Open Search
    c4d_general.h File Reference


    class  ParserCache
    class  Parser
    struct  SerialInfo
    class  Registry
    class  LassoSelection
    class  DebugTimer


    #define UNIT_NONE
    #define UNIT_KM
    #define UNIT_M
    #define UNIT_CM
    #define UNIT_MM
    #define UNIT_UM
    #define UNIT_NM
    #define UNIT_MILE
    #define UNIT_YARD
    #define UNIT_FEET
    #define UNIT_INCH
    #define ANGLE_DEG
    #define ANGLE_RAD
    #define COREMSG_CINEMA
    #define DRAWPORT_SUPPORT_OSX_10_7


    typedef maxon::Tuple< maxon::Url, BoolTexturePathTuple
    typedef maxon::BaseArray< TexturePathTupleTexturePathList


      CURRENT ,


    maxon::String GeGetUserName ()
    VERSIONTYPE GeGetVersionType ()
    maxon::Result< void > GetGeneralLicensingInformation (maxon::String &productId, maxon::String &systemId, maxon::String &userId, maxon::String &licenseId, maxon::String &userName)
    maxon::Result< maxon::StringExportLicenses ()
    maxon::Result< void > AddLicenseItem (const maxon::InternedId &licenseItemId, Float versionNumber, Bool checkOnly, maxon::CustomLicenseItemDelegate &&licenseUpdateCallback)
    maxon::Bool CheckLicenseFeature (const maxon::InternedId &featureId)
    Bool HasFullFeatureSet ()
    Bool IsNet ()
    Bool IsServer ()
    Bool IsClient ()
    void GeShowMouse (Int32 v)
    Bool GeGetScreenDimensions (Int32 x, Int32 y, Bool whole_screen, Int32 *sx1, Int32 *sy1, Int32 *sx2, Int32 *sy2)
    Int32 GeGetTimer ()
    Float64 GeGetMilliSeconds ()
    String GeGetLineEnd ()
    Int32 GeGetDefaultFPS ()
    UInt32 GeGetCinemaInfo (CINEMAINFO info)
    GEMB_R GeOutString (const maxon::String &str, GEMB flags)
    BYTEORDER GeGetByteOrder ()
    void GeGetGray (Int32 *r, Int32 *g, Int32 *b)
    Bool GeChooseColor (Vector *col, Int32 flags)
    Bool GeChooseColorAlpha (maxon::ColorA *col, Int32 flags)
    Bool GeOpenHTML (const maxon::String &webaddress)
    Bool GeChooseFont (BaseContainer *bc)
    void GeGetGuiFont (maxon::OSFontDefinition &out)
    void GeGetMonoFont (maxon::OSFontDefinition &out)
    Bool GeRegisterPlugin (PLUGINTYPE type, Int32 id, const maxon::String &str, void *data, Int32 datasize)
    void GePrint (const maxon::String &str)
    void GeConsoleOut (const maxon::String &str)
    Bool GeGetMovieInfo (const Filename &fn, Int32 *frames, Float *fps)
    Bool RenameDialog (String *str)
    Int32 GetC4DVersion ()
    String GeGetDegreeChar ()
    String GeGetPercentChar ()
    void SetMousePointer (Int32 l)
    Bool ShowBitmap (const Filename &fn)
    Bool ShowBitmap (BaseBitmap *bm)
    void StopAllThreads ()
    void StopDrawViewsThread ()
    Bool ShutdownThreads (Bool shutdown)
    void SpecialEventAdd (Int32 messageid, UInt p1=0, UInt p2=0)
    void EventAdd (EVENT eventflag=EVENT::NONE)
    Bool GeSyncMessage (Int32 messageid, Int32 destid=0, UInt p1=0, UInt p2=0)
    Bool DrawViews (DRAWFLAGS flags, BaseDraw *bd=nullptr)
    Bool SendModelingCommand (Int32 command, ModelingCommandData &data)
    maxon::Result< TexturePathListGetGlobalTexturePaths (const Filename *docPath)
    maxon::Result< void > SetGlobalTexturePaths (const TexturePathList &paths)
    Bool GenerateTexturePath (const Filename &docpath, const Filename &srcname, const Filename &suggestedfolder, Filename *dstname, NetRenderService *service=nullptr, BaseThread *bt=nullptr)
    Bool IsInSearchPath (const Filename &texfilename, const Filename &docpath)
    void FlushTexture (const Filename &docpath, const maxon::String &name, const Filename &suggestedfolder)
    void FlushUnusedTextures ()
    BaseContainer GetWorldContainer ()
    BaseContainerGetWorldContainerInstance ()
    void GetAdditionalWorldContainerData (BaseContainer &bc)
    maxon::Result< maxon::BaseArray< maxon::Url > > GetRecentDocumentsList (Bool isBodyPaint)
    maxon::Id GetActiveNodeSpaceId ()
    void SaveWorldPreferences ()
    void SetWorldContainer (const BaseContainer &bc)
    Vector GetViewColor (Int32 colid, Vector *defaultColor=nullptr)
    void SetViewColor (Int32 colid, const Vector &col)
    void ErrorStringDialog (CHECKVALUERANGE type, Float x, Float y, CHECKVALUEFORMAT is)
    Bool ReadPluginInfo (Int32 pluginid, void *buffer, Int32 size)
    Bool WritePluginInfo (Int32 pluginid, void *buffer, Int32 size)
    Bool ReadRegInfo (Int32 pluginid, void *buffer, Int32 size)
    Bool WriteRegInfo (Int32 pluginid, void *buffer, Int32 size)
    BaseContainerGetWorldPluginData (Int32 id)
    Bool SetWorldPluginData (Int32 id, const BaseContainer &bc, Bool add=true)
    BaseContainerGetToolPluginData (BaseDocument *doc, Int32 id)
    Bool GeIsActiveToolEnabled ()
    ToolPluginGetActiveTool ()
    Bool GeGetLanguage (Int32 index, maxon::String *extension, maxon::String *name, Bool *default_language)
    Filename GeFilterSetSuffix (const Filename &name, Int32 id)
    IDENTIFYFILE GeIdentifyFile (const Filename &name, UChar *probe, Int32 probesize, IDENTIFYFILE recognition, BasePlugin **bp)
    GeListHeadGetScriptHead (Int32 type)
    Int32 GetDynamicScriptID (BaseList2D *bl)
    void SetActiveScriptObject (Int32 type)
    BaseList2DCreateNewPythonScript (String &name, const String &body)
    BaseList2DLoadPythonScript (const Filename &fn)
    Bool GetCommandLineArgs (C4DPL_CommandLineArgs &args)
    String GetObjectName (Int32 type)
    String GetTagName (Int32 type)
    Int32 GetObjectType (const maxon::String &name)
    Int32 GetTagType (const maxon::String &name)
    Bool GeRegistryAdd (Int32 sub_id, REGISTRYTYPE main_id, void *data)
    Bool GeRegistryRemove (Int32 sub_id, REGISTRYTYPE main_id)
    RegistryGeRegistryFind (Int32 sub_id, REGISTRYTYPE main_id)
    RegistryGeRegistryGetLast (REGISTRYTYPE main_id)
    RegistryGeRegistryGetFirst (REGISTRYTYPE main_id)
    Bool GeRegistryGetAutoID (Int32 *id)
    Bool GePluginMessage (Int32 id, void *data)
    Bool CheckIsRunning (CHECKISRUNNING type)
    String GeGetDefaultFilename (Int32 id)
    void FindInManager (BaseList2D *bl)
    void GeSleep (Int32 milliseconds)
    Bool GeIsMainThread ()
    Bool GeIsMainThreadAndNoDrawThread ()
    void _GeDebugBreak (Int32 line, const Char *file)
    void GeDebugOut (const Char *s,...)
    void GeDebugOut (const maxon::String &s)
    GeData SendCoreMessage (Int32 coreid, const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 eventid=0)
    String GetMacModel (const maxon::String &machinemodel)
    Bool GeGetMemoryStat (BaseContainer &stat)
    Bool PopupEditText (Int32 screenx, Int32 screeny, Int32 width, Int32 height, const maxon::String &changeme, maxon::Delegate< void(POPUPEDITTEXTCALLBACK, maxon::String &)> func)
    void StartEditorRender (Bool active_only, Bool raybrush, Int32 x1, Int32 y1, Int32 x2, Int32 y2, BaseThread *bt, BaseDraw *bd, Bool newthread)
    String FormatNumber (const GeData &val, Int32 format, Int32 fps, Bool bUnit=true)
    GeData StringToNumber (const maxon::String &text, Int32 format, Int32 fps, const LENGTHUNIT *lengthunit=nullptr)
    void CallCommand (Int32 id, Int32 subid=0)
    String GetCommandName (Int32 id)
    String GetCommandHelp (Int32 id)
    Bool IsCommandEnabled (Int32 id)
    Bool IsCommandChecked (Int32 id)
    Bool GetSystemEnvironmentVariable (const maxon::String &varname, maxon::String &result)
    Bool AskForAdministratorPrivileges (const maxon::String &msg, const maxon::String &caption, Bool allowsuperuser, void **token)
    void EndAdministratorPrivileges ()
    void RestartApplication (const Utf16Char *param=nullptr, Int32 exitcode=0, const Utf16Char **path=nullptr)
    void SetExitCode (Int32 exitCode)
    void GeUpdateUI ()
    VIEWPORTTYPE GeGetActiveViewportType ()
    Int32 GetShortcutCount ()
    BaseContainer GetShortcut (Int32 index)
    Bool AddShortcut (const BaseContainer &bc)
    Bool RemoveShortcut (Int32 index)
    Bool LoadShortcutSet (const Filename &fn, Bool add)
    Bool SaveShortcutSet (const Filename &fn)
    Int32 FindShortcutsFromID (Int32 pluginid, Int32 *indexarray, Int32 maxarrayelements)
    Int32 FindShortcuts (const BaseContainer &scut, Int32 *idarray, Int32 maxarrayelements)
    Bool CheckCommandShortcut (Int32 id, Int32 key, Int32 qual)
    void InsertCreateObject (BaseDocument *doc, BaseObject *op, BaseObject *activeobj=nullptr)
    void CopyToClipboard (const maxon::String &text)
    void CopyToClipboard (BaseBitmap *map, Int32 ownerid)
    Bool GetStringFromClipboard (String *txt)
    Bool GetBitmapFromClipboard (BaseBitmap *map)
    CLIPBOARDTYPE GetClipboardType ()
    Int32 GetC4DClipboardOwner ()
    const BaseBitmapGetCursorBitmap (Int32 type, Int32 &hotspotx, Int32 &hotspoty)
    Bool CodeEditor_Open (BaseList2D *obj, const maxon::Delegate< GeData(BaseList2D *obj, const BaseContainer &msg)> &callback, const BaseContainer &bc=BaseContainer())
    void MinimalViewportSettingsCommand (Int32 type)
    Bool IsAnimationRunning (const BaseDocument *document)
    Bool IsUVToolMode (const BaseDocument *document)
    Int32 GetFormatDepth (Int32 format, Int32 depth)


