Open Search
    GeDialog Class Reference

    #include <c4d_gui.h>

    Inheritance diagram for GeDialog:

    Detailed Description

    Used to display GUI dialogs. Derive this class, overriding the necessary functions, and then call Open() to display it.

    Public Member Functions

    Bool SetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Vector > &tri, Float brightness, Float maxbrightness, Int32 flags)
    Bool GetFolding ()
    void SetFolding (Bool allowClose)
    Int32 IsDockedOrTabbed ()

    Protected Attributes

    Bool createlayout

    Private Member Functions


    Private Attributes

    CDialog * cd
    Int32 t_lastcoremsg
    Bool _folding


    class GeUserArea
    class _GeListView


     GeDialog ()
    virtual ~GeDialog ()

    Internal Representation

    CDialog * Get ()


    virtual Bool CreateLayout ()
    virtual Bool InitValues ()
    virtual Bool CoreMessage (Int32 id, const BaseContainer &msg)
    virtual Bool Command (Int32 id, const BaseContainer &msg)
    virtual Bool AskClose ()
    virtual void Timer (const BaseContainer &msg)
    virtual void DestroyWindow ()
    virtual Int32 Message (const BaseContainer &msg, BaseContainer &result)


    Bool Open (DLG_TYPE dlgtype, Int32 pluginid, Int32 xpos=-1, Int32 ypos=-1, Int32 defaultw=0, Int32 defaulth=0, Int32 subid=0, OPENDIALOGFLAGS flags=OPENDIALOGFLAGS::NONE)
    Bool Close ()
    Bool Close (Bool dummy)

    Basic Functions

    GeData SendMessage (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &msg)
    Bool SendParentMessage (const BaseContainer &msg, Bool receiveSelf=false)
    Int32 GetId ()
    Bool IsOpen ()
    Bool IsVisible ()
    Bool IsMinimized () const
    void SetTimer (Int32 timer)
    void SetTitle (const maxon::String &title)
    maxon::String GetTitle ()
    Bool Enable (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool enabled)
    Bool IsEnabled (const GadgetPtr &id)


    Bool GetInputState (Int32 askdevice, Int32 askchannel, BaseContainer &res)
    Bool GetInputEvent (Int32 askdevice, BaseContainer &res)
    void KillEvents ()

    Plain Set

    Bool SetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 value, Int32 tristate=0)
    Bool SetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 value, Int32 min=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Int32 step=1, Int32 tristate=0, Int32 min2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX)
    Bool SetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, Float value, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 format=FORMAT_FLOAT, Float min2=0.0, Float max2=0.0, Bool quadscale=false, Int32 tristate=0)
    Bool SetMeter (const GadgetPtr &id, Float value, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 tristate=0)
    Bool SetDegree (const GadgetPtr &id, Float radians_value, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 tristate=0)
    Bool SetPercent (const GadgetPtr &id, Float value, Float min=0.0, Float max=100.0, Float step=1.0, Int32 tristate=0)
    Bool SetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, const BaseTime &value, const BaseTime &min=BaseTime(- 108000, 1), const BaseTime &max=BaseTime(108000, 1), Int32 stepframes=1, Int32 tristate=0)
    Bool SetString (const GadgetPtr &id, const maxon::String &text, Int32 tristate=0, Int32 flags=0)
    Bool SetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, const Vector &color, Float brightness, Float maxbrightness, Int32 flags)
    Bool SetFilename (const GadgetPtr &id, const Filename &fn, Int32 tristate=0)

    Plain Get

    Bool GetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool &value) const
    Bool GetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 &value) const
    Bool GetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, Float &value) const
    Bool GetVector (const GadgetPtr &id_x, const GadgetPtr &id_y, const GadgetPtr &id_z, Vector &value) const
    Bool GetString (const GadgetPtr &id, maxon::String &text) const
    Bool GetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, Vector &color, Float &brightness) const
    Bool GetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, BaseTime &time) const
    Bool GetFilename (const GadgetPtr &id, Filename &fn) const
    Bool CheckTristateChange (const GadgetPtr &id)

    Container Set

    Bool SetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid)
    Bool SetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Int32 min=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Int32 step=1, Int32 min2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX)
    Bool SetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 format=FORMAT_FLOAT, Float min2=0.0, Float max2=0.0, Bool quadscale=false)
    Bool SetMeter (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0)
    Bool SetDegree (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0)
    Bool SetPercent (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=0.0, Float max=100.0, Float step=1.0)
    Bool SetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, const BaseTime &min=BaseTime(- 108000, 1), const BaseTime &max=BaseTime(108000, 1), Int32 stepframes=1)
    Bool SetString (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Int32 flags=0)
    Bool SetFilename (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid)
    Bool SetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bc_colid, Int32 bc_brightnessid, Float maxbrightness, Int32 flags)

    Container Get

    Bool GetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
    Bool GetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
    Bool GetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
    Bool GetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
    Bool GetVector (const GadgetPtr &id_x, const GadgetPtr &id_y, const GadgetPtr &id_z, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
    Bool GetString (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
    Bool GetFilename (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
    Bool GetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bc_colid, Int32 bc_brightnessid) const

    TriState Set

    Bool SetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Bool > &tri)
    Bool SetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Int32 > &tri, Int32 min=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Int32 step=1, Int32 min2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX)
    Bool SetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 format=FORMAT_FLOAT, Float min2=0.0, Float max2=0.0, Bool quadscale=false)
    Bool SetMeter (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0)
    Bool SetDegree (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0)
    Bool SetPercent (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=0.0, Float max=100.0, Float step=1.0)
    Bool SetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, const TriState< BaseTime > &tri, const BaseTime &min=BaseTime(- 108000, 1), const BaseTime &max=BaseTime(108000, 1), Int32 stepframes=1)
    Bool SetString (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< String > &tri, Int32 flags=0)

    Coordinates Transformation

    Bool Local2Global (Int32 *x, Int32 *y)
    Bool Global2Local (Int32 *x, Int32 *y)
    Bool Screen2Local (Int32 *x, Int32 *y)
    Bool Local2Screen (Int32 *x, Int32 *y)


    Bool GetColorRGB (Int32 colorid, Int32 &r, Int32 &g, Int32 &b)
    void SetDefaultColor (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 colorid, Int32 mapid)
    void SetDefaultColor (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 colorid, const Vector &color)


    Bool LoadDialogResource (Int32 id, GeResource *lr, Int32 flags)
    C4DGadgetAddCheckbox (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name)
    C4DGadgetAddButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name, Int32 buttonStyle=DR_BUTTON_STYLE_NORMAL)
    C4DGadgetAddStaticText (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name, Int32 borderstyle)
    C4DGadgetAddArrowButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, Int32 arrowtype)
    C4DGadgetAddEditText (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 editflags=0)
    C4DGadgetAddMultiLineEditText (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 style=0)
    C4DGadgetAddEditNumber (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=80, Int32 inith=0)
    C4DGadgetAddEditNumberArrows (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=70, Int32 inith=0)
    C4DGadgetAddEditSlider (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=80, Int32 inith=0)
    C4DGadgetAddSlider (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=90, Int32 inith=0)
    C4DGadgetAddColorField (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 colorflags=0)
    C4DGadgetAddColorChooser (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 layoutflags=0, const BaseContainer &settings=BaseContainer())
    C4DGadgetAddRadioButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name)
    C4DGadgetAddRadioText (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name)
    C4DGadgetAddEditShortcut (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 shortcutflags=0)
    C4DGadgetAddSeparatorH (Int32 initw, Int32 flags=BFH_FIT)
    C4DGadgetAddSeparatorV (Int32 inith, Int32 flags=BFV_FIT)
    Bool AddRadioGroup (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 columns=1, Int32 rows=0)
    C4DGadgetAddComboBox (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Bool specialalign=false, Bool allowFiltering=false)
    C4DGadgetAddComboButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Bool specialalign=false, Bool allowFiltering=false)
    C4DGadgetAddPopupButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Bool allowFiltering=false)
    Bool AddListView (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)
    Bool LayoutChanged (const GadgetPtr &id)
    Bool LayoutChangedNoRedraw (const GadgetPtr &id)
    Bool Activate (const GadgetPtr &id)
    Bool IsActive (const GadgetPtr &id)
    UpdateDialogHelper BeginLayoutChange (const GadgetPtr &gadget, Bool disableRedraws, Bool doNotFlush=false)
    Bool LayoutFlushGroup (const GadgetPtr &id)
    Bool LayoutFlushDisableRedraw (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool disable)
    Bool RemoveElement (const GadgetPtr &id)
    Bool HideElement (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool hide)
    void ForceAllowMouseWheel (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool force)
    Bool RestoreLayout (Int32 pluginid, Int32 subid, void *secret)

