Open Search
    Filename Manual


    Filename is a special class to handle filenames and paths. It is used to easily construct and edit paths, filenames and suffixes. It also allows to open dialogs to select files and directories.

    To handle files with the Maxon API see also Url Manual.
    To convert a Filname to a maxon::Url use MaxonConvert().


    Filename objects can be created on demand or can be obtained from other entities.

    To retrieve and modify Filename objects stored in a BaseContainer respectively use:

    • BaseContainer::GetFilename(): Returns the Filename stored at the given ID.
    • BaseContainer::SetFilename(): Sets the Filename stored at the given ID.

    See also BaseContainer Manual.

    To retrieve and modify Filename objects stored in a GeData object (GeData type is ::DA_FILENAME) respectively use:

    • GeData::GetFilename(): Returns the Filename object.
    • GeData::SetFilename(): Stores the Filename object.

    See also GeData Manual.

    Important paths are obtained from:

    // This example reads the filename parameter of an alembic generator.
    // check if the active object is an "Alembic Generator"
    BaseObject* const object = doc->GetActiveObject();
    if (object == nullptr && object->GetType() != Oalembicgenerator)
    return maxon::IllegalArgumentError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    GeData data;
    // read the "Path to Alembic file" parameter
    if (!object->GetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(ALEMBIC_PATH)), data, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE))
    return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    ApplicationOutput("Alembic File: " + data.GetFilename().GetString());
    Definition: Oalembicgenerator.h:6
    Definition: asset_browser.h:1
    #define Oalembicgenerator
    Alembic generator.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1166
    Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
    #define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
    Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:204
    #define ConstDescID(...)
    Definition: lib_description.h:596
    const char * doc
    Definition: pyerrors.h:226
    Definition: object.h:105


    A Filename can be constructed with basic operators:

    Only the last part (typically the file) of the given Filename is added.
    // This example lets the user select a folder.
    // A full file path is constructed and the example checks if that file exists.
    Filename selectFolder;
    // open a folder selector dialog
    if (!selectFolder.FileSelect(FILESELECTTYPE::ANYTHING, FILESELECT::DIRECTORY, "Select Folder"_s))
    return maxon::OK;
    const Filename fullFilePath = selectFolder + "cube.c4d";
    // check if given file exists
    if (GeFExist(fullFilePath))
    ApplicationOutput("The folder contains \"cube.c4d\"");
    ApplicationOutput("The folder does not container \"cube.c4d\"");
    Folder selection dialog.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:2
    Any file.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:0
    return OK
    Definition: apibase.h:2771
    Bool GeFExist(const Filename &name, Bool isdir=false)
    // This example constructs the Filename for an image file
    // in the plugin's "res" folder and loads this image.
    // construct full file name
    const Filename imageFile = GeGetPluginPath() + Filename("res") + Filename("arbitrary_icon.tif");
    // check if the file exists
    if (!GeFExist(imageFile))
    return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    AutoAlloc<BaseBitmap> bitmap;
    if (bitmap == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // load image file into the given BaseBitmap
    if (bitmap->Init(imageFile) != IMAGERESULT::OK)
    return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // show BaseBitmap in the Picture Viewer
    User has selected a font.
    Definition: customgui_fontchooser.h:0
    const Filename GeGetPluginPath()
    Bool ShowBitmap(const Filename &fn)


    A Filename object can easily be copied:

    • Filename::operator=(): Assigns the right-operand filename to the left-operand filename.
    • Filename::CopyTo(): Copies the filename into the given Filename object.



    The content of a Filename object can be represented by a String:

    • Filename::IsPopulated(): Returns true if the filename has been set.
    • Filename::GetString(): Returns the full filename as a String.
    • Filename::SetString(): Sets the filename with the given String.

    See also String Manual (Cinema API).