    class DebugTimer MAXON_ENUM_LIST

    Swap/Intel/Motorola Conversions

    void lSwap (void *adr, Int cnt=1)
    void wSwap (void *adr, Int cnt=1)
    void lIntel (void *adr, Int cnt=1)
    void wIntel (void *adr, Int cnt=1)
    void lMotor (void *adr, Int cnt=1)
    void wMotor (void *adr, Int cnt=1)
    void llSwap (void *adr, Int cnt=1)
    void llIntel (void *adr, Int cnt=1)
    void llMotor (void *adr, Int cnt=1)

    Background Handler

    void GeAddBackgroundHandler (BackgroundHandler *handler, void *tdata, Int32 typeclass, Int32 priority)
    Bool GeRemoveBackgroundHandler (void *tdata, Int32 typeclass)
    Bool GeStopBackgroundThreads (Int32 typeclass, BACKGROUNDHANDLERFLAGS flags, BaseThread *thread)
    Bool GeCheckBackgroundThreadsRunning (Int32 typeclass, Bool all)


    void StatusClear ()
    void StatusSetSpin ()
    void StatusSetBar (Int32 p)
    void StatusSetText (const maxon::String &str)
    void StatusNetClear ()
    void StatusSetNetLoad (STATUSNETSTATE status)
    void StatusSetNetBar (Int32 p, const GeData &dat)
    void StatusSetNetText (const maxon::String &str)

    Typedef Documentation

    ◆ TexturePathTuple

    ◆ TexturePathList

    Function Documentation

    ◆ GeGetUserName()

    maxon::String GeGetUserName ( )

    Returns the name of the user registered in the active account.

    The user name.

    ◆ GeGetVersionType()

    VERSIONTYPE GeGetVersionType ( )

    Retrieves the type of Cinema 4D application that is running.

    The version type: VERSIONTYPE

    ◆ GetGeneralLicensingInformation()

    maxon::Result<void> GetGeneralLicensingInformation ( maxon::String productId,
    maxon::String systemId,
    maxon::String userId,
    maxon::String licenseId,
    maxon::String userName 

    Returns information about the currently used license and system.

    [out]productIdThe product id of the active license.
    [out]systemIdA unique system identifier.
    [out]userIdThe user id that the active license is assigned with.
    [out]licenseIdA unique license session identifier.
    [out]userNameThe user / account name that the active license is assigned with.
    OK on success.

    ◆ ExportLicenses()

    maxon::Result<maxon::String> ExportLicenses ( )

    Returns licensing information as shown in the ExportLicenses menu command including productId, systemId, userId etc.

    OK on success.

    ◆ AddLicenseItem()

    maxon::Result<void> AddLicenseItem ( const maxon::InternedId licenseItemId,
    Float  versionNumber,
    Bool  checkOnly,
    maxon::CustomLicenseItemDelegate &&  licenseUpdateCallback 

    Private. AddLicenseItem adds extra licenses to query for each license check. This allows to verify extra features bundled with the app.

    [in]licenseItemIdId to check.
    [in]versionNumberCurrent version number of the feature. '0' if no version number is required.
    [in]checkOnlyTrue if the license should only checked for availability. In that case the license will not be consumed and displayed only in error case.
    [in]licenseUpdateCallbackCallback which will be triggered with each license update for this type.
    OK on success.

    ◆ CheckLicenseFeature()

    maxon::Bool CheckLicenseFeature ( const maxon::InternedId featureId)

    CheckLicenseFeature queries certain license features. This includes predefined is as well as license items added with AddLicenseItem().

    [in]featureIdId to check. e.g. ENTITLEMENTFEATURES::ISBETA
    OK on success.

    ◆ HasFullFeatureSet()

    Bool HasFullFeatureSet ( )

    Determines whether the type of Cinema 4D application has no feature limitations. Certain editions like C4D Lite do not allow for all features.

    true if If all features are available., otherwise false.

    ◆ IsNet()

    Bool IsNet ( )

    Checks if either a NET server or client application is running.

    true if NET is running, otherwise false.

    ◆ IsServer()

    Bool IsServer ( )

    Checks if a NET server application is running.

    true if NET is running as server, otherwise false.

    ◆ IsClient()

    Bool IsClient ( )

    Checks if a NET client application is running.

    true if NET is running as client, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeShowMouse()

    void GeShowMouse ( Int32  v)

    Sets the type of mouse pointer.

    Should only be called from the main thread.
    [in]vThe mouse pointer: MOUSE

    ◆ GeGetScreenDimensions()

    Bool GeGetScreenDimensions ( Int32  x,
    Int32  y,
    Bool  whole_screen,
    Int32 sx1,
    Int32 sy1,
    Int32 sx2,
    Int32 sy2 

    Retrieves the screen dimensions in pixels.

    [in]xThe screen X coordinates to identify which display information is read (for multi-display setups).
    [in]yThe screen Y coordinates to identify which display information is read (for multi-display setups).
    [in]whole_screentrue if dimensions of the whole screen (including task bar etc.) are returned, otherwise false.
    [out]sx1Assigned the minimum X coordinate (left).
    [out]sy1Assigned the minimum Y coordinate (top).
    [out]sx2Assigned the maximum X coordinate (right).
    [out]sy2Assigned the maximum Y coordinate (bottom).
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeGetTimer()

    Int32 GeGetTimer ( )

    Retrieves the current timer count in milliseconds.

    The current timer count in milliseconds.

