Open Search
    BaseDocument Class Reference

    #include <c4d_basedocument.h>

    Inheritance diagram for BaseDocument:

    Detailed Description

    This class contains the complete description of a scene.

    Has to be created with Alloc() and destroyed with Free(). Use AutoAlloc to automate the allocation and destruction based on scope.

    Private Member Functions

     BaseDocument ()
     ~BaseDocument ()


    static BaseDocumentAlloc ()
    static void Free (BaseDocument *&bl)
    void Flush ()

    Target Object

    static void CopyLinearWorkflow (const BaseDocument *src, BaseDocument *dst, Bool isMaterialPreview)
    static const OcioConverterRefGetBasicColorConverter ()
    static const OcioConverterRefGetColorConverterForActiveDocument ()
    BaseObjectGetTargetObject () const
    void SetTargetObject (BaseObject *op)
    maxon::Result< const maxon::UpdatableAssetRepositoryRef & > GetSceneRepository (Bool create)
    void SetTemporaryManipulatorObject (BaseObject *temp)
    BaseObjectGetTemporaryManipulatorObject () const
    maxon::DocumentModeControllerRef & GetModeController ()
    Int32 GetMode (const maxon::Id &group) const
    void SetMode (Int32 mode, const maxon::Id &group)
    Filename GetOcioConfigPath (Bool fullPath=true) const
    const maxon::OcioConfig & GetOcioConfig () const
    void GetOcioProfiles (maxon::ColorProfile &renderingColorSpace, maxon::ColorProfile &displayColorSpace, maxon::ColorProfile &viewTransform, maxon::ColorProfile &viewTransformThumbnails) const
    void GetOcioConfigAndProfiles (maxon::OcioConfig &ocioConfig, maxon::ColorProfile &renderingColorSpace, maxon::ColorProfile &displayColorSpace, maxon::ColorProfile &viewTransform, maxon::ColorProfile &viewTransformThumbnails) const
    void GetActiveOcioColorSpacesNames (maxon::CString &renderingColorSpace, maxon::CString &displayColorSpace, maxon::CString &viewTransform, maxon::CString &viewTransformThumbnails) const
    const maxon::BaseArray< maxon::CString > & GetOcioColorSpaceNames ()
    const maxon::BaseArray< maxon::CString > & GetOcioRenderingColorSpaceNames ()
    const BaseContainerGetOcioColorSpacesPopupMenu () const
    const maxon::BaseArray< maxon::CString > & GetOcioViewTransformNames ()
    const maxon::BaseArray< maxon::CString > & GetOcioDisplayColorSpaceNames ()
    maxon::CString GetNameFromColorSpaceId (Int32 category, Int32 index) const
    Int32 GetColorSpaceIdFromName (Int32 category, const maxon::CString &name) const
    void UpdateOcioColorSpaces ()
    const OcioConverterRefGetColorConverter () const
    maxon::Result< void > PrivateSetBaseRepository (const maxon::UpdatableAssetRepositoryRef &baseRepo)
    Int GetCacheRunId () const
    Bool HasUncachedDynamics () const


    BaseDocumentGetNext ()
    BaseDocumentGetPred ()


    BaseContainer GetData (DOCUMENTSETTINGS type) const
    void SetData (DOCUMENTSETTINGS type, const BaseContainer &bc)
    const BaseContainerGetSettingsInstance (Int32 type) const
    BaseContainerGetSettingsInstance (Int32 type)
    NetRenderDocumentContextGetNetRenderDocumentContext () const
    void SetNetRenderDocumentContext (NetRenderDocumentContext *context)

    Object/Material/Tag/Render Data

    BaseObjectGetFirstObject () const
    BaseMaterialGetFirstMaterial () const
    RenderDataGetFirstRenderData () const
    BaseSceneHookGetFirstSceneHook () const
    void InsertObject (BaseObject *op, BaseObject *parent, BaseObject *pred, Bool checknames=false, Bool sendNotification=true)
    void InsertMaterial (BaseMaterial *mat, BaseMaterial *pred=nullptr, Bool checknames=false)
    void InsertRenderData (RenderData *rd, RenderData *parent, RenderData *pred)
    void InsertRenderDataLast (RenderData *rd)
    BaseObjectGetActiveObject ()
    const BaseObjectGetActiveObject () const
    BaseMaterialGetActiveMaterial ()
    const BaseMaterialGetActiveMaterial () const
    BaseTagGetActiveTag ()
    const BaseTagGetActiveTag () const
    RenderDataGetActiveRenderData ()
    const RenderDataGetActiveRenderData () const
    BaseObjectGetRealActiveObject (AtomArray *help, Bool *multi)
    void GetActiveObjects (AtomArray &selection, GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS flags) const
    void GetActivePolygonObjects (AtomArray &selection, Bool children) const
    void GetActiveObjectsFilter (AtomArray &selection, Bool children, Int32 type, Int32 instanceof) const
    void GetActiveMaterials (AtomArray &selection) const
    void GetActiveTags (AtomArray &selection) const
    void GetSelection (AtomArray &selection) const
    void SetActiveObject (BaseObject *op, Int32 mode=0)
    void SetActiveMaterial (BaseMaterial *mat, Int32 mode=0)
    void SetActiveTag (BaseTag *tag, Int32 mode=0)
    void SetActiveRenderData (RenderData *rd)
    void SetSelection (BaseList2D *bl, Int32 mode=0)

    Search Object/Material

    BaseObjectSearchObject (const maxon::String &str)
    BaseMaterialSearchMaterial (const maxon::String &str)

    Changed State

    Bool GetChanged ()
    void SetChanged ()


    Filename GetDocumentName () const
    Filename GetDocumentPath () const
    void SetDocumentName (const Filename &fn)
    void SetDocumentPath (const Filename &path)


    Float GetLOD () const
    void SetLOD (Float lod)
    Bool GetRenderLod () const
    void SetRenderLod (Bool lod)


    const BaseTimeGetTime () const
    void SetTime (const BaseTime &t)
    Int32 GetFps () const
    void SetFps (Int32 fps)
    BaseTime GetMinTime () const
    void SetMinTime (const BaseTime &t)
    BaseTime GetMaxTime () const
    void SetMaxTime (const BaseTime &t)
    BaseTime GetUsedMinTime (BaseList2D *check)
    BaseTime GetUsedMaxTime (BaseList2D *check)
    BaseTime GetLoopMinTime () const
    void SetLoopMinTime (const BaseTime &t)
    BaseTime GetLoopMaxTime () const
    void SetLoopMaxTime (const BaseTime &t)


    Int32 GetMode () const
    void SetMode (Int32 m)
    Bool IsEditMode () const
    Int32 GetAction () const
    void SetAction (Int32 a)


    Bool StartUndo ()
    Bool EndUndo ()
    Bool AddUndo (UNDOTYPE type, void *data, Bool allowFromThread=false)
    Bool AddUndo (BaseDraw *bd)
    Bool DoUndo (Bool multiple=false)
    Bool DoRedo ()
    void FlushUndoBuffer (Bool lastEntryOnly=false)
    BaseList2DGetUndoPtr ()
    BaseList2DFindUndoPtr (BaseList2D *bl, UNDOTYPE type)


    void AutoKey (BaseList2D *undo, BaseList2D *op, Bool recursive, Bool pos, Bool scale, Bool rot, Bool param, Bool pla)
    Bool RecordKey (BaseList2D *op, const BaseTime &time, const DescID &id, BaseList2D *undo, Bool eval_attribmanager, Bool autokeying, Bool allow_linking)
    void Record ()


