String Manual (Cinema API)


A String is a variable-length sequence of UTF-32 encoded Unicode characters. The String class provides methods and operators to simplify using character sequences.

Cinema 4D strings are fully using UTF-32 Unicode characters. To avoid problems with Unicode try to always use ::Utf32Char unless it is needed to interface with the system or existing libraries.
Use ApplicationOutput() to print strings to the Cinema 4D "Console" window.
The std::string class of the standard library should only be used if absolutely necessary.
::String is based on maxon::String. More information on maxon::String is found here: String Manual.


String objects can be created on demand or can be obtained from other entities.

To retrieve and modify String objects stored in a BaseContainer respectively use:

  • BaseContainer::GetString(): Returns the String stored at the given ID.
  • BaseContainer::SetString(): Sets the String stored at the given ID.

See also BaseContainer Manual.

To retrieve and modify String objects stored in a GeData object (GeData type is ::DA_STRING) respectively use:

  • GeData::GetString(): Returns the ::String object.
  • GeData::SetString(): Stores the ::String object.

See also GeData Manual.

// This example reads the name of the given BaseObject using the "Name" parameter.
BaseObject* const object = doc->GetActiveObject();
if (object == nullptr)
return maxon::IllegalArgumentError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
GeData data;
if (!object->GetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(ID_BASELIST_NAME)), data, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE))
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
ApplicationOutput("Active Object: " + data.GetString());
Definition: asset_browser.h:1
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
#define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:204
#define ConstDescID(...)
Definition: lib_description.h:592
Definition: obaselist.h:7
const char * doc
Definition: pyerrors.h:226
Definition: object.h:105

Strings are also registered in resource files. Each of these strings has an ID in cd4_symbols.h and is defined in a *.str file in the string folder of a specific language. This way a plugin can easily be localized by adding str files for each supported language.

  • GeLoadString(): Returns a string from the resource files. Different versions of GeLoadString() allow to replace the placeholders in the string with custom content.
// This example loads a string from the plugin's string resources.
const String string = GeLoadString(IDS_TESTSTRING);
const String & GeLoadString(Int32 id)
A plugin must load its resources in PluginMessage() to use GeLoadString(). See Initialize Resources.

If it is needed that the user enters or edits a String a special dialog can be used:

  • RenameDialog(): Opens a dialog that presents a String and allows the user to edit this String.


A String can be copied with the default operator:

  • String::operator=(): Assigns the content of the String to the other String object.
// This example copies a String.
const String content { "foobar" };
String empty = "";
empty = content;


Multiple String objects can be combined with the usual operators:

// This example merges two strings using
// different operators.
String foo = "foo";
String bar = "bar";
const String fooBar = foo + bar;
String helloWorld = "hello";
helloWorld += " world";

Find String

The String class provides functions to find substrings in a given string or character:

  • String::FindFirst: Searches the string for the first match of a given substring.
  • String::FindFirstUpper(): Searches the string for the first match of the upper-case substring.
  • String::FindLast(): Searches the string for the last match of the substring.
  • String::FindLastUpper(): Searches the string for the last match of the upper-case substring.
// This example searches for a substring in the given string
// and prints the position of the first occurrence.
const String fooBar = "fooBar";
Int32 pos = 0;
// search for substring "Bar"
if (fooBar.FindFirst("Bar", &pos))
ApplicationOutput("Found at position " + String::IntToString(pos));
void Py_ssize_t * pos
Definition: dictobject.h:50
maxon::Int32 Int32
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:51


The String class provides functions to return substrings of a given string:

  • String::SubStr(): Returns a substring from the string.
  • String::Left(): Returns a substring from the left of the string.
  • String::Right(): Returns a substring from the right of the string.
  • String::Delete(): Removes a section from the string.
// This example creates various substrings of the given String and changes it.
String aliceBob("Alice and Bob");
// prints "Alice"
// prints "Bob"
// prints "and"
ApplicationOutput(aliceBob.SubStr(6, 3));
// removes "and"
aliceBob.Delete(6, 3);
// adds a "+"
aliceBob.Insert(6, '+') iferr_return;
// prints "Alice + Bob"
#define iferr_return
Definition: resultbase.h:1531

It is also possible to accesses a single character directly:

  • String::operator[](): Sets or gets a constant Unicode character from the string at the given position.
// This example accesses a single character directly.
String string("define");
string[0] = 'r';
PyObject * string
Definition: asdl.h:6


The String class provides functions to compare to String objects:

  • String::Compare(): Compare the strings and returns their relationship.
  • String::ComparePart(): Compares a part of the string.
  • String::LexCompare(): Compares the String object with another string and returns their relationship.
  • String::LexComparePart(): Compares a part of the string with the given string and returns their relationship


Maxon API data types typically implement a ToString() function.