    ◆ GeGetMilliSeconds()

    Float64 GeGetMilliSeconds ( )

    Get the current timer count in milliseconds.

    The current timer count in milliseconds.

    ◆ GeGetLineEnd()

    String GeGetLineEnd ( )

    Retrieves a string that contains the type of line ending characters for the running OS.

    The type of line ending.

    ◆ GeGetDefaultFPS()

    Int32 GeGetDefaultFPS ( )

    Retrieves the default frames per second.

    The default FPS value.

    ◆ GeGetCinemaInfo()

    UInt32 GeGetCinemaInfo ( CINEMAINFO  info)

    Retrieves information about Cinema 4D's application runtime.

    [in]infoThe information type: CINEMAINFO
    The Cinema 4D's information.

    ◆ GeOutString()

    GEMB_R GeOutString ( const maxon::String str,
    GEMB  flags 

    Displays a message box with the string as the text.

    [in]strThe dialog box message.
    [in]flagsThe flags: GEMB
    The result from the message box: GEMB_R

    ◆ GeGetCurrentOS()


    Retrieves the type of OS that is running Cinema 4D.


    ◆ GeGetByteOrder()

    BYTEORDER GeGetByteOrder ( )

    Retrieves the byte order for the platform that Cinema 4D is running on.

    The byte order: BYTEORDER

    ◆ GeGetGray()

    void GeGetGray ( Int32 r,
    Int32 g,
    Int32 b 

    Retrieves the color values for the default Cinema 4D gray.

    [out]rAssigned the red component of the gray color.
    [out]gAssigned the green component of the gray color.
    [out]bAssigned the blue component of the gray color.

    ◆ GeChooseColor()

    Bool GeChooseColor ( Vector col,
    Int32  flags 

    Opens a color chooser dialog for the user to select a color.

    [in,out]colThe initial color for the dialog and assigned the chosen color.
    [in]flagsUsually 0 or one of the following flags to use the correct color profile for display: DR_COLORFIELD_ICC_BASEDOC or DR_COLORFIELD_ICC_BPTEX.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeChooseColorAlpha()

    Bool GeChooseColorAlpha ( maxon::ColorA col,
    Int32  flags 

    Opens a color chooser dialog for the user to select a color with alpha.

    [in,out]colThe initial color for the dialog and assigned the chosen color.
    [in]flagsUsually 0 or one of the following flags to use the correct color profile for display: DR_COLORFIELD_ICC_BASEDOC or DR_COLORFIELD_ICC_BPTEX.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeOpenHTML()

    Bool GeOpenHTML ( const maxon::String webaddress)

    Opens a URL in the user's default web browser.

    The passed URL string has to be spec conform, see IETF - Uniform Resource Locators.
    [in]webaddressThe URL to open.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeChooseFont()

    Bool GeChooseFont ( BaseContainer bc)

    Opens a font chooser dialog for the user to select a font.

    [in]bcAssigned the selected font settings.
    true if a new font was chosen, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeGetGuiFont()

    void GeGetGuiFont ( maxon::OSFontDefinition &  out)

    Internal. Returns the c4d UI font.

    ◆ GeGetMonoFont()

    void GeGetMonoFont ( maxon::OSFontDefinition &  out)

    Internal. Returns the c4d monospaced font.

    ◆ GeRegisterPlugin()

    Bool GeRegisterPlugin ( PLUGINTYPE  type,
    Int32  id,
    const maxon::String str,
    void *  data,
    Int32  datasize 

    Deprecated. Use the individual functions for each plugin type instead.
    See Plugin Types.

    ◆ GePrint()

    void GePrint ( const maxon::String str)

    Outputs a string to the Cinema 4D console window. This routine is deprecated - use maxon::Application instead, which has an improved interface.

    [in]strThe string to display in the console window.

    ◆ GeConsoleOut()

    void GeConsoleOut ( const maxon::String str)

    Outputs a string to the Cinema 4D debug console window.
    This reoutine is deprecated - use maxon::DiagnosticOutput instead, which has an improved interface. See Debug Information.

    [in]strThe string to display in the debug console window.

    ◆ GeGetMovieInfo()

    Bool GeGetMovieInfo ( const Filename fn,
    Int32 frames,
    Float fps 

    Retrieves information from a movie file.

    [in]fnThe filename of the movie file to retrieve the information from.
    [out]framesAssigned the number of frames.
    [out]fpsAssigned the number of frames per second.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ RenameDialog()

    Bool RenameDialog ( String str)

    Opens a standard rename dialog.

    [in,out]strThe string with the name to change. Assigned the new name. The caller owns the pointed string.
    true if the name was changed, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetC4DVersion()

    Int32 GetC4DVersion ( )

    Retrieves the version of Cinema 4D that is running.

    The version of Cinema 4D.

    ◆ GeGetDegreeChar()

    String GeGetDegreeChar ( )

    Retrieves the degree character (°).

    A string containing the degree character.

    ◆ GeGetPercentChar()

    String GeGetPercentChar ( )

    Retrieves the percent character (%).

    A string containing the percent character.

    ◆ lSwap()

    void lSwap ( void *  adr,
    Int  cnt = 1 

    Swaps the bytes of Int values. (Converting between big endian and little endian.)

    [in]adrThe address of the memory. The caller owns the pointed memory buffer or variable at adr.
    [in]cntThe number of elements in the memory buffer at adr (1 for a single element or variable).

    ◆ wSwap()

    void wSwap ( void *  adr,
    Int  cnt = 1 

    Swaps the low and high bytes of UInt values. (Converting between big endian and little endian.)

    [in]adrThe address of the memory. The caller owns the pointed memory buffer or variable at adr.
    [in]cntThe number of elements in the memory buffer at adr (1 for a single element or variable).

    ◆ lIntel()

    void lIntel ( void *  adr,
    Int  cnt = 1 

    Convert Int values to Intel format. If already in Intel (i.e on a PC) the values remain unchanged.

    [in]adrThe address of the memory. The caller owns the pointed memory buffer or variable at adr.
    [in]cntThe number of elements in the memory buffer at adr (1 for a single element or variable).

    ◆ wIntel()

    void wIntel ( void *  adr,
    Int  cnt = 1 

    Converts UInt values to Intel format. If already in Intel (i.e on a PC) the values remain unchanged.

    [in]adrThe address of the memory. The caller owns the pointed memory buffer or variable at adr.
    [in]cntThe number of elements in the memory buffer at adr (1 for a single element or variable).

    ◆ lMotor()

    void lMotor ( void *  adr,
    Int  cnt = 1 

    Converts Int values to Motorola format. If already in Motorola (i.e on a Mac) the values remain unchanged.

    [in]adrThe address of the memory. The caller owns the pointed memory buffer or variable at adr.
    [in]cntThe number of elements in the memory buffer at adr (1 for a single element or variable).

    ◆ wMotor()

    void wMotor ( void *  adr,
    Int  cnt = 1 

    Convert UInt values to Motorola format. If already in Motorola (i.e on a Mac) then the values remain unchanged.

    [in]adrThe address of the memory. The caller owns the pointed memory buffer or variable at adr.
    [in]cntThe number of elements in the memory buffer at adr (1 for a single element or variable).

    ◆ llSwap()

    void llSwap ( void *  adr,
    Int  cnt = 1 

    Swaps the bytes of Int64 values. (Converting between big endian and little endian.)

    [in]adrThe address of the memory. The caller owns the pointed memory buffer or variable at adr.
    [in]cntThe number of elements in the memory buffer at adr (1 for a single element or variable).

    ◆ llIntel()

    void llIntel ( void *  adr,
    Int  cnt = 1 

    Converts Int64 values to Intel format. If already in Intel (i.e on a PC) the values remain unchanged.

    [in]adrThe address of the memory. The caller owns the pointed memory buffer or variable at adr.
    [in]cntThe number of elements in the memory buffer at adr (1 for a single element or variable).

    ◆ llMotor()

    void llMotor ( void *  adr,
    Int  cnt = 1 

    Converts Int64 values to Motorola format. If already in Motorola (i.e on a Mac) the values remain unchanged.

    [in]adrThe address of the memory. The caller owns the pointed memory buffer or variable at adr.
    [in]cntThe number of elements in the memory buffer at adr (1 for a single element or variable).

