Cinema 4D 2024.0.0 C++ SDK Documentation

This documentation describes how to develop C++ plugins for Cinema 4D. For the latest changes of the API see SDK Change Notes for Cinema 4D 2024.0.0.

Resources and Examples

  • The Cinema 4D SDK is included in every distribution of Cinema 4D.
  • The Project Tool is available on
  • General information on how to use Cinema 4D can be found in the Cinema 4D User Manual.

The file contains these example projects:

  • example.main: Contains example for the classic API.
  • example.nodes: Contains examples for using the node framework.
  • example.assets: Contains examples for using the asset framework.

The example projects are also available on GitHub.

Setting up a new project Plugin Development Best Practices
Introduction Foundations Data & Algorithms

Basic information to start plugin development

Basic building blocks of the API

Generic and reusable data structures and algorithms

Application Development 3D Concepts Handbooks

Elements for generic application development

Handling 3D scenes and elements

Development Handbooks