    BaseDrawGetActiveBaseDraw () const
    BaseDrawGetRenderBaseDraw () const
    BaseDrawGetBaseDraw (Int32 num) const
    Int32 GetBaseDrawCount () const
    void ForceCreateBaseDraw ()
    Int32 GetDrawTime ()
    void GetDefaultClippingPlanes (Float &nearPlane, Float &farPlane, const GeData *preset=nullptr) const

    Pick Session

    const PickSessionDataStructGetPickSession () const
    void StartPickSession (PickSessionDataStruct *psd)
    void StopPickSession (Bool cancel)


    void AnimateObject (BaseList2D *op, const BaseTime &time, ANIMATEFLAGS flags)
    Bool ExecutePasses (BaseThread *bt, Bool animation, Bool expressions, Bool caches, BUILDFLAGS flags)
    BaseDocumentPolygonize (Bool keepanimation=false)
    Bool CollectSounds (BaseSound *snd, const BaseTime &from, const BaseTime &to)
    BaseSceneHookFindSceneHook (Int32 id) const
    Int32 GetSplinePlane ()
    GeListHeadGetLayerObjectRoot ()
    BaseContainer GetAllTextures (const AtomArray *ar)
    BaseContainer GetAllTextures (Bool isNet, const AtomArray *ar)
    BaseObjectGetHighest (Int32 type, Bool editor)
    BaseBitmapGetDocPreviewBitmap ()
    void GetHighlightedObjects (AtomArray &selection) const
    void SetHighlightedObject (BaseObject *op, Int32 mode=0)
    void SetHighlightedObjects (AtomArray &selection, Int32 mode=0)
    Bool GetDefaultKey (CKey *pKey, Bool &bOverdub) const
    void SetDefaultKey (CKey *pKey, Bool bOverdub)
    void SetTrackDefaultInterpolationMode (CURVEINTERPOLATION_MODE mode)
    CURVEINTERPOLATION_MODE GetTrackDefaultInterpolationMode () const
    Bool IsCacheBuilt (Bool force=false)
    Bool IsAxisEnabled () const
    BaseObjectGetHelperAxis ()
    Bool HandleSelectedTextureFilename (BaseChannel *bc, const Filename &fn, Filename *resfilename, Bool undo, GEMB_R *already_answered)
    Bool ReceiveMaterials (BaseObject *op, AtomArray *mat, Bool clearfirst)
    Bool ReceiveNewTexture (BaseObject *op, const Filename &filename, Bool sdown, GEMB_R *already_answered)
    void SendInfo (Int32 type, Int32 format, const Filename &fn, BaseList2D *bl, Bool hooks_only)
    void RecordZero ()
    void RecordNoEvent ()
    void SetRewind (Int32 flags=0)

    Take Data

    TakeDataGetTakeData () const

    Additional Inherited Members

    - Public Member Functions inherited from BaseList2D
    void SetBit (Int32 mask)
    Bool GetBit (Int32 mask) const
    void DelBit (Int32 mask)
    void ToggleBit (Int32 mask)
    Int32 GetAllBits () const
    void SetAllBits (Int32 bits)
    void SetBitEx (Int32 mask, Int32 flags)
    const CharGetViewportRenderId (VIEWPORT_RENDER_ID typeId) const
    BaseList2DGetNext ()
    const BaseList2DGetNext () const
    BaseList2DGetPred ()
    const BaseList2DGetPred () const
    BaseContainer GetData ()
    void SetData (const BaseContainer &bc, Bool add=true)
    const BaseContainerGetDataInstanceRef () const
    BaseContainerGetDataInstanceRef ()
    const BaseContainerGetDataInstance () const
    BaseContainerGetDataInstance ()
    String GetName () const
    void SetName (const maxon::String &name, Bool setDirty=true)
    String GetBubbleHelp ()
    Bool TransferGoal (BaseList2D *dst, Bool undolink)
    Bool TransferMarker (BaseList2D *dst) const
    Bool CopyDynamicDescriptionFrom (const BaseList2D *src)
    Bool Scale (Float scale)
    Bool Edit ()
    void GetIcon (IconData *dat)
    GeListHeadGetNLARoot (Bool create)
    BaseList2DAnimationLayerRemap (BaseObject **layer=nullptr)
    String GetTypeName () const
    BaseList2DGetMain () const
    void InsertTrackSorted (CTrack *track)
    Bool AddEventNotification (BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid, NOTIFY_EVENT_FLAG flags, const BaseContainer *data)
    Bool RemoveEventNotification (const BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid)
    Bool FindEventNotification (const BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid)
    Bool SetDescIDState (const DescID &id, DESCIDSTATE descidstate)
    DESCIDSTATE GetDescIDState (const DescID &id, Bool tolerant) const
    GeListHeadGetOverrideRoot (Bool create)
    BaseOverrideGetFirstOverride ()
    GeListHeadGetShaderRepositoryRoot (Bool create)
    GeListHeadGetHiddenShaderRoot (Bool create)
    maxon::NimbusForwardRef GetNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId) const
    maxon::Result< maxon::NimbusForwardRefPrivateGetOrCreateNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId)
    void RemoveNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId)
    maxon::Result< maxon::HashMap< maxon::Id, maxon::NimbusForwardRef > > GetAllNimbusRefs () const
    Bool IsNodeBased () const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjects (METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjectsRec (ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, Bool withSiblings, Bool withChildren, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjectsOfHierarchy (ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjectsOfChildren (ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjectsOfFirstChildHierarchy (ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< maxon::GenericDataGroupChanges ()
    void GetMarkerStampEx (UInt32 *l1, UInt32 *l2)
    const GeMarkerGetMarker () const
    void SetMarker (const GeMarker &m)
    Bool AddUniqueID (Int32 appid, const Char *const mem, Int bytes)
    Bool FindUniqueID (Int32 appid, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const
    Int32 GetUniqueIDCount () const
    Bool GetUniqueIDIndex (Int32 idx, Int32 &id, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const
    Bool SetAnimatedParameter (const CTrack *track, const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data1, const GeData &t_data2, Float mix, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
    Bool GetAnimatedParameter (const DescID &id, GeData &t_data1, GeData &t_data2, Float &mix, DESCFLAGS_GET flags) const
    BaseShaderGetFirstShader () const
    void InsertShader (BaseShader *shader, BaseShader *pred=nullptr)
    void ClearKeyframeSelection ()
    Bool FindKeyframeSelection (const DescID &id)
    Bool SetKeyframeSelection (const DescID &id, Bool selection)
    Bool KeyframeSelectionContent ()
    LayerObjectGetLayerObject (const BaseDocument *doc)
    const LayerObjectGetLayerObject (const BaseDocument *doc) const
    Bool SetLayerObject (const LayerObject *layer)
    const LayerDataGetLayerData (const BaseDocument *doc, Bool rawdata=false) const
    Bool SetLayerData (BaseDocument *doc, const LayerData &data)
    GeListHeadGetCTrackRoot (Bool create)
    const GeListHeadGetCTrackRoot () const
    CTrackGetFirstCTrack ()
    const CTrackGetFirstCTrack () const
    CTrackFindCTrack (const DescID &id)
    const CTrackFindCTrack (const DescID &id) const
    - Public Member Functions inherited from GeListNode
    GeListNodeGetNext ()
    const GeListNodeGetNext () const
    GeListNodeGetPred ()
    const GeListNodeGetPred () const
    GeListNodeGetDown ()
    const GeListNodeGetDown () const
    GeListNodeGetUp ()
    const GeListNodeGetUp () const
    GeListNodeGetDownLast ()
    const GeListNodeGetDownLast () const
    void InsertBefore (GeListNode *bl)
    void InsertAfter (GeListNode *bl)
    void InsertUnder (GeListNode *bl)
    void InsertUnderLast (GeListNode *bl)
    void Remove ()
    void FlushChilds ()
    void MoveChildrenTo (GeListNode *dest)
    GeListHeadGetListHead ()
    const GeListHeadGetListHead () const
    Int32 GetNodeID (Int32 index=0) const
    template<typename CAST >
    const CAST * GetNodeData (Int32 index=0) const
    template<typename CAST >
    CAST * GetNodeData (Int32 index=0)
    void SetCustomData (GeListNode *node)
    GeListNodeGetCustomData ()
    const GeListNodeGetCustomData () const
    const BaseDocumentGetDocument () const
    BaseDocumentGetDocument ()
    maxon::Result< BoolGetBranchInfo (const maxon::ValueReceiver< const BranchInfo & > &info, GETBRANCHINFO flags) const
    Bool IsDocumentRelated () const
    Int32 GetInfo () const
    Bool GetNBit (NBIT bit) const
    UInt32 GetNBitMask (Int32 index) const
    Bool ChangeNBit (NBIT bit, NBITCONTROL bitmode)
    - Public Member Functions inherited from C4DAtom
    Int32 GetType () const
    Int32 GetRealType () const
    Int32 GetDiskType () const
    Bool IsInstanceOf (Int32 id) const
    Int32 GetClassification () const
    Bool Message (Int32 type, void *data=nullptr)
    Bool MultiMessage (MULTIMSG_ROUTE flags, Int32 type, void *data)
    C4DAtomGetClone (COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn) const
    Bool CopyTo (C4DAtom *dst, COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn) const
    Bool Read (HyperFile *hf, Int32 id, Int32 level)
    Bool Write (HyperFile *hf) const
    Bool ReadObject (HyperFile *hf, Bool readheader)
    Bool WriteObject (HyperFile *hf) const
    Bool GetDescription (Description *description, DESCFLAGS_DESC flags) const
    Bool GetParameter (const DescID &id, GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_GET flags) const
    Bool SetParameter (const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
    DynamicDescriptionGetDynamicDescriptionWritable ()
    const DynamicDescriptionGetDynamicDescription () const
    Bool CopyDynamicDescriptionFrom (const BaseList2D *src)
    Bool GetEnabling (const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_ENABLE flags, const BaseContainer *itemdesc) const
    Bool TranslateDescID (const DescID &id, DescID &res_id, C4DAtom *&res_at)
    UInt32 GetDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags) const
    void SetDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags)
    UInt32 GetHDirty (HDIRTYFLAGS mask) const
    void SetHDirty (HDIRTYFLAGS mask)
    - Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseList2D
    static BaseList2DAlloc (Int32 type)
    static void Free (BaseList2D *&bl)
    - Static Public Attributes inherited from BaseList2D
    static const Int32 SETBIT_FLAG_NODIRTY
    static const Int32 SETBIT_FLAG_REMOVE

