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    BaseTime Manual


    A BaseTime object is used to define a point in time in a BaseDocument. If only frame numbers were used, changing the frame rate would cause keys either to overlap or disappear. If only float values (seconds) were used instead, there would be problems because of the limited data precision. For instance when using 30 fps the frame 29 = 29/30 could easily be misinterpreted as frame 28.

    BaseTime internally stores the time values as exact fractions independent of the frame rate. For example frame 29 is stored as fraction with nominator 29 and denominator 30. The class always tries to keep the nominator and denominator as small as possible. Hence 15/30 is stored as 1/2, so if using 30 fps BaseTime::GetFrame() would return 15, but if using 24 fps it would return frame 12.


    The current time of a BaseDocument can be handled using:

    • BaseDocument::GetTime(): Returns a BaseTime storing the current time.
    • BaseDocument::SetTime(): Sets the current time of the document using a BaseTime object.
    • SetDocumentTime(): Sets the given document's time.

    For timeline dimensions, preview time and used time see BaseDocument Manual.

    To retrieve and modify BaseTime objects stored in a BaseContainer respectively use:

    • BaseContainer::GetTime(): Returns the BaseTime stored at the given ID.
    • BaseContainer::SetTime(): Sets the BaseTime stored at the given ID.

    See also BaseContainer Manual.

    To retrieve and modify BaseTime objects stored in a GeData object (GeData type is ::DA_TIME) respectively use:

    • GeData::GetTime(): Return the BaseTime object.
    • GeData::SetBaseTime(): Stores the BaseTime object.

    See also GeData Manual.

    Please notice that Cinema 4D can only handle a limited number of frames:

    • MAXTIME: The maximum number of frames Cinema 4D can handle in a timeline.

    Animation keys are placed at certain frames. These frames can be respectively retrieved and modified using:

    • CKey::GetTime(): Returns the time of the key.
    • CKey::SetTime(): Sets the time of the key.
    // This example checks if the given object is a particle emitter.
    // If so, the emission start time is read and the current document time is set.
    BaseObject* const object = doc->GetActiveObject();
    if (object == nullptr)
    return maxon::IllegalArgumentError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    // check if the given object is a standard particle emitter
    if (object->GetType() == Oparticle)
    GeData data;
    // read the "Start Emission" parameter
    if (!object->GetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(PARTICLEOBJECT_START)), data, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE))
    return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    const BaseTime time = data.GetTime();
    Definition: asset_browser.h:1
    #define Oparticle
    Particle emitter - ParticleObject.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1053
    Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
    #define ConstDescID(...)
    Definition: lib_description.h:596
    Definition: oparticle.h:28
    const char * doc
    Definition: pyerrors.h:226
    Definition: object.h:105

    Time and Frame

    The frame number equivalent of the stored time depends on the current framerate:

    • BaseTime::Get(): Returns the time in seconds.
    • BaseTime::GetFrame(): Returns the frame equivalent to the stored time based on the given framerate.
    • BaseTime::Quantize(): Quantizes the internally stored value so that it is a multiple of the given framerate.
    // This example prints the current frame of the given document.
    const BaseTime now = doc->GetTime();
    const Int32 fps = doc->GetFps();
    const Int32 frame = now.GetFrame(fps);
    ApplicationOutput("Current Frame: " + String::IntToString(frame));
    #define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
    Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:204
    maxon::Int32 Int32
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:51
    PyFrameObject * frame
    Definition: pycore_traceback.h:92


    Set Time

    BaseTime objects can be constructed by setting a time in seconds of by giving a frame and a framerate.

    // This example adds a keyframe to the given animation track at the position 1.0 seconds.
    CCurve* const curve = track->GetCurve();
    if (curve != nullptr)
    const BaseTime time { 1.0 };
    const CKey* const key = curve->AddKey(time);
    if (key == nullptr)
    return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    PyObject * key
    Definition: abstract.h:289
    // This example adds a keyframe to the given animation track at the position of frame 25.
    CCurve* const curve = track->GetCurve();
    if (curve != nullptr)
    const Int32 fps = doc->GetFps();
    const BaseTime time(25, fps);
    const CKey* const key = curve->AddKey(time);
    if (key == nullptr)
    return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);


    The internal value of a BaseTime object is represented by a numerator and denominator. Both values can be retrieved and modified using:

    • BaseTime::GetNumerator(): Returns the numerator part of the internally stored time.
    • BaseTime::SetNumerator(): Sets the numerator part of the internally stored time.
    • BaseTime::GetDenominator(): Returns the denominator part of the internally stored time.
    • BaseTime::SetDenominator(): Sets the denominator part of the internally stored time.


    Two BaseTime objects can be compared using a special function or the usual operators:

    // This example compares the current document time with the value of one second.
    const BaseTime oneSecond { 1.0 };
    const BaseTime now = doc->GetTime();
    const Int32 compare = now.TimeDif(oneSecond);
    if (compare == -1)
    ApplicationOutput("The current frame is less than one second");
    else if (compare == 1)
    ApplicationOutput("The current frame is greater than one second");

    Disc I/O

    BaseTime objects can be stored in a HyperFile using:

    • HyperFile::ReadTime(): Reads a BaseTime object from the HyperFile.
    • HyperFile::WriteTime(): Writes a BaseTime object into the HyperFile.

    See also HyperFile Manual on BaseTime.

    Further Reading