#include <basearray.h>
Basic array template. The array consists of one contiguous block of memory. The block will have a minimum size of MINCHUNKSIZE elements of type T as soon as the first element is added.
The elements may be copied and change their memory address when the array grows. If your objects cannot be copied or need a constant address use the BlockArray template.
If you need a specific alignment you may have to use a non-default allocator. See defaultallocator.h for alignment and grow rate behaviour details.
Please note that in a C++11 range based for loop you may not call a non-const method that modifies the range (e.g. Erase) - it does not work because the loop does not expect the range to change. Use the Iterable::EraseIterator in that case.
Performance characteristics: Random access to array elements is constant: O(1). Append or Pop (erase the last) an element is amortized constant: O(1) Insert or Erase an element is linear with the number of elements which have to be moved (with n elements until the array end): O(n)
T | Type of the array elements. |
MINCHUNKSIZE | The minimum number of elements upon array creation. |
MEMFLAGS | Use BASEARRAYFLAGS::NONE unless you know the object can be moved and/or copied. |
ALLOCATOR | Class for memory allocation. |
Public Types | |
using | IsBaseArray = std::true_type |
using | AllocatorType = ALLOCATOR |
using | Iterator = BaseIterator< BaseArray, false > |
using | ConstIterator = BaseIterator< const BaseArray, false > |
using | Super = ArrayBase< BaseArray< T, MINCHUNKSIZE, MEMFLAGS, ALLOCATOR >, T, BaseArrayData< T, MEMFLAGS, ALLOCATOR, STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(empty, ALLOCATOR)>, DefaultCompare > |
![]() | |
using | Super = BaseCollection< COLLECTION, SUPER > |
using | ValueType = VALUETYPE |
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using | IsCollection = std::true_type |
using | IsBaseArray = std::false_type |
Public Member Functions | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE | BaseArray (BaseArray &&src) |
const Block< const T > & | ToBlock () const |
const Block< const T > & | ToConstBlock () const |
const Block< T > & | ToBlock () |
operator const Block< const T > & () const | |
operator const Block< T > & () | |
operator StridedBlock< const T > () const | |
operator StridedBlock< T > () | |
template<typename DUMMY = T, typename = typename std::enable_if<STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(scalar, DUMMY)>::type> | |
operator Block< const Byte > () const | |
template<typename DUMMY = T, typename = typename std::enable_if<STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(scalar, DUMMY)>::type> | |
operator Block< Byte > () | |
void | Reset () |
void | Flush () |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Int | GetCapacityCount () const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const T & | operator[] (Int idx) const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE T & | operator[] (Int idx) |
template<typename ARG > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultRef< T > | Append (ARG &&x) |
template<typename... ARGS> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< sizeof...(ARGS) !=1, ResultRef< T > >::type | Append (ARGS &&... args) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | AppendBlock (const Block< const T > &values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | AppendBlock (const MoveBlock< T > &values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (Block< typename std::remove_const< T >::type > &values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (Block< const T > &values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (const Block< typename std::remove_const< T >::type > &values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (const Block< const T > &values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (Block< typename std::remove_const< T >::type > &&values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (Block< const T > &&values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (MoveBlock< T > &values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (const MoveBlock< T > &values) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (MoveBlock< T > &&values) |
template<Int N> | |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (typename std::remove_const< T >::type(&array)[N]) |
template<Int N> | |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (const T(&array)[N]) |
template<Int CS, BASEARRAYFLAGS MF, typename A > | |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > &a) |
template<Int CS, BASEARRAYFLAGS MF, typename A > | |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (const BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > &a) |
template<Int CS, BASEARRAYFLAGS MF, typename A > | |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > &&a) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Append (const std::initializer_list< T > &values) |
template<typename ARG > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultRef< T > | Insert (Int position, ARG &&x) |
template<typename... ARGS> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< sizeof...(ARGS) !=1, ResultRef< T > >::type | Insert (Int position, ARGS &&... args) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, Block< T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, Block< const T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, const Block< T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, const Block< const T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, Block< T > &&values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, Block< const T > &&values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, MoveBlock< T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, const MoveBlock< T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, MoveBlock< T > &&values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, MoveBlock< const T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, const MoveBlock< const T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, MoveBlock< const T > &&values) |