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ◆ BaseDocument()

    BaseDocument ( )

    ◆ ~BaseDocument()

    ~BaseDocument ( )

    Member Function Documentation

    ◆ Alloc()

    static BaseDocument* Alloc ( )

    Allocates a document. Destroy the allocated document with Free(). Use AutoAlloc to automate the allocation and destruction based on scope.

    The allocated document, or nullptr if the allocation failed.

    ◆ Free()

    static void Free ( BaseDocument *&  bl)

    Destructs documents allocated with Alloc(). Use AutoAlloc to automate the allocation and destruction based on scope.

    [in,out]blThe document to destruct. If the pointer is nullptr nothing happens. The pointer is assigned nullptr afterwards.

    ◆ Flush()

    void Flush ( )

    Empties the document; deletes and frees all resources used.

    ◆ GetNext()

    BaseDocument* GetNext ( )

    Gets the next document in the list. Convenience version of GeListNode::GetNext() returning a pointer to a BaseDocument.

    The next document, or nullptr if there is none. Cinema 4D owns the pointed document.

    ◆ GetPred()

    BaseDocument* GetPred ( )

    Gets the previous document in the list. Convenience version of GeListNode::GetNext() returning a pointer to a BaseDocument.

    The previous document, or nullptr if there is none. Cinema 4D owns the pointed document.

    ◆ GetData()

    BaseContainer GetData ( DOCUMENTSETTINGS  type) const

    Gets the container settings of the specified type.

    [in]typeSelects the type of settings to get for the document: DOCUMENTSETTINGS
    The settings for the document.

    ◆ SetData()

    void SetData ( DOCUMENTSETTINGS  type,
    const BaseContainer bc 

    Merges the container for the settings of the specified type.

    [in]typeSelects the type of settings to merge for the document: DOCUMENTSETTINGS
    [in]bcThe container to take the new settings from.

    ◆ GetSettingsInstance() [1/2]

    const BaseContainer* GetSettingsInstance ( Int32  type) const

    Gets a pointer to the container settings of the specified type. Changes to the pointed container are reflected in the document so it is not needed to call SetData() manually.

    [in]typeSelects the type of settings to get for the document: DOCUMENTSETTINGS
    The pointer to the settings container. The document owns the pointed container.

    ◆ GetSettingsInstance() [2/2]

    BaseContainer* GetSettingsInstance ( Int32  type)

    ◆ GetNetRenderDocumentContext()

    NetRenderDocumentContext* GetNetRenderDocumentContext ( ) const

    Retrieves a context on a client during a NET rendering.

    The information about the current NET rendering. Cinema 4D owns the pointed structure.

    ◆ SetNetRenderDocumentContext()

    void SetNetRenderDocumentContext ( NetRenderDocumentContext context)

    Sets the current context on a client during a NET rendering.

    [in]contextThe information about the current NET rendering. The caller owns the pointed structure.

    ◆ GetFirstObject()

    BaseObject* GetFirstObject ( ) const

    Gets the first object of the document. The other objects in the document can be accessed with BaseObject::GetNext(), BaseObject::GetPred(), BaseObject::GetDown() etc.

    The first object of the document, or nullptr if there are no objects in the document. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ GetFirstMaterial()

    BaseMaterial* GetFirstMaterial ( ) const

    Gets the first material of the document. The other materials in the document can be accessed with BaseMaterial::GetNext() and BaseMaterial::GetPred().

    The first material of the document, or nullptr if there are no materials in the document. The document owns the pointed material.

    ◆ GetFirstRenderData()

    RenderData* GetFirstRenderData ( ) const

    Gets the first render data or options of the document. The other render settings in the document can be accessed by using the base class list functions, RenderData::GetNext(), RenderData::GetPred(), RenderData::GetDown() etc.

    The first render data of the document, or nullptr if there are no render data associated with the document. The document owns the pointed render data.

    ◆ GetFirstSceneHook()

    BaseSceneHook* GetFirstSceneHook ( ) const

    Gets the first scene hook of the document.

    The first scene hook of the document.

    ◆ InsertObject()

    void InsertObject ( BaseObject op,
    BaseObject parent,
    BaseObject pred,
    Bool  checknames = false,
    Bool  sendNotification = true 

    Inserts the object into the document's object hierarchy.
    Optionally the insertion position can either be specified by the parent parameter, inserting the object as the first child of the specified parent, or by the pred parameter, inserting the object below the specified pred object.
    If neither is given, the object is inserted at the top of the hierarchy.

    If both parent and pred are provided then pred has precedence.
    [in]opThe object to insert into the document. The document takes over the ownership of the pointed object.
    [in]parentAn optional parent object in the document to insert the object as a child of. Can be nullptr. The caller owns the pointed object.
    [in]predAn optional object in the document to use as insertion point. The caller owns the pointed object.
    [in]sendNotificationTrue to send MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_OBJECT_INSERT notification all scenehook (default). False to prevent doing this.

