Open Search
    Description Settings Manual


    A parameter description includes the type of a parameter and some additional information. Such a parameter description is stored in a BaseContainer. The different settings are accessed using the IDs described on this page. These settings define how the parameter behaves and how it is displayed in the Attribute Manager.

    Such parameter descriptions are handled in the following situations:

    Parameters Types

    While certain settings apply to all parameter types, others are specific to certain parameter types. With this utility function one can create a BaseContainer with the correct default settings:

    These are the default Cinema 4D parameter and data types. For plugin data types the plugin ID must be used.

    Do not confuse these types with DA_TYPES (see GeData Manual).
    // This example adds a new Boolean parameter
    // to the given Description in NodeData::GetDDescription().
    const DescID cid = DescLevel(ID_BOOL, DTYPE_BOOL, 0);
    const DescID* const singleid = description->GetSingleDescID();
    // If a SingleDescID is set, check if the cid is part of it.
    // This is a check if only the description of the given SingleDescID
    // should be set or not.
    if (singleid == nullptr || cid.IsPartOf(*singleid, nullptr))
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Boolean Parameter"_s);
    // check if the new parameter description could be inserted
    if (!description->SetParameter(cid, settings, ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES))
    BaseContainer GetCustomDataTypeDefault(Int32 type)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:47
    void SetString(Int32 id, const maxon::String &s)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:569
    Definition: lib_description.h:330
    Bool IsPartOf(const DescID &cmp, Int32 *pos) const
    String Name for standalone use.
    Definition: lib_description.h:91
    Definition: lib_description.h:75
    Definition: obase.h:56
    Represents a level within a DescID.
    Definition: lib_description.h:289

    Other parameter types are

    Other data types are defined as custom data types like CUSTOMDATATYPE_BITMAPBUTTON etc.

    // This example adds both a button and a BitmapButton to the given Description.
    // create a button
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Button"_s);
    description->SetParameter(buttonID, settings, ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES);
    // create a bitmap button
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Bitmap Button"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(BITMAPBUTTON_BUTTON, true); // button acts like a button
    settings.SetInt32(BITMAPBUTTON_ICONID1, IDM_DELETE); // use the "Delete" icon
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_ALIGNLEFT, 1); // don't scale
    description->SetParameter(bitmamButtionID, settings, ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES);
    void SetInt32(Int32 id, Int32 l)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:505
    Bitmap button custom data ID.
    Definition: customgui_bitmapbutton.h:28
    Bitmap button custom GUI ID.
    Definition: customgui_bitmapbutton.h:25
    Definition: customgui_bitmapbutton.h:35
    Int32 Registered icon bitmap ID. On state for toggle buttons.
    Definition: customgui_bitmapbutton.h:47
    Definition: lib_description.h:218
    #define MAXON_SCOPE
    Definition: apibase.h:2841
    Bool Align element left.
    Definition: lib_description.h:137
    Int32 The ID of the GUI for this element. Either a custom ID or one of: CUSTOMGUI
    Definition: lib_description.h:125
    Definition: lib_description.h:61
    #define IDM_DELETE
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:3861


    Parameters are organized in parameter groups. These groups are used to define the structure and the layout of the parameters.

    // This example creates a new parameter group with two sub-parameters.
    // define the group
    const DescID groupID = DescLevel(ID_GROUP, DTYPE_GROUP, 0);
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "New Group"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_COLUMNS, 2); // group has two columns
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_DEFAULT, 1); // group is unfolded by default
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_SCALEH, 1); // group is scaled horizontally
    description->SetParameter(groupID, settings, 0);
    // add the first child parameter
    const DescID cid = DescID(DescLevel(ID_STRING_A, DTYPE_STRING, 0));
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Parameter A"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_SCALEH, 1);
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, ID_GROUP);
    // add the second child parameter
    const DescID cid = DescID(DescLevel(ID_STRING_B, DTYPE_STRING, 0));
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Parameter B"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_SCALEH, 1);
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, ID_GROUP);
    Int32/Float/Vector Default numeric value.
    Definition: lib_description.h:120
    Bool Scale element horizontally.
    Definition: lib_description.h:135
    Int32 Number of columns for layout groups (DTYPE_GROUP).
    Definition: lib_description.h:127
    Definition: lib_description.h:72
    Definition: lib_description.h:56

    A parameter is typically part of a group:

    The group IDs of specific elements are defined in the corresponding header files like ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES in Obase.h.

