Transfer user data from object to Null
On 13/05/2014 at 01:44, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Say I have an object "Cube" and I have created userdata with an Xpresso Tag for it:
Slider_01 - "scale"
Slider_02 - "deform"Then I create a Null object with a Python Tag. How do I transfer the userdata from the cube to the null auto style so I can work the sliders from the null and the cube???
On 13/05/2014 at 23:26, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Ok I have figured it out if someone needs it _<_img src="" border="0" alt=":thisrocks:" title=":thisrocks:" /_>_
Here is the code:
import c4d
from c4d import guidef main() :
target = doc.SearchObject("Null") #The null I want to transfer the userdata to
obj = doc.SearchObject("Controls") #The userdata I want to transfer
for id, bc in obj.GetUserDataContainer() :
target.SetUserDataContainer(id, bc)