Rotate Point around Axis
On 05/06/2015 at 02:14, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I guess this is a simple and very common function. But I cant figure out how to do so in python. And I am stupid.
I want to rotate a Point selection around the modelling axis.
Question 1:
How do I calculate the rotation? I need a deffiniton which includes Point, RotationAxisMatrix,Rotation as parameter. I have tried to figure that out without luck till now.Question 2: Is there a python function to get the Matrix of the Modelling-Axis in componentsmode?
On 05/06/2015 at 08:15, xxxxxxxx wrote:
This is isn't a so simple and common question
Originally posted by xxxxxxxx
Question 1:
How do I calculate the rotation? I need a definiton which includes Point, RotationAxisMatrix, Rotation as parameter. I have tried to figure that out without luck till now.First you should first have a good understanding of how matrices work in Cinema. See Matrix Fundamentals in the Python documentation.
Originally posted by xxxxxxxx
Question 2:
Is there a python function to get the Matrix of the Modelling-Axis in componentsmode?There's no direct function for this. Here's some code:
def GetModelingAxis(op) : tool = plugins.FindPlugin(c4d.ID_MODELING_AXIS, c4d.PLUGINTYPE_TOOL) # Get modeling axis bounds posx = tool[c4d.MDATA_AXIS_BOUNDS_X] posy = tool[c4d.MDATA_AXIS_BOUNDS_Y] posz = tool[c4d.MDATA_AXIS_BOUNDS_Z] # Get center and bounding box of object mp = op.GetMp() rad = op.GetRad() # Initialize modeling axis with center of object maxis = c4d.Matrix() = mp # Change offset of modeling axis according to bounds += rad.x*posx; += rad.y*posy; += rad.z*posz; return maxis
On 08/06/2015 at 03:34, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks a lot Yannick. I think this will help me.
On 18/12/2015 at 16:17, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Yanick, I have tried the Code you posted but it returns allways zero.
Is it possible that this function is broken?
Can you get it to work? -
On 19/12/2015 at 14:11, xxxxxxxx wrote:
here are some lines to rotate selected points around the object axis. Hope it helps.
import c4d #Welcome to the world of Python def main() : ref = op.GetDown() clone = ref.GetClone() ref_mg = ref.GetMg() #reference matrix rot = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,1] #vector rot_mat = ref_mg*c4d.utils.MatrixRotX(rot.x)*c4d.utils.MatrixRotY(rot.y)*c4d.utils.MatrixRotZ(rot.z) #new rotation matrix about X,Y,Z for i, sel in enumerate(ref.GetPointS().GetAll(ref.GetPointCount())) : #iterate all points if sel: #check if point is selected p = ref.GetPoint(i) #local position of point[i] p_rot = p*~rot_mat #global position of point[i] out of the rotation matrix new_p = ref_mg*p_rot #global position of point[i] into reference matrix to get the new local position clone.SetPoint(i, new_p) clone.Message(c4d.MSG_UPDATE) ref.Touch() return clone