Material Tag: Fit to object
Hi - It looks like the only way to to fit a flat projected material tag to an object via python is with a callCommand(). I couldn't find anything in the SDK but that doesn't mean it's not there. Can anybody please confirm that Fit To Object is not available or kindly point me in the right direction in the SDK?
.del -
Hi @del there is no built-in command to do this, the only exposed way is via CallCommand. May I ask what the limitation of that?
Maxime. -
Hi @m_adam - In this particular instance I'm calling it on objects that have children and I'm getting the prompt to include sub objects. If it were a modeling command or something like that it may include the ability to include or exclude the children programmatically.
I'm creating 30 objects and each object has six flat projections that I want to set to the size of the object. That's 180 confirmation clicks.