    ◆ GeAddBackgroundHandler()

    void GeAddBackgroundHandler ( BackgroundHandler handler,
    void *  tdata,
    Int32  typeclass,
    Int32  priority 

    Adds a background handler with the given typeclass and priority. Remove it with GeRemoveBackgroundHandler().
    A background handler is a hook that Cinema 4D processes when idle.
    The advantage over a regular thread or timer is that it always will be called at a certain position. As a result it will not block other Cinema 4D operations (noticeable slowdown).
    Cinema 4D itself uses background handler for example to redraw the view if it was stopped, to render material previews, to update the material preview in AM & MM, to draw the ants in BodyPaint 3D etc.

    Background handlers must only be used if you know exactly what you are doing. They need to be thoroughly tested since a bug introduced can mess up the whole application's behavior.
    [in]handlerThe background handler.
    [in]tdataThe private data. This will be passed on to the handler.
    [in]typeclassA unique plugin ID. Must be obtained from
    There can be many handlers with the same class as long as they have different tdata.
    [in]priorityThe handler priority. Higher absolute values are evaluated before lower. A negative value means that it does not block positive priorities.
    The external render thread (output window) does not block the editor display.
    However, if e.g. an inactive material is being rendered the view will not be redrawn until the other thread finishes.

    ◆ GeRemoveBackgroundHandler()

    Bool GeRemoveBackgroundHandler ( void *  tdata,
    Int32  typeclass 

    Removes background handlers added with GeAddBackgroundHandler().

    [in]tdataThe registered data.
    [in]typeclassThe registered type class ID.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeStopBackgroundThreads()

    Bool GeStopBackgroundThreads ( Int32  typeclass,
    BaseThread thread 

    Stops all running background threads of the given typeclass. If typeclass==0 all threads are stopped.

    [in]typeclassThe type class ID to stop, or 0 for all classes.
    [in]flagsIf typeclass is BACKGROUNDHANDLER_TYPECLASS_C4D then the flags have the following meaning:: BACKGROUNDHANDLERFLAGS
    For own type classes define flags as needed, they will be routed to the background handler function.
    For example GeStopBackgroundThreads(BACKGROUNDHANDLER_TYPECLASS_C4D, BACKGROUNDHANDLER_FLAGS_EDITORRENDDER) will only stop the editor renderer (if it was running).
    GeStopBackgroundThreads(0, BACKGROUNDHANDLERFLAGS::SHUTDOWN) will kill anything running.
    [in]threadOptional thread or nullptr. If passed the return value can be false if the thread is stopped while it is trying to acquire the resources for this call.

    ◆ GeCheckBackgroundThreadsRunning()

    Bool GeCheckBackgroundThreadsRunning ( Int32  typeclass,
    Bool  all 

    Checks if any of the background threads matching typeclass is running. If typeclass==0 all threads are checked.
    For example GeCheckBackgroundThreadsRunning(BACKGROUNDHANDLER_TYPECLASS_C4D, true) checks if Cinema 4D is doing anything right now.
    If all=false was passed it would not check for the external renderer and ants (which are always running in a BodyPaint 3D selection).

    [in]typeclassThe type class ID to check, or 0 for all classes.
    [in]allIf true, negative priorities are also checked.
    true if the specified background threads are running, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetMousePointer()

    void SetMousePointer ( Int32  l)

    Sets the type of mouse pointer.

    [in]lThe mouse pointer: MOUSE

    ◆ ShowBitmap() [1/2]

    Bool ShowBitmap ( const Filename fn)

    Displays a bitmap into the Picture Viewer.

    Must be called from the main thread.
    [in]fnThe filename of the bitmap to display.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ ShowBitmap() [2/2]

    Bool ShowBitmap ( BaseBitmap bm)

    Displays a bitmap into the Picture Viewer.

    The bitmap will be copied for display.
    Must be called from the main thread.
    [in]bmThe bitmap to display.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ StopAllThreads()

    void StopAllThreads ( )

    Stops all running threads.

    Be sure to call this routine always when a document is modified asynchronously.

    ◆ StopDrawViewsThread()

    void StopDrawViewsThread ( )

    Stops all draw views thread.

    Be sure to call this routine always when a document is modified asynchronously.

    ◆ ShutdownThreads()

    Bool ShutdownThreads ( Bool  shutdown)


    ◆ StatusClear()

    void StatusClear ( )

    Clears the status bar text.

    ◆ StatusSetSpin()

    void StatusSetSpin ( )

    Sets the status bar progress bar spinning. Needs to be triggered for every spin step.
    Use this to indicate that a plugin is still processing even if the progress bar is not increasing.

    ◆ StatusSetBar()

    void StatusSetBar ( Int32  p)

    Sets the status bar progress bar.

    [in]pThe percentage of the progress (0-100).

    ◆ StatusSetText()

    void StatusSetText ( const maxon::String str)

    Sets the status bar text.

    [in]strThe text to display.

    ◆ StatusNetClear()

    void StatusNetClear ( )

    Clears the NET status bar text.

    Reserved for Team Render and should not be used externally.

    ◆ StatusSetNetLoad()

    void StatusSetNetLoad ( STATUSNETSTATE  status)

    Sets the NET status bar to status state.

    Reserved for Team Render and should not be used externally.
    [in]statusThe NET status state: STATUSNETSTATE

    ◆ StatusSetNetBar()

    void StatusSetNetBar ( Int32  p,
    const GeData dat 

    Sets the NET status bar progress and custom color.

    Reserved for Team Render and should not be used externally.
    [in]pThe percentage of the progress (0-100).
    [in]datThe color for the NET status bar. Can be a color constant COLOR_BG, COLOR_TEXT, etc. or a color Vector.

    ◆ StatusSetNetText()

    void StatusSetNetText ( const maxon::String str)

    Sets the NET status bar text.

    Reserved for Team Render and should not be used externally.
    [in]strThe text to display.

    ◆ SpecialEventAdd()

    void SpecialEventAdd ( Int32  messageid,
    UInt  p1 = 0,
    UInt  p2 = 0 

    Adds a custom event. Results in a CoreMessage().

    See also
    The article Core Messages for more information.
    [in]messageidThe message ID. A unique plugin ID. Must be obtained from
    Use a unique plugin ID to make sure that there is no collision.
    [in]p1The first private data for the sent message.
    [in]p2The second private data for the sent message.

    ◆ EventAdd()

    void EventAdd ( EVENT  eventflag = EVENT::NONE)

    Adds a global event to Cinema 4D's event queue. Results in a CoreMessage().

    See also
    The article Core Messages for more information.
    [in]eventflagThe event to add: EVENT

    ◆ GeSyncMessage()

    Bool GeSyncMessage ( Int32  messageid,
    Int32  destid = 0,
    UInt  p1 = 0,
    UInt  p2 = 0 

    Sends a synchronous event message (for example to make the Timeline, Timeslider etc. do an instant redraw).

    [in]messageidThe synchronous message to send: EVMSG
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ DrawViews()

    Bool DrawViews ( DRAWFLAGS  flags,
    BaseDraw bd = nullptr 

    Redraws the editor views.

    Cannot be used while a modal dialog is open.
    Must be called from the main thread.
    [in]flagsThe draw flags: DRAWFLAGS
    [in]bdThe view to redraw when DRAWFLAGS::ONLY_BASEDRAW is set in flags.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ SendModelingCommand()

    Bool SendModelingCommand ( Int32  command,
    ModelingCommandData data 

    Executes a builtin modelling operation as for example extruding a polygon selection or selecting all points of an object.

    Invoking a modelling command requires passing a ModelingCommandData instance which qualifies the command. Not all commands require all fields of the ModelingCommandData to be set, but it is recommended to at least always set the fields op, bc, and doc. When doc is set, the command operand op must be part of that document. The commands MCOMMAND_JOIN, MCOMMAND_MAKEEDITABLE, MCOMMAND_CURRENTSTATETOOBJECT, and MCOMMAND_SPLINE_PROJECT always require doc to be set.

    It is not allowed to allocate or deallocate scene elements outside from the main thread for loaded documents, e.g., the active document. This applies by extension also to SendModelingCommand and in cases where a modelling command must be executed outside from the main thread, this must always be done in a dummy document.

