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    RayHemisphere Struct Reference

    #include <c4d_raytrace.h>

    Detailed Description

    See also

    Public Member Functions

     RayHemisphere ()

    Public Attributes

    UInt32 size_m
    UInt32 size_n
    UInt32 depth
    UInt32 count_hs
    UInt32 count_area
    UInt32 count_sky
    Bool sample_hs
    Bool sample_area
    Bool sample_sky
    Bool no_hs
    Bool no_area
    Bool no_sky
    Bool gradients
    Bool per_pixel
    Bool radiance_area
    Bool radiance_sky
    Bool ao_only
    Float ao_dist_min
    Float ao_dist_max
    Bool ao_trans
    Bool ao_self
    Vector color
    Bool cache_mode
    Float cache_dist
    Float cache_r
    Float cache_r_real
    Bool details
    Bool details_found
    Float details_radius
    Float details_ratios
    Float details_sum
    maxon::BaseArray< RayHemiSamplesamples
    Bool ao_reverse

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ◆ RayHemisphere()

    Default constructor.


    Member Data Documentation

    ◆ size_m

    UInt32 size_m

    [READ ONLY] Width of the samples array (2D array of samples mapped into hemisphere).

    ◆ size_n

    UInt32 size_n

    [READ ONLY] Height of the samples array (2D array of samples mapped into hemisphere).

    ◆ depth

    UInt32 depth

    [READ ONLY] The indirect depth.

    ◆ count_hs

    UInt32 count_hs

    [READ ONLY] Hemispherical sampling counts.

    ◆ count_area

    UInt32 count_area

    [READ ONLY] Area sampling counts.

    ◆ count_sky

    UInt32 count_sky

    [READ ONLY] Sky sampling counts.

    ◆ sample_hs

    Bool sample_hs

    [READ ONLY] Enable hemispherical sampling.

    ◆ sample_area

    Bool sample_area

    [READ ONLY] Enable area sampling.

    ◆ sample_sky

    Bool sample_sky

    [READ ONLY] Enable sky sampling.

    ◆ no_hs

    Bool no_hs

    [READ ONLY] Do not compute hemispherical sampling.

    ◆ no_area

    Bool no_area

    [READ ONLY] Do not compute area sampling.

    ◆ no_sky

    Bool no_sky

    [READ ONLY] Do not compute sky sampling.

    ◆ gradients

    Bool gradients

    [READ ONLY] Compute gradients. samples is not valid unless this is true.

    ◆ per_pixel

    Bool per_pixel

    [READ ONLY] The call is used in per-pixel mode.

    ◆ radiance_area

    Bool radiance_area

    [READ ONLY] The call is used when computing area radiance for radiance maps.

    ◆ radiance_sky

    Bool radiance_sky

    [READ ONLY] The call is used when computing sky radiance for radiance maps.

    ◆ ao_only

    Bool ao_only

    [READ ONLY] Compute only the AO.

    ◆ ao_dist_min

    Float ao_dist_min

    [READ ONLY] AO minimum distance.

    ◆ ao_dist_max

    Float ao_dist_max

    [READ ONLY] AO maximum distance.

    ◆ ao_trans

    Bool ao_trans

    [READ ONLY] AO transparency.

    ◆ ao_self

    Bool ao_self

    [READ ONLY] Self shadowing only AO.

    ◆ color

    Vector color

    [WRITE] The computed indirect illumination when gradients are not used.

    ◆ cache_mode

    Bool cache_mode

    [READ ONLY] GI caching mode.

    ◆ cache_dist

    Float cache_dist

    [WRITE] GI cache distance.

    ◆ cache_r

    Float cache_r

    [WRITE] GI cache.

    ◆ cache_r_real

    Float cache_r_real

    [WRITE] GI cache.

    ◆ details

    Bool details

    [READ ONLY] Compute the details enhancement for GI.

    ◆ details_found

    Bool details_found

    [WRITE] Found details enhancement.

    ◆ details_radius

    Float details_radius

    [READ ONLY] Details enhancement radius.

    ◆ details_ratios

    Float details_ratios

    [WRITE] Details enhancement quality ratios.

    ◆ details_sum

    Float details_sum

    [WRITE] Details enhancement sum.

    ◆ samples

    [READ ONLY] Indirect illumination samples.


    ◆ ao_reverse

    Bool ao_reverse

    [READ ONLY] Compute reverse ambient occlusion.