template<Int CS, BASEARRAYFLAGS MF, typename A > | |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > &a) |
template<Int CS, BASEARRAYFLAGS MF, typename A > | |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, const BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > &a) |
template<Int CS, BASEARRAYFLAGS MF, typename A > | |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > &&a) |
ResultPtr< T > | InsertBlock (Int position, const Block< const T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | Insert (Int position, const std::initializer_list< T > &values) |
ResultPtr< T > | InsertBlock (Int position, const MoveBlock< T > &values) |
template<typename... ARGS> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultMemT< Iterator > | InsertBlock (Iterator position, ARGS &&... args) |
template<typename... ARGS> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultMemT< Iterator > | Insert (Iterator position, ARGS &&... args) |
ResultPtr< T > | Erase (Int position, Int eraseCnt=1) |
Iterator | Erase (Iterator position, Int eraseCnt=1) |
ResultMem | SwapErase (Int position, Int eraseCnt=1) |
Iterator | SwapErase (Iterator position, Int eraseCnt=1) |
template<Bool STRIDED> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Int | GetBlock (Int position, Block< const T, STRIDED > &block) const |
template<Bool STRIDED> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Int | GetBlock (Int position, Block< T, STRIDED > &block) |
template<Bool STRIDED> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ConstIterator | GetBlock (ConstIterator position, Block< const T, STRIDED > &block) const |
template<Bool STRIDED> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Iterator | GetBlock (Iterator position, Block< T, STRIDED > &block) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const T * | GetFirst () const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const T * | GetLast () const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Bool | Pop (T *dst=nullptr) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Int | GetIndex (const T &x) const |
template<typename BASEARRAY , typename = typename std::enable_if<STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(same, typename std::decay<BASEARRAY>::type, BaseArray)>::type> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< void > | AppendAllImpl (BASEARRAY &&other, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, Bool overwrite, OverloadRank1) |
template<typename BLOCK , typename = typename std::enable_if<STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(same, typename std::decay<BLOCK>::type, Block<T>) || STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(same, typename std::decay<BLOCK>::type, Block<const T>)>::type> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< void > | AppendAllImpl (BLOCK &&other, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, Bool overwrite, OverloadRank2) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE void | Swap (Iterator a, Iterator b) |
Int | GetMemorySize () const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ConstIterator | Begin () const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ConstIterator | End () const |
ResultMem | MoveAndShrink (BaseArray< T, MINCHUNKSIZE, MEMFLAGS, ALLOCATOR > &dst, Int position, Int moveCnt) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Block< T > | Disconnect () |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE void | Connect (const Block< T > &block, Int capacity=0) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const ALLOCATOR & | GetAllocator () const |
UniqueHash | GetUniqueHashCode () const |
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constexpr MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE | ArrayBase (ARGS &&... args) |
ArrayImpl< BaseArray< T, BASEARRAY_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, BASEARRAYFLAGS::NONE, DefaultAllocator > & > | ToArray () |
ArrayImpl< const BaseArray< T, BASEARRAY_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, BASEARRAYFLAGS::NONE, DefaultAllocator > & > | ToArray () const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE | operator ArrayImpl< const BaseArray< T, BASEARRAY_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, BASEARRAYFLAGS::NONE, DefaultAllocator > & > () const |
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template<typename... ARGS> | |
constexpr MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE | ArrayBase0 (ARGS &&... args) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value, Bool >::type | operator< (const COLLECTION2 &other) const |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value, Bool >::type | operator<= (const COLLECTION2 &other) const |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value, Bool >::type | operator> (const COLLECTION2 &other) const |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value, Bool >::type | operator>= (const COLLECTION2 &other) const |
template<typename COMPARE = EqualityCompare, typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value, COMPARERESULT >::type | Compare (const COLLECTION2 &other, COMPARE &&cmp=COMPARE()) const |
Bool | IsValidIndex (Int index) const |
Result< void > | CheckValidIndex (Int index) const |
Int | FindIndex (typename ByValueParam< VALUETYPE >::type v, Int start) const |
Int | FindLastIndex (typename ByValueParam< VALUETYPE >::type v) const |
Int | FindLastIndex (typename ByValueParam< VALUETYPE >::type v, Int start) const |
Bool | EraseFirst (typename ByValueParam< VALUETYPE >::type v) |
Int | EraseAll (typename ByValueParam< VALUETYPE >::type v) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
Result< void > | AppendAllImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, Bool overwrite, OverloadRank0) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
Result< void > | CopyValuesFrom (const COLLECTION2 &src, Int srcStart=0, Int start=0, Int count=-1) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