    ◆ InsertMaterial()

    void InsertMaterial ( BaseMaterial mat,
    BaseMaterial pred = nullptr,
    Bool  checknames = false 

    Inserts the material into the document's material list.
    Optionally the insertion position can be specified by the pred parameter, giving the material before (just to the left of) the wanted position. Otherwise the material is inserted at the first position in the list.

    [in]matThe material to insert into the document. The document takes over the ownership of the pointed material.
    [in]predAn optional material in the document to use as insertion point. The caller owns the pointed material.

    ◆ InsertRenderData()

    void InsertRenderData ( RenderData rd,
    RenderData parent,
    RenderData pred 

    Inserts the render data into the document's render settings hierarchy.
    Optionally the insertion position can either be specified by the parent parameter, inserting the render data as the first child of the specified parent, or by the pred parameter, inserting the render data below the specified pred render data.
    If neither is given, the render data is inserted at the top of the hierarchy.

    [in]rdThe render data to insert. The document takes over the ownership of the pointed render data.
    [in]parentAn optional parent to insert the render data as a child of. The caller owns the pointed render data.
    [in]predAn optional render data of the document to use as insertion point. The caller owns the pointed render data.

    ◆ InsertRenderDataLast()

    void InsertRenderDataLast ( RenderData rd)

    Inserts the render data as last child into the document's render data list.

    [in]rdThe render data to insert. The document takes over the ownership of the pointed render data.

    ◆ GetActiveObject() [1/2]

    BaseObject* GetActiveObject ( )

    Gets the active object in the document. This is the object the user has selected in the Object Manager.

    The active object, or nullptr if no object is active. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ GetActiveObject() [2/2]

    const BaseObject* GetActiveObject ( ) const

    Gets the active object in the document. This is the object the user has selected in the Object Manager.

    The active object, or nullptr if no object is active. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ GetActiveMaterial() [1/2]

    BaseMaterial* GetActiveMaterial ( )

    Gets the active material in the document. This is the material the user has selected in the Material Manager.

    The active material, or nullptr if no material is active or multiple are selected. The document owns the pointed material.

    ◆ GetActiveMaterial() [2/2]

    const BaseMaterial* GetActiveMaterial ( ) const

    Gets the active material in the document. This is the material the user has selected in the Material Manager.

    The active material, or nullptr if no material is active or multiple are selected. The document owns the pointed material.

    ◆ GetActiveTag() [1/2]

    BaseTag* GetActiveTag ( )

    Gets the active tag in the document. This is the tag the user has selected in the Object Manager.

    Call GetActiveTags() to get multiple selections.
    The active tag, or nullptr if no tag is active. The document owns the pointed tag.

    ◆ GetActiveTag() [2/2]

    const BaseTag* GetActiveTag ( ) const

    Gets the active tag in the document. This is the tag the user has selected in the Object Manager.

    Call GetActiveTags() to get multiple selections.
    The active tag, or nullptr if no tag is active. The document owns the pointed tag.

    ◆ GetActiveRenderData() [1/2]

    RenderData* GetActiveRenderData ( )

    Gets the active render data for the document. These are the settings used for rendering the document.

    The active rendering settings. The document owns the pointed render data.

    ◆ GetActiveRenderData() [2/2]

    const RenderData* GetActiveRenderData ( ) const

    Gets the active render data for the document. These are the settings used for rendering the document.

    The active rendering settings. The document owns the pointed render data.

    ◆ GetRealActiveObject()

    BaseObject* GetRealActiveObject ( AtomArray help,
    Bool multi 

    Gets the active object or the dummy axis if multiple objects are selected.

    [in]helpCan be set to nullptr or for speedup purposes pass an array of active objects. The caller owns the pointed atom array.
    [out]multiAssigned true if multiple objects are selected. Can be nullptr.
    The active object or the dummy axis if multiple objects are selected and nullptr if no object is selected. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ GetActiveObjects()

    void GetActiveObjects ( AtomArray selection,
    ) const

    Gets the active object multi-selection and optionally the selection order and/or children.

    [out]selectionFilled with the selected objects.

    ◆ GetActivePolygonObjects()

    void GetActivePolygonObjects ( AtomArray selection,
    Bool  children 
    ) const

    Gets the subset of polygon objects in the active object multi-selection.

    [out]selectionFilled with the selected polygon objects.
    [in]childrenIf true then children are also added to selection, provided that they are selected. Otherwise only the topmost parent in each chain is added.

    ◆ GetActiveObjectsFilter()

    void GetActiveObjectsFilter ( AtomArray selection,
    Bool  children,
    Int32  type,
    Int32  instanceof 
    ) const

    Gets the active object multi-selection and removes objects that do not match the filter given by type and instanceof.

    [out]selectionFilled with the selected objects.
    [in]childrenIf true then children are also added to selection, provided that they are selected. Otherwise only the topmost parent in each chain is added.
    [in]typeChecked against C4DAtom::GetType(). Pass NOTOK to ignore the test.
    [in]instanceofChecked against C4DAtom::IsInstanceOf(). Pass NOTOK to ignore the test.

    ◆ GetActiveMaterials()

    void GetActiveMaterials ( AtomArray selection) const

    Gets the active material multi-selection.

    [out]selectionFilled with the selected materials.

    ◆ GetActiveTags()

    void GetActiveTags ( AtomArray selection) const

    Gets the active tag multi-selection.

    [out]selectionFilled with the selected tags.

    ◆ GetSelection()

    void GetSelection ( AtomArray selection) const

    Gets the active selection. This function deals with both objects and tags.

    [out]selectionFilled with the objects and tags selection.

    ◆ SetActiveObject()

    void SetActiveObject ( BaseObject op,
    Int32  mode = 0 

    Modifies the current object multi-selection with op depending on mode.

    [in]opThe object to use. Must be in the document already. The document owns the pointed object.
    [in]modeThe selection mode: SELECTION

    ◆ SetActiveMaterial()

    void SetActiveMaterial ( BaseMaterial mat,
    Int32  mode = 0 

    Modifies the current material multi-selection with mat depending on mode.

    [in]matThe material within the document that you want to make active. Must be in the document already. The document owns the pointed material.
    [in]modeThe selection mode: SELECTION

    ◆ SetActiveTag()

    void SetActiveTag ( BaseTag tag,
    Int32  mode = 0 

    Modifies the current tag multi-selection with tag depending on mode.

    This method also activates the object the tag is attached to if it was not previously activated.
    [in]tagThe tag to make active. Must be in the document already. The document owns the pointed tag.
    [in]modeThe selection mode: SELECTION

    ◆ SetActiveRenderData()

    void SetActiveRenderData ( RenderData rd)

    Sets the active render data for the document. These are the settings that are used for rendering.

    [in]rdThe render data to make active. Must be in the document already. The document owns the pointed render data.

    ◆ SetSelection()

    void SetSelection ( BaseList2D bl,
    Int32  mode = 0 

    Sets the active selection. This function deals with both objects, tags and materials.

    [in]blThe baselist object within the document that you want to make active. Must be in the document already. The document owns the pointed base list object.
    [in]modeThe selection mode: SELECTION

    ◆ SearchObject()

    BaseObject* SearchObject ( const maxon::String str)

    Searches for an object with the case sensitive name given.

    [in]strThe case sensitive name of the object to search for.
    The found object, or nullptr if no object was found. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ SearchMaterial()

    BaseMaterial* SearchMaterial ( const maxon::String str)

    Searches for a material with the case sensitive name given.

