned effectors. Only MoGraph generators are linked to MoGraph effectors. When you look at a Cinema 4D scene you see that these effectors are linked using an InExclude list on the MoGraph cloner object.
So to get the effectors that are assigned to a specific cloner you have to read that parameter to obtain that InExclude list. Such a list is stored in form of the InExcludeData data type.
// check if the object is a MoGraph cloner if(object->IsInstanceOf(1018544)) { printf("Found a MoGraph Cloner object\n"); GeData data; //ID_MG_MOTIONGENERATOR_EFFECTORLIST is 2009 if(object->GetParameter(DescLevel(2009), data)) { InExcludeData* effectorList = (InExcludeData* )data.GetCustomDataType(CUSTOMDATATYPE_INEXCLUDE_LIST); if(effectorList) { const Int32 count = effectorList->GetObjectCount(); for (Int32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { BaseList2D* linkedObject = effectorList->ObjectFromIndex(loadedDoc, i); // custom function to print the object name PrintObjectName(linkedObject); } } } }
best wishes,
Sebastian -
On 30/03/2016 at 15:00, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Sebastian,
Thank you very much - I've been expecting something like that.
It works, at least I can get object :).Alex