    Layout Helpers

    Bool AddChild (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 subid, const maxon::String &child)
    Bool FreeChildren (const GadgetPtr &id)
    Bool SetPopup (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &bc)
    Bool AddChildren (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &bc)
    C4DGadgetAddUserArea (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)
    Bool AttachUserArea (GeUserArea &ua, const GadgetPtr &id, USERAREAFLAGS userareaflags=USERAREAFLAGS::COREMESSAGE)
    Bool AddSubDialog (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)
    Bool AttachSubDialog (SubDialog *userdlg, Int32 id)
    Bool AddDlgGroup (Int32 type)


    Bool GroupBeginInMenuLine ()
    Bool TabGroupBegin (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 tabtype=TAB_TABS)
    Bool GroupBegin (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 cols, Int32 rows, const maxon::String &title, Int32 groupflags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)
    Bool GroupEnd ()
    Bool GroupSpace (Int32 spacex, Int32 spacey)
    Bool GroupBorder (UInt32 borderstyle)
    Bool GroupBorderNoTitle (UInt32 borderstyle)
    Bool GroupBorderSpace (Int32 left, Int32 top, Int32 right, Int32 bottom)
    Bool GroupWeightsSave (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer &weights)
    Bool GroupWeightsLoad (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &weights)
    Bool SetGroupBackgroundColor (Int32 colorId)
    Bool SetGroupBackgroundColor (Int32 r, Int32 g, Int32 b)
    Bool SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor (Int32 colorId)
    Bool SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor (Int32 r, Int32 g, Int32 b)

    Drag and Drop

    Bool GetItemDim (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 *x, Int32 *y, Int32 *w, Int32 *h) const
    Bool GetDragPosition (const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 *x, Int32 *y)
    Bool GetDragObject (const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 *type, void **object)
    Bool SetDragDestination (Int32 cursor, Int32 gadgetid=0)
    Bool CheckDropArea (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &msg, Bool horiz, Bool vert)

    Scroll Group

    Bool GetVisibleArea (Int32 scrollgroupid, Int32 *x1, Int32 *y1, Int32 *x2, Int32 *y2)
    Bool SetVisibleArea (Int32 scrollgroupid, Int32 x1, Int32 y1, Int32 x2, Int32 y2)
    Bool ScrollGroupBegin (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 scrollflags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)


    Bool MenuFlushAll ()
    Bool MenuSubBegin (const maxon::String &string)
    Bool MenuSubEnd ()
    Bool MenuAddCommand (Int32 cmdid)
    Bool MenuAddString (Int32 id, const maxon::String &string)
    Bool MenuAddSeparator (const maxon::String &title=maxon::String())
    Bool MenuFinished ()
    Bool MenuInitString (Int32 id, Bool enabled, Bool checked)
    Bool MenuSetResource (Int32 id)

    Custom GUI

    void * FindCustomGui (Int32 id, Int32 pluginid)
    template<typename T >
    T * FindCustomGui (Int32 id)
    void * AddCustomGui (Int32 id, Int32 pluginid, const maxon::String &name, Int32 flags, Int32 minw, Int32 minh, const BaseContainer &customdata)
    template<typename T >
    T * AddCustomGui (Int32 id, const maxon::String &name, Int32 flags, Int32 minw, Int32 minh, const BaseContainer &customdata)

    Multi-line Edit

    Bool SetMultiLineMode (const GadgetPtr &id, SCRIPTMODE mode)
    Bool SetMultiLineLock (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool lock)
    Bool SetMultiLinePos (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 line, Int32 pos)


    Bool CheckClose ()
    Bool CheckValueRanges ()
    Float GetPixelRatio () const
    Bool ReleaseLink ()
    Bool OpenPopUpMenu (Int32 menuid, Int32 localx=-1, Int32 localy=-1, Int32 watchhotkey=0)
    Bool CheckCoreMessage (const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 *ownlastcoremsg=nullptr)
    void * GetWindowHandle ()
    void * GetWindowInterface ()
    static void HandleHelpString (const BaseContainer &msg, BaseContainer &result, const maxon::String &sym)
    static void * GetGuiInterface ()

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ◆ GeDialog()

    GeDialog ( )

    Creates the dialog, but does not open it.

    ◆ ~GeDialog()

    virtual ~GeDialog ( )

    Destroys the dialog. If the dialog is still open, it is closed.

    Member Function Documentation



    ◆ Get()

    CDialog* Get ( )

    Retrieves a pointer to the internal dialog pointer.

    The internal dialog.

    ◆ CreateLayout()

    virtual Bool CreateLayout ( )

    Called when the dialog is about to be displayed. Override this method to define the layout of the dialog.
    Either use the recommended LoadDialogResource function or the manual functions (for example AddButton()). See Dialog Layout for more information.

    true if successful, otherwise false.

    Reimplemented in ProgressDialog.

    ◆ InitValues()

    virtual Bool InitValues ( )

    Called when the dialog is initialized by the GUI. Override this method to initialize local variables and the gadgets used.

    See also
    The article GUI Messages for more information.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    Reimplemented in ProgressDialog.

    ◆ CoreMessage()

    virtual Bool CoreMessage ( Int32  id,
    const BaseContainer msg 

    Override this method to react to Cinema 4D core messages.

    See also
    The article Core Messages for more information.
    [in]idThe message ID: EVMSG
    [in]msgThe message container.
    Currently not used.

    ◆ Command()

    virtual Bool Command ( Int32  id,
    const BaseContainer msg 

    Whenever the user clicks on a gadget and/or changes its value this function will be called. It is also called when a string menu item is selected. Override this methods to handle such events.

    Remember StopAllThreads() must be called before making modifications to the scene.
    [in]idThe ID of the gadget that triggered the event.
    [in]msgThe message container. Contains the following values: BFM_ACTION_ID and BFM_ACTION_VALUE.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    Reimplemented in ProgressDialog.

    ◆ AskClose()

    virtual Bool AskClose ( )

    If the user wants to close the dialog with the OK button this function will be called. Override it to avoid closing the dialog if an error situation has occurred.
    If false is returned everything will be as usual, but if true is returned the dialog will not close. This function is especially useful in combination with the GeModalDialog class for handling wrong user input before leaving the dialog.

    A buggy function, always returning true, will lead to a frustrating user experience.
    true if the dialog should not be closed, false if it should.

    Reimplemented in ProgressDialog.

    ◆ Timer()

    virtual void Timer ( const BaseContainer msg)

    Called when a timer event is received.
    To subscribe to timer events use SetTimer().

    [in]msgThe timer message container.

    Reimplemented in ProgressDialog.

    ◆ DestroyWindow()

    virtual void DestroyWindow ( )

    Called when the dialog is about to be closed temporarily, for example for layout switching.
    All pointers to C4DGadget, GeUserArea and SubDialog objects as well as custom GUI objects are invalidated. So set all such stored pointers to nullptr.
    CreateLayout will be called when the dialog is restored.

    ◆ Message()

    virtual Int32 Message ( const BaseContainer msg,
    BaseContainer result 

    Called when a message is received.
    Override this function to react to more messages than covered by the other virtual functions. Normally this is not necessary.

    If overriden, be sure to include a call to the base version of this function, GeDialog::Message().
    See also
    The article GUI Messages for more information.
    [in]msgThe message container.
    [in]resultA container to place results in.
    Depends on the message.

    Reimplemented in iCustomGui, ProgressDialog, SubDialog, and GeModalDialog.

    ◆ Open()

    Bool Open ( DLG_TYPE  dlgtype,
    Int32  pluginid,
    Int32  xpos = -1,
    Int32  ypos = -1,
    Int32  defaultw = 0,
    Int32  defaulth = 0,
    Int32  subid = 0,

    Opens the dialog at the specified position.

    If xpos=-1 and ypos=-1 the dialog will be opened at the current mouse position.
    If xpos=-2 and ypos=-2 the dialog will be opened at the center of the screen.
    Make sure to pass the ID for asynchronous plugins so that Cinema 4D can correctly restore dialogs added by the user to the user interface.
    [in]dlgtypeThe dialog type: DLG_TYPE
    [in]pluginidThe plugin ID of the CommandData with the dialog's CommandData::RestoreLayout().
    [in]xposThe X position of the dialog. See note above.
    [in]yposThe Y position of the dialog. See note above.
    [in]defaultwThe default width of the dialog in pixels.
    [in]defaulthThe default height of the dialog in pixels.
    [in]subidThe dialog sub-ID. This can be used to open several dialogs with a single command plugin for CommandData::ExecuteSubID().
    [in]flagsSee OPENDIALOGFLAGS
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ Close() [1/2]

    Bool Close ( )

    Closes the dialog. Not necessary when using modal dialogs.

    true if the dialog was closed, otherwise false.

    ◆ Close() [2/2]

    Bool Close ( Bool  dummy)

    Always calls Close().

    [in]dummyA dummy boolean state.

    ◆ SendMessage()

    GeData SendMessage ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer msg 

    Sends a message to a dialog element by ID.