Result< void > | SubtractImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, OverloadRank0) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 , typename COMPARE > | |
Bool | IsEqualImpl (const COLLECTION2 &other, COMPARE &&cmp, OverloadRank0) const |
template<typename COLLECTION2 , typename COMPARE > | |
COMPARERESULT | CompareImpl (const COLLECTION2 &other, COMPARE &&cmp, OverloadRank0) const |
HashInt | GetHashCode () const |
UniqueHash | GetUniqueHashCode () const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE AutoIterator< const COLLECTION > | Slice (Int start) const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE AutoIterator< COLLECTION > | Slice (Int start, Int end) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE AutoIterator< const COLLECTION > | Slice (Int start, Int end) const |
BlockIterator< COLLECTION, VALUETYPE, false, false > | GetBlocks () |
BlockIterator< COLLECTION, VALUETYPE, true, false > | GetBlocks () const |
BlockIterator< COLLECTION, VALUETYPE, false, true > | GetStridedBlocks () |
BlockIterator< COLLECTION, VALUETYPE, true, true > | GetStridedBlocks () const |
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template<typename... ARGS> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE | Collection (ARGS &&... args) |
ResultOk< void > | VariadicAppend () |
template<typename V , typename... VALUES> | |
Result< void > | VariadicAppend (V &&value, VALUES &&... rest) |
operator ValueReceiver< const VALUETYPE & > () | |
operator ValueReceiver< VALUETYPE && > () | |
operator ValueReceiver< typename std::conditional< STD_IS_REPLACEMENT (scalar, VALUETYPE) | |
DummyParamType & | type () |
template<typename FN > | |
Result< Bool > | ForEach (FN &&callback) const |
template<typename FN > | |
Result< Bool > | ForEach (FN &&callback) |
template<typename H = COLLECTION> | |
H::Iterator | Find (typename ByValueParam< VALUETYPE >::type v) |
template<typename H = COLLECTION> | |
H::ConstIterator | Find (typename ByValueParam< VALUETYPE >::type v) const |
Int | FindIndex (typename ByValueParam< VALUETYPE >::type v) const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Bool | Contains (typename ByValueParam< VALUETYPE >::type v) const |
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template<typename... ARGS> | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE | BaseCollection (ARGS &&... args) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value, Bool >::type | operator== (const COLLECTION2 &other) const |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value, Bool >::type | operator!= (const COLLECTION2 &other) const |
template<typename COMPARE = EqualityCompare, typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value &&!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(same, typename std::decay< COMPARE >::type, EQUALITY), Bool >::type | IsEqual (const COLLECTION2 &other, COMPARE &&cmp=COMPARE()) const |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< void > | Subtract (COLLECTION2 &&other) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< void > | Intersect (const COLLECTION2 &other) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
Bool | Intersects (const COLLECTION2 &other) const |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< void > | CopyFromImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, OverloadRank0) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
Result< void > | AppendAllImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, Bool overwrite, OverloadRank0) |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
Result< void > | IntersectImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, OverloadRank0) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Bool | IsPopulated () const |
String | ToString (const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Bool | ContainsAll (COLLECTION2 &&other) const |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
Bool | ContainsAllImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, OverloadRank0) const |
Private Member Functions | |
template<typename COLLECTION2 > | |
Result< void > | AppendAllImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, Bool overwrite, OverloadRank0) |
template<typename BASEARRAY , typename = typename std::enable_if<STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(same, typename std::decay<BASEARRAY>::type, BaseArray)>::type> | |
Result< void > | CopyFromImpl (BASEARRAY &&src, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, OverloadRank4) |
template<typename BLOCK , typename = typename std::enable_if<STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(same, typename std::decay<BLOCK>::type, Block<T>)>::type> | |
Result< void > | CopyFromImpl (BLOCK &&src, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, OverloadRank3) |
BaseArray (const Block< T > &block, Int capacity) | |
MAXON_WARN_UNUSED T * | InsertWithoutConstructor (Int idx, Int increment=1) |
ResultMem | FitToSize (Int newCapacity) |
Friends | |
class | GenericBaseArray |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static const VALUETYPE & | GetMapKey (const VALUETYPE &key) |
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static const COLLECTION_KIND | KIND |
using IsBaseArray = std::true_type |
using AllocatorType = ALLOCATOR |
using Iterator = BaseIterator<BaseArray, false> |
Iterator allows read and write access to array elements.
using ConstIterator = BaseIterator<const BaseArray, false> |
Iterator for read-only access to array elements.
using Super = ArrayBase<BaseArray<T, MINCHUNKSIZE, MEMFLAGS, ALLOCATOR>, T, BaseArrayData<T, MEMFLAGS, ALLOCATOR, STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(empty, ALLOCATOR)>, DefaultCompare> |
Default constructor. Creates an empty array.
explicit |
This constructor has to be used if an array should use a custom allocator with member variables.
explicit |
This constructor has to be used if an array should move a custom allocator with member variables.