    [in]strThe case sensitive name of the material to search for.
    The found material, or nullptr of no material was found. The document owns the pointed material.

    ◆ GetChanged()

    Bool GetChanged ( )

    Checks if the document has been changed since it was last saved.

    true if the document was changed, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetChanged()

    void SetChanged ( )

    Sets the changed state of the document to reflect it has been modified.

    ◆ GetDocumentName()

    Filename GetDocumentName ( ) const

    Gets the name of the document.

    The name of the file for the document.

    ◆ GetDocumentPath()

    Filename GetDocumentPath ( ) const

    Gets the path of the document.

    The path of the file for the document. If the document has not been saved then the path is empty.

    ◆ SetDocumentName()

    void SetDocumentName ( const Filename fn)

    Sets the name of the document.

    [in]fnThe new name for the document's file. Must contain the name part only.

    ◆ SetDocumentPath()

    void SetDocumentPath ( const Filename path)

    Sets the path of the document.

    [in]pathThe new path for the document's file. Must contain the path part only.

    ◆ GetLOD()

    Float GetLOD ( ) const

    Gets the Level of Detail for the document.

    The Level of Detail for the document.
    The default values are:
    • Low = 0.25
    • Medium = 0.5
    • High = 1.0

    ◆ SetLOD()

    void SetLOD ( Float  lod)

    Sets the Level of Detail for the document.

    [in]lodThe Level of Detail to set for the document. The default values are:
    • Low = 0.25
    • Medium = 0.5
    • High = 1.0

    ◆ GetRenderLod()

    Bool GetRenderLod ( ) const

    Checks if the Level of Detail for rendering should be used in the editor.

    true if using the render LOD, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetRenderLod()

    void SetRenderLod ( Bool  lod)

    Sets if the the Level of Detail for rendering should be used in the editor.

    [in]lodtrue if the render LOD should be used, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetTime()

    const BaseTime& GetTime ( ) const

    Gets the current time for the document's Timeline.
    Here is how to get the current frame with GetTime():

    Int32 fps = doc.GetFps();
    BaseTime time = doc->GetTime();
    frame = time.GetFrame(fps);
    Definition: c4d_basetime.h:25
    Int32 GetFrame(Float fps) const
    Definition: c4d_basetime.h:107
    maxon::Int32 Int32
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:60
    PyFrameObject * frame
    Definition: pycore_traceback.h:92
    const char * doc
    Definition: pyerrors.h:226
    See also
    The current time of the Timeline.

    ◆ SetTime()

    void SetTime ( const BaseTime t)

    Sets the current time for the document's Timeline.

    See also
    This method only changes the document time, it does not start a redraw and/or animation/expressions. This is done using a combination of the following functions: ExecutePasses(), DrawViews() and EventAdd().
    [in]tThe new current time of the Timeline.

    ◆ GetFps()

    Int32 GetFps ( ) const

    Gets the number of frames per second (FPS).

    The framerate defined in the render settings is independent from the document framerate.
    In the viewport, and for a render in the viewport, it will return the project's setting FrameRate.
    Rendering elsewhere, it will return the RenderData FrameRate setting.
    The number of frames per second.

    ◆ SetFps()

    void SetFps ( Int32  fps)

    Sets the number of frames per second (FPS).

    [in]fpsThe new number of frames per second.

    ◆ GetMinTime()

    BaseTime GetMinTime ( ) const

    Gets the starting time for the Timeline in the document.

    The starting time of the document's Timeline.

    ◆ SetMinTime()

    void SetMinTime ( const BaseTime t)

    Sets the starting time for the Timeline in the document.

    [in]tThe new starting time of the document's Timeline.

    ◆ GetMaxTime()

    BaseTime GetMaxTime ( ) const

    Gets the ending time for for the Timeline in the document.

    The ending time of the document's Timeline.

    ◆ SetMaxTime()

    void SetMaxTime ( const BaseTime t)

    Sets the ending time for the Timeline in the document.

    See also
    BaseTime for conversion of FPS or other time units.
    [in]tThe new ending time of the document's Timeline.

    ◆ GetUsedMinTime()

    BaseTime GetUsedMinTime ( BaseList2D check)

    Gets the lower bound of the range of time used by all sequences, tracks, keys etc. Optionally the calculation is done only for the given object check.

    Though the check parameter supports all kinds of nodes, the test when check==nullptr is only done for objects.
    [in]checkAn object to check or nullptr to check the document's objects.
    The minimal used time in the document.

    ◆ GetUsedMaxTime()

    BaseTime GetUsedMaxTime ( BaseList2D check)

    Gets the upper bound of the range of time used by all sequences, tracks, keys etc. Optionally the calculation is done only for the given object check.

    Though the check parameter supports all kinds of nodes, the test when check==nullptr is only done for objects.
    [in]checkAn object to check or nullptr to check the document's objects.
    The maximum used time in the document.

    ◆ GetLoopMinTime()

    BaseTime GetLoopMinTime ( ) const

    Gets the time of the left boundary of the document's loop or preview range.

    The starting time for the document's loop range.

    ◆ SetLoopMinTime()

    void SetLoopMinTime ( const BaseTime t)

    Sets the time of the left boundary of the document's loop or preview range.

    [in]tThe new starting time for the document's loop range.

    ◆ GetLoopMaxTime()

    BaseTime GetLoopMaxTime ( ) const

    Gets the time of the right boundary of the document's loop or preview range.

    The ending time for the document's loop range.

    ◆ SetLoopMaxTime()

    void SetLoopMaxTime ( const BaseTime t)

    Sets the time of the right boundary of the document's loop or preview range.

    [in]tThe new ending time for the document's loop range.

    ◆ GetMode() [1/2]

    Int32 GetMode ( ) const

    Gets the main editor mode.

    The values for the editor mode are: EditorModes

    ◆ SetMode() [1/2]

    void SetMode ( Int32  m)

    Sets the main editor mode.

    [in]mThe values for the editor mode are: EditorModes

    ◆ IsEditMode()

    Bool IsEditMode ( ) const

    Checks if the editor is in editable mode. It basically checks if GetMode() is Mpoints, Medges or Mpolygons.

    true if the editor is in point/edge/poly editing mode, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetAction()

    Int32 GetAction ( ) const

    Gets the current action tool in the editor.


    ◆ SetAction()

    void SetAction ( Int32  a)

    Sets the current action tool in the editor.


    ◆ StartUndo()

    Bool StartUndo ( )

    Tells Cinema 4D to start building a list of undos into a single undo action for the user. This must be paired with an EndUndo().

    Before calling StartUndo() in an asynchronous situation, do not forget to call StopAllThreads()
    true if the undo list was successfully started, otherwise false.

    ◆ EndUndo()

    Bool EndUndo ( )

    Ends the building of multiple undo actions into a single user undo. This must be paired with StartUndo().

    true if the undo list was successfully finished, otherwise false.

    ◆ AddUndo() [1/2]

    Bool AddUndo ( UNDOTYPE  type,
    void *  data,
    Bool  allowFromThread = false 

    Adds an undo type to the list of undo operations started with StartUndo().

    AddUndo() always has to be called before a change is made.
    In the case of the creation of a new object the call is done afterwards, after insertion into the document/object/track/sequence but before calling subsequent functions like SetActiveObject() which creates another undo:
    doc->AddUndo(UNDOTYPE::NEWOBJ, tag);
    Definition: c4d_basetag.h:50
    static UVWTag * Alloc(Int32 count)
    @ NEWOBJ
    A new object, material, tag, or other classic API node instance has been inserted into the document....
    PyObject * op
    Definition: object.h:520
    [in]typeThe values for the undo type are: UNDOTYPE
    [in]dataThe object the undo has been added for.
    [in]allowFromThreadIf an undo is added from a thread this is not executed. (As a safety measure, because normally this does not make any sense.)
    For explicit cases where a thread has to call AddUndo() (the view redraw and everything else is blocked) this can be set to true.
    true if the change was successfully added to the undo list, otherwise false.

