LodObject Manual


A c4d.LodObject represents a LOD object generator. This generator creates geometry based on various parameters e.g. camera distance. The c4d.LodObject class provides access to the parameters of the dynamically defined levels.


A c4d.LodObject object is a c4d.BaseObject an can be accessed like any other object.


c4d.LodObject objects are created with LodObject.__init__() / ().

Copyright: MAXON Computer GmbH
Author: Yannick Puech

    - Creates a new LOD object and adds it to the active BaseDocument.

Class/method highlighted:
    - c4d.LodObject
    - BaseDocument.InsertObject()

import c4d

lodObject = c4d.LodObject()
lodObject.SetName("New LOD Object")


The standard parameters of a c4d.LodObject can be accessed with the [] operator GeListNode.__getitem__()/GeListNode.__setitem__() or C4DAtom.SetParameter()/C4DAtom.GetParameter().

Copyright: MAXON Computer GmbH
Author: Yannick Puech

    - Checks the current criteria of the active LOD object 'op'.
    - If it is "User LOD Level" the current level is set to the maximum level.

Class/method highlighted:
    - LodObject.GetLevelCount()

import c4d

def main():
    # Checks if there is an active object
    if op is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve the active object.")

    # Checks if active object is a LOD object
    if not op.CheckType(c4d.Olod):
        raise TypeError("op is not a Lod Object.")

    # Gets current criteria from active LOD object
    criteria = op[c4d.LOD_CRITERIA]

    # Checks if User LOD Level
    if criteria == c4d.LOD_CRITERIA_MANUAL:

        # Gets maximum level
        maxLevel = op.GetLevelCount() - 1

        # Sets current level to max level
        op[c4d.LOD_CURRENT_LEVEL] = maxLevel

        # Pushes an update event to Cinema 4D

if __name__ == '__main__':


A c4d.LodObject handles multiple levels. The current level is used to define the geometry it should create.

Copyright: MAXON Computer GmbH
Author: Yannick Puech

    - Hides the objects of the active LOD object 'op' current level.

Class/method highlighted:
    - LodObject.GetCurrentLevel()
    - LodObject.GetShowControlDescID()

import c4d

def main():
    # Checks if there is an active object
    if not op:

    # Checks if active object is a LOD object
    if not op.CheckType(c4d.Olod):

    # Gets active LOD object current level
    currentLevel = op.GetCurrentLevel()

    # Hides current level
    showControlID = op.GetShowControlDescID(currentLevel)
    if showControlID is not None:
        op[showControlID] = False

        # Pushes an update event to Cinema 4D

if __name__ == '__main__':

Dynamic Parameter IDs

Each level contains multiple parameters that configure that level. The c4d.DescID for these parameters can be obtained with these functions.

In every mode a level defines various display parameters:

Copyright: MAXON Computer GmbH
Author: Yannick Puech

    - Configures the display settings for each level of the active LOD object 'op'.

Class/method highlighted:
    - c4d.LodObject
    - LodObject.GetDisplayBFCDescID()
    - LodObject.GetDisplayStModeDescID()

import c4d

def main():
    # Checks if there is an active object
    if op is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve the active object.")

    # Checks if active object is a LOD object
    if not op.CheckType(c4d.Olod):
        raise TypeError("op is not a Lod Object.")

    # Gets active LOD object number of levels
    levelCount = op.GetLevelCount()

    # Iterates over all levels of LOD
    for level in range(levelCount):
        descID = op.GetDisplayBFCDescID(level)

        # Enables backface culling
        if descID is not None:
            op[descID] = True

        # Uses "Lines" shading
        descID = op.GetDisplayStModeDescID(level)
        if descID is not None:
            op[descID] = c4d.DISPLAYTAG_WDISPLAY_WIREFRAME

        # Uses "Wireframe" style
        descID = op.GetDisplayShModeDescID(level)
        if descID is not None:
            op[descID] = c4d.DISPLAYTAG_SDISPLAY_NOSHADING

    # Pushes an update event to Cinema 4D

if __name__ == '__main__':

In “Manual Groups” mode a list of objects can be accessed:

Copyright: MAXON Computer GmbH
Author: Yannick Puech

    - Configures the active LOD object to use "Manual Groups".
    - The selected objects referenced in the objects list are moved under the LOD object and are referenced in each group.

Class/method highlighted:
    - LodObject.GetManualModeObjectListDescID()

import c4d

def main():
    # Gets selected objects and check if there is more than 1 object selected
    activeObjects = doc.GetActiveObjects(c4d.GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS_0)
    if not activeObjects:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve selected objects.")

    # Gets the last object selected
    lodObject = doc.GetTargetObject()
    if not lodObject.CheckType(c4d.Olod):
        raise TypeError("last selected object is not a Lod Object.")

    # Defines parameters
    lodObject[c4d.LOD_MODE] = c4d.LOD_MODE_MANUAL_GROUPS
    lodObject[c4d.LOD_LEVEL_COUNT_DYN] = len(activeObjects) - 1

    level = 0
    # Iterates over all active object
    for obj in activeObjects:

        if obj == lodObject:

        # Makes object a child object of the LOD object
        doc.InsertObject(obj, lodObject)

        # Inserts object into "Objects" list of the given level
        listID = lodObject.GetManualModeObjectListDescID(level)
        if listID is None:

        # Creates InExcludeData
        inExData = c4d.InExcludeData()
        if inExData is None:

        # Inserts object into list
        inExData.InsertObject(obj, 1)

        # Sets parameter
        lodObject[listID] = inExData

        # Increments the level
        level = level + 1

    # Pushes an update event to Cinema 4D

if __name__ == '__main__':

In “Simplify” mode these settings are available:

Copyright: MAXON Computer GmbH
Author: Yannick Puech

    - Configures the active LodObject 'op' to use the "Simplify" mode.
    - The first level uses the "Convex Hull" mode, the second the "Null" mode.
    - The second level uses the "Simplify" mode and a manual number of levels.

Class/method highlighted:
    - LodObject.GetLevelCount()

import c4d

def main():
    # Checks if there is an active object
    if op is None:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to retrieve the active object.")

    # Checks if active object is a LOD object
    if not op.CheckType(c4d.Olod):
        raise TypeError("op is not a Lod Object.")

    # Defines some parameters
    op[c4d.LOD_MODE] = c4d.LOD_MODE_SIMPLIFY
    op[c4d.LOD_LEVEL_COUNT_DYN] = 2
    op[c4d.LOD_CURRENT_LEVEL] = 0

    # Gets first level
    descID = op.GetSimplifyModeDescID(0)
    if descID is not None:
        # Sets mode to "Convex Hull"
        op[descID] = c4d.LOD_SIMPLIFY_CONVEXHULL

        descID = op.GetPerObjectControlDescID(0)
        if descID is not None:
            # Sets "Per Object" to True
            op[descID] = True

    # Gets second level
    descID = op.GetSimplifyModeDescID(1)
    if descID is not None:
        # Sets mode to "Null"
        op[descID] = c4d.LOD_SIMPLIFY_NULL

        descID = op.GetNullDisplayDescID(1)
        if descID is not None:
            # Sets "Display" to "Circle"
            op[descID] = c4d.NULLOBJECT_DISPLAY_CIRCLE

    # Pushes an update event to Cinema 4D

if __name__ == '__main__':