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    BaseLink Class Reference

    #include <c4d_baselist.h>

    Detailed Description

    A dynamic link to a BaseList2D object.
    These links can easily be stored in containers and saved to disk, and are even preserved when duplicating hierarchies.

    Has to be created with Alloc() and destroyed with Free(). Use AutoAlloc to automate the allocation and destruction based on scope.

    Private Member Functions

     BaseLink ()
     ~BaseLink ()


    static BaseLinkAlloc ()
    static void Free (BaseLink *&link)

    Get Link

    const BaseList2DGetLink (const BaseDocument *doc, Int32 instanceof=0) const
    BaseList2DGetLink (BaseDocument *doc, Int32 instanceof=0) const
    BaseList2DGetLink (std::nullptr_t doc, Int32 instanceof=0) const
    const C4DAtomGoalGetLinkAtom (const BaseDocument *doc, Int32 instanceof=0) const
    C4DAtomGoalGetLinkAtom (BaseDocument *doc, Int32 instanceof=0) const
    C4DAtomGoalGetLinkAtom (std::nullptr_t doc, Int32 instanceof=0) const
    BaseList2DForceGetLink () const
    C4DAtomGoalForceGetLinkAtom () const

    Set Link

    void SetLink (const C4DAtomGoal *list)


    Bool Read (HyperFile *hf)
    Bool Write (HyperFile *hf) const


    BaseLinkGetClone (COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn) const
    Bool CopyTo (BaseLink *dst, COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn) const


    Bool IsCacheLink () const
    void SetUpPointer (C4DAtom *t_up_pointer)

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ◆ BaseLink()

    BaseLink ( )

    ◆ ~BaseLink()

    ~BaseLink ( )

    Member Function Documentation

    ◆ Alloc()

    static BaseLink* Alloc ( )

    Allocates a base link. Destroy the allocated base link with Free(). Use AutoAlloc to automate the allocation and destruction based on scope.

    The allocated base link, or nullptr if the allocation failed.

    ◆ Free()

    static void Free ( BaseLink *&  link)

    Destructs base links allocated with Alloc(). Use AutoAlloc to automate the allocation and destruction based on scope.

    [in,out]linkThe base link to destruct. If the pointer is nullptr nothing happens. The pointer is assigned nullptr afterwards.

    ◆ GetLink() [1/3]

    const BaseList2D* GetLink ( const BaseDocument doc,
    Int32  instanceof = 0 
    ) const

    Evaluates the link in the specified document.
    If instanceof is specified, nullptr is returned if the object is not of this type.

    [in]docThe document to evaluate the link in. The caller owns the pointed document.
    [in]instanceofSet this to a node type ID to only return the link if it is of this type.
    The linked object, or nullptr if the link is broken or of the wrong type. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ GetLink() [2/3]

    BaseList2D* GetLink ( BaseDocument doc,
    Int32  instanceof = 0 
    ) const

    Evaluates the link in the specified document.
    If instanceof is specified, nullptr is returned if the object is not of this type.

    [in]docThe document to evaluate the link in. The caller owns the pointed document.
    [in]instanceofSet this to a node type ID to only return the link if it is of this type.
    The linked object, or nullptr if the link is broken or of the wrong type. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ GetLink() [3/3]

    BaseList2D* GetLink ( std::nullptr_t  doc,
    Int32  instanceof = 0 
    ) const

    ◆ GetLinkAtom() [1/3]

    const C4DAtomGoal* GetLinkAtom ( const BaseDocument doc,
    Int32  instanceof = 0 
    ) const

    Evaluates the atom link in the specified document.
    If instanceof is specified, nullptr is returned if the atom object is not of this type.

    [in]docThe document to evaluate the link in. The caller owns the pointed document.
    [in]instanceofSet this to a type ID to only return the link if it is of this type.
    The linked atom object, or nullptr if the link is broken or of the wrong type. The document owns the pointed atom object.

    ◆ GetLinkAtom() [2/3]

    C4DAtomGoal* GetLinkAtom ( BaseDocument doc,
    Int32  instanceof = 0 
    ) const

    Evaluates the atom link in the specified document.
    If instanceof is specified, nullptr is returned if the atom object is not of this type.

    [in]docThe document to evaluate the link in. The caller owns the pointed document.
    [in]instanceofSet this to a type ID to only return the link if it is of this type.
    The linked atom object, or nullptr if the link is broken or of the wrong type. The document owns the pointed atom object.

    ◆ GetLinkAtom() [3/3]

    C4DAtomGoal* GetLinkAtom ( std::nullptr_t  doc,
    Int32  instanceof = 0 
    ) const

    ◆ ForceGetLink()

    BaseList2D* ForceGetLink ( ) const

    Retrieves the stored link independent of a document.
    Can return nullptr if there is no object linked. For example:

    • Object A is inserted into document B.
    • SetLink(A) is called.
    • GetLink(B) is called : returns A.
    • Object A is removed from document B.
    • GetLink(B) is called : returns nullptr.
    • ForceGetLink() is called : returns A.
    • Object A is deleted.
    • ForceGetLink() is called : returns nullptr.
      The linked object, or nullptr if the link is broken. The document owns the pointed object.

    ◆ ForceGetLinkAtom()

    C4DAtomGoal* ForceGetLinkAtom ( ) const

    Retrieves the stored atom link independent of a document.
    Can return nullptr if there is no object linked. For example:

    • Object A is inserted into document B.
    • SetLink(A) is called.
    • GetLink(B) is called : returns A.
    • Object A is removed from document B.
    • GetLink(B) is called : returns nullptr.
    • ForceGetLink() is called : returns A.
    • Object A is deleted.
    • ForceGetLink() is called : returns nullptr.
      The linked atom object, or nullptr if the link is broken. The document owns the pointed atom object.

    ◆ SetLink()

    void SetLink ( const C4DAtomGoal list)

    Sets the link to point to list.

    [in]listThe new atom goal. The caller owns the pointed atom goal.

    ◆ Read()

    Bool Read ( HyperFile hf)

    Reads the link from a hyper file.

    [in]hfThe hyper file to read from. The caller owns the pointed hyper file.
    true if the link was read, otherwise false.

    ◆ Write()

    Bool Write ( HyperFile hf) const

    Writes the link to a hyper file.

    [in]hfThe hyper file to write to. The caller owns the pointed hyper file.
    true if the link was written, otherwise false.

    ◆ GetClone()

    BaseLink* GetClone ( COPYFLAGS  flags,
    AliasTrans trn 
    ) const

    Gets a copy of the link.

    [in]flagsFlags for the clone: COPYFLAGS
    [in]trnAn alias translator for the operation. Can be nullptr. The caller owns the pointed alias translator.
    The cloned link. The caller owns the pointed link.

    ◆ CopyTo()

    Bool CopyTo ( BaseLink dst,
    COPYFLAGS  flags,
    AliasTrans trn 
    ) const

    Copies the link to dst.

    [in]dstThe destination link. The caller owns the pointed link.
    [in]flagsFlags for the copy: COPYFLAGS
    [in]trnAn alias translator for the operation. Can be nullptr. The caller owns the pointed alias translator.
    true if the link was copied, otherwise false.

    ◆ IsCacheLink()

    Bool IsCacheLink ( ) const

    Checks if the link points to an object within the cache of another object.

    true if this link points to an object's cache, otherwise false.

    ◆ SetUpPointer()

    void SetUpPointer ( C4DAtom t_up_pointer)