To Numbers

A string can be converted to a number when the stored characters describe a number. This might be useful for example to handle user input:

  • String::ParseToFloat(): Converts the string into a ::Float value.
  • String::ParseToInt32(): Converts the string into an ::Int32 value.
  • String::ToInt32(): Converts the string to an ::Int32 value.
  • String::ToInt64(): Converts the string to an ::Int64 value.
  • String::ToUInt32(): Converts the string to a ::UInt32 value.
  • String::ToUInt64(): Converts the string to a ::UInt64 value.
  • String::ToFloat(): Converts the string to a ::Float value.
  • String::ToInt(): Converts the string to an ::Int value.
  • String::ToUInt(): Converts the string to a ::UInt value.
// This example converts the given String into a Float value.
const String gigawatts = "1.21";
Int32 error = 0;
Float gigawattsFloat = gigawatts.ParseToFloat(&error);
if (error != 0)
// could not convert string to float
PyObject * error
Definition: codecs.h:206
maxon::Float Float
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:57

Also a more generic function is available:

  • StringToNumber(): Converts a string to a data value of type ::Float, ::Int32 or ::BaseTime.

From Numbers

Several static functions can be used to convert both 32 and 64 bit numbers to strings:

  • String::MemoryToString(): Converts the number to a memory size.
  • String::HexToString(): Converts the number to a hexadecimal representation.
  • String::IntToString(): Converts the given integer value to a string.
  • String::UIntToString(): Converts the given unsigned integer value to a string.
  • String::FloatToString(): Converts the given float value to a string.
  • String::VectorToString(): Converts the given vector to a string.
// This example prints the address and size of the given memory block to the console.
const UInt memoryAdress = (UInt)memory;
ApplicationOutput("Memory adress: " + String::HexToString(memoryAdress));
maxon::UInt UInt
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:56


  • FormatNumber(): Converts a ::Float, ::Int32 or ::BaseTime to a formatted string.
// This example prints the given float value as a percentage including the "%" symbol.
const Float percentage = 0.23;
const String formattedString = FormatNumber(percentage, FORMAT_PERCENT, 24);
Floating point with % sign, 1.0 = 100%.
Definition: c4d_gui.h:46
String FormatNumber(const GeData &val, Int32 format, Int32 fps, Bool bUnit=true)

Upper and Lower Case

A typical string operation is to convert all characters to upper or lowercase characters. These functions only work with ANSI characters less than character code 128, all other characters remain unchanged:

  • String::ToUpper(): Returns the string converted to upper case characters.
  • String::ToLower(): Returns the string converted to lower case characters.
// This example converts the given String to upper case characters.
const String string { "foobar" };

C string

Sometimes strings must be communicated with other libraries. In this case it is needed to convert a Cinema 4D String into a standard string:

  • String::GetCStringLen(): Gets the expected length of the string after encoding.
  • String::GetCString(): Gets the string after encoding.
  • String::GetCStringCopy(): Gets the encoded string as a copy.
  • String::SetCString(): Sets the string from a given standard C string.
// This example converts the given String into a C-String to use it with the standard library.
const String string { "foobar" };
// convert to c string and insert into std string.
Char* cstring = string.GetCStringCopy();
std::string stdString { cstring };
maxon::Char Char
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:47
void DeleteMem(T *&p)
Definition: defaultallocator.h:269


The Filename class is used to handle filenames and paths. Its content can be defined with strings and be converted to strings:

  • Filename::GetString(): Returns the full filename as a String.
  • Filename::SetString(): Sets the filename with the given String.
  • Filename::GetFileString(): Returns the file part of the filename as a String.
  • Filename::GetSuffix(): Returns the file suffix as a String.

See also Filename Manual.

// This example opens the file select dialog and prints the path,
// the filename and suffix of the selected file.
Filename selectFile;
// open file selector dialog
if (selectFile.FileSelect(FILESELECTTYPE::ANYTHING, FILESELECT::LOAD, "Select File"_s))
ApplicationOutput("File selected: " + selectFile.GetString());
ApplicationOutput("File: " + selectFile.GetFileString());
ApplicationOutput("Suffix: " + selectFile.GetSuffix());
Definition: c4d_filterdata.h:1
Any file.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:0

Date & Time

The class DateTimeParser can be used to parse and create date time strings.

