Q: How to access list of recent documents [CLOSED]
On 12/01/2015 at 05:12, xxxxxxxx wrote:
I need to access the list of recent documents in the file menu with python. Can't find anything in the SDK that's related to this as far as i can see.
Anybody suggestions?Cheers
Bonsak -
On 13/01/2015 at 08:16, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Bonsak,
Since I did not find anything either in the documentation for both Python and C++ explaining how to access the recent documents list, I analyzed the C4D code.
I discovered that it's only for the menu you see in the UI, and is saved in the Cinema 4D preference file. There doesn't appear to be a way to access the list in either SDK, only in the internal code that creates the recent file list menu. BTW, the recent documents list can easily change, so being able to read it wouldn't mean you'd have much control over it, as you can't control the content of the preference file.
Sorry, you're out of luck. Perhaps if you could explain the larger context of your needs, we could help you find a solution to your problem?
Joey Gaspe
SDK Support Engineer -
On 13/01/2015 at 08:22, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks alot. I just wanted to make a shortcut for the last file opened. Like we have in AE. (The first doc in the list) I don't need to modify the list.
Is there any way of accessing the prefs file?Cheers
Bonsak -
On 13/01/2015 at 08:35, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi Bonsak,
Unfortunately, there appears to be no way to access the prefs file content directly using Cinema 4D's SDKs. It's in a binary format, so any attempt to write your own code to read it wouldn't be practical.
Joey Gaspe
SDK Support Engineer -
On 13/01/2015 at 08:47, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks anyway.Cheers