ObjectInterface Class Reference

#include <objectbase.h>

Inheritance diagram for ObjectInterface:

Detailed Description

ObjectInterface is the root of the interface hierarchy of the Maxon API. As a C++ class, each virtual interface is directly derived from ObjectInterface, but as an interface a virtual interface may have an arbitrary number of base interfaces, all of which have ObjectInterface as direct or indirect base interface. The interface hierarchy is reflected by the Ptr, ConstPtr and reference classes of the interfaces: They have conversion operators to all base interfaces, and they contain functions for all methods of the interface and its base interfaces.

ObjectInterface provides some general inheritance-related functions such as GetClass() and IsInstanceOf(), data-related functions such as Clone() and CopyFrom(), and virtual methods such as ToString() which are required for each object.

All ObjectInterface instances are reference-counted. Within the declaration of an interface you may choose the reference behaviour on invocation of a non-const method (normal, const, copy-on-write).


struct  PrivateSuperMTable
struct  ReferenceFunctions

Public Types

using Interface = ObjectInterface
using IsAllocType = std::true_type
using Ptr = maxon::RefBase< ReferenceFunctions< maxon::RefBaseFn< maxon::DirectRef< ObjectInterface, maxon::PointerHandler, void > >> >
using ConstPtr = maxon::RefBase< ReferenceFunctions< maxon::RefBaseFn< maxon::DirectRef< const ObjectInterface, maxon::PointerHandler, void > >> >
using BaseInterface = ObjectInterface

Public Member Functions

Ptr GetPtr ()
ConstPtr GetPtr () const
template<typename REFSUPERCLASS = ObjectRef>
MAXON_FUNCTION const maxon::Class< typename REFSUPERCLASS::PrivateErasedReferencedType::Hxx1::ReferenceClass > & GetClass () const
MAXON_FUNCTION const ClassInfo * GetClassInfo () const
template<typename REF >
const ComponentInfo & GetComponentInfoOfSuper (const REF *sptr, OverloadRank0) const MAXON_IF_TARGET_DEBUG(
template<typename REF , typename = typename REF::Component::ComponentClass>
const ComponentInfo & GetComponentInfoOfSuper (const REF *sptr, OverloadRank1) const
MAXON_FUNCTION Bool HasSameClass (const ObjectInterface *obj) const
Result< void > CopyFrom (const ObjectInterface *src)
Result< ObjectInterface * > Clone () const
template<typename REFCLASS >
MAXON_FUNCTION Result< REFCLASS > Clone () const
template<typename I >
MAXON_FUNCTION Bool IsInstanceOf () const
MAXON_FUNCTION Bool IsInstanceOf (const DataType &type) const
MAXON_METHOD String ToString (const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const
MAXON_METHOD Result< void > InitObject (const void *argument)
MAXON_METHOD Result< void > HandleMessage (const InternedId &message, void *argument)
MAXON_METHOD Result< void > HandleConstMessage (const InternedId &message, void *argument) const
MAXON_METHOD Bool IsEqual (const maxon::ObjectInterface *other) const
MAXON_METHOD COMPARERESULT Compare (const maxon::ObjectInterface *other) const
MAXON_FUNCTION HashInt GetHashCode () const
MAXON_FUNCTION UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode () const
MAXON_METHOD HashInt GetHashCodeImpl () const
MAXON_METHOD UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCodeImpl () const
 MAXON_ADD_TO_CONST_REFERENCE_CLASS (Bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), nullptr);} Bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return !RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), nullptr);} Bool operator==(const ObjectInterface *ref) const { return RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} Bool operator!=(const ObjectInterface *ref) const { return !RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} Bool operator==(ObjectInterface *ref) const { return RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} Bool operator!=(ObjectInterface *ref) const { return !RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} template< typename T > Bool operator==(T *ref) const { return RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} template< typename T > Bool operator!=(T *ref) const { return !RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} template< typename R, typename=typename maxon::details::DisableComparison< typename S::PrivateReferencedType, typename R::ReferencedType >::type > Bool operator==(const R &ref) const { static_assert(AlwaysFalse< R >::value, "Can't compare unrelated reference classes.");return false;} template< typename R, typename=typename maxon::details::DisableComparison< typename S::PrivateReferencedType, typename R::ReferencedType >::type > Bool operator!=(const R &ref) const { static_assert(AlwaysFalse< R >::value, "Can't compare unrelated reference classes.");return false;})
Bool PrivateIsInstanceOf (const DataType &type) const

Static Public Member Functions

static maxon::Id GetInterfaceId ()
static ObjectInterfaceAlloc (const maxon::SourceLocation &, const ObjectInterface &src)
template<typename DUMMY >
static maxon::Int PrivateInstantiateDefaultValueHelper ()
static maxon::InterfaceReference * PrivateGetInterface ()
static constexpr MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::nullptr_t DefaultValuePtr ()
static void PrivateFreeInstance (const ObjectInterface *o)

Public Attributes

maxon::ObjectInterface::ReferenceFunctions MAXON_ENUM_LIST_CLASS

Static Public Attributes

static maxon::InterfaceReference _interface
static maxon::NonvirtualInterfaceReference _staticInterface
static const maxon::EntityBase::FLAGS REFERENCE_KIND
static const EntityBase::FLAGS INTERFACE_FLAGS