    See also
    The article GUI Messages for more information.
    [in]idThe dialog element ID.
    [in]msgThe message container.
    Depends on the message sent.

    ◆ SendParentMessage()

    Bool SendParentMessage ( const BaseContainer msg,
    Bool  receiveSelf = false 

    Sends a message to the parent dialog.

    See also
    The article GUI Messages for more information.
    [in]msgThe message container.
    [in]receiveSelfTrue if the own parent message should process this message. Default is false.
    true if the message was sent, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetId()

    Int32 GetId ( )

    Gets the dialog ID.

    The dialog ID.

    ◆ IsOpen()

    Bool IsOpen ( )

    Checks if the dialog is open.

    true if the dialog is open, otherwise false.

    ◆ IsVisible()

    Bool IsVisible ( )

    Checks if the dialog is visible.

    true if the dialog is visible, otherwise false.

    ◆ IsMinimized()

    Bool IsMinimized ( ) const

    Checks if the dialog is minimized (in the dock or task bar).

    true if the dialog is minimized, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetTimer()

    void SetTimer ( Int32  timer)

    Initializes the timer clock, so that Timer() is called every timer milliseconds. Use SetTimer(0) to stop the timer.

    Depending on the speed of the computer, the operating system, the complexity of the dialog and the threads running in the background, there is no guarantee that event messages will occur on a regular basis.
    Using a value of 500 ms should be no problem but using a value of 1 ms one might get events with the following time spaces: 3 ms, 76 ms, 15 ms, 19 ms, 67 ms etc.
    Keep in mind that using small timer values results in heavy message traffic in the application which may slow down Cinema 4D (and all other applications running on the computer) to a point where nothing is working any longer besides the dialog.
    [in]timerThe timer interval in milliseconds. Pass 0 to stop the timer.

    ◆ SetTitle()

    void SetTitle ( const maxon::String title)

    Sets the title of the dialog window.

    [in]titleThe title.

    ◆ GetTitle()

    maxon::String GetTitle ( )

    Gets the title of the dialog window.

    The title

    ◆ Enable()

    Bool Enable ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Bool  enabled 

    Enables or disables the dialog item with the specified id.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]enabledtrue to enable and false to disable.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ IsEnabled()

    Bool IsEnabled ( const GadgetPtr id)

    Checks if a dialog item is enabled.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    true if the dialog item is enabled, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetInputState()

    Bool GetInputState ( Int32  askdevice,
    Int32  askchannel,
    BaseContainer res 

    Polls a certain channel of a device for the current input state.
    If the return value is true, the container stored in res is like an input event message, otherwise no state was available.
    For a list of valid devices and channels, see Input Events.

    [in]askdeviceThe device to ask.
    [in]askchannelThe channel of the device.
    [out]resThe result container.
    true if an input state could be retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetInputEvent()

    Bool GetInputEvent ( Int32  askdevice,
    BaseContainer res 

    Gets the next input event for a certain device from the event queue.
    If the return value is true, the container stored in res is like an input event message, otherwise no state was available.
    For a list of valid devices and channels, see Input Events.

    [in]askdeviceThe device to poll.
    [out]resThe result container.
    true if an input event could be retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ KillEvents()

    void KillEvents ( )

    Flushes all events from the window message queue.
    For example if looping while the mouse is down (polling), call this function to flush all key downs/mouse clicks that are made during the loop.

    ◆ SetBool() [1/3]

    Bool SetBool ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Int32  value,
    Int32  tristate = 0 

    Sets the value of checkbox controls.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]valueThe new value. Checked is true and unchecked is false. If tristate is true then value must be 2.
    [in]tristateIf true, and value is 2, the control is tinted to indicate tristate mode.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetInt32() [1/3]

    Bool SetInt32 ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Int32  value,
    Int32  min = LIMITInt32 >::MIN,
    Int32  max = LIMITInt32 >::MAX,
    Int32  step = 1,
    Int32  tristate = 0,
    Int32  min2 = LIMITInt32 >::MIN,
    Int32  max2 = LIMITInt32 >::MAX 

    Sets the value and limits of integer fields. Also used for tab groups, radio buttons and combo boxes.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]valueThe new value.
    [in]minThe minimum visual value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum visual value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    [in]tristateIf true the control is tinted to indicate tristate mode.
    [in]min2The minimum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides min for the acceptance check.
    [in]max2The maximum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides max for the acceptance check.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetFloat() [1/3]

    Bool SetFloat ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Float  value,
    Float  min = (-1.0e18),
    Float  max = (1.0e18),
    Float  step = 1.0,
    Int32  format = FORMAT_FLOAT,
    Float  min2 = 0.0,
    Float  max2 = 0.0,
    Bool  quadscale = false,
    Int32  tristate = 0 

    Sets the value, unit and limits of float fields.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]valueThe new value.
    [in]minThe minimum visual value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum visual value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    [in]formatThe unit and format of the field: FORMAT_NUMBERS
    [in]min2The minimum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides min for the acceptance check.
    [in]max2The maximum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides max for the acceptance check.
    [in]quadscaleIf true a quadratic scale is used for the slider, so that more precision is available for lower values.
    [in]tristateIf true the control is tinted to indicate tristate mode.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetMeter() [1/3]

    Bool SetMeter ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Float  value,
    Float  min = (-1.0e18),
    Float  max = (1.0e18),
    Float  step = 1.0,
    Int32  tristate = 0 

    Sets the value and limits of a meter field. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_METER.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]valueThe new value.
    [in]minThe minimum value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    [in]tristateIf true the control is tinted to indicate tristate mode.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetDegree() [1/3]

    Bool SetDegree ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Float  radians_value,
    Float  min = (-1.0e18),
    Float  max = (1.0e18),
    Float  step = 1.0,
    Int32  tristate = 0 

    Sets the value and limits of an angle field. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_DEGREE.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]radians_valueThe new angle in radians.
    [in]minThe minimum angle accepted in degrees.
    [in]maxThe maximum angle accepted in degrees.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons in degrees.
    [in]tristateIf true the control is tinted to indicate tristate mode.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetPercent() [1/3]

    Bool SetPercent ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Float  value,
    Float  min = 0.0,
    Float  max = 100.0,
    Float  step = 1.0,
    Int32  tristate = 0 

    Sets the value and limits of a percent field. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_PERCENT.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]valueThe new value (real fraction).
    [in]minThe minimum value accepted (percentage units).
    [in]maxThe maximum value accepted (percentage units).
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons (percentage units).
    [in]tristateIf true the control is tinted to indicate tristate mode.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetTime() [1/3]

    Bool SetTime ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseDocument doc,
    const BaseTime value,
    const BaseTime min = BaseTime(- 108000, 1),
    const BaseTime max = BaseTime(108000, 1),
    Int32  stepframes = 1,
    Int32  tristate = 0 

    Sets the value and limits of a time field. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_FRAMES.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]docThe document to be used for framerate calculations.
    [in]valueThe new time value.
    [in]minThe minimum time accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum time accepted.
    [in]stepframesThe frame step used for arrow buttons.
    [in]tristateIf true the control is tinted to indicate tristate mode.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetString() [1/3]

    Bool SetString ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const maxon::String text,
    Int32  tristate = 0,
    Int32  flags = 0 

    Sets the text of string controls. Used for all controls that have a text, for example static text fields, edit fields, buttons and check boxes.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]textThe new text.
    [in]tristateIf true the control is tinted to indicate tristate mode.
    true if the text was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetColorField() [1/2]

    Bool SetColorField ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const Vector color,
    Float  brightness,
    Float  maxbrightness,
    Int32  flags 

    Sets the color, brightness and limits of color fields and color choosers.

    flags does not apply to color fields, only to color choosers.
    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]colorThe new color value.
    [in]brightnessThe new brightness value.
    [in]maxbrightnessThe maximum brightness allowed.
    [in]flagsControls what parts of a color chooser are available: DR_COLORFIELD
    true if the color field values were set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetFilename() [1/2]

    Bool SetFilename ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const Filename fn,
    Int32  tristate = 0 

    Sets the text of string controls, taking the new value from a filename.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]fnThe new filename.
    [in]tristateIf true the control is tinted to indicate tristate mode.
    true if the filename was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetBool() [1/2]

    Bool GetBool ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Bool value 
    ) const

    Retrieves the state of checkbox controls.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]valueAssigned the current state.
    true if the state was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetInt32() [1/2]

    Bool GetInt32 ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Int32 value 
    ) const

    Retrieves the value of integer fields. Also used for tab groups, radio buttons and combo boxes.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]valueAssigned the current value.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetFloat() [1/2]

    Bool GetFloat ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Float value 
    ) const

    Retrieves the value of float fields.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]valueAssigned the current value.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetVector() [1/2]

    Bool GetVector ( const GadgetPtr id_x,
    const GadgetPtr id_y,
    const GadgetPtr id_z,
    Vector value 
    ) const

    Retrieves the value of three float fields at the same time as a vector.