    Example for in-place modifying an object in a loaded document:

    // Get the active document and the first object in it.
    BaseObject* op = doc->GetFirstObject();
    // Since the inputs will result in the active document being modified and outlining a spline
    // only works for spline objects, we must restrict the command to being on the main thread and
    // #op being a spline object.
    // Define the settings container for the tool and the data for the operation.
    BaseContainer settings;
    settings.SetFloat(MDATA_SPLINE_OUTLINE, 25.0);
    data.doc = doc;
    data.bc = &settings;
    data.op = op;
    // Run the command and print the result.
    ApplicationOutput("MCOMMAND_SPLINE_CREATEOUTLINE succeeded: @", result);
    BaseDocument * GetActiveDocument()
    Bool SendModelingCommand(Int32 command, ModelingCommandData &data)
    Executes a builtin modelling operation as for example extruding a polygon selection or selecting all ...
    Bool GeIsMainThreadAndNoDrawThread()
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:48
    void SetFloat(Int32 id, Float r)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:607
    Definition: c4d_basedocument.h:497
    Definition: c4d_baseobject.h:248
    PyObject PyObject * result
    Definition: abstract.h:43
    Create outline: MDATA_SPLINE.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1599
    Float Spline outline distance.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1669
    #define Ospline
    Spline - SplineObject.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1039
    #define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
    Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:210
    const char * doc
    Definition: pyerrors.h:226
    PyObject * op
    Definition: object.h:520
    A helper object for SendModelingCommand().
    Definition: operatingsystem.h:840
    BaseContainer * bc
    The modeling command container. Optional to set extra options.
    Definition: operatingsystem.h:854
    BaseObject * op
    The input object. Use arr for multiple objects.
    Definition: operatingsystem.h:853
    BaseDocument * doc
    Definition: operatingsystem.h:851

    Example for modifying an object in a dummy document from a threaded context:

    // ObjectData::GetVirtualObjects method called by Cinema 4D to build the cache of #op.
    // This method will not run on the main thread and is therefore subject to threading resections.
    BaseObject* MyObjectData::GetVirtualObjects(BaseObject* op, HierarchyHelp* hh)
    // Get the first child of the node. Even when we would be okay with modifying this object, it is
    // not allowed to do this in this context, because GVO is being called from outside of the main
    // thread.
    BaseObject* firstChild = op->GetDown();
    if (!firstChild)
    // Clone `firstChild` and insert it into a temporary document. When these fail, we ran out of
    // memory and must halt the plugin execution by returning `nullptr`. When `firstChild` has
    // dependencies, e.g., a field object or a deformer, these must be cloned too. In this
    // example, we deliberately only clone the object itself.
    BaseObject* clone = firstChild->GetClone(COPYFLAGS::NO_HIERARCHY, nullptr);
    if (!clone)
    return nullptr;
    if (!temp)
    return nullptr;
    temp.InsertObject(clone, nullptr, nullptr);
    // Prepare the command and execute it on the cloned object in the dummy document.
    BaseContainer settings;
    data.doc = temp;
    data.bc = &settings;
    data.op = clone;
    // When the command fails, we probably do not want return `nullptr`, i.e., halt the plugin
    // execution, as that could change through a different user input, i.e., firstChild changing.
    // Get the result of the command and proceed to use it in this method.
    BaseObject* result = static_cast<BaseObject*>(data.result->GetIndex(0));
    C4DAtom * GetIndex(Int32 idx) const
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1710
    Definition: ge_autoptr.h:37
    static BaseObject * Alloc(Int32 type)
    C4DAtom * GetClone(COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn) const
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1481
    Definition: c4d_baseobject.h:203
    Copy without children.
    Current state to object (returns object): MDATA_CURRENTSTATETOOBJECT.
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1630
    #define Onull
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1074
    AtomArray * result
    Definition: operatingsystem.h:862
    [in]commandThe identifier of the command to execute. See MCOMMAND, ModelingToolsParameters, ModelingToolsNoParameters.
    [in]dataThe data for the command. Can be filled with the result for some commands.
    true if the command was executed, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetGlobalTexturePaths()

    maxon::Result<TexturePathList> GetGlobalTexturePaths ( const Filename docPath)

    Retrieves the global texture paths.

    [in]docPathThe path of the document. This will be used to complete relative texture paths.
    Pass nullptr if you want to get the unmodified paths only.
    The global texture paths for Cinema 4D.

    ◆ SetGlobalTexturePaths()

    maxon::Result<void> SetGlobalTexturePaths ( const TexturePathList paths)

    Sets the global texture paths.

    ◆ GenerateTexturePath()

    Bool GenerateTexturePath ( const Filename docpath,
    const Filename srcname,
    const Filename suggestedfolder,
    Filename dstname,
    NetRenderService service = nullptr,
    BaseThread bt = nullptr 

    Generates the texture filename for a given texture image.

    [in]docpathThe filename of the document for the texture.
    [in]srcnameThe filename of the image.
    [in]suggestedfolderA suggested folder path for the image. Can be an empty Filename.
    [out]dstnameAssigned the generated path.
    [in]serviceAn optional NET render service for the operation. The caller owns the pointed service.
    [in]btAn optional thread for the operation. The caller owns the pointed thread.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ IsInSearchPath()

    Bool IsInSearchPath ( const Filename texfilename,
    const Filename docpath 

    Checks if the texture texfilename is in the search path for files located in docpath.

    The function only performs string comparisons between texfilename and docpath.
    [in]texfilenameThe texture file name.
    [in]docpathThe document path.
    true if the texture file is in the search path, otherwise false.

    ◆ FlushTexture()

    void FlushTexture ( const Filename docpath,
    const maxon::String name,
    const Filename suggestedfolder 

    Flushes the given texture.

    [in]docpathThe filename of the document with the texture.
    [in]nameThe name of the texture to flush.
    [in]suggestedfolderA suggested folder path for the image. Can be an empty Filename.

    ◆ FlushUnusedTextures()

    void FlushUnusedTextures ( )

    Flushes all unused textures.

    ◆ GetWorldContainer()

    BaseContainer GetWorldContainer ( )

    Retrieves the main Cinema 4D settings container.

    The main Cinema 4D settings: WPREF

    ◆ GetWorldContainerInstance()

    BaseContainer* GetWorldContainerInstance ( )

    Retrieves the main Cinema 4D settings container that can be changed directly.

    There are a few settings that are transferred to the world container within the call GetWorldContainer(), for example WPREF_UNITS_BASIC to WPREF_COLOR_SYSTEM_COLORCHOOSER::
    These settings cannot be set using GetWorldContainerInstance(). To read only these values, use GetAdditionalWorldContainerData.
    The main Cinema 4D settings: WPREF

    ◆ GetAdditionalWorldContainerData()

    void GetAdditionalWorldContainerData ( BaseContainer bc)

    Gets additional world container data (see GetWorldContainerInstance).

    [out]bcA container which receives the data. the container is not cleared before data is written.

    ◆ GetRecentDocumentsList()

    maxon::Result<maxon::BaseArray<maxon::Url> > GetRecentDocumentsList ( Bool  isBodyPaint)

    Retrieves the recent documents list.

    [in]isBodyPaintSet to reteive BodyPaint's list.
    The recent documents list.

    ◆ GetActiveNodeSpaceId()

    maxon::Id GetActiveNodeSpaceId ( )

    Returns the active node space. This is a program-wide global UI setting.

    The Id of the current node space.

    ◆ SaveWorldPreferences()

    void SaveWorldPreferences ( )

    Saves the main Cinema 4D preferences.

    ◆ SetWorldContainer()

    void SetWorldContainer ( const BaseContainer bc)

    Sets the main Cinema 4D settings container.
    See GetWorldContainer() for values.

    [in]bcThe settings container.

    ◆ GetViewColor()

    Vector GetViewColor ( Int32  colid,
    Vector defaultColor = nullptr 

    Retrieves a main Cinema 4D color.

    [in]colidThe color ID to get: VIEWCOLOR
    [in]defaultColorPass a valid pointer to get the default color.
    The color value.

    ◆ SetViewColor()

    void SetViewColor ( Int32  colid,
    const Vector col 

    Sets one of the main Cinema 4D colors.

    [in]colidThe color ID to set: VIEWCOLOR
    [in]colThe new color.

    ◆ ErrorStringDialog()

    void ErrorStringDialog ( CHECKVALUERANGE  type,
    Float  x,
    Float  y,

    Displays an error dialog for incorrectly entered values.