    // This example prints the full path to the console.
    const String filenameString = selectedFile.GetString();
    ApplicationOutput("File selected: " + filenameString);

    File and Directory

    A filename may be composed of a directory part and a file part. Each part can be edited independently:

    • Filename::GetDirectory(): Returns the directory of the filename.
    • Filename::SetDirectory(): Sets the directory of the filename.
    • Filename::GetFile(): Returns the file part of the filename.
    • Filename::SetFile(): Sets the file part of the filename.
    • Filename::GetFileString(): Returns the file part of the filename as a String.
    // This example prints the file and the directory to the console.
    const String file = selectedFile.GetFileString();
    const String directory = selectedFile.GetDirectory().GetString();
    ApplicationOutput(directory + " - " + file);
    const char const char const char * file
    Definition: object.h:439


    Part of the filename may also be the file suffix. This suffix can be edited separately:

    • Filename::GetSuffix(): Returns the suffix as a String.
    • Filename::SetSuffix(): Sets the suffix to the given string.
    • Filename::ClearSuffix(): Clears the suffix.
    • Filename::ClearSuffixComplete(): Clears also suffixes longer than seven characters.
    • Filename::CheckSuffix(): Checks if the suffix is equal to the given string.
    // This example checks the suffix of the given filename.
    // check if the given Filename references a Cinema 4D scene file
    if (selectedFile.CheckSuffix("c4d"_s))
    ApplicationOutput("C4D File");
    ApplicationOutput("Some other file");

    It is possible to get the suffix for a given image file type:

    // This example adds the correct suffix to the given Filename object
    // based on the image file type.
    imageFileName = GeFilterSetSuffix(imageFileName, FILTER_JPG);
    bitmap->Save(imageFileName, FILTER_JPG, nullptr, SAVEBIT::NONE);
    #define FILTER_JPG
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:189
    Filename GeFilterSetSuffix(const Filename &name, Int32 id)

    Memory Mode

    The memory mode allows to perform read and write operations on a memory block instead of a file on the hard drive. This is typically used to encrypt or compress the resulting data.

    • Filename::SetMemoryReadMode(): Sets the filename to read from a memory block.
    • Filename::SetMemoryWriteMode(): Sets the filename to write to a memory block.
    // This example writes some data into memory and accesses the raw memory afterwards.
    AutoAlloc<MemoryFileStruct> mfs;
    if (mfs == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    Filename fn;
    void* data = nullptr;
    Int size = 0;
    // open HyperFile to write
    if (!hyperFile->Open(0, fn, FILEOPEN::WRITE, FILEDIALOG::NONE))
    return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // get raw data
    mfs->GetData(data, size, false);
    Py_ssize_t size
    Definition: bytesobject.h:86
    Problems writing the file.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:4
    maxon::Int Int
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:55
    The data stored in memory may be written to a file using HyperFile::WriteMemory().


    Select Files and Folders

    A Filename object is also useful to open dialogs to select files and folders:

    • Filename::FileSelect(): Opens a dialog to select a file or a folder.
    • Filename::FileSelectMultiple(): Opens a dialog to select multiple files or folders.

    The files that can be selected in a dialog can be filtered with these flags:

    The type of dialog is defined with this flag:

    // This example shows how to select a file for loading, saving and a folder.
    Filename loadFile;
    // open a file selector dialog to open a file
    if (loadFile.FileSelect(FILESELECTTYPE::ANYTHING, FILESELECT::LOAD, "Load File"_s))
    ApplicationOutput("File to load: " + loadFile.GetString());
    Filename saveFile;
    // open a file selector dialog to save a file
    if (saveFile.FileSelect(FILESELECTTYPE::ANYTHING, FILESELECT::SAVE, "Save File"_s))
    ApplicationOutput("File to save: " + saveFile.GetString());
    Filename folder;
    // open a folder selector dialog
    if (folder.FileSelect(FILESELECTTYPE::ANYTHING, FILESELECT::DIRECTORY, "Select Folder"_s))
    ApplicationOutput("Folder: " + folder.GetString());
    Definition: c4d_filterdata.h:1
    ::Bool Get/Set. Determines if the layer is saved with the image or not if SAVEBIT::USESELECTEDLAYERS ...
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1
    // Demonstrates the selection of multiple files with Filename::FileSelectMultiple().
    // The dialog title and the starting url.
    const maxon::String dialogTitle("Select multiple files");
    const maxon::Url startUrl;
    // A maxon::Id can be passed to identify the window instance for storing its properties (size,
    // position, etc.). When this is not required, the empty id, maxon::Id(), can be passed instead.
    maxon::Id callerId("net.mycompany.myplugin.fileselectdialog");
    // A set of file type filter strings for the file types which should be selectable for the user.
    typeFilter.Append(maxon::Tuple<maxon::String, maxon::String>("All files"_s, "*.*"_s)) iferr_return;
    typeFilter.Append(maxon::Tuple<maxon::String, maxon::String>("3D-Formats"_s, "*.c4d;*.dxf;*.lwo;*.lws;*.3ds;*.obj;"_s)) iferr_return;
    // This stores output of the method, the selected files. The the last argument of
    // FileSelectMultiple() is of type ValueReceiver, which is an alias for Delegate<Result<Bool>(T...)>.
    // Passing a BaseArray<Url> is only one form of populating such ValueReceiver, other forms could
    // be using a lambda or a delegate function.
    // Invoke the file selection dialog for selecting multiple files.
    Bool res = Filename::FileSelectMultiple(
    FILESELECT::LOAD, dialogTitle, startUrl, callerId, typeFilter, selectedFiles) iferr_return;
    // Iterate over the selected files when the user did not abort the dialog.
    if (res)
    for (maxon::Url& fileUrl : selectedFiles)
    ApplicationOutput("@", fileUrl);
    Definition: basearray.h:414
    Appends a new element at the end of the array and constructs it using the forwarded value.
    Definition: basearray.h:626
    Definition: apibaseid.h:243
    Definition: string.h:1287
    Definition: url.h:936
    Py_UCS4 * res
    Definition: unicodeobject.h:1113
    maxon::Bool Bool
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:46
    #define iferr_scope
    Definition: resultbase.h:1396
    #define iferr_return
    Definition: resultbase.h:1531