    [in]id_xThe control ID of the X field.
    [in]id_yThe control ID of the Y field.
    [in]id_zThe control ID of the Z field.
    [out]valueAssigned the current value.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetString() [1/2]

    Bool GetString ( const GadgetPtr id,
    maxon::String text 
    ) const

    Retrieves the text from string controls. Used for all controls that have a text, for example static text fields, edit fields, buttons and check boxes.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]textAssigned the current text.
    true if the text was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetColorField() [1/2]

    Bool GetColorField ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Vector color,
    Float brightness 
    ) const

    Retrieves the color and brightness of color controls.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]colorAssigned the current color.
    [out]brightnessAssigned the current brightness.
    true if the color field values were retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetTime() [1/2]

    Bool GetTime ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseDocument doc,
    BaseTime time 
    ) const

    Retrieves the time of time fields.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]docThe document to use for framerate calculations.
    [out]timeAssigned the current time.
    true if the time was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetFilename() [1/2]

    Bool GetFilename ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Filename fn 
    ) const

    Retrieves the text from string controls as a filename.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]fnAssigned the current filename.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ CheckTristateChange()

    Bool CheckTristateChange ( const GadgetPtr id)

    Checks if a control content has been changed since the last Set.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    true if the control has been changed, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetBool() [2/3]

    Bool SetBool ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid 

    Sets the value of checkbox controls, taking the new value from a base container.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the new value.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetInt32() [2/3]

    Bool SetInt32 ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid,
    Int32  min = LIMITInt32 >::MIN,
    Int32  max = LIMITInt32 >::MAX,
    Int32  step = 1,
    Int32  min2 = LIMITInt32 >::MIN,
    Int32  max2 = LIMITInt32 >::MAX 

    Sets the value and limits of integer fields, taking the new value from a base container. Also used for tab groups, radio buttons and combo boxes.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the new value.
    [in]minThe minimum visual value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum visual value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    [in]min2The minimum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides min for the acceptance check.
    [in]max2The maximum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides max for the acceptance check.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetFloat() [2/3]

    Bool SetFloat ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid,
    Float  min = (-1.0e18),
    Float  max = (1.0e18),
    Float  step = 1.0,
    Int32  format = FORMAT_FLOAT,
    Float  min2 = 0.0,
    Float  max2 = 0.0,
    Bool  quadscale = false 

    Sets the value, unit and limits of float fields, taking the new value from a base container.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the new value.
    [in]minThe minimum visual value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum visual value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    [in]formatThe unit and format of the field: FORMAT_NUMBERS
    [in]min2The minimum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides min for the acceptance check.
    [in]max2The maximum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides max for the acceptance check.
    [in]quadscaleIf true a quadratic scale is used for the slider, so that more precision is available for lower values.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetMeter() [2/3]

    Bool SetMeter ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid,
    Float  min = (-1.0e18),
    Float  max = (1.0e18),
    Float  step = 1.0 

    Sets the value, unit and limits of meter fields, taking the new value from a base container. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_METER.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the new value.
    [in]minThe minimum value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetDegree() [2/3]

    Bool SetDegree ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid,
    Float  min = (-1.0e18),
    Float  max = (1.0e18),
    Float  step = 1.0 

    Sets the value, unit and limits of angle fields, taking the new value from a base container. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_DEGREE.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the new value.
    [in]minThe minimum value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetPercent() [2/3]

    Bool SetPercent ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid,
    Float  min = 0.0,
    Float  max = 100.0,
    Float  step = 1.0 

    Sets the value, unit and limits of percent fields, taking the new value from a base container. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_PERCENT.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new value (real fraction). The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the new value.
    [in]minThe minimum value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetTime() [2/3]

    Bool SetTime ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseDocument doc,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid,
    const BaseTime min = BaseTime(- 108000, 1),
    const BaseTime max = BaseTime(108000, 1),
    Int32  stepframes = 1 

    Sets the value and limits of a time field, taking the new value from a base container. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_FRAMES.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]docThe document to get the framerate from. The caller owns the pointed document.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new time. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the new time.
    [in]minThe minimum value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum value accepted.
    [in]stepframesThe frame step used for arrow buttons.
    true if the time was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetString() [2/3]

    Bool SetString ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid,
    Int32  flags = 0 

    Sets the text of string controls, taking the new value from a base container. Used for all controls that have a text, for example static text fields, edit fields, buttons and check boxes.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the new value.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetFilename() [2/2]

    Bool SetFilename ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid 

    Sets the text of string controls, taking the new value from a filename in a base container.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the new value.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetColorField() [2/2]

    Bool SetColorField ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bc_colid,
    Int32  bc_brightnessid,
    Float  maxbrightness,
    Int32  flags 

    Sets the color, brightness and limits of color fields and color choosers, taking the new values from a base container.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]bcThe base container with the new color field values. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bc_colidThe container ID of the new color value.
    [in]bc_brightnessidThe container ID of the new brightness value.
    [in]maxbrightnessThe maximum brightness allowed.
    [in]flagsControls what parts of a color chooser are available: DR_COLORFIELD
    true if the color field values were set, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetBool() [2/2]

    Bool GetBool ( const GadgetPtr id,
    BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid 
    ) const

    Retrieves the state of checkbox controls, and stores it in a base container.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]bcThe base container to receive the state. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the state.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetInt32() [2/2]

    Bool GetInt32 ( const GadgetPtr id,
    BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid 
    ) const

    Retrieves the value of integer fields, and stores it in a base container. Also used for tab groups, radio buttons and combo boxes.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]bcThe base container to receive the value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the value.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetFloat() [2/2]

    Bool GetFloat ( const GadgetPtr id,
    BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid 
    ) const

    Retrieves the value of float fields, and stores it in a base container.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]bcThe base container to receive the value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the value.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetTime() [2/2]

    Bool GetTime ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseDocument doc,
    BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid 
    ) const

    Retrieves the value of a time field, and stores it in a base container.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]docThe document to get the framerate from. The caller owns the pointed document.
    [out]bcThe base container to receive the value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the value.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetVector() [2/2]

    Bool GetVector ( const GadgetPtr id_x,
    const GadgetPtr id_y,
    const GadgetPtr id_z,
    BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid 
    ) const

    Retrieves the value of three float fields at the same time as a vector, and stores it in a base container.

    [in]id_xThe control ID of the X field.
    [in]id_yThe control ID of the Y field.
    [in]id_zThe control ID of the Z field.
    [out]bcThe base container to receive the value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the value.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetString() [2/2]

    Bool GetString ( const GadgetPtr id,
    BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid 
    ) const

    Retrieves the value from string controls, and stores it in a base container. Used for all controls that have a text, for example static text fields, edit fields, buttons and check boxes.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]bcThe base container to receive the value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the value.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetFilename() [2/2]

    Bool GetFilename ( const GadgetPtr id,
    BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bcid 
    ) const

    Retrieves the value from string controls, and stores it as a filename in a base container.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]bcThe base container to receive the value. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bcidThe container ID of the value.
    true if the value was retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetColorField() [2/2]

    Bool GetColorField ( const GadgetPtr id,
    BaseContainer bc,
    Int32  bc_colid,
    Int32  bc_brightnessid 
    ) const

    Retrieves the values of color and brightness for color controls, and stores them in a base container.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [out]bcThe base container to receive the values. The caller owns the pointed base container.
    [in]bc_colidThe container ID of the color value.
    [in]bc_brightnessidThe container ID of the brightness value.
    true if the values were retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetBool() [3/3]

    Bool SetBool ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const TriState< Bool > &  tri 

    Sets the value of checkbox controls using a TriState object.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]triA tristate object for the value.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetInt32() [3/3]

    Bool SetInt32 ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const TriState< Int32 > &  tri,
    Int32  min = LIMITInt32 >::MIN,
    Int32  max = LIMITInt32 >::MAX,
    Int32  step = 1,
    Int32  min2 = LIMITInt32 >::MIN,
    Int32  max2 = LIMITInt32 >::MAX 

    Sets the value and limits of integer fields using a TriState object.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]triA tristate object for the value.
    [in]minThe minimum visual value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum visual value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    [in]min2The minimum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides min for the acceptance check.
    [in]max2The maximum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides max for the acceptance check.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetFloat() [3/3]

    Bool SetFloat ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const TriState< Float > &  tri,
    Float  min = (-1.0e18),
    Float  max = (1.0e18),
    Float  step = 1.0,
    Int32  format = FORMAT_FLOAT,
    Float  min2 = 0.0,
    Float  max2 = 0.0,
    Bool  quadscale = false 