    // This example reads the DESC_PARENTGROUP parameter of a given description BaseContainer.
    const GeData parentid = bc->GetData(DESC_PARENTGROUP);
    // check if the GeData stores a DescID
    if (parentid.GetType() == CUSTOMDATATYPE_DESCID)
    // get DescID
    const DescID* const descID = static_cast<const DescID*>(customData);
    if (descID == nullptr)
    return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // print ID
    const Int32 id = descID->operator[](-1).id;
    ApplicationOutput("Parent Group ID: " + String::IntToString(id));
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:83
    Int32 GetType() const
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:407
    CustomDataType * GetCustomDataType(Int32 datatype) const
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:507
    const maxon::Data & GetData() const
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:499
    static String IntToString(Int32 v)
    Definition: c4d_string.h:495
    maxon::Int32 Int32
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:60
    Int32/Parent ID.
    Definition: lib_description.h:117
    Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:67
    #define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
    Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:210
    DescID custom data type ID.
    Definition: lib_description.h:262
    Base class for custom data types.
    Definition: c4d_customdatatype.h:51

    A row of a group can be filled with dummy elements so that the next elements start in a new row:

    • DESC_NEWLINE: The element in question is used as a "line break". Typically used with a static text element.
    // This example adds a static text element to the given group.
    // Using DESC_NEWLINE this element will fill the remainder of the row
    // so that the next added elements are placed in the next row.
    const DescID cid = DescID(DescLevel(ID_NEWLINE, DTYPE_STATICTEXT, 0));
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, ""_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_SCALEH, 1);
    settings.SetBool(DESC_NEWLINE, true);
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, ID_GROUP);
    void SetBool(Int32 id, Bool b)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:498
    Bool Line break.
    Definition: lib_description.h:139
    Static text.
    Definition: lib_description.h:64

    Parent Parameters

    A parameter can be a parent parameter of another parameter. The child parameter is hidden until the user clicks on a little arrow.

    // This example adds two parameter descriptions.
    // The first parameter acts as a parent for the second parameter.
    const DescID parentID = DescID(DescLevel(ID_PARENT, DTYPE_STRING, 0));
    // add the parent parameter
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Parent"_s);
    description->SetParameter(parentID, settings, ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES);
    // add the child parameter
    const DescID cid = DescID(DescLevel(ID_CHILD, DTYPE_STRING, 0));
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Child"_s);
    GeData parentIdData;
    parentIdData.SetCustomDataType(CUSTOMDATATYPE_DESCID, parentID);
    settings.SetData(DESC_PARENT_COLLAPSE, parentIdData);
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES);
    GeData * SetData(Int32 id, const GeData &n)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:255
    void SetCustomDataType(Int32 datatype, const CustomDataType &v)
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:664
    #define NOTOK
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:267
    Int32 Parent collapse ID.
    Definition: lib_description.h:143


    The parameter description includes settings that define how a group or parameter should be scaled in the Attribute Manager.


    The parameter description also includes information on how the parameter is displayed:

    To enable or disable a parameter in the Attribute Manager one must implement NodeData::GetDEnabling(), see NodeData::GetDEnabling() Manual.
    // This example creates and configures the BaseContainer for a float parameter description.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Float Value"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_CUSTOMGUI, CUSTOMGUI_REALSLIDER); // use this custom GUI
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_NOGUISWITCH, true); // do not allow to change the custom GUI
    Float edit field with slider.
    Definition: lib_description.h:203
    Bool Disables GUI switching for this description element.
    Definition: lib_description.h:166
    Definition: lib_description.h:68
    // This example creates a shader link parameter description that cannot be unfolded.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Shader"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_CUSTOMGUI, CUSTOMGUI_TEXBOX); // use the tex box gui to handle shaders
    settings.SetBool(DESC_SHADERLINKFLAG, true); // is a shader link
    // don't unfold the GUI in the Attribute Manager
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, DescLevel(ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES));
    Shader link custom GUI ID.
    Definition: customgui_texbox.h:18
    Bool Instructs the Attribute Manager to not allow expanding inline objects for entry.
    Definition: lib_description.h:144
    Bool Specifies that this element is a shader link. (Only if datatype==DTYPE_BASELISTLINK....
    Definition: lib_description.h:165
    Definition: lib_description.h:74

    The settings of a custom GUI also have to be stored in the BaseContainer.