Destructs the array with all its elements.
Move constructor.
Constructs a BaseArray such that it uses the given block as memory buffer.
[in] | block | Memory block to use for the array. The array takes ownership of the memory. |
[in] | capacity | Capacity of the buffer. If a non-positive value is given, the capacity is assumed to be the same as the size. |
must have been allocated by the allocator that the array is using.
private |
Move assignment operator.
const Block<const T>& ToBlock | ( | ) | const |
Returns a Block<const T> which represents the elements of the array.
const Block<const T>& ToConstBlock | ( | ) | const |
Returns a Block<const T> which represents the elements of the array.
const Block<T>& ToBlock | ( | ) |
Returns a Block<T> which represents the elements of the array.
operator const Block< const T > & | ( | ) | const |
Converts this BaseArray to a Block<const T> which represents the elements of the array.
operator const Block< T > & | ( | ) |
operator StridedBlock< const T > | ( | ) | const |
Converts this BaseArray to a StridedBlock<const T> which represents the elements of the array. The block will have the natural stride of T.
operator StridedBlock< T > | ( | ) |
Converts this BaseArray to a StridedBlock<T> which represents the elements of the array. The block will have the natural stride of T.
Operator for passing a BaseArray to a Block<const Byte> which represents the raw bytes of the array. This operator is only supported when T is a scalar type.
Operator for passing a BaseArray to a Block<Byte> which represents the raw bytes of the array. This operator is only supported when T is a scalar type.
void Reset | ( | ) |
Deletes all elements (calls destructors and frees memory).
void Flush | ( | ) |
Deletes all elements, but doesn't free memory (calls destructors though).
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Int GetCount | ( | ) | const |
Gets the number of array elements.
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Int GetCapacityCount | ( | ) | const |
Gets the number of elements for which memory has been allocated (this is usually bigger than GetCount()).
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const T& operator[] | ( | Int | idx | ) | const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE T& operator[] | ( | Int | idx | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultRef<T> Append | ( | ARG && | x | ) |
Appends a new element at the end of the array and constructs it using the forwarded value.
[in] | x | Forwarded value to construct the object. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if<sizeof...(ARGS) != 1, ResultRef<T> >::type Append | ( | ARGS &&... | args | ) |
Appends a new element at the end of the array and constructs it using the forwarded values.
[in] | args | Forwarded values to construct the object. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> AppendBlock | ( | const Block< const T > & | values | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> AppendBlock | ( | const MoveBlock< T > & | values | ) |
Appends new elements at the end of the array.
[in] | values | Block with values to be moved (a MoveBlock must be used to prevent accidental moves of temporary Blocks). If the block points to nullptr, only its count is used, and you have to call the constructor of the new elements manually. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | Block< typename std::remove_const< T >::type > & | values | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | Block< const T > & | values | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | const Block< typename std::remove_const< T >::type > & | values | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | const Block< const T > & | values | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | Block< typename std::remove_const< T >::type > && | values | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | Block< const T > && | values | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | MoveBlock< T > & | values | ) |
Appends new elements at the end of the array.
[in] | values | Block with values to be moved (a MoveBlock must be used to prevent accidental moves of temporary Blocks). If the block points to nullptr, only its count is used, and you have to call the constructor of the new elements manually. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | const MoveBlock< T > & | values | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | MoveBlock< T > && | values | ) |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | typename std::remove_const< T >::type(&) | array[N] | ) |
Appends new elements at the end of the array.
[in] | array | A C++ fixed-size array. of the array. |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | const T(&) | array[N] | ) |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > & | a | ) |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | const BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > & | a | ) |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > && | a | ) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Append | ( | const std::initializer_list< T > & | values | ) |
Appends new elements at the end of the array.
[in] | values | Initializer list with values to be copied. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultRef<T> Insert | ( | Int | position, |
ARG && | x | ||
) |
Inserts a new element at index position and constructs it using the forwarded value.