Protected Member Functions

 ~ ObjectInterface ()
void RemoveReference () const

Private Member Functions

 ObjectInterface ()
 ObjectInterface (const ObjectInterface &)
void operator= (const ObjectInterface &)
void PrivateCheckClass ()
 ObjectInterface (const ClassInfo *tbl)

Static Private Member Functions

static ObjectInterfaceAlloc (const maxon::SourceLocation &)
static maxon::Int GetInfoOffset ()


class maxon::ClassInterface
class maxon::ComponentDescriptor
class maxon::StrongCOWRefHandler
template<typename >
class ComponentWrapper
class StrongRefHandler
class ClassImpl

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Interface

◆ IsAllocType

using IsAllocType = std::true_type

◆ Ptr

using Ptr = maxon::RefBase<ReferenceFunctions<maxon::RefBaseFn<maxon::DirectRef< ObjectInterface , maxon::PointerHandler, void> >> >

◆ ConstPtr

using ConstPtr = maxon::RefBase<ReferenceFunctions<maxon::RefBaseFn<maxon::DirectRef<const ObjectInterface , maxon::PointerHandler, void> >> >

◆ BaseInterface

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~ ObjectInterface()

~ ObjectInterface ( )

◆ ObjectInterface() [1/3]

ObjectInterface ( )

◆ ObjectInterface() [2/3]

ObjectInterface ( const ObjectInterface )

◆ ObjectInterface() [3/3]

ObjectInterface ( const ClassInfo *  tbl)

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetInterfaceId()

static maxon::Id GetInterfaceId ( )

◆ Alloc() [1/2]

static ObjectInterface* Alloc ( const maxon::SourceLocation ,
const ObjectInterface src 

◆ GetPtr() [1/2]

Ptr GetPtr ( )

◆ GetPtr() [2/2]

ConstPtr GetPtr ( ) const

◆ PrivateInstantiateDefaultValueHelper()

static maxon::Int PrivateInstantiateDefaultValueHelper ( )

◆ PrivateGetInterface()

static maxon::InterfaceReference* PrivateGetInterface ( )

◆ Alloc() [2/2]

static ObjectInterface* Alloc ( const maxon::SourceLocation )

◆ GetInfoOffset()

static maxon::Int GetInfoOffset ( )

◆ operator=()

void operator= ( const ObjectInterface )

◆ PrivateCheckClass()

void PrivateCheckClass ( )

◆ DefaultValuePtr()

static constexpr MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::nullptr_t DefaultValuePtr ( )

◆ GetClass()

MAXON_FUNCTION const maxon::Class<typename REFSUPERCLASS::PrivateErasedReferencedType::Hxx1::ReferenceClass>& GetClass ( ) const

Returns the class of this object. Each object holds a strong reference on its class.

Class of this object. @MAXON_ANNOTATION{refsuperclassParameter=REFSUPERCLASS}

◆ GetClassInfo()

MAXON_FUNCTION const ClassInfo* GetClassInfo ( ) const

Returns the class information of this object.

Class information of this object.

◆ GetComponentInfoOfSuper() [1/2]

const ComponentInfo& GetComponentInfoOfSuper ( const REF *  sptr,
) const

◆ GetComponentInfoOfSuper() [2/2]

const ComponentInfo& GetComponentInfoOfSuper ( const REF *  sptr,
) const

◆ HasSameClass()

MAXON_FUNCTION Bool HasSameClass ( const ObjectInterface obj) const

Tests if this object has the same class as another object obj.

[in]objAnother object.
True if both objects have the same class.

◆ CopyFrom()

Result<void> CopyFrom ( const ObjectInterface src)

Copies the data from a source object to this object. This object needs to have a matching component for each component of the source (there may be additional components). Copying is done per component by the CopyFrom function of components.

[in]srcSource object.
OK on success (for each component of src there is a matching component in this object, and copying the component data succeeded).

◆ Clone() [1/2]

Result<ObjectInterface*> Clone ( ) const

Clones this object. The result is a new object of the same class where each component is a copy of the corresponding component of this object (as implemented by the CopyFrom function of components).

Clone of this object.

◆ Clone() [2/2]

MAXON_FUNCTION Result<REFCLASS> Clone ( ) const

Clones this object. The result is a reference to a new object of the same class where each component is a copy of the corresponding component of this object (as implemented by the CopyFrom function of components).

Clone of this object. @MAXON_ANNOTATION{refclassParameter=REFCLASS}

◆ IsInstanceOf() [1/2]

MAXON_FUNCTION Bool IsInstanceOf ( ) const

Checks if this object is an instance of the given interface I. This is the case if the class of this object has a component which implements I.

Template Parameters
IThe interface to check.
True if this object is an instance of #I, false otherwise.

◆ IsInstanceOf() [2/2]

MAXON_FUNCTION Bool IsInstanceOf ( const DataType type) const

Checks if this object is an instance of the given data type. This is the case if the type is an object type and if the class of this object implements each interface of the object type.