    Sets the value, unit and limits of float fields using a TriState object.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]triA tristate object for the value.
    [in]minThe minimum visual value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum visual value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    [in]formatThe unit and format of the field: FORMAT_NUMBERS
    [in]min2The minimum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides min for the acceptance check.
    [in]max2The maximum value allowed outside the visual range used for sliders. Overrides max for the acceptance check.
    [in]quadscaleIf true a quadratic scale is used for the slider, so that more precision is available for lower values.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetMeter() [3/3]

    Bool SetMeter ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const TriState< Float > &  tri,
    Float  min = (-1.0e18),
    Float  max = (1.0e18),
    Float  step = 1.0 

    Sets the value and limits of a meter field using a TriState object. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_METER.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]triA tristate object for the value.
    [in]minThe minimum visual value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum visual value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetDegree() [3/3]

    Bool SetDegree ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const TriState< Float > &  tri,
    Float  min = (-1.0e18),
    Float  max = (1.0e18),
    Float  step = 1.0 

    Sets the value and limits of an angle field using a TriState object. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_DEGREE.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]triA tristate object for the value.
    [in]minThe minimum visual value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum visual value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetPercent() [3/3]

    Bool SetPercent ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const TriState< Float > &  tri,
    Float  min = 0.0,
    Float  max = 100.0,
    Float  step = 1.0 

    Sets the value and limits of a percent field using a TriState object. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_PERCENT.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]triA tristate object for the value.
    [in]minThe minimum visual value accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum visual value accepted.
    [in]stepThe step used for arrow buttons.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetTime() [3/3]

    Bool SetTime ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseDocument doc,
    const TriState< BaseTime > &  tri,
    const BaseTime min = BaseTime(- 108000, 1),
    const BaseTime max = BaseTime(108000, 1),
    Int32  stepframes = 1 

    Sets the value and limits of a time field using a TriState object. Same as SetFloat with FORMAT_FRAMES.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]docThe document to be used for framerate calculations.
    [in]triA tristate object for the value.
    [in]minThe minimum time accepted.
    [in]maxThe maximum time accepted.
    [in]stepframesThe frame step used for arrow buttons.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetString() [3/3]

    Bool SetString ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const TriState< String > &  tri,
    Int32  flags = 0 

    Sets the text of string controls using a TriState object.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]triA tristate object for the value.
    true if the value was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ Local2Global()

    Bool Local2Global ( Int32 x,
    Int32 y 

    Transforms local coordinates (relative to the top left corner of the user area) to global window coordinates (relative to the top left corner of the application window). Stores the result in *x and *y.

    [in,out]xThe local X coordinate. Assigned the global window coordinate.
    [in,out]yThe local Y coordinate. Assigned the global window coordinate.
    true if the coordinates were converted, otherwise false.

    ◆ Global2Local()

    Bool Global2Local ( Int32 x,
    Int32 y 

    Transforms global window coordinates (relative to the top left corner of the application window) to local coordinates (relative to the top left corner of the user area). Stores the result in *x and *y.

    [in,out]xThe global window X coordinate. Assigned the local coordinate.
    [in,out]yThe global window Y coordinate. Assigned the local coordinate.
    true if the coordinates were converted, otherwise false.

    ◆ Screen2Local()

    Bool Screen2Local ( Int32 x,
    Int32 y 

    Transforms screen coordinates (relative to the top left corner of the system screen) to local coordinates (relative to the top left corner of the user area). Stores the result in *x and *y.

    [in,out]xThe screen X coordinate. Assigned the local coordinate.
    [in,out]yThe screen Y coordinate. Assigned the local coordinate.
    true if the coordinates were converted, otherwise false.

    ◆ Local2Screen()

    Bool Local2Screen ( Int32 x,
    Int32 y 

    Transforms local coordinates (relative to the top left corner of the user area) to screen coordinates (relative to the top left corner of the system screen). Stores the result in *x and *y.

    [in,out]xThe local X coordinate. Assigned the screen coordinate.
    [in,out]yThe local Y coordinate. Assigned the screen coordinate.
    true if the coordinates were converted, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetColorRGB()

    Bool GetColorRGB ( Int32  colorid,
    Int32 r,
    Int32 g,
    Int32 b 

    Gets the RGB values associated with a color constant.

    [in]coloridA color constant: COLOR
    [out]rAssigned the red component of the color.
    [out]gAssigned the green component of the color.
    [out]bAssigned the blue component of the color.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetDefaultColor() [1/2]

    void SetDefaultColor ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Int32  colorid,
    Int32  mapid 

    Sets the default color for GUI elements.

    [in]idThe control ID to set the color for.
    [in]coloridA color constant: COLOR
    [in]mapidThe color map ID.

    ◆ SetDefaultColor() [2/2]

    void SetDefaultColor ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Int32  colorid,
    const Vector color 

    Sets the default color for GUI elements.

    [in]idThe control ID to set the color for.
    [in]coloridA color constant: COLOR
    [in]colorThe color to set.

    ◆ LoadDialogResource()

    Bool LoadDialogResource ( Int32  id,
    GeResource lr,
    Int32  flags 

    Loads an external resource file.
    This is the preferred method for dialog layout since it gives maximum flexibility and easy multi language support.

    The dialog loaded is automatically surrounded by an additional outer group, so flags means the same as with dialog groups (e.g. BFV_CENTER). See Dialog Resource for more information.
    [in]idThe dialog ID.
    [in]lrThe loaded resource or nullptr. If this is nullptr then the global ::resource singleton is used. The caller owns the pointed resource.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    true if the dialog was loaded successfully, otherwise false.

    ◆ AddCheckbox()

    C4DGadget* AddCheckbox ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw,
    Int32  inith,
    const maxon::String name 

    Adds a checkbox to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]nameThe name of the checkbox.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddButton()

    C4DGadget* AddButton ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw,
    Int32  inith,
    const maxon::String name,
    Int32  buttonStyle = DR_BUTTON_STYLE_NORMAL 

    Adds a button to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]nameThe name of the button.
    [in]buttonStyleThe style of the button: DR_BUTTON_STYLE
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddStaticText()

    C4DGadget* AddStaticText ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw,
    Int32  inith,
    const maxon::String name,
    Int32  borderstyle 

    Adds a static text to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]nameThe name of the static text.
    [in]borderstyleThe border style: BORDER
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddArrowButton()

    C4DGadget* AddArrowButton ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw,
    Int32  inith,
    Int32  arrowtype 

    Adds an arrow button to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]arrowtypeThe arrow type: ARROW
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddEditText()

    C4DGadget* AddEditText ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0,
    Int32  editflags = 0 

    Adds an editable text field to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]editflagsThe edit flags: EDITTEXT
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddMultiLineEditText()

    C4DGadget* AddMultiLineEditText ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0,
    Int32  style = 0 

    Adds an editable text field with multiple lines to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]styleThe style flags: DR_MULTILINE
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddEditNumber()

    C4DGadget* AddEditNumber ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 80,
    Int32  inith = 0 

    Adds an editable number field to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddEditNumberArrows()

    C4DGadget* AddEditNumberArrows ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 70,
    Int32  inith = 0 

    Adds an editable number field with up/down arrows to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddEditSlider()

    C4DGadget* AddEditSlider ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 80,
    Int32  inith = 0 

    Adds a slider with an editable number field to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddSlider()

    C4DGadget* AddSlider ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 90,
    Int32  inith = 0 

    Adds a slider to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddColorField()

    C4DGadget* AddColorField ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0,
    Int32  colorflags = 0 

    Adds a simple color field without sliders to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]colorflagsThe color flags: DR_COLORFIELD
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddColorChooser()

    C4DGadget* AddColorChooser ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0,
    Int32  layoutflags = 0,
    const BaseContainer settings = BaseContainer() 

    Adds a color chooser gadget to the layout.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]layoutflagsThe color flags: DR_COLORFIELD
    [in]settings@markPrivate{The color chooser settings.} Since R17
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddRadioButton()

    C4DGadget* AddRadioButton ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw,
    Int32  inith,
    const maxon::String name 

    Adds a radio button to the layout. Used with radio groups created with AddRadioGroup().

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]nameThe name of the radio button.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddRadioText()

    C4DGadget* AddRadioText ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw,
    Int32  inith,
    const maxon::String name 

    Adds a text radio button to the layout (like the ones to the left in the Material Editor). Used with radio groups created with AddRadioGroup().

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]nameThe name of the text radio button.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddEditShortcut()

    C4DGadget* AddEditShortcut ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0,
    Int32  shortcutflags = 0 

    Adds a field for editing shortcuts.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]shortcutflagsThe shortcut flags.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddSeparatorH()

    C4DGadget* AddSeparatorH ( Int32  initw,
    Int32  flags = BFH_FIT 

    Adds a horizontal separator to the layout.

    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddSeparatorV()

    C4DGadget* AddSeparatorV ( Int32  inith,
    Int32  flags = BFV_FIT 

    Adds a vertical separator to the layout.