    [in]typeThe check value range type: CHECKVALUERANGE
    [in]xThe lowest value.
    [in]yThe highest value.
    [in]isThe values type: CHECKVALUEFORMAT

    ◆ ReadPluginInfo()

    Bool ReadPluginInfo ( Int32  pluginid,
    void *  buffer,
    Int32  size 

    Reads private serial information for a plugin. Cinema 4D will store this data encrypted.

    [in]pluginidA unique plugin ID. Must be obtained from
    [in]bufferThe buffer to take the data.
    [in]sizeThe size of the buffer. This must not exceed 3500.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ WritePluginInfo()

    Bool WritePluginInfo ( Int32  pluginid,
    void *  buffer,
    Int32  size 
    [in]pluginidA unique plugin ID. Must be obtained from
    [in]bufferThe buffer with the data.
    [in]sizeThe size of the buffer. This must not exceed 3500.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ ReadRegInfo()

    Bool ReadRegInfo ( Int32  pluginid,
    void *  buffer,
    Int32  size 

    Reads user-specific data (e.g. login data for a user account).

    Use this method instead of ReadPluginInfo() in a license server environment.
    [in]pluginidA unique plugin ID. Must be obtained from
    [in]bufferThe data buffer. The caller owns the pointed buffer.
    [in]sizeThe buffer size.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ WriteRegInfo()

    Bool WriteRegInfo ( Int32  pluginid,
    void *  buffer,
    Int32  size 

    Writes user-specific data (e.g. login data for a user account).

    Use this method instead of WritePluginInfo() in a license server environment.
    [in]pluginidA unique plugin ID. Must be obtained from
    [in]bufferThe data buffer. The caller owns the pointed buffer.
    [in]sizeThe buffer size.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetWorldPluginData()

    BaseContainer* GetWorldPluginData ( Int32  id)

    Retrieves a container stored with SetWorldPluginData() from the Cinema 4D preferences.

    This can be used by any plugin to store preferences.
    [in]idThe plugin ID that the container was stored with.
    The retrieved container. Cinema 4D owns the pointed container.

    ◆ SetWorldPluginData()

    Bool SetWorldPluginData ( Int32  id,
    const BaseContainer bc,
    Bool  add = true 

    Stores a container in the Cinema 4D preferences.

    This can be used by any plugin to store preferences.
    [in]idThe plugin ID that the container should be associated with.
    [in]bcThe container to set.
    [in]addIf true, the container values are merged with the ones currently stored for the ID. Otherwise the previous values are lost.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetToolPluginData()

    BaseContainer* GetToolPluginData ( BaseDocument doc,
    Int32  id 

    Retrieves a tool plugin container stored in a document.

    [in]docThe document. The caller owns the pointed document.
    [in]idThe tool plugin ID.
    The retrieved tool plugin container.

    ◆ GeIsActiveToolEnabled()

    Bool GeIsActiveToolEnabled ( )

    Checks if the active tool is ghosted.

    true if the active tool is not ghosted, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetActiveTool()

    ToolPlugin* GetActiveTool ( )

    Gets the active tool. Private.

    The active tool.

    ◆ GeGetLanguage()

    Bool GeGetLanguage ( Int32  index,
    maxon::String extension,
    maxon::String name,
    Bool default_language 

    Enumerates information about the available languages.
    Start with index==0 and then iterate with index++ until the function returns false.

    [in]indexThe language index.
    [out]extensionAssigned the language extension.
    [out]nameAssigned the human readable language name.
    [out]default_languageAssigned true if this is the default language, otherwise false.
    true if there was a language at index, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeFilterSetSuffix()

    Filename GeFilterSetSuffix ( const Filename name,
    Int32  id 

    Sets the standard suffix of a given bitmap saver plugin.
    e.g. if name is "C:\test" and id is 1106 (Photoshop PSD) then the returned Filename will be "C:\test.psd".

    [in]nameThe filename.
    [in]idThe ID of the bitmap saver plugin.
    The given file name with the concatenated suffix.

    ◆ GeIdentifyFile()

    IDENTIFYFILE GeIdentifyFile ( const Filename name,
    UChar probe,
    Int32  probesize,
    IDENTIFYFILE  recognition,
    BasePlugin **  bp 

    Identifies the file in name.

    [in]nameThe file to check.
    [in]probeThe start of a small chunk of data from the start of the file for testing this file type.
    Usually the probe size is 1024 bytes. The caller owns the pointed data.
    [in]probesizeThe size of the probe array.
    [in]recognitionThe identification flags: IDENTIFYFILE
    [in]bpFor image formats this is filled with a pointer to the image loader that was identified.
    The identification result: IDENTIFYFILE

    ◆ GetScriptHead()

    GeListHead* GetScriptHead ( Int32  type)

    Retrieves the list head for scripts (ID_COFFEESCRIPT).

    [in]typeCurrently 0 is user scripts and 1 is system scripts.
    The user scripts are located in library/scripts whereas system scripts are in resource/scripts.)
    The script list head. Cinema 4D owns the pointed list head.

    ◆ GetDynamicScriptID()

    Int32 GetDynamicScriptID ( BaseList2D bl)

    Retrieves the dynamic ID of the ID_COFFEESCRIPT script bl.
    Every script gets a dynamic ID when loaded, which is just like a regular plugin ID.
    This is necessary in many parts of the program. It is only when loading and saving the scripts that the unique (script) names are used; the ID is created dynamically at loading time.

    [in]blThe script to get the ID for. The caller owns the pointed script.
    The dynamic script ID.

    ◆ SetActiveScriptObject()

    void SetActiveScriptObject ( Int32  type)

    Define the script to be displayed in the Script Manager.

    [in]typeThe script ID. Retrieve it with GetDynamicScriptID.

    ◆ CreateNewPythonScript()

    BaseList2D* CreateNewPythonScript ( String name,
    const String body 

    Create a new temporary python script.

    [in,out]nameThe script name. Pass an empty string to automatically generated one.
    [in]bodyThe script content.
    The created python script. Can be nullptr if creation failed.

    ◆ LoadPythonScript()

    BaseList2D* LoadPythonScript ( const Filename fn)

    Load a python script.

    [in]fnThe script name. Pass an empty filename to automatically generated one.
    The loaded python script. Can be nullptr if loading failed.

    ◆ GetCommandLineArgs()

    Bool GetCommandLineArgs ( C4DPL_CommandLineArgs args)

    Retrieves the command line arguments used to start Cinema 4D in args.

    Linux only.
    [in]argsFilled with the command line arguments.
    true if the command line arguments could be retrieved, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetObjectName()

    String GetObjectName ( Int32  type)

    Retrieves a user presentable name from an object type ID. For example GetObjectName(Onull) returns "Null".

    [in]typeAn object type ID.
    The object name for type.

    ◆ GetTagName()

    String GetTagName ( Int32  type)

    Retrieves a user presentable name from a tag type ID.

    [in]typeA tag type ID.
    The tag name for type.

    ◆ GetObjectType()

    Int32 GetObjectType ( const maxon::String name)

    The inverse of GetObjectName(). Returns an object type from an object name.

    [in]nameAn object name.
    The object type for name.

    ◆ GetTagType()

    Int32 GetTagType ( const maxon::String name)

    The inverse of GetTagName(). Returns a tag type from a tag name.

    [in]nameA tag name.
    The tag type for name.

    ◆ GeRegistryAdd()

    Bool GeRegistryAdd ( Int32  sub_id,
    REGISTRYTYPE  main_id,
    void *  data 


    ◆ GeRegistryRemove()

    Bool GeRegistryRemove ( Int32  sub_id,
    REGISTRYTYPE  main_id 


    ◆ GeRegistryFind()

    Registry* GeRegistryFind ( Int32  sub_id,
    REGISTRYTYPE  main_id 


    ◆ GeRegistryGetLast()

    Registry* GeRegistryGetLast ( REGISTRYTYPE  main_id)


    ◆ GeRegistryGetFirst()

    Registry* GeRegistryGetFirst ( REGISTRYTYPE  main_id)


    ◆ GeRegistryGetAutoID()

    Bool GeRegistryGetAutoID ( Int32 id)


    ◆ GePluginMessage()

    Bool GePluginMessage ( Int32  id,
    void *  data 

    Sends a plugin message to other plugins. These messages can be received with PluginMessage(). The message is sent to all plugin modules.

