Generator and Cloner
On 31/01/2013 at 14:32, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hy there,
I created a spline cacher, which is a Python Generator object. It uses the GetContour(..) overwrite to return a spline. The spline gets created by a cache, which is read dependent on the documents time. The document I use is the one given as an argument to the GetContour(..) callback.
Now, this all works fine, except it can't be used in a cloner:
File "AoB-SplineCacher.pyp", line 328, in GetContour
frame = doc.GetTime().GetFrame(doc.GetFps())
ReferenceError: The object 'c4d.documents.BaseDocument' is not alive.How do I need to handle the document, so the Spline Generator will also work within a cloner?
Thank you,
maxx -
On 01/02/2013 at 01:54, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi maxx,
This may be an issue with GetContour() because the document passed should be always valid.
I'll ask the developers if there's a special case if a generator is used in a cloner.But it seems some calls return a valid document and others no. You can filter the dead document with:
if doc() is not None: print doc else: print "Dead document"
doc() invokes doc.__call__() (see the documentation of C4DAtom.__call__()) to know if the document is alive or not.
On 01/02/2013 at 09:08, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Hy Yannick,
thank you for the hint about testing the doc. The problem seems to go away, if I use the same logic in the GetVirtualObjects method. But then the splines can't be rendered by hair.
The cloning is not working, if I just check if the doc is alive. Anything else I could try?
maxx -
On 01/02/2013 at 11:50, xxxxxxxx wrote:
The passed BaseDocument is NULL sometimes in C++ when the object is cloned in a Cloner
object. It works eg. for the Array-Object. That the passed document can be NULL is not stated in
the C++ docs, nor I think this is intended?The Python issue might be due to the fact that the Python wrapper assumes the document may
never be NULL and wraps a NULL pointer being passed to Python.I reported this as a bug.
/\*\* \* Copyright (C) 2013, Niklas Rosenstein \* All rights reserved. \*\*/ #include <c4d.h> class SplineCacheData : public ObjectData { public: static NodeData\* Alloc() { return gNew SplineCacheData; } /\* Overrides: ObjectData \*/ SplineObject\* GetContour(BaseObject\* op, BaseDocument\* doc, Real lod, BaseThread\* bt) { if (!doc) { GeDebugOut("WARNING: No document passed on GetContour()"); return NULL; } LONG frame = doc->GetTime().GetFrame(doc->GetFps()); String name = doc->GetDocumentName().GetString(); String message = "GetContour() Document name: " + doc->GetDocumentName().GetString() + ", frame: " + LongToString(frame); GeDebugOut(message); return NULL; } }; Bool PluginStart() { return RegisterObjectPlugin( 1000002, "Spline Cache Test", OBJECT_ISSPLINE, SplineCacheData::Alloc, "", NULL, 0); } Bool PluginMessage(LONG type, void\*pData) { return TRUE; } void PluginEnd() { }
On 02/02/2013 at 05:18, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks Niklas, for the C++ Test-Case...
On 05/02/2013 at 03:39, xxxxxxxx wrote:
For each clone no document is passed to GetContour() and op.GetDocument() gives None.
But yes there's an issue in Python that it gives a dead document instead of a None.I think you better get the current frame overriding Execute() and caching it.
On 13/02/2013 at 17:34, xxxxxxxx wrote:
Ok, will do so...