

The Maxon API is the new API that is used to build and extend Cinema 4D. In the long run it will replace the Cinema API. While in some aspects the Maxon API is quite different than the Cinema API, in other aspects it is quite comparable.

Key Differences

API Technology

The Cinema API is defined in the cinema.framework. This API is especially written to give access to internal data and functionality. The classes and functions of cinema.framework are not the actual, internal classes but wrapper functions that may or may not reflect the complete internal functionality.

In contrast, the Maxon API is organized in multiple frameworks. The Maxon API is based on interfaces (see Interface Basics). These interfaces are the exact same interfaces as used internally by MAXON developers.

Plugin Implementation

Cinema API plugins are typically based on a specific plugin class e.g. ObjectData. A plugin implementation must be registered with a specific function like RegisterObjectPlugin(). Such a Register function must be called in the context of PluginStart() which is typically defined in the main.cpp file. A plugin must be registered using a unique ID obtained from

With the Maxon API mostly all components are based on interfaces. A new plugin implementation is created by implementing such an interface. Basically all interfaces can be re-implemented by a third-party developer. A custom implementation is registered using the unified registry system (see Registries). A main.cpp file is no longer needed. The plugin is identified using a custom ID based on a reverse domain notation name.

Plugin Dependencies

Cinema 4D does not know any dependencies between Cinema API plugins. A plugin must handle C4DMSG_PRIORITY to set its own priority.

With the Maxon API, module dependencies are automatically detected by analyzing include statements.


The Cinema API includes multiple different event and message systems (see Core Messages Manual, NodeData::Message() Manual, GUI and Interaction Messages Manual).

The Maxon API provides the unified observer system to subscribe to certain events (see Observables).


Base Classes

Many elements of the Cinema API are based on C4DAtom. In the Maxon API, most interfaces are based on maxon::ObjectInterface.

In the Cinema API, GeListNode is the base of all elements that can be organized in a list or tree. In the Maxon API this is done using maxon::HierarchyObjectInterface.

See GeListNode Manual and HierarchyObjectInterface Manual.

Data Containers

GeData and BaseContainer are generic data containers that can store all data types of the Cinema API. The corresponding counter-parts of the Maxon API are maxon::Data and maxon::DataDictionaryInterface.

See GeData Manual, BaseContainer Manual, Data Manual, DataDictionary Manual.

Specific Data Types

The Cinema API ::String class is based on the new maxon::String class. The Cinema API handles file names with Filename; the Maxon API with the maxon::Url class. To convert maxon::Url to Filename and vice versa use MaxonConvert().

maxon::Vector and maxon::Matrix act similar like their Cinema API predecessors.

See String Manual (Cinema API), String Manual, Filename Manual, Url Manual, Vector Manual (Cinema API), Vectors, Matrix Manual (Cinema API) and Matrices.

Is is possible to create new Cinema API data types based on CustomDataType. New Maxon API data types are declared with MAXON_DATATYPE.


A NodeData based plugin can define how its data is written to file by implementing NodeData::Write() and NodeData::Read().

Any Maxon API type can implement DescribeIO() to define how internal data should be written to file.

See NodeData::Read() / NodeData::Write() Manual and DescribeIO Manual.

Parameter Description

The Description class defines parameter description of Cinema API elements.

The maxon::DataDescriptionInterface of the Maxon API allows interfaces to handle data description.

See Description Manual and Data Descriptions.

Further Reading