    [in]idThe ID of the message.
    [in]dataThe message data. It is highly recommended as caller to own the pointed object and to not rely on the receiver to take the ownership.
    true if the message could be sent, otherwise false.

    ◆ CheckIsRunning()

    Bool CheckIsRunning ( CHECKISRUNNING  type)

    Checks if a task is running.

    [in]typeThe task: CHECKISRUNNING
    true if the task running, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeGetDefaultFilename()

    String GeGetDefaultFilename ( Int32  id)

    Retrieves the default filename for a category.
    In the following example the name DEFAULTFILENAME_SHADER_VOLUME is placed in front of the shader name, placing the material in the Shader category:

    RegisterMaterialPlugin(Mmy, GeGetDefaultFilename(DEFAULTFILENAME_SHADER_VOLUME)+String("MyMaterial"), 0, MyClass::Alloc, "Mmy", 0);
    String GeGetDefaultFilename(Int32 id)
    Bool RegisterMaterialPlugin(Int32 id, const maxon::String &str, Int32 info, DataAllocator *g, const maxon::String &description, Int32 disklevel)
    Definition: c4d_string.h:39
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:4796
    [in]idThe category ID: DEFAULTFILENAME_SHADER
    The filename to prepend to the material name.

    ◆ FindInManager()

    void FindInManager ( BaseList2D bl)

    Finds and makes bl visible in its manager.

    [in]blThe object to find. The caller owns the pointed object.

    ◆ GeSleep()

    void GeSleep ( Int32  milliseconds)

    Sleeps for milliseconds ms. Deprecated. Do not use for idle loops. Wait()/GetResult() for condition variables/jobs/threads must be used.

    [in]millisecondsThe time to sleep in milliseconds.

    ◆ GeIsMainThread()

    Bool GeIsMainThread ( )

    Checks if code is run from within the main thread of Cinema 4D.

    true if called from the main thread, otherwise false.

    ◆ GeIsMainThreadAndNoDrawThread()

    Bool GeIsMainThreadAndNoDrawThread ( )

    Checks if code is run from within the main thread of Cinema 4D and if the main thread does not execute any drawing code currently.

    This routine can be used to make sure that no illegal code is called during a drawing operation.
    In Cinema 4D the drawing will be started threaded or non-threaded, depending on the situation.
    It is not allowed to add e.g. undos or delete objects or materials while the drawing is in progress (this would lead to immediate crashes).
    If your code calls other routines that are not aware of their context (e.g. some code within a Message that does not know whether it was called from a drawing thread or during a command call)
    GeIsMainThreadAndNoDrawThread() can be used to detect the correct situation.
    true if called from the main thread and main thread does not execute a drawing operation, otherwise false.

    ◆ _GeDebugBreak()

    void _GeDebugBreak ( Int32  line,
    const Char file 


    ◆ GeDebugOut() [1/2]

    void GeDebugOut ( const Char s,

    Prints a string to the debug console using vsprintf() syntax.

    Requires that the API is build in debug mode i.e. MAXON_TARGET_DEBUG is defined.
    [in]sThe string to print. Limited to 2048 characters.
    Following parameters are format for vsprintf().

    ◆ GeDebugOut() [2/2]

    void GeDebugOut ( const maxon::String s)

    Prints a string to the debug console.

    Requires that the API is build in debug mode i.e. MAXON_TARGET_DEBUG is defined.
    [in]sThe string to print. Limited to 2048 characters.

    ◆ SendCoreMessage()

    GeData SendCoreMessage ( Int32  coreid,
    const BaseContainer msg,
    Int32  eventid = 0 

    Sends a core message.

    See also
    The article Core Messages for more information.


    // Check if command id is enabled
    GeData SendCoreMessage(Int32 coreid, const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 eventid=0)
    Int32 GetInt32() const
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:456
    maxon::Bool Bool
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:55
    #define COREMSG_CINEMA
    Requests to Cinema&#160;4D core.
    Definition: c4d_general.h:1565
    The name is given as a String in the returned GeData.
    Definition: c4d_gui.h:83
    const char const char * msg
    Definition: object.h:438
    // Get the machine features
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:83
    const BaseContainer * GetContainer() const
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:522
    Definition: c4d_general.h:1600
    // Execute an editor command
    Definition: c4d_gui.h:89
    The result is given as a true or false integer value in the returned GeData.
    Definition: c4d_gui.h:87
    // Execute the options dialog of an editor command
    msg.SetInt32(COREMSG_CINEMA_EXECUTEOPTIONMODE, true); // true to open the options dialog
    Pass whether to open (true) the options dialog or not (false) for COREMSG_CINEMA_EXECUTEEDITORCOMMAND...
    Definition: c4d_gui.h:90
    [in]coreidThe core message ID: COREMSG_CINEMA.
    [in]msgThe message container: COREMSG
    [in]eventidThe event ID.
    The data.

    ◆ GetMacModel()

    String GetMacModel ( const maxon::String machinemodel)

    On a Mac GetMachineFeatures().GetString(MACHINEINFO_MACHINEMODEL) returns the model name which is set in the OS like "iMac4,1" or "MacBookPro8,2".
    If this string is pass to GetMacModel() a much more human readable string like "iMac Intel Core 2 Duo (aluminum enclosure) (Mid 2007)" or "MacBook Pro Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, 13 (Early 2011)".

    [in]machinemodelThe machine model returned by GetMachineFeatures().GetString(MACHINEINFO_MACHINEMODEL).
    The Mac model.

    ◆ GetMachineFeatures()

    Retrieves the features of the computer.

    [in]typeThe machine features type: MACHINEFEATURESTYPE
    Since R18.
    The container with the machine features:

    ◆ GeGetMemoryStat()

    Bool GeGetMemoryStat ( BaseContainer stat)

    Retrieves Cinema 4D memory statistics.

    [in]statAssigned the memory statistics: C4D_MEMORY_STAT
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ PopupEditText()

    Bool PopupEditText ( Int32  screenx,
    Int32  screeny,
    Int32  width,
    Int32  height,
    const maxon::String changeme,
    maxon::Delegate< void(POPUPEDITTEXTCALLBACK, maxon::String &)>  func 

    Opens a small popup window at (screenx, screeny) where the user can edit the changeme string. The result is reported to the func callback.

    [in]screenxThe X screen coordinate of the window.
    [in]screenyThe Y screen coordinate of the window.
    [in]widthThe width of the window.
    [in]heightThe height of the window.
    [in,out]changemeThe string to change.
    [in]funcThe callback function.
    true if the popup edit text could be opened, otherwise false.

    ◆ StartEditorRender()

    void StartEditorRender ( Bool  active_only,
    Bool  raybrush,
    Int32  x1,
    Int32  y1,
    Int32  x2,
    Int32  y2,
    BaseThread bt,
    BaseDraw bd,
    Bool  newthread 

    Starts the editor renderer.

    [in]active_onlytrue for active object only.
    [in]raybrushtrue for ray brush mode.
    [in]x1The X coordinate of the first corner of the render rectangle.
    [in]y1The Y coordinate of the first corner of the render rectangle.
    [in]x2The X coordinate of the second corner of the render rectangle.
    [in]y2The Y coordinate of the second corner of the render rectangle.
    [in]btThe thread for the operation. The caller owns the pointed thread.
    [in]bdThe view to draw to. The caller owns the pointed view.
    [in]newthreadIf true, then the editor render is done asynchronously. In that case pass nullptr for the thread.

    ◆ FormatNumber()

    String FormatNumber ( const GeData val,
    Int32  format,
    Int32  fps,
    Bool  bUnit = true 

    Converts val to a string.

    [in]valThe value to convert to a string. Must be of type Float, Int32 or BaseTime.
    [in]formatThe format: FORMAT_NUMBERS
    [in]fpsThe frames per second, for time values.
    [in]bUnitIf true the unit is included in the formatted string.
    The formatted string.

    ◆ StringToNumber()

    GeData StringToNumber ( const maxon::String text,
    Int32  format,
    Int32  fps,
    const LENGTHUNIT lengthunit = nullptr 

    Converts a string to a data value of type Float or Int32.