    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddRadioGroup()

    Bool AddRadioGroup ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  columns = 1,
    Int32  rows = 0 

    Adds a radio group to the layout. To add items to the radio button group use the AddChild() function.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]columnsThe number of columns, or 0 if rows is used.
    [in]rowsThe number of rows, or 0 if columns is used.
    true if the radio group was added, otherwise false.

    ◆ AddComboBox()

    C4DGadget* AddComboBox ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0,
    Bool  specialalign = false,
    Bool  allowFiltering = false 

    Adds a combo box to the layout. To add items to the combo box menu use the AddChild() function.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]specialalignUsed to quantize the width of the combo box.
    If this is true then the width of the combo box will be a multiple of initw.
    For example if initw is 60px and specialalign is true the width will be 60, 120, 180px and so on.
    [in]allowFilteringTrue to allow keyboard filtering of the combobox list.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddComboButton()

    C4DGadget* AddComboButton ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0,
    Bool  specialalign = false,
    Bool  allowFiltering = false 

    Adds a combo button to the layout. To add items to the combo box menu use the AddChild() function.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]specialalignUsed to quantize the width of the item.
    If this is true then the width of the item will be a multiple of initw.
    For example if initw is 60px and specialalign is true the width will be 60, 120, 180px and so on.
    [in]allowFilteringTrue to allow keyboard filtering of the popup list.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddPopupButton()

    C4DGadget* AddPopupButton ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0,
    Bool  allowFiltering = false 

    Adds a popup button to the layout. To add items to the popup menu use the AddChild() function or SetPopup().

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]allowFilteringTrue to allow keyboard filtering of the popup list.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AddListView()

    Bool AddListView ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0 

    Adds a list view to the layout.

    Use the SimpleListView class to wrap the created list view control.
    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    true if the list view was added, otherwise false.

    ◆ AddChild()

    Bool AddChild ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Int32  subid,
    const maxon::String child 

    Adds items to combo boxes or popup buttons. The dialog resource equivalent is CHILDS.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]subidThe ID of the item to add.
    [in]childThe name of the item to add.
    true if the child was added, otherwise false.

    ◆ FreeChildren()

    Bool FreeChildren ( const GadgetPtr id)

    Clears the item list of combo boxes and popup buttons.

    Please note the spelling!
    [in]idThe control ID.
    true if the children were removed, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetPopup()

    Bool SetPopup ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc 

    Sets the item list of a popup button using a popup menu base container.
    This allow things like sub-menus and separators. See ShowPopupMenu() for more information.

    [in]idThe popup button ID.
    [in]bcA base container with menu items.
    true if the popup menu was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ AddChildren()

    Bool AddChildren ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer bc 

    Adds children to a dialog element using a base container.

    [in]idThe element to add children to.
    [in]bcA base container with items.
    true if the children were added, otherwise false.

    ◆ AddUserArea()

    C4DGadget* AddUserArea ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0 

    Adds a user area to the layout. Use AttachUserArea() to assign a GeUserArea object to the user area control.

    [in]idThe user area ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    The added gadget, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed gadget.

    ◆ AttachUserArea()

    Bool AttachUserArea ( GeUserArea ua,
    const GadgetPtr id,

    Attaches a GeUserArea object to a user area control, added with AddUserArea().
    The object will handle all messages to the user area and is responsible for painting the user area.

    A good practice is to place the GeUserArea derived object as a member of the GeDialog derived class.
    [in]uaA user area object to attach.
    [in]idThe user area ID.
    [in]userareaflagsThe user area flags: USERAREAFLAGS
    true if the user area was attached, otherwise false.

    ◆ AddSubDialog()

    Bool AddSubDialog ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0 

    Adds a sub-dialog to the layout. Use AttachSubDialog() to assign a SubDialog object to the sub-dialog control.

    See also
    [in]idThe sub-dialog ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]initwThe initial width. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    [in]inithThe initial height. Use SizePixChr() to set this value.
    true if the sub dialog was added, otherwise false.

    ◆ AttachSubDialog()

    Bool AttachSubDialog ( SubDialog userdlg,
    Int32  id 

    Attaches a SubDialog derived object to a SubDialog control, added with AddSubDialog().
    To replace the sub-dialog with another one, just call this function again.

    [in]userdlgThe sub-dialog object. The caller owns the pointed sub-dialog.
    [in]idThe sub-dialog ID.
    true if the sub-dialog was attached, otherwise false.

    ◆ AddDlgGroup()

    Bool AddDlgGroup ( Int32  type)

    Adds a dialog group with standard buttons to the layout.

    [in]typeThe standard buttons to add: DLG
    true if the dialog group was added, otherwise false.

    ◆ GroupBeginInMenuLine()

    Bool GroupBeginInMenuLine ( )

    Begins a group in the menu bar of the dialog. End the group with GroupEnd().

    true if a group in the menu bar could be begun, otherwise false.

    ◆ TabGroupBegin()

    Bool TabGroupBegin ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  tabtype = TAB_TABS 

    Begins a tab group. Add tabs to the tab group with GroupBegin(). End the tab group with GroupEnd().

    [in]idThe ID of the tab group.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]tabtypeThe tab type: TAB
    true if a tab group could be begun, otherwise false.

    ◆ GroupBegin()

    Bool GroupBegin ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  cols,
    Int32  rows,
    const maxon::String title,
    Int32  groupflags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0 

    Begins a group. End the group with GroupEnd().

    GroupSpace(), GroupBorder(), GroupBorderNoTitle() and GroupBorderSpace() to further specify the look of the group.
    [in]idThe ID of the group.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]colsThe number of columns, or 0 if rows are used.
    [in]rowsThe number of rows, or 0 if cols are used.
    [in]titleThe title of the the group. Used for tab groups and groups with border.
    [in]groupflagsThe group flags: BFV_GROUP
    [in]initwThe initial width.
    [in]inithThe initial height.
    true if a group could be begun, otherwise false.

    ◆ GroupEnd()

    Bool GroupEnd ( )

    Ends groups begun with GroupBegin(), TabGroupBegin() and ScrollGroupBegin().

    true if a group was ended, otherwise false.

    ◆ GroupSpace()

    Bool GroupSpace ( Int32  spacex,
    Int32  spacey 

    Sets the space in pixels between two elements in the current group. Equivalent to SPACE in dialog resources.

    [in]spacexThe X distance.
    [in]spaceyThe Y distance.
    true if the spacing could be set, otherwise false.

    ◆ GroupBorder()

    Bool GroupBorder ( UInt32  borderstyle)

    Sets the border type of the current group, and displays the title in the border if possible.
    Equivalent to BORDERSTYLE in dialog resources, if a NAME field is provided with the GROUP declaration.

    Use GroupBorderNoTitle() to not have a title. Otherwise there will be a small gap in the border where the title would be.
    [in]borderstyleThe border style: BORDER
    true if the border was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ GroupBorderNoTitle()

    Bool GroupBorderNoTitle ( UInt32  borderstyle)

    Sets the border type of the current group. Does not display the title in the border.
    Equivalent to BORDERSTYLE in dialog resources, if a NAME field is not provided with the GROUP declaration.

    [in]borderstyleThe border style: BORDER
    true if the border was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ GroupBorderSpace()

    Bool GroupBorderSpace ( Int32  left,
    Int32  top,
    Int32  right,
    Int32  bottom 

    Sets the border size around the current group in pixels. Equivalent to BORDERSIZE in dialog resources.

    [in]leftThe distance to the left of the group.
    [in]topThe distance above the group.
    [in]rightThe distance to the right of the group.
    [in]bottomThe distance below the group.
    true if the border space could be set, otherwise false.

    ◆ GroupWeightsSave()

    Bool GroupWeightsSave ( const GadgetPtr id,
    BaseContainer weights 

    Retrieves group weights for group id.

    [in]idThe ID of the group.
    [out]weightsFilled with the weights: GROUPWEIGHTS_PERCENT
    true if the group weights could be retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GroupWeightsLoad()

    Bool GroupWeightsLoad ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer weights 

    Sets group weights for group id.
    The group weights are usually absolute values. If an element has a bigger minimum size the given weight will be ignored. The sum of the weights do not need to be 100.

    A weight value can be negative. In this case the group keeps its size absolute and it is not resized proportionally.
    [in]idThe ID of the group.
    [in]weightsThe weights to set: GROUPWEIGHTS_PERCENT
    true if the group weights could be set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetGroupBackgroundColor() [1/2]

    Bool SetGroupBackgroundColor ( Int32  colorId)

    Private. Allows to customize the current group background color.
    If flag BFV_GRIDGROUP_ROUNDED_BACKGROUND is used, this is the group outer color. To customize the group inner color use GeDialog::SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor().