[in] | position | Insert index (the array size will increase and the existing elements are moved). |
[in] | x | Forwarded value to construct the object. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if<sizeof...(ARGS) != 1, ResultRef<T> >::type Insert | ( | Int | position, |
ARGS &&... | args | ||
) |
Inserts a new element at index position and constructs it using the forwarded values.
[in] | position | Insert index (the array size will increase and the existing elements are moved). |
[in] | args | Forwarded values to construct the object. |
Inserts new elements at index position (all elements from position
on are moved by the the count of values
[in] | position | Insert index (the array size will increase and the existing elements are moved). |
[in] | values | Block with values to be moved (a MoveBlock must be used to prevent accidental moves of temporary Blocks). If the block points to nullptr, only its count is used, and you have to call the constructor of the new elements manually. |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Insert | ( | Int | position, |
BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > & | a | ||
) |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Insert | ( | Int | position, |
const BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > & | a | ||
) |
MAXON_IMPLICIT MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultPtr<T> Insert | ( | Int | position, |
BaseArray< T, CS, MF, A > && | a | ||
) |
Inserts new elements at index position (all elements from position
on are moved by the the count of values
[in] | position | Insert index (the array size will increase and the existing elements are moved). |
[in] | values | Block with values to be copied. If the block points to nullptr, only its count is used, and you have to call the constructor of the new elements manually. |
Inserts new elements at index position (all elements from position
on are moved by the the count of values
[in] | position | Insert index (the array size will increase and the existing elements are moved). |
[in] | values | Initializer list with values to be copied. |
Inserts new elements at index position (all elements from position
on are moved by the the count of values
[in] | position | Insert index (the array size will increase and the existing elements are moved). |
[in] | values | Block with values to be moved (a MoveBlock must be used to prevent accidental moves of temporary Blocks). If the block points to nullptr, only its count is used, and you have to call the constructor of the new elements manually. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultMemT<Iterator> InsertBlock | ( | Iterator | position, |
ARGS &&... | args | ||
) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultMemT<Iterator> Insert | ( | Iterator | position, |
ARGS &&... | args | ||
) |
Inserts a new element at iterator position and moves the content of x to it.
[in] | position | Insert position. |
[in] | args | Values to be forwarded |
Erases (removes and deletes) elements.
[in] | position | Erase index (Erase() will fail if out of bounds and return nullptr). |
[in] | eraseCnt | Number of elements to be erased. If eraseCnt is invalid (higher than allowed or negative) a nullptr will be returned. |
Erases (removes and deletes) elements.
[in] | position | Erase position. |
[in] | eraseCnt | Number of elements to be erased. If eraseCnt is invalid (higher than allowed or negative) an invalid iterator will be returned. |
Erases elements within the array and moves elements from the end to the erased gap. This is generally faster than Erase() because at most eraseCnt elements have to be moved, but it changes the order of elements.
[in] | position | Erase index (SwapErase() will fail if out of bounds and return nullptr). |
[in] | eraseCnt | Number of elements to be erased. If eraseCnt is invalid (higher than allowed or negative) false will be returned. |
Erases elements within the array and moves elements from the end to the erased gap. This is generally faster than Erase() because at most eraseCnt elements have to be moved, but it changes the order of elements.
[in] | position | Erase position. |
[in] | eraseCnt | Number of elements to be erased. If eraseCnt is invalid (higher than allowed or negative) an invalid iterator will be returned. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Int GetBlock | ( | Int | position, |
Block< const T, STRIDED > & | block | ||
) | const |
Determines a contiguous block of array elements which contains the element at position
- start index. MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Int GetBlock | ( | Int | position, |
Block< T, STRIDED > & | block | ||
) |
Determines a contiguous block of array elements which contains the element at position
- start index. MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ConstIterator GetBlock | ( | ConstIterator | position, |
Block< const T, STRIDED > & | block | ||
) | const |
Determines a contiguous block of array elements which contains the element at position
- start iterator. MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Iterator GetBlock | ( | Iterator | position, |
Block< T, STRIDED > & | block | ||
) |
Determines a contiguous block of array elements which contains the element at position
- start iterator. MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const T* GetFirst | ( | ) | const |
Returns the first element of the array. For the BaseArray this is a pointer to a continuous block of memory which contains all elements of the array. You can use it for operations like writing to a stream or copying or moving memory up to the number of allocated elements.
Returns the first element of the array. For the BaseArray this is a pointer to a continuous block of memory which contains all elements of the array. You can use it for operations like reading from a stream or copying or moving memory up to the number of allocated elements.