    [in]textThe string to convert to a value.
    [in]formatThe format: FORMAT_NUMBERS
    [in]fpsThe frames per second, for time values.
    [in]lengthunitCan be used to override the units conversion. By default it will use the document's units.
    For example a string of "50" will result in 0.5 if the document's units are Meters and the unit display setting is centimeters.
    If lengthunit is specified its value will be used instead of the document's units setting.
    The converted value.

    ◆ CallCommand()

    void CallCommand ( Int32  id,
    Int32  subid = 0 

    Executes commands.

    [in]idThe command ID.
    [in]subidThe sub ID. (Used for scripts.)

    ◆ GetCommandName()

    String GetCommandName ( Int32  id)

    Gets the name of a command.

    [in]idThe command ID.
    The command name.

    ◆ GetCommandHelp()

    String GetCommandHelp ( Int32  id)

    Gets the help string of a command.

    [in]idThe ID of the command.
    The help string.

    ◆ IsCommandEnabled()

    Bool IsCommandEnabled ( Int32  id)

    Checks if a command is enabled.

    [in]idThe ID of the command.
    true if the command is enabled, otherwise false.

    ◆ IsCommandChecked()

    Bool IsCommandChecked ( Int32  id)

    Checks if a command is checked.

    [in]idThe ID of the command.
    true if the command is checked, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetSystemEnvironmentVariable()

    Bool GetSystemEnvironmentVariable ( const maxon::String varname,
    maxon::String result 

    Retrieves system environment variables.

    [in]varnameThe environment variable name.
    [out]resultAssigned the retrieved value, if available.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ AskForAdministratorPrivileges()

    Bool AskForAdministratorPrivileges ( const maxon::String msg,
    const maxon::String caption,
    Bool  allowsuperuser,
    void **  token 


    ◆ EndAdministratorPrivileges()

    void EndAdministratorPrivileges ( )


    ◆ RestartApplication()

    void RestartApplication ( const Utf16Char param = nullptr,
    Int32  exitcode = 0,
    const Utf16Char **  path = nullptr 


    ◆ SetExitCode()

    void SetExitCode ( Int32  exitCode)

    Sets the exit code returned by Cinema 4D when it exits.

    [in]exitCodeThe exit code.

    ◆ GeUpdateUI()

    void GeUpdateUI ( )

    Forces a redraw of the GUI, for example after a change of the preferences or Linear Workflow settings.

    ◆ GeGetActiveViewportType()

    VIEWPORTTYPE GeGetActiveViewportType ( )

    Returns the type of viewport that is currently active

    The type of active viewport: VIEWPORTTYPE

    ◆ GetShortcutCount()

    Int32 GetShortcutCount ( )

    Retrieves the global shortcut count.

    The number of shortcuts.

    ◆ GetShortcut()

    BaseContainer GetShortcut ( Int32  index)

    Retrieves the shortcut at index.

    [in]indexThe shortcut index: 0 <= index < GetShortcutCount()
    The retrieved shortcut.

    ◆ AddShortcut()

    Bool AddShortcut ( const BaseContainer bc)

    Adds the shortcut in bc to the shortcut list.

    [in]bcThe container for the shortcut to add: SHORTCUT
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ RemoveShortcut()

    Bool RemoveShortcut ( Int32  index)

    Removes the shortcut at index.

    [in]indexThe shortcut index: 0 <= index < GetShortcutCount()
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ LoadShortcutSet()

    Bool LoadShortcutSet ( const Filename fn,
    Bool  add 

    Loads shortcuts.

    [in]fnThe file with the shortcuts to load.
    [in]addtrue to add the shortcuts, instead of replacing.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ SaveShortcutSet()

    Bool SaveShortcutSet ( const Filename fn)

    Save shortcuts.

    [in]fnThe file to save the shortcuts to.
    true if successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ FindShortcutsFromID()

    Int32 FindShortcutsFromID ( Int32  pluginid,
    Int32 indexarray,
    Int32  maxarrayelements 

    Finds all shortcuts assigned to a command.

    [in]pluginidThe plugin ID to search for.
    [out]indexarrayFilled with the found IDs. The caller owns the pointed array.
    [in]maxarrayelementsThe size of indexarray
    The number of shortcuts found.

    ◆ FindShortcuts()

    Int32 FindShortcuts ( const BaseContainer scut,
    Int32 idarray,
    Int32  maxarrayelements 

    Finds all commands that are assigned to a shortcut.

    [in]scutThe shortcut to search for.
    [in]idarrayFilled with the found IDs. The caller owns the pointed array.
    [in]maxarrayelementsThe size of indexarray.
    The number of shortcuts found.

    ◆ CheckCommandShortcut()

    Bool CheckCommandShortcut ( Int32  id,
    Int32  key,
    Int32  qual 

    Checks if a shortcut key and qualifier are assigned to a command.

    [in]idThe plugin ID of the command.
    [in]keyThe shortcut key.
    [in]qualThe qualifier key.
    true if the shortcut/qualifier is assigned, otherwise false.

    ◆ InsertCreateObject()

    void InsertCreateObject ( BaseDocument doc,
    BaseObject op,
    BaseObject activeobj = nullptr 

    Adds op into document doc.
    This function takes care for modifiers to add the new object at a certain place in the hierarchy.
    For example if shift is pressed while a new object is created it will be inserted below the active object.

    [in]docThe current document.
    [in]opThe object to insert.
    [in]activeobjThe active object, or nullptr if no object is active.

    ◆ CopyToClipboard() [1/2]

    void CopyToClipboard ( const maxon::String text)

    Copies a string to the clipboard.

    [in]textThe string to copy.

    ◆ CopyToClipboard() [2/2]

    void CopyToClipboard ( BaseBitmap map,
    Int32  ownerid 

    Copies a bitmap to the clipboard.

    [in]mapThe bitmap to copy. The caller owns the pointed bitmap.
    [in]owneridThe owner ID: CLIPBOARDOWNER

    ◆ GetStringFromClipboard()

    Bool GetStringFromClipboard ( String txt)

    Retrieves a string from the clipboard.

    [out]txttrue if a string could be retrieved from the clipboard, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetBitmapFromClipboard()

    Bool GetBitmapFromClipboard ( BaseBitmap map)

    Retrieves a bitmap from the clipboard.

    [out]mapThe bitmap to get. The caller owns the pointed bitmap.
    true if a bitmap could be retrieved from the clipboard, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetClipboardType()

    CLIPBOARDTYPE GetClipboardType ( )

    Retrieves the type of the clipboard.

    The type of the clipboard: CLIPBOARDTYPE

    ◆ GetC4DClipboardOwner()

    Int32 GetC4DClipboardOwner ( )

    Retrieves the owner ID of the clipboard.


    ◆ GetCursorBitmap()

    const BaseBitmap* GetCursorBitmap ( Int32  type,
    Int32 hotspotx,
    Int32 hotspoty 


    ◆ CodeEditor_Open()

    Bool CodeEditor_Open ( BaseList2D obj,
    const maxon::Delegate< GeData(BaseList2D *obj, const BaseContainer &msg)> &  callback,
    const BaseContainer bc = BaseContainer() 

    Opens the Cinema 4D code editor.

    [in]objThe object that the source belongs to. The caller owns the pointed object.
    [in]callbackA callback to set and retrieve the edited source code. The caller owns the pointed callback.
    [in]bcThe settings for the editor that will be opened: CODEEDITOR
    true if the editor was opened, otherwise false.

    ◆ MinimalViewportSettingsCommand()

    void MinimalViewportSettingsCommand ( Int32  type)


    ◆ IsAnimationRunning()

    Bool IsAnimationRunning ( const BaseDocument document)

    Checks if an animation is currently running.

    [in]documentThe currently active document.
    True, if an animation is currently running.

    ◆ IsUVToolMode()

    Bool IsUVToolMode ( const BaseDocument document)

    Check if the current context is UV, if UV mode is selected or the UV Texture Editor is the last one used.

    [in]documentThe currently active document.
    True if is UV mode, false otherwise.

    ◆ GetFormatDepth()

    Int32 GetFormatDepth ( Int32  format,
    Int32  depth 

    Gets the format depth for a image saver and depth.

    [in]formatThe ID of the image saver.
    The depth of the format (8, 16 or 32).

    Variable Documentation



    Get Machine features for the currently active OpenGL type.



    Get Machine features for Hardware OpenGL.


    class DebugTimer MAXON_ENUM_LIST