c4d_painter.h File Reference


struct  TempUVHandle
struct  TextureSize
class  PaintBitmap
class  PaintLayer
class  PaintLayerMask
class  PaintLayerFolder
class  PaintLayerBmp
class  PaintTexture
class  PaintMaterial
struct  PaintBrushData




#define AMSI_TEXW
#define AMSI_TEXH
#define UPDATE_STD


void * SendPainterCommand (Int32 command, BaseDocument *doc, PaintTexture *tex, BaseContainer *bc)
TempUVHandleGetActiveUVSet (