[in]typeThe data type to check.
True if this object is an instance of type, false otherwise.

◆ ToString()

MAXON_METHOD String ToString ( const FormatStatement formatStatement = nullptr) const

Returns a readable string of the content.

[in]formatStatementNullptr or additional formatting instruction. Currently no additional formatting instructions are supported.
The converted result. By default, this is the name of the class, followed by @, followed by the hexadecimal memory address of this object.

◆ InitObject()

MAXON_METHOD Result<void> InitObject ( const void *  argument)

Initializes the object. This method is invoked implicitly when a new object is created (after InitComponent has been invoked for each component). When the initialization fails, the new object is deleted immediately.

[in]argumentUnused for now.
Success of initialization.

◆ HandleMessage()

MAXON_METHOD Result<void> HandleMessage ( const InternedId message,
void *  argument 

Handles a generic message. The supported messages are defined by the class of the object. The default implementation returns UnsupportedOperationError.

[in]messageThe message identifier.
[in]argumentA message-specific argument.
Success of message handling.

◆ HandleConstMessage()

MAXON_METHOD Result<void> HandleConstMessage ( const InternedId message,
void *  argument 
) const

Handles a generic message. The supported messages are defined by the class of the object. The default implementation returns UnsupportedOperationError.

[in]messageThe message identifier.
[in]argumentA message-specific argument.
Success of message handling.

◆ IsEqual()

MAXON_METHOD Bool IsEqual ( const maxon::ObjectInterface other) const

Compares this and other for equality. If you implement this method in a component, make sure to incorporate the result of the super implementation in the result.

[in]otherAnother object.
True if both object are equal, false otherwise.

◆ Compare()

MAXON_METHOD COMPARERESULT Compare ( const maxon::ObjectInterface other) const

Compares this and other. If you implement this method in a component, make sure to incorporate the result of the super implementation in the result.

[in]otherAnother object.
Result of the comparison.

◆ GetHashCode()

MAXON_FUNCTION HashInt GetHashCode ( ) const

Returns the hash code of this @CLASS.

Hash code of this @CLASS.

◆ GetUniqueHashCode()

MAXON_FUNCTION UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode ( ) const

Returns the 128-bit hash value of this @CLASS. The implementation ensures uniform distribution, so for practical purposes you can safely assume that two objects are equal if their hash values are equal.

Hash value of this @CLASS.

◆ GetHashCodeImpl()

MAXON_METHOD HashInt GetHashCodeImpl ( ) const

Returns a hash code for this object. If you implement this method in a component, make sure to incorporate the result of the super implementation in the result.

Hash code for this object.

◆ GetUniqueHashCodeImpl()

MAXON_METHOD UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCodeImpl ( ) const

Returns a 128-bit hash value for this object. The implementation has to ensure uniform distribution, so that one can safely assume that two objects are equal if their hash values are equal. If you implement this method in a component, make sure to incorporate the result of the super implementation in the result.

Hash value for this object.


MAXON_ADD_TO_CONST_REFERENCE_CLASS ( Bool  operator = =(std::nullptr_t) const { return RefCompareMAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), nullptr);} Bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return !RefCompareMAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), nullptr);} Bool operator==(const ObjectInterface *ref) const { return RefCompareMAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} Bool operator!=(const ObjectInterface *ref) const { return !RefCompareMAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} Bool operator==(ObjectInterface *ref) const { return RefCompareMAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} Bool operator!=(ObjectInterface *ref) const { return !RefCompareMAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} template< typename T > Bool operator==(T *ref) const { return RefCompareMAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} template< typename T > Bool operator!=(T *ref) const { return !RefCompareMAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} template< typename R, typename=typename maxon::details::DisableComparison< typename S::PrivateReferencedType, typename R::ReferencedType >::type > Bool operator==(const R &ref) const { static_assert(AlwaysFalse< R >::value, "Can't compare unrelated reference classes.");return false;} template< typename R, typename=typename maxon::details::DisableComparison< typename S::PrivateReferencedType, typename R::ReferencedType >::type > Bool operator!=(const R &ref) const { static_assert(AlwaysFalse< R >::value, "Can't compare unrelated reference classes.");return false;})

◆ PrivateIsInstanceOf()

Bool PrivateIsInstanceOf ( const DataType type) const

◆ PrivateFreeInstance()

static void PrivateFreeInstance ( const ObjectInterface o)

◆ RemoveReference()

void RemoveReference ( ) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ maxon::ClassInterface

friend class maxon::ClassInterface

◆ maxon::ComponentDescriptor

friend class maxon::ComponentDescriptor

◆ maxon::StrongCOWRefHandler

friend class maxon::StrongCOWRefHandler

◆ ComponentWrapper

friend class ComponentWrapper

◆ StrongRefHandler

friend class StrongRefHandler

◆ ClassImpl

friend class ClassImpl

Member Data Documentation

◆ _interface

maxon::InterfaceReference _interface

◆ _staticInterface

maxon::NonvirtualInterfaceReference _staticInterface



const maxon::EntityBase::FLAGS REFERENCE_KIND