    Must be called right after creating the group with GeDialog::GroupBegin() and before adding any child to the group.
    [in]colorIdA constant color ID.
    See also
    true if the group color could be set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetGroupBackgroundColor() [2/2]

    Bool SetGroupBackgroundColor ( Int32  r,
    Int32  g,
    Int32  b 

    Private. Allows to customize the current group background color.
    If flag BFV_GRIDGROUP_ROUNDED_BACKGROUND is used, this is the group outer color. To customize the group inner color use GeDialog::SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor().

    Must be called right after creating the group with GeDialog::GroupBegin() and before adding any child to the group.
    [in]rColor red component in [0, 255] range.
    [in]gColor green component in [0, 255] range.
    [in]bColor blue component in [0, 255] range.
    true if the group color could be set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor() [1/2]

    Bool SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor ( Int32  colorId)

    Private. Allows to customize the current inner group background color when flag BFV_GRIDGROUP_ROUNDED_BACKGROUND is set.
    To customize the group outer color use GeDialog::SetGroupBackgroundColor().

    Must be called right after creating the group with GeDialog::GroupBegin() and before adding any child to the group.
    [in]colorIdA constant color ID.
    See also
    true if the group inner color could be set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor() [2/2]

    Bool SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor ( Int32  r,
    Int32  g,
    Int32  b 

    Private. Allows to customize the current inner group background color when flag BFV_GRIDGROUP_ROUNDED_BACKGROUND is set.
    To customize the group outer color use GeDialog::SetGroupBackgroundColor().

    Must be called right after creating the group with GeDialog::GroupBegin() and before adding any child to the group.
    [in]rColor red component in [0, 255] range.
    [in]gColor green component in [0, 255] range.
    [in]bColor blue component in [0, 255] range.
    true if the group inner color could be set, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetItemDim()

    Bool GetItemDim ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Int32 x,
    Int32 y,
    Int32 w,
    Int32 h 
    ) const

    Queries a dialog control for its current size and position in pixels.

    [in]idThe control ID. Use C4DGUIWINDOWID to get the pos/size of the window.
    [out]xAssigned the X coordinate of the upper left corner of the control.
    [out]yAssigned the Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the control.
    [out]wAssigned the width of the control.
    [out]hAssigned the height of the control.
    true if the item size and position were stored, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetDragPosition()

    Bool GetDragPosition ( const BaseContainer msg,
    Int32 x,
    Int32 y 

    Extracts local drag coordinates from a drag and drop event. Stores the result in *x and *y.

    See also
    The article Drag and Drop for more information.
    [in]msgThe original message.
    [out]xAssigned the local X position.
    [out]yAssigned the local Y position.
    true if the drag position was extracted, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetDragObject()

    Bool GetDragObject ( const BaseContainer msg,
    Int32 type,
    void **  object 

    Extracts the object from a drag and drop message. Stores the result in *type and *object.

    See also
    The article Drag and Drop for more information.
    [in]msgThe original message.
    [out]typeAssigned the type of the object.
    [out]objectAssigned a pointer to the object. Cinema 4D owns the pointed object.
    true if the drag object was extracted, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetDragDestination()

    Bool SetDragDestination ( Int32  cursor,
    Int32  gadgetid = 0 

    Sets the correct cursor during drag and drop handling.

    See also
    The article Drag and Drop for more information.
    [in]cursorA mouse cursor: MOUSE
    [in]gadgetidThe dialog element that this cursor is for, or 0.
    true if the cursor could be set, otherwise false.

    ◆ CheckDropArea()

    Bool CheckDropArea ( const GadgetPtr id,
    const BaseContainer msg,
    Bool  horiz,
    Bool  vert 

    Checks the drag position in a drag event message against a certain dialog element's position in the layout. The check can be limited to only X or Y coordinates.

    See also
    The article Drag and Drop for more information.
    [in]idThe dialog element ID.
    [in]msgThe drag message.
    [in]horizIf true the drag position is checked against the horizontal bounds of the region.
    [in]vertIf true the drag position is checked against the vertical bounds of the region.
    true if the drag message is within the bounds specified, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetVisibleArea()

    Bool GetVisibleArea ( Int32  scrollgroupid,
    Int32 x1,
    Int32 y1,
    Int32 x2,
    Int32 y2 

    Queries a scroll group for its currently visible region, a rectangle between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).

    [in]scrollgroupidThe scroll group ID.
    [out]x1Assigned the X coordinate of the top left visible corner.
    [out]y1Assigned the Y coordinate of the top left visible corner.
    [out]x2Assigned the X coordinate of the bottom right visible corner.
    [out]y2Assigned the Y coordinate of the bottom right visible corner.
    true if the visible area could be retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetVisibleArea()

    Bool SetVisibleArea ( Int32  scrollgroupid,
    Int32  x1,
    Int32  y1,
    Int32  x2,
    Int32  y2 

    Scrolls a scroll group so that the rectangle between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) is visible.

    • If the area is smaller than the scroll group then it is moved only as much as necessary.
    • If the area is bigger than the scroll group then the top left corners are aligned.
      [in]scrollgroupidThe scroll group ID.
      [in]x1The X coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle.
      [in]y1The Y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle.
      [in]x2The X coordinate of the bottom right corner of the rectangle.
      [in]y2The Y coordinate of the bottom right corner of the rectangle.
      true if the group was scrolled or already had the right view, otherwise false.

    ◆ ScrollGroupBegin()

    Bool ScrollGroupBegin ( Int32  id,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  scrollflags,
    Int32  initw = 0,
    Int32  inith = 0 

    Begins a scrollable group. End the scroll group with GroupEnd().
    Use SetVisibleArea() and GetVisibleArea() to control the currently visible area.

    [in]idThe scroll group ID.
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]scrollflagsAdditional flags for the scroll group: SCROLLGROUP
    [in]initwThe initial width of the scroll area.
    [in]inithThe initial height of the scroll area.
    true if a scroll group could be begun, otherwise false.

    ◆ LayoutChanged()

    Bool LayoutChanged ( const GadgetPtr id)

    Notifies Cinema 4D that the layout of a dynamic group in the dialog has changed.
    This is usually done by first calling LayoutFlushGroup() and then adding new controls.

    [in]idThe ID of the changed group.
    true if the layout was updated, otherwise false.

    ◆ LayoutChangedNoRedraw()

    Bool LayoutChangedNoRedraw ( const GadgetPtr id)

    Notifies Cinema 4D that the layout of a dynamic group in the dialog has changed.
    This is usually done by first calling LayoutFlushGroup() and then adding new controls.

    Does not redraw the dialog.
    [in]idThe ID of the changed group.
    true if the layout was updated, otherwise false.

    ◆ Activate()

    Bool Activate ( const GadgetPtr id)

    Sets the focus to a specific control within the dialog.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    true if the control was activated, otherwise false.

    ◆ IsActive()

    Bool IsActive ( const GadgetPtr id)

    Checks if the given gadget has the focus.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    true if the control is active, otherwise false.

    ◆ BeginLayoutChange()

    UpdateDialogHelper BeginLayoutChange ( const GadgetPtr gadget,
    Bool  disableRedraws,
    Bool  doNotFlush = false 

    BeginLayoutChange simplifies the call of the combinations of LayoutFlushGroup()/LayoutChanged().

    [in]gadgetGadget to flush and re-layout.
    [in]disableRedrawsTrue if all redraws should be disabled while the result object lives and result.CommitChanges() wasn't called.
    [in]doNotFlushIf true, existing elements persist and new elements are added at the end.
    UpdateDialogRef on success. The returned object needs to be stored. Calling CommitChanges() will update the dialog group again and if redraw were disabled it will re-enable the redraw.

    ◆ LayoutFlushGroup()

    Bool LayoutFlushGroup ( const GadgetPtr id)

    Removes all controls from a group and places the control insertion point within the group. This makes it possible to have dynamic groups.
    After all components are added call LayoutChanged() with the group ID.

    [in]idThe ID of the group.
    true if the group was flushed, otherwise false.

    ◆ LayoutFlushDisableRedraw()

    Bool LayoutFlushDisableRedraw ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Bool  disable 

    LayoutFlushDisableRedraw description. Warning. For each calls of LayoutFlushDisableRedraw(true) you must call LayoutFlushDisableRedraw(false)!

    [in]idThe ID of the group.
    [in]disableTrue to disable redraw. Don't forget to enable it. Best use a finally{} to enable it again.
    true if the group was disabled/enabled for redraw, otherwise false.

    ◆ RemoveElement()

    Bool RemoveElement ( const GadgetPtr id)

    Removes an element from the dialog.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    true if the element was removed, otherwise false.

    ◆ HideElement()

    Bool HideElement ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Bool  hide 

    Hides/unhides an element within a dialog.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]hidetrue to hide and false to unhide.
    true if the element was hidden/unhidden, otherwise false.

    ◆ ForceAllowMouseWheel()

    void ForceAllowMouseWheel ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Bool  force 

    By default elements must be on focus in order to receive mouse wheel events. This is to avoid to interfere with page scrolling. This function allows to circumvent this constraint in order to receive mouse wheel events always, even if element is not on focus.