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const T* GetLast | ( | ) | const |
Returns the last element of the array.
Returns the last element of the array.
ResultMem Resize | ( | Int | newCnt, |
) |
Resizes the array to contain newCnt elements. If newCnt is smaller than GetCount() all extra elements are being deleted. If it is greater the array is expanded and the default constructor is called for new elements.
[in] | newCnt | New array size. |
[in] | resizeFlags | See COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Bool Pop | ( | T * | dst = nullptr | ) |
Deletes the last element.
[out] | dst | Nullptr or pointer to return value. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Int GetIndex | ( | const T & | x | ) | const |
Gets the index of the element. The element must be part of the array, otherwise (e.g. if x is a copy of an array element) InvalidArrayIndex will be returned.
ResultMem EnsureCapacity | ( | Int | requestedCapacity, |
) |
If necessary the array capacity is increased to hold at least the given number of elements without further memory allocations.
[in] | requestedCapacity | The desired internal capacity. |
[in] | resizeFlags | If ON_GROW_FIT_TO_SIZE is set, the collection will use only as much memory as needed to hold the data. |
ResultMem SetCapacityHint | ( | Int | requestedCapacity, |
) |
Prepares the array to hold at least the given number of elements with as few further memory allocations as possible.
[in] | requestedCapacity | The desired internal capacity. |
[in] | resizeFlags | If ON_GROW_FIT_TO_SIZE is set, the collection will use only as much memory as needed to hold the data. |
private |
Specialization of AppendAllImpl, used by BaseCollection::AppendAll.
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result<void> AppendAllImpl | ( | BASEARRAY && | other, |
Bool | overwrite, | ||
OverloadRank1 | |||
) |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result<void> AppendAllImpl | ( | BLOCK && | other, |
Bool | overwrite, | ||
OverloadRank2 | |||
) |
private |
Specialization of CopyFromImpl for a BaseArray source, used by BaseCollection::CopyFrom.
private |
Specialization of CopyFromImpl for a Block source, used by BaseCollection::CopyFrom.
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE void Swap | ( | Iterator | a, |
Iterator | b | ||
) |
Swaps elements a and b (equivalent to global Swap(array[a], array[b]).
[in] | a | Position of element to be swapped. |
[in] | b | Position of element to be swapped. |
Int GetMemorySize | ( | ) | const |
Calculates the memory usage for this array. The array element class must have a public member GetMemorySize that returns an element's size.
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ConstIterator Begin | ( | ) | const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ConstIterator End | ( | ) | const |
ResultMem MoveAndShrink | ( | BaseArray< T, MINCHUNKSIZE, MEMFLAGS, ALLOCATOR > & | dst, |
Int | position, | ||
Int | moveCnt | ||
) |
Moves elements to another (empty) array.
[out] | dst | The destination array. |
[in] | position | Index of the first element to be moved. |
[in] | moveCnt | Number of elements to be moved. |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Block<T> Disconnect | ( | ) |
Disconnects the array's memory buffer and returns its content as a block. Afterwards the array is in the same state as directly after its construction.
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE void Connect | ( | const Block< T > & | block, |
Int | capacity = 0 |
) |
Sets the array's memory buffer to the given block. The current content of this array is freed before.
[in] | block | Memory block to use for the array. The array takes ownership of the memory. |
[in] | capacity | Capacity of the buffer. If a non-positive value is given, the capacity is assumed to be the same as the size. |
must have been allocated by the allocator that the array is using. MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ALLOCATOR& GetAllocator | ( | ) |
Returns the allocator as reference. Typically this is used by the arrays and other base classes when multiple of them are "stitched" together as one big object all shall use one main allocator.
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const ALLOCATOR& GetAllocator | ( | ) | const |
Returns the allocator as reference. Typically this is used by the arrays and other base classes when multiple of them are "stitched" together as one big object all shall use one main allocator.
UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode | ( | ) | const |
private |
BaseArray specific: Appends uninitialized element(s) at the end of the array.
[in] | increment | Number of elements to be appended. |
[in] | resizeFlags | If ON_GROW_FIT_TO_SIZE is set, the collection will use only as much memory as needed to hold the data. |
private |
BaseArray specific: Inserts uninitialized element(s) at the specified index.
[in] | idx | Index at which elements shall be inserted (0 <= idx <= cnt). |
[in] | increment | Number of elements to be inserted. |
friend |