    Preset Browser

    A Filename object may also be used to reference a file located in Cinema 4D's content browser.

    • Filename::IsBrowserUrl(): Returns true if the Filename contains a content browser url.
    // This example checks if the file referenced in a filename parameter is a preset file or not.
    GeData geData;
    // access a filename parameter
    if (node->GetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(ID_FILENAME)), geData, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE))
    const Filename filename = geData.GetFilename();
    // check if the given Filename
    // is a preset URL
    if (filename.IsBrowserUrl())
    ApplicationOutput("File is stored in presets"_s);
    PyCompilerFlags const char * filename
    Definition: ast.h:15
    Definition: node.h:10


    Two Filename objects can be compared easily:

    // This example checks if the selected folder is the desktop.
    const Filename desktop = GeGetC4DPath(C4D_PATH_DESKTOP);
    Filename folder;
    // open folder selector dialog
    if (folder.FileSelect(FILESELECTTYPE::ANYTHING, FILESELECT::DIRECTORY, "Select Folder"_s))
    if (folder == desktop)
    ApplicationOutput("You selected the desktop.");
    ApplicationOutput("You selected " + folder.GetString());
    #define C4D_PATH_DESKTOP
    OS desktop directory.
    Definition: c4d_file.h:1921
    const Filename GeGetC4DPath(Int32 whichpath)

    Disc I/O

    A Filename object can be stored in a BaseFile or a HyperFile using:

    • BaseFile::ReadFilename(): Reads the Filename from the BaseFile.
    • BaseFile::WriteFilename(): Writes the Filename to the BaseFile.
    // This example writes the Filename into a new BaseFile.
    AutoAlloc<BaseFile> bf;
    if (bf == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // open BaseFile to write
    return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    Definition: lib_substance.h:28
    // This example reads a String form the given BaseFile.
    AutoAlloc<BaseFile> bf;
    if (bf == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // open BaseFile to read
    return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    Filename filenameData;
    ApplicationOutput("Filename from BaseFile: " + filenameData.GetString());
    Problems reading the file.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:3
    • HyperFile::ReadFilename(): Reads the Filename from the HyperFile.
    • HyperFile::WriteFilename(): Writes the Filename to the HyperFile.
    // This example writes the Filename into a new HyperFile.
    AutoAlloc<HyperFile> hf;
    if (hf == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // open HyperFile to write
    if (!hf->Open(753, filename, FILEOPEN::WRITE, FILEDIALOG::ANY))
    return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // This example reads a String from the given HyperFile.
    AutoAlloc<HyperFile> hf;
    if (hf == nullptr)
    return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // open HyperFile to read
    if (!hf->Open(753, filename, FILEOPEN::READ, FILEDIALOG::ANY))
    return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    Filename filenameData;
    ApplicationOutput("Filename from HyperFile: " + filenameData.GetString());

    Further Reading