    ◆ AddUndo() [2/2]

    Bool AddUndo ( BaseDraw bd)

    Adds an undo for a BaseDraw to the list of undo operations started with StartUndo().

    [in]bdThe base draw to add the change to the undo list.
    true if the change for the base draw was successfully added to the undo list, otherwise false.

    ◆ DoUndo()

    Bool DoUndo ( Bool  multiple = false)

    Perform an undo operation, same as the user doing Undo from within Cinema 4D's interface.

    [in]multipleThis parameter only matters if DoUndo() is called between AddUndo() and EndUndo().
    If multiple is true then all the AddUndo() steps will be undone. Otherwise only the last AddUndo() step will be undone.
    In addition if multiple is set then EndUndo() will be invoked internally so if further undos are to be created after this point StartUndo() must be called afterwards.
    If EndUndo() has been called then all steps are always undone regardless of this setting.
    true if the undo list was successfully undone, otherwise false.

    ◆ DoRedo()

    Bool DoRedo ( )

    Performs a redo operation (undo the last undo).

    DoRedo() must always be called after EndUndo().
    true if the last undo was successfully undone, otherwise false.

    ◆ FlushUndoBuffer()

    void FlushUndoBuffer ( Bool  lastEntryOnly = false)

    Flushes the complete undo + redo buffer.

    Only call when absolutely needed.
    [in]lastEntryOnlyIf true only the last or currently ongoing undo is removed, e.g. when an operation failed. Otherwises flushes the complete undo and redo buffer.

    ◆ GetUndoPtr()

    BaseList2D* GetUndoPtr ( )

    Gets the element (object, tag, material, etc.) of the last undo action.
    E.g. if you have added a BaseObject undo you can retrieve the object by calling GetUndoPtr() but always be sure to check the type of the result first.

    The last undo element. The document owns the pointed element.

    ◆ FindUndoPtr()

    BaseList2D* FindUndoPtr ( BaseList2D bl,
    UNDOTYPE  type 

    Finds the last undo state of the Cinema 4D element bl (object, tag, material, etc.) for the specified undo type.
    For instance here is how to retrieve the pre-undo object after a change has been made:

    BaseObject* preundo = (BaseObject*)doc->FindUndoPtr(op, UNDOTYPE::CHANGE);
    Definition: c4d_baseobject.h:248
    @ CHANGE
    Any change to an object, including hierarchy modifications, modification in positioning,...
    [in]blThe element to obtain the last undo action.
    [in]typeThe undo type to check: UNDOTYPE
    The last undo state of the element.The document owns the pointed element.

    ◆ AutoKey()

    void AutoKey ( BaseList2D undo,
    BaseList2D op,
    Bool  recursive,
    Bool  pos,
    Bool  scale,
    Bool  rot,
    Bool  param,
    Bool  pla 

    Compares the object chain op to object chain undo and sets keyframes for all the changes.

    [in]undoThe object chain to compare to. The caller owns the pointed object chain.
    [in,out]opThe object chain to add the keys to. The caller owns the pointed object chain.
    [in]recursiveIf true then the function applies to all children of op as well. The hierarchy of op and undo must match.
    [in]posIf true keyframes are added for differences in position.
    [in]scaleIf true keyframes are added for differences in scale.
    [in]rotIf true keyframes are added for differences in rotation.
    [in]paramIf true keyframes are added for differences in parameters.
    [in]plaIf true keyframes are added as PLA for differences in point positions.

    ◆ RecordKey()

    Bool RecordKey ( BaseList2D op,
    const BaseTime time,
    const DescID id,
    BaseList2D undo,
    Bool  eval_attribmanager,
    Bool  autokeying,
    Bool  allow_linking 

    Records a key for op at time.

    [in,out]opThe object to record.
    [in]timeThe time to record.
    [in]idThe description ID to record.
    [in]undoThe object in op in the old state. This is necessary e.g. for auto-keyframing so that Cinema 4D can compare values. Usually this is the object from the undo buffer.
    To record keys without auto-keyframing then nullptr can be passed.
    [in]eval_attribmanagerIf true Attribute Manager is evaluated.
    [in]autokeyingIf true auto-keyframing is used and undo needs to be passed for comparison.
    [in]allow_linkingIf true and a Y key will be generated in auto-keyframing, then automatically the X and Z components will be completed. If false then only the Y key will be generated.
    true if the key was successfully recorded, otherwise false.

    ◆ Record()

    void Record ( )

    Records the active objects.

    Same as pushing the "Record Active Objects" button in the user interface.

    ◆ GetActiveBaseDraw()

    BaseDraw* GetActiveBaseDraw ( ) const

    Gets the activate BaseDraw in the editor.

    The active view in the editor or nullptr if there is no active view. The document owns the pointed view.

    ◆ GetRenderBaseDraw()

    BaseDraw* GetRenderBaseDraw ( ) const

    Gets the BaseDraw the user has chosen as Render View in the editor (see View menu in Cinema 4D).

    The render view in the editor or nullptr if there is no render view. The document owns the pointed view.

    ◆ GetBaseDraw()

    BaseDraw* GetBaseDraw ( Int32  num) const

    Gets the BaseDraw from one of the editor views.

    [in]numIf there are multiple views this selects the view. 0 <= num < GetBaseDrawCount()
    The requested view in the editor, or nullptr if it is not available. The document owns the pointed view.

    ◆ GetBaseDrawCount()

    Int32 GetBaseDrawCount ( ) const

    Gets the number of views in the editor.

    While this function may sound trivial and cheap, internally it is not. For performance reasons, it is not recommended to use this function inside a loop or inside a loop condition.
    The BaseDraw count in the editor.

    ◆ ForceCreateBaseDraw()

    void ForceCreateBaseDraw ( )

    Call this method to Make sure that GetBaseDraw(0) is accessible. This is only important in import filters where, at the time, there are no valid drawing views.

    ◆ GetDrawTime()

    Int32 GetDrawTime ( )

    Gets the editor redraw time.

    The editor redraw time.

    ◆ GetDefaultClippingPlanes()

    void GetDefaultClippingPlanes ( Float nearPlane,
    Float farPlane,
    const GeData preset = nullptr 
    ) const

    Gets the default clipping planes for the document.

    [out]nearPlaneNear plane.
    [out]farPlaneFar plane.
    [in]presetIf this is not nullptr, it must be an Int32 value which is any of the DOCUMENT_CLIPPING_PRESET_* constants.

    ◆ GetPickSession()

    const PickSessionDataStruct* GetPickSession ( ) const

    Gets the data structure of the current pick session.

    The data structure of the current pick session, or nullptr if there is none. The document owns the pointed pick session data.

    ◆ StartPickSession()

    void StartPickSession ( PickSessionDataStruct psd)

    Starts a pick session.

    [in]psdThe initialized data structure for the pick session. The caller owns the pointed pick session data.

    ◆ StopPickSession()

    void StopPickSession ( Bool  cancel)

    Ends the pick session. For instance after filling the pick session array.

    [in]cancelPass true to cancel a pick session, for instance if an error occurred. Pass false if the pick session is ended regularly.

    ◆ AnimateObject()

    void AnimateObject ( BaseList2D op,
    const BaseTime time,
    ANIMATEFLAGS  flags 

    Animates the object op in the document at the given time.