// This example defines the formatting date and time
// and prints the current date and time to the console.
AutoAlloc<DateTimeParser> dtp;
if (dtp == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
DateTime dt;
const String date = dtp->MakeString(dt, DATETIMEPARSERMODE::DATE);
const String time = dtp->MakeString(dt, DATETIMEPARSERMODE::TIME);
ApplicationOutput(date + " " + time);
void GetDateTimeNow(DateTime &t)
Definition: lib_datetimeparser.h:0
< Time
Definition: lib_datetimeparser.h:2

Similar functionality is also provided by functions of the datetime library:

  • ParseTimeString(): Parses the time defined in the given String.
  • ParseDateString(): Parses the date defined in the given String.
  • FormatTime(): Returns a String with the formatted time. It uses the same arguments as the asctime() function of the standard library.
  • TimeToString(): Returns a String with the formatted time.
  • DateToString(): Returns a String with the formatted date.
  • GetMonthName(): Returns a String with the name of the given month.
// This example uses the simple functions to print the current date and time to the console.
DateTime dt;
String DateToString(const DateTime &d)
String TimeToString(const DateTime &d, const Bool bShowSeconds=true)

Disc I/O

A String object can be stored in a BaseFile or a HyperFile using:

  • BaseFile::ReadString(): Reads a String from the BaseFile.
  • BaseFile::WriteString(): Writes a String into the BaseFile.
// This example writes the string into a new BaseFile.
AutoAlloc<BaseFile> bf;
if (bf == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// open BaseFile to write
return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
PyCompilerFlags const char * filename
Definition: ast.h:15
Problems writing the file.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:4
Definition: lib_substance.h:28
// This example reads a String form the given BaseFile.
AutoAlloc<BaseFile> bf;
if (bf == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// open BaseFile to read
return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
String string;
ApplicationOutput("String from BaseFile: " + string);
Problems reading the file.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:3
  • HyperFile::ReadString(): Reads a String from the HyperFile.
  • HyperFile::WriteString(): Writes a String into the HyperFile.
// This example writes the string into a new HyperFile.
AutoAlloc<HyperFile> hf;
if (hf == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// open HyperFile to write
return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// This example reads a String from the given HyperFile.
AutoAlloc<HyperFile> hf;
if (hf == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// open HyperFile to read
if (!hf->Open(789, filename, FILEOPEN::READ, FILEDIALOG::ANY))
return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
String string;
ApplicationOutput("String from HyperFile: " + string);

See also BaseFile Manual on String and HyperFile Manual on String.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are used to check if a given string matches a certain pattern. The class RegularExprParser provides basic functionality to parse for simple expressions:

  • RegularExprParser::Alloc(): Allocates a regular expression parser.
  • RegularExprParser::Free(): Frees a regular expression parser.

The parser is used with these functions:

  • RegularExprParser::Init(): Initializes the parser with the given regular expression.
  • RegularExprParser::FindFirst(): Performs a search using the regular expression passed to RegularExprParser::Init() in the given string and returns the position of the first match.
  • RegularExprParser::FindNext(): Returns the position of further matches.
  • RegularExprParser::CleanUp(): Cleans the memory allocated by RegularExprParser::Init().
// This example checks if the given String is a filename containing the "jpg" suffix.
// If so, the full name is printed to the console.
AutoAlloc<RegularExprParser> regEx;
if (regEx == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
String strSerial;
// define expression
const String anyChar = String(1, ANY_CHAR);
String expression("(" + anyChar + "*)(.jpg)");
// check string
if (regEx->FindFirst(filename, REGPARSEMODE::CONTAINS, false, pos, strSerial))
ApplicationOutput("Expression does not match.");
#define ANY_CHAR
Any character = ASCII 2.
Definition: lib_regexpr.h:23
Definition: cpython_raw.h:183

Special Characters

Some symbols may be OS depended. These functions exist to get the correct symbol in each environment:

// This example prints the given percentage value using the "%" symbol.
const Int32 percentage = 55;
ApplicationOutput("Percentage: " + String::IntToString(percentage) + GeGetPercentChar());
String GeGetPercentChar()

Further Reading