    // This example configures a DateTime description so that the used
    // custom GUI only displays the calendar.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Date"_s);
    settings.SetBool(DATETIME_TIME_CONTROL, false); // don't display clock
    settings.SetBool(DATETIME_DATE_CONTROL, true); // display calendar
    settings.SetBool(DATETIME_NOW_BUTTON, true); // display "Today" button
    #define DATETIME_DATA
    DateTime custom data ID.
    Definition: customgui_datetime.h:23
    #define DATETIME_GUI
    DateTime custom GUI ID.
    Definition: customgui_datetime.h:20
    Bool true, if it is a calendar.
    Definition: customgui_datetime.h:29
    Bool true, if it is a clock.
    Definition: customgui_datetime.h:28
    Bool true, to add "Now" button.
    Definition: customgui_datetime.h:30


    The name of a parameter is displayed in the Attribute Manager or other contexts:

    • DESC_NAME: The parameter name for standalone use.
    • DESC_SHORT_NAME: The short name, displayed in the Attribute Manager.
    • DESC_IDENT: The resource identifier, e.g. "ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_POSITION". This value is typically read-only.
    • DESC_IDENT_ORIGIN: The resource identifier, e.g. "ID_BASEOBJECT_REL_POSITION". This value is typically read-only.
    // This example configures the names for a float parameter description.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Parameter Name"_s); // displayed in the Xpresso "Object" node
    settings.SetString(DESC_SHORT_NAME, "Short Name"_s); // displayed in the Attribute Manager
    String Short name, for attributes dialog.
    Definition: lib_description.h:92


    One can enable or disable if a parameter should be animateable:

    // This example disables animation for the new parameter description.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Non Animate"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_ANIMATE, DESC_ANIMATE_OFF); // parameter not animateable
    Int32 Animation mode:
    Definition: lib_description.h:104
    Parameter is not animatable.
    Definition: lib_description.h:105


    For specific parameter types certain values can be set:


    // This example uses a slider to display a float parameter.
    // The range of the parameter and of the slider are configured.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Slider"_s);
    settings.SetFloat(DESC_MIN, -1.0); // min value: -100%
    settings.SetFloat(DESC_MAX, 2.0); // max value: 200%
    settings.SetFloat(DESC_MINSLIDER, 0.0); // min slider: 0%
    settings.SetFloat(DESC_MAXSLIDER, 1.0); // max slider: 100%
    settings.SetFloat(DESC_STEP, 0.02); // step size 2%
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_UNIT, DESC_UNIT_PERCENT); // display percent
    void SetFloat(Int32 id, Float r)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:533
    Int32/Float/Vector Maximum value for slider.
    Definition: lib_description.h:133
    Int32/Float/Vector Minimum value for slider.
    Definition: lib_description.h:132
    Int32/Float/Vector The step for the edit field arrows.
    Definition: lib_description.h:103
    @ DESC_MIN
    Int32/Float/Vector Minimum value.
    Definition: lib_description.h:99
    Int32 Unit for DTYPE_VECTOR:
    Definition: lib_description.h:110
    Definition: lib_description.h:113
    @ DESC_MAX
    Int32/Float/Vector Maximum value.
    Definition: lib_description.h:100

    DTYPE_REAL and DTYPE_VECTOR can display values with a given unit:

    These are the same formats as used with GeDialog::SetFloat().
    // This example configures a float parameter to display "meters" as a unit.
    // This parameter won't be scaled when the object is scaled.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Meters"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_UNIT, DESC_UNIT_METER); // display "meters"
    // don't scale this parameter when the host BaseObject is scaled
    settings.SetBool(DESC_FORBID_SCALING, true);
    Definition: lib_description.h:115
    Bool Prevents auto-scaling of the parameter with the scale tool (for DESC_UNIT_METER).
    Definition: lib_description.h:145

    The values selectable in a drop down parameter (based on DTYPE_LONG) are stored in sub-containers:

    // This example creates a drop down field with three items.
    // a drop down is a long parameter with a custom GUI
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Drop Down"_s);
    // add cycle elements
    items.SetString(0, "Item 1"_s);
    items.SetString(1, "Item 2"_s);
    items.SetString(2, "Item 3"_s);
    // add cycle icons
    icons.SetInt32(0, 5159); // use "Cube" icon
    icons.SetInt32(1, IDM_CUT); // use "Cut" icon
    icons.SetInt32(2, IDM_DELETE); // use "Delete" icon
    settings.SetContainer(DESC_CYCLEICONS, icons);
    void SetContainer(Int32 id, const BaseContainer &s)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:597
    Selection list field.
    Definition: lib_description.h:210
    BaseContainer Icon IDs for cycle.
    Definition: lib_description.h:141
    BaseContainer Contains members of cycle as string. (E.g. GetString(10041) == "-X"....
    Definition: lib_description.h:118
    Definition: lib_description.h:67
    #define IDM_CUT
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:3858
    PyWideStringList Py_ssize_t wchar_t ** items
    Definition: initconfig.h:448

    Both DTYPE_BASELISTLINK and CUSTOMDATATYPE_INEXCLUDE_LIST parameter types can reference Cinema 4D elements.