    Does not take expressions into account.
    [in]opThe object to animate. The caller owns the pointed object.
    [in]timeThe time at which op is animated.
    [in]flagsThe animate flags: ANIMATEFLAGS

    ◆ ExecutePasses()

    Bool ExecutePasses ( BaseThread bt,
    Bool  animation,
    Bool  expressions,
    Bool  caches,
    BUILDFLAGS  flags 

    Animates the current frame of the document. Send an update message using EventAdd() to update the editor afterwards.

    [in]btThe thread can either be nullptr (for the main Cinema 4D thread) or if you are within your own thread then you pass it. The caller owns the pointed thread.
    [in]animationIf true animations are evaluated.
    [in]expressionsIf true expressions are evaluated.
    [in]cachesIf true caches are evaluated.
    [in]flagsThe build flags: BUILDFLAGS
    true if the passes were executed successfully, otherwise false.

    ◆ Polygonize()

    BaseDocument* Polygonize ( Bool  keepanimation = false)

    Makes a clone of the document and turns all objects into polygon based objects.

    [in]keepanimationIf true the animation is kept on the objects.
    The cloned polygon based document or nullptr if it failed. The caller owns the pointed document.

    ◆ CollectSounds()

    Bool CollectSounds ( BaseSound snd,
    const BaseTime from,
    const BaseTime to 

    Collects all enabled soundtracks and calculates the downmix of the tracks. The result is stored in snd.

    [out]sndThe downmix of the collected soundtracks. The caller owns the pointed sound.
    [in]fromThe starting time of for the downmix.
    [in]toThe ending time for the downmix.
    true if collecting all the document's sounds was successful, otherwise false.

    ◆ FindSceneHook()

    BaseSceneHook* FindSceneHook ( Int32  id) const

    Finds a scene hook by ID.

    [in]idThe scene hook ID.
    The found scene hook, or nullptr if there is no scene hook with the searched id. The document owns the pointed scene hook.

    ◆ GetSplinePlane()

    Int32 GetSplinePlane ( )

    Gets the plane in which the splines are created, such as XY plane.

    The values for the spline planes are: PRIM_PLANE_XY, PRIM_PLANE_ZY and PRIM_PLANE_XZ.

    ◆ GetLayerObjectRoot()

    GeListHead* GetLayerObjectRoot ( )

    Gets the list of layers in the document.

    The head of the list of the document's layers. The document owns the pointed list head.

    ◆ GetAllTextures() [1/2]

    BaseContainer GetAllTextures ( const AtomArray ar)

    Gets all used textures for the objects in ar.

    [in]arAn atom array. If nullptr, all used textures in the document will be returned.
    A container with all textures filename.

    ◆ GetAllTextures() [2/2]

    BaseContainer GetAllTextures ( Bool  isNet,
    const AtomArray ar 

    Gets all used textures for the objects in ar.

    If isNet is passed true then the function only delivers the textures of the current take. Set the parameter to false to get all.
    [in]isNetPass true to retrieve the textures used in the current NET rendering.
    [in]arAn atom array to get the textures for. If nullptr, all used textures in the document will be returned.
    A container with all textures filename.

    ◆ GetHighest()

    BaseObject* GetHighest ( Int32  type,
    Bool  editor 

    Gets the first object in the Object Manager hierarchy of the specified type. It searches objects that are not deactivated in the Object Manager (set to red).

    [in]typeThe object type to search for.
    [in]editortrue will search using the editor dot in the Object Manager, false will use the render dot.
    The first object of the requested type or nullptr if no object was found. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ GetDocPreviewBitmap()

    BaseBitmap* GetDocPreviewBitmap ( )

    Gets the preview bitmap of the document.

    The preview bitmap of the document. The document owns the pointed bitmap.

    ◆ GetHighlightedObjects()

    void GetHighlightedObjects ( AtomArray selection) const


    ◆ SetHighlightedObject()

    void SetHighlightedObject ( BaseObject op,
    Int32  mode = 0 


    ◆ SetHighlightedObjects()

    void SetHighlightedObjects ( AtomArray selection,
    Int32  mode = 0 


    ◆ GetDefaultKey()

    Bool GetDefaultKey ( CKey pKey,
    Bool bOverdub 
    ) const

    Gets the document's default keying settings.

    [in]pKeyAssigned the default keying settings. Cinema 4D owns the pointed key.
    [in]bOverdubAssigned the document's default overdub.
    true if the document's default keying settings were retrieved successfully, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetDefaultKey()

    void SetDefaultKey ( CKey pKey,
    Bool  bOverdub 

    Sets the document's default keying settings.

    [in]pKeyThe new default keying settings. Cinema 4D owns the pointed key.
    [in]bOverdubThe new document's default overdub.
    If a keyframe already exists, the existing keyframe's interpolation type will be maintained when a new keyframe is recorded (only the Value Key will be overwritten).

    ◆ SetTrackDefaultInterpolationMode()

    void SetTrackDefaultInterpolationMode ( CURVEINTERPOLATION_MODE  mode)

    Sets the track default interpolation mode.

    [in]modeInterpolation mode.

    ◆ GetTrackDefaultInterpolationMode()

    CURVEINTERPOLATION_MODE GetTrackDefaultInterpolationMode ( ) const

    Gets the track default interpolation mode.

    Interpolation mode.

    ◆ IsCacheBuilt()

    Bool IsCacheBuilt ( Bool  force = false)


    ◆ IsAxisEnabled()

    Bool IsAxisEnabled ( ) const

    Checks the state of the object axis modifier.

    true if the object axis modifier is enabled, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetHelperAxis()

    BaseObject* GetHelperAxis ( )

    Gets the helper axis for the current multi-selection.

    The axis object. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ HandleSelectedTextureFilename()

    Bool HandleSelectedTextureFilename ( BaseChannel bc,
    const Filename fn,
    Filename resfilename,
    Bool  undo,
    GEMB_R already_answered 


    ◆ ReceiveMaterials()

    Bool ReceiveMaterials ( BaseObject op,
    AtomArray mat,
    Bool  clearfirst 


    ◆ ReceiveNewTexture()

    Bool ReceiveNewTexture ( BaseObject op,
    const Filename filename,
    Bool  sdown,
    GEMB_R already_answered 


    ◆ SendInfo()

    void SendInfo ( Int32  type,
    Int32  format,
    const Filename fn,
    BaseList2D bl,
    Bool  hooks_only 

    Sends MSG_DOCUMENTINFO messages.

    [in]typeThe document info message type: MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE
    [in]formatThe file format: (Set for load, merge and before/after save only. Otherwise NOTOK.) FORMAT_FILES
    [in]fnThe document filename.
    This is not always the same as the filename returned by BaseDocument::GetDocumentPath().
    e.g. for MSG_DOCUMENTINFO_TYPE_SAVE_BEFORE BaseDocument::GetDocumentPath() still contains the old path whereas fn designates the real file.
    [in]blThe object/tag/material that got inserted. It is used if type is of one of the following values:
    [in]hooks_onlyIf true the message is sent to scene hooks only.

    ◆ RecordZero()

    void RecordZero ( )


    ◆ RecordNoEvent()

    void RecordNoEvent ( )


    ◆ SetRewind()

    void SetRewind ( Int32  flags = 0)

    In NodeData::SetDParameter() some operators, objects etc. can call doc->SetRewind() so that Cinema 4D rewinds the whole document (from time 0 to current time) when the next event EVMSG_CHANGE or DrawViews() is processed.

    [in]flagsNot used.

    ◆ GetTakeData()

    TakeData* GetTakeData ( ) const

    Gets the take data for the document.

    The take data. The document owns the pointed take data.

