About BaseView.WC()
my python plugins(draw some point in spline) work in R21 and R22 have different result in viewport
in Right/Top/Front view use code
bd.SetMatrix_Camera() offset = c4d.Vector(0.0,0.0,-100000.0) new_point = bd.WC(test_pointone) + offset s = bd.WC(test_pointone) + offset e = bd.WCtest_pointtwo) + offset
so i change code for R22
bd.SetMatrix_Camera() offset = c4d.Vector(0.0,0.0,-100000.0) in_v = c4d.Vector(1.0,-1.0,1.0) new_point = (bd.WC(test_pointone) + offset) ^ in_v s = (bd.WC(test_pointone) + offset) ^ in_v e = (bd.WCtest_pointtwo) + offset) ^ in_v
R22 Change Something?
Thanks for any help! -
I can indeed confirm the issue, I've filled a bug report and inform development team to know if its really a bug or the new viewport expecting other results (even if I think, it shouldn't matter since you are in screen space, SetMatrix_Camera should see the matrix correctly).
Maxime. -
It seems that BaseDraw.GetViewMatrix is changed in R22 as well. It always returns ident matrix.
Kristian -
@kikizg Yes we are aware of it and it's already reported.
Thanks for you feedback, if you find other weird stuff, please post them.