What are the AES specifications for the AES encryption in C4D SDK ?
I'm developing a plugin that will AES encryption / decryption, I am planning to use the C4D AES class
referenced in this link : https://developers.maxon.net/docs/cpp/2023_2/class_a_e_s.html#ac4796420dbb7d8f2c3b1305f131762cc
but I need to know the specifications of the AES encryption / decryption in C4D SDK, this is because the data will be processed later on a server that uses AES from a 3rd party library, I want to make sure that what I encrypt in C4D sdk can be decrypted on the server and to achieve that I have to know the specifications of the AES class in order to use them on the server too.
I couldn't find any useful information on the web.
any body ?
Does this post help?
The AES library in our SDK uses ECB, which does not seem to need an init vector, and we don't provide one.
Hi @C5D first of all welcome in the PluginCafe community
This is the old way of doing and may be removed in the future, instead you should use the maxon::StreamConversions::AesEncoder() as demonstrated in ZipFile OpenEncrypted for read not working
Maxime. -
Thanks guys.
I just have some results that can't be decrypted back so I assumed there is some missing step.
Hi without more information from your side it's very hard to help you. Would it be possible to share some code?
Maxime. -
Hello @c5d,
without any further activity before Wednesday, the 16.03.2022, we will consider this topic as solved and remove the "unsolved" state of this topic.
Thank you for your understanding,