    The check is done with C4DAtom::IsInstanceOf(), so also category types like Obase etc. can be used.
    // This example configures a link parameter description
    // that only accepts "Cube" and "Sphere" objects.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Link"_s);
    ac.SetInt32(Osphere, 1); // accept "Sphere" objects
    ac.SetInt32(Ocube, 1); // accept "Cube" objects.
    settings.SetContainer(DESC_ACCEPT, ac);
    BaseContainer Contains the accepted IDs as strings. For C4DAtom::IsInstanceOf() checks....
    Definition: lib_description.h:121
    #define Ocube
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1102
    #define Osphere
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1103

    A DTYPE_BASELISTLINK parameter can also reference and manage a shader:

    // This example creates a shader link parameter description that cannot be unfolded.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Shader"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_CUSTOMGUI, CUSTOMGUI_TEXBOX); // use the tex box gui to handle shaders
    settings.SetBool(DESC_SHADERLINKFLAG, true); // is a shader link
    // don't unfold the GUI in the Attribute Manager
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, DescLevel(ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES));

    A DTYPE_SEPARATOR can be displayed with or without a line:

    // This example configures a separator description.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, String());
    settings.SetBool(DESC_SEPARATORLINE, true);
    Definition: c4d_string.h:39
    Definition: lib_description.h:220
    Bool true if separators should have a visible line.
    Definition: lib_description.h:122
    Definition: lib_description.h:63

    If a DTYPE_VECTOR is used to display a rotation (DESC_UNIT_DEGREE) it can display this as XYZ or HPB:

    • DESC_ANGULAR_XYZ: Set to true for XYZ as angular representation, or false for HPB.
    // This example configures a vector parameter description.
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Vector"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_UNIT, DESC_UNIT_DEGREE); // use degree units for rotation vector
    settings.SetBool(DESC_ANGULAR_XYZ, true); // sub-parameters won't be shown as HPB but as XYZ
    Definition: lib_description.h:114
    Bool true for XYZ as angular representation, or false for HPB.
    Definition: lib_description.h:146
    Definition: lib_description.h:70

    Material Editor

    Materials can include parameter groups that are presented as "channels" in the Material Editor window. The left column of the Material Editor can include references to these channels or simple parameters:

    // This example adds a parameter to the left column of the Material Editor.
    // The name of the parameter will be hidden.
    const DescID cid { DescLevel { ID_REAL, DTYPE_REAL, 0 } };
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Float Value"_s);
    // don't display the name in the Material Editor left column
    settings.SetBool(DESC_MATEDNOTEXT, true);
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, Tbaselist2d);
    Bool No text in Material Editor window.
    Definition: lib_description.h:163
    #define Tbaselist2d
    2D list.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:986

    A DTYPE_BOOL can be used to enable or disable a channel group.

    // This example adds a new material parameter group.
    // This group can be selected with a Boolean parameter in the left column.
    // add the Boolean parameter to select the group
    const DescID cid { DescLevel { ID_SETTINGS_BOOL, DTYPE_BOOL, 0 } };
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Settings"_s);
    settings.SetInt32(DESC_PARENTMSG, ID_SETTINGS_GROUP); // the group to select
    settings.SetBool(BOOL_PAGEMODE, true); // page mode; no checkbox is displayed
    settings.SetBool(DESC_HIDE, true); // hide in Attribute Manager
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, Tbaselist2d);
    // add a material group
    const DescID cid = DescLevel(ID_SETTINGS_GROUP, DTYPE_GROUP, 0);
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Material Properties"_s);
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, 0);
    // add a parameter to that group
    const DescID cid { DescLevel { ID_PARAMETER, DTYPE_BOOL, 0 } };
    settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Some Parameter"_s);
    description->SetParameter(cid, settings, ID_SETTINGS_GROUP);
    Bool Indicates whether the property is hidden or not.
    Definition: lib_description.h:119
    DescID Used in the Material Editor on the boolean tabs to specify which section to open.
    Definition: lib_description.h:162
    #define BOOL_PAGEMODE
    Page mode for boolean elements. If set it means that this boolean will have no checkbox....
    Definition: lib_description.h:31

    Further Reading