    Use with caution and only when really needed (e.g. document and layout tabs above of Cinema 4D layout).
    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]forcetrue to force receive mouse wheel events always. false to use the default behavior, i.e. mouse wheel events are only received when element is focused.

    ◆ RestoreLayout()

    Bool RestoreLayout ( Int32  pluginid,
    Int32  subid,
    void *  secret 

    Used to restore an asynchronous dialog that has been placed in the users layout.

    Called from CommandData::RestoreLayout() where the secret pointer is provided.
    [in]pluginidThe plugin ID of the command plugin.
    [in]subidThe sub-ID of the dialog.
    [in]secretAn internal pointer.
    true if the dialog was restored, otherwise false.

    ◆ MenuFlushAll()

    Bool MenuFlushAll ( )

    Flushes the menu bar of the dialog, removing all menus.
    Add menus with MenuSubBegin(). Call MenuFinished() when all menus and items have been added.

    true if the menu bar was flushed, otherwise false.

    ◆ MenuSubBegin()

    Bool MenuSubBegin ( const maxon::String string)

    Creates a new menu group. At the top level this means a menu, at lower levels a sub-menu. Add items with MenuAddCommand(), MenuAddString() or MenuAddSeparator(). Call MenuSubEnd() when the menu is finished.

    [in]stringThe name of the sub menu.
    true if a menu group could be begun, otherwise false.

    ◆ MenuSubEnd()

    Bool MenuSubEnd ( )

    Closes the current menu group, opened with MenuSubBegin().

    true if a menu group was ended, otherwise false.

    ◆ MenuAddCommand()

    Bool MenuAddCommand ( Int32  cmdid)

    Adds a command item to the current menu.
    This can either be a Cinema 4D command or a plugin command. Particularly useful is IDM_CM_CLOSEWINDOW to add a close item for dialogs.

    [in]cmdidA Cinema 4D command id or a plugin ID.
    true if the command was added, otherwise false.

    ◆ MenuAddString()

    Bool MenuAddString ( Int32  id,
    const maxon::String string 

    Adds a string item to the current menu. Command() will be called when the menu item is selected.

    [in]idThe item ID.
    [in]stringThe item text. Use a  d  suffix for disabled and a  c  suffix for checked items.
    true if a string item was added, otherwise false.

    ◆ MenuAddSeparator()

    Bool MenuAddSeparator ( const maxon::String title = maxon::String())

    Adds a separator to the current menu.

    [in]titleOptional separator title.
    true if a separator was added, otherwise false.

    ◆ MenuFinished()

    Bool MenuFinished ( )

    Call this function when all menus and all items have been added.

    true if the menu bar was updated, otherwise false.

    ◆ MenuInitString()

    Bool MenuInitString ( Int32  id,
    Bool  enabled,
    Bool  checked 

    Used to change the enabled/disabled and checked/unchecked state of menu items.

    Can be called after MenuFinished() to update the menu item dynamically.
    [in]idThe menu item ID.
    [in]enabledtrue if the menu item is enabled or false if the menu item is disabled (grayed out).
    [in]checkedtrue if the menu item should be checked, otherwise false.
    true if a string item was updated, otherwise false.

    ◆ MenuSetResource()

    Bool MenuSetResource ( Int32  id)

    Sets the menu from a MENU resource ID.

    [in]idThe menu resource ID.
    true if the menu was set from resource, otherwise false.

    ◆ FindCustomGui() [1/2]

    void* FindCustomGui ( Int32  id,
    Int32  pluginid 

    Gets the custom GUI for a certain element ID. The GUI object must have been previously added with AddCustomGui().

    [in]idThe custom GUI element ID.
    [in]pluginidThe plugin ID of the custom GUI.
    The custom GUI. The dialog owns the pointed custom GUI.

    ◆ FindCustomGui() [2/2]

    T* FindCustomGui ( Int32  id)

    Gets the custom GUI for a certain element ID. The GUI object must have been previously added with AddCustomGui().

    [in]idThe custom GUI element ID.
    The custom GUI. The dialog owns the pointed custom GUI.

    ◆ AddCustomGui() [1/2]

    void* AddCustomGui ( Int32  id,
    Int32  pluginid,
    const maxon::String name,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  minw,
    Int32  minh,
    const BaseContainer customdata 

    Adds a custom GUI element to the dialog.

    [in]idThe dialog element ID of the new custom GUI.
    [in]pluginidThe plugin ID of the custom GUI.
    [in]nameThe name of the added custom GUI. (Not necessarily used.)
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]minwThe minimum width.
    [in]minhThe minimum height.
    [in]customdataThe settings for the new custom GUI.
    The custom GUI element that was added, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed custom GUI.

    ◆ AddCustomGui() [2/2]

    T* AddCustomGui ( Int32  id,
    const maxon::String name,
    Int32  flags,
    Int32  minw,
    Int32  minh,
    const BaseContainer customdata 

    Adds a custom GUI element to the dialog.

    [in]idThe dialog element ID of the new custom GUI.
    [in]nameThe name of the added custom GUI. (Not necessarily used.)
    [in]flagsThe layout flags: BFH BFV
    [in]minwThe minimum width.
    [in]minhThe minimum height.
    [in]customdataThe settings for the new custom GUI.
    The custom GUI element that was added, or nullptr if an error occurred. The dialog owns the pointed custom GUI.

    ◆ SetMultiLineMode()

    Bool SetMultiLineMode ( const GadgetPtr id,
    SCRIPTMODE  mode 

    Sets the edit mode for multi-line edit fields.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]modeThe multi-line edit mode: SCRIPTMODE
    true if the multi-line mode was set, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetMultiLineLock()

    Bool SetMultiLineLock ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Bool  lock 

    Locks/unlocks multi-line edit fields.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]locktrue to lock the field, formatConstant{false} to unlock it.
    true if the multi-line edit field was locked/unlocked, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetMultiLinePos()

    Bool SetMultiLinePos ( const GadgetPtr id,
    Int32  line,
    Int32  pos 

    Sets the cursor position within a multi-line edit text control.

    [in]idThe control ID.
    [in]lineThe line number.
    [in]posThe position within the line.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ CheckClose()

    Bool CheckClose ( )

    Checks if the dialog can be closed. Normally checks the value ranges and calls AskClose().

    true if the dialog should not be closed, otherwise false.

    ◆ CheckValueRanges()

    Bool CheckValueRanges ( )

    Checks whether all input fields' values are within the allowed range.

    true if everything is alright, or false if any field is wrong.

    ◆ GetPixelRatio()

    Float GetPixelRatio ( ) const

    Private. Always returns 1.0 except for user areas shown on OS X Retina displays, where it returns 2.0.

    Always 1.0 except for user areas shown on OS X Retina displays.

    ◆ ReleaseLink()

    Bool ReleaseLink ( )


    ◆ OpenPopUpMenu()

    Bool OpenPopUpMenu ( Int32  menuid,
    Int32  localx = -1,
    Int32  localy = -1,
    Int32  watchhotkey = 0 


    ◆ CheckCoreMessage()

    Bool CheckCoreMessage ( const BaseContainer msg,
    Int32 ownlastcoremsg = nullptr 

    Speedup function that checks if a core message is new or has been already processed.

    See also
    The article Core Messages for more information.
    [in]msgThe core message.
    [in]ownlastcoremsgAn optional pointer to a last core message.
    true if the message is new, false if it is a message of the same age.

    ◆ HandleHelpString()

    static void HandleHelpString ( const BaseContainer msg,
    BaseContainer result,
    const maxon::String sym 


    ◆ GetWindowHandle()

    void* GetWindowHandle ( )

    Gets the handle of the dialog window (HWND). Private.

    The window handle.

    ◆ GetWindowInterface()

    void* GetWindowInterface ( )


    ◆ GetGuiInterface()

    static void* GetGuiInterface ( )


    ◆ GetFolding()

    Bool GetFolding ( )

    Retrieve if the dialog is open but currently folded away in the layout.

    True if folded.

    ◆ SetFolding()

    void SetFolding ( Bool  allowClose)

    Fold the dialog away in the layout.

    [in]allowCloseTrue if the dialog should fold away.

    ◆ IsDockedOrTabbed()

    Int32 IsDockedOrTabbed ( )

    Returns the docking state of the dialog.

    Bit mask of DIALOG_ISDOCKED and DIALOG_ISTABBED. 0 if the dialog is a individual window.

    Friends And Related Function Documentation

    ◆ GeUserArea

    friend class GeUserArea

    ◆ _GeListView

    friend class _GeListView

    Member Data Documentation

    ◆ cd

    CDialog* cd

    ◆ t_lastcoremsg

    Int32 t_lastcoremsg

    ◆ _folding

    Bool _folding

    ◆ createlayout

    Bool createlayout

    true if the layout has been created, otherwise false. Normally not needed.