    ◆ GetTargetObject()

    BaseObject* GetTargetObject ( ) const

    Gets target object within a multi-selection.

    This is the last object selected and is used by commands such as Spline Boolean in order to allow the user to control which object will be used as the target for the command.
    The target object displays in the Object Manager as highlighted.
    The target object, or nullptr if it fails or there is no selection.

    ◆ SetTargetObject()

    void SetTargetObject ( BaseObject op)

    Sets target object within a multi-selection.

    Implies selection of an object if it is not currently selected, adding it to the existing selection.
    Moves the object to the very end of the list when calling BaseDocument::GetActiveObjects(GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS::SELECTIONORDER).
    [in]opThe object to set as the target.

    ◆ GetSceneRepository()

    maxon::Result<const maxon::UpdatableAssetRepositoryRef&> GetSceneRepository ( Bool  create)

    Returns the SceneRepository description.

    [in]createTrue to create if not existing.
    Reference to a repository on success.

    ◆ SetTemporaryManipulatorObject()

    void SetTemporaryManipulatorObject ( BaseObject temp)

    @markprivate @Since R20.000

    ◆ GetTemporaryManipulatorObject()

    BaseObject* GetTemporaryManipulatorObject ( ) const



    ◆ GetModeController()

    maxon::DocumentModeControllerRef& GetModeController ( )



    ◆ GetMode() [2/2]

    Int32 GetMode ( const maxon::Id group) const



    ◆ SetMode() [2/2]

    void SetMode ( Int32  mode,
    const maxon::Id group 



    ◆ GetOcioConfigPath()

    Filename GetOcioConfigPath ( Bool  fullPath = true) const

    Gets the path of the OCIO coniguration file.

    R2023.000 If fullPath is set to true, the full path is returned, otherwise the string that is entered in the document settings. If the path is set to "$OCIO" by the user, the path is taken from the environment variable "OCIO".
    [in]fullPathTrue, if the full path should be returned.
    OCIO config path.

    ◆ GetOcioConfig()

    const maxon::OcioConfig& GetOcioConfig ( ) const

    Gets the OCIO configuration.

    R2023.200 @markprivate
    OCIO config.

    ◆ GetOcioProfiles()

    void GetOcioProfiles ( maxon::ColorProfile &  renderingColorSpace,
    maxon::ColorProfile &  displayColorSpace,
    maxon::ColorProfile &  viewTransform,
    maxon::ColorProfile &  viewTransformThumbnails 
    ) const

    Gets the OCIO color profiles.

    [out]renderingColorSpaceRendering color space.
    [out]displayColorSpaceDisplay color space.
    [out]viewTransformView transform for rendering.
    [out]viewTransformThumbnailsView transform for thumbnails.

    ◆ GetOcioConfigAndProfiles()

    void GetOcioConfigAndProfiles ( maxon::OcioConfig &  ocioConfig,
    maxon::ColorProfile &  renderingColorSpace,
    maxon::ColorProfile &  displayColorSpace,
    maxon::ColorProfile &  viewTransform,
    maxon::ColorProfile &  viewTransformThumbnails 
    ) const

    Gets the OCIO configuration and the according color profiles.

    R2023.000 @markprivate
    [out]ocioConfigOCIO config.
    [out]renderingColorSpaceRendering color space.
    [out]displayColorSpaceDisplay color space.
    [out]viewTransformView transform for rendering.
    [out]viewTransformThumbnailsView transform for thumbnails.

    ◆ GetActiveOcioColorSpacesNames()

    void GetActiveOcioColorSpacesNames ( maxon::CString renderingColorSpace,
    maxon::CString displayColorSpace,
    maxon::CString viewTransform,
    maxon::CString viewTransformThumbnails 
    ) const

    Gets the name of the OCIO color spaces.

    [out]renderingColorSpaceRendering color space name.
    [out]displayColorSpaceDisplay color space name.
    [out]viewTransformView transform for rendering name.
    [out]viewTransformThumbnailsView transform for thumbnails name.

    ◆ GetOcioColorSpaceNames()

    const maxon::BaseArray<maxon::CString>& GetOcioColorSpaceNames ( )
    An array containing the names of the color spaces.

    ◆ GetOcioRenderingColorSpaceNames()

    const maxon::BaseArray<maxon::CString>& GetOcioRenderingColorSpaceNames ( )
    An array containing the names of the rendering color spaces.

    ◆ GetOcioColorSpacesPopupMenu()

    const BaseContainer& GetOcioColorSpacesPopupMenu ( ) const
    A BaseContainer containing the names of all color spaces.

    ◆ GetOcioViewTransformNames()

    const maxon::BaseArray<maxon::CString>& GetOcioViewTransformNames ( )
    An array containing the names of the view transforms.

    ◆ GetOcioDisplayColorSpaceNames()

    const maxon::BaseArray<maxon::CString>& GetOcioDisplayColorSpaceNames ( )
    An array containing the names of the display color spaces.

    ◆ GetNameFromColorSpaceId()

    maxon::CString GetNameFromColorSpaceId ( Int32  category,
    Int32  index 
    ) const
    [in]indexIndex within the list that is specified by category.
    An array containg the names of the display color spaces.

    ◆ GetColorSpaceIdFromName()

    Int32 GetColorSpaceIdFromName ( Int32  category,
    const maxon::CString name 
    ) const
    [in]nameName of a color space within the list that is specified by category.
    An array containg the names of the display color spaces.

    ◆ CopyLinearWorkflow()

    static void CopyLinearWorkflow ( const BaseDocument src,
    BaseDocument dst,
    Bool  isMaterialPreview 

    Copies the settings for linear workflow and OCIO configurations to another document.

    [in]srcDocument from where the settings are read. If this is nullptr, the settings are taken from the active document.
    [in]dstDocument in which the settings should be copied.
    [in]isMaterialPreviewMust be set to true, if the document is a preview render document.

    ◆ UpdateOcioColorSpaces()

    void UpdateOcioColorSpaces ( )

    Updates the OCIO spaces that are stored internally in the document. Should be called after CopyLinearWorkflow.

    ◆ GetColorConverter()

    const OcioConverterRef& GetColorConverter ( ) const

    Gets the color converter for the current document. The returned value is never nullptr. If OCIO is not active or if there was an error to create the OCIO converter a dummy is returned.

    The color converter that belongs to the document.

    ◆ GetBasicColorConverter()

    static const OcioConverterRef& GetBasicColorConverter ( )

    Gets the dummy converter that is used when there was an error to create the document-sprcific converter.

    The dummy color converter.

    ◆ GetColorConverterForActiveDocument()

    static const OcioConverterRef& GetColorConverterForActiveDocument ( )

    Gets the color converter for the active document.

    The converter for the active document or the dummy converter if there is no active document.

    ◆ PrivateSetBaseRepository()

    maxon::Result<void> PrivateSetBaseRepository ( const maxon::UpdatableAssetRepositoryRef &  baseRepo)

    PrivateSetBaseRepository is a private functions to add a base asset repository base to the current document document. This can be used for preview renderings to connect the textures/nodes from the local scene repository.

    [in]baseReporepository to set as base in the current scene repository.
    OK on success.

    ◆ GetCacheRunId()

    Int GetCacheRunId ( ) const

    Returns the current build run id (for cache building). This id increases for every cache build run of the document. This value is used in maxon::MemoizationCacheInterface.

    ◆ HasUncachedDynamics()

    Bool HasUncachedDynamics ( ) const

    Checks if the scene contains uncached dynamics. Even the scene contains i.e. cloth, rope or dynamics objects/tags this function still return false when all objects are cached.

    True if dynamics that are not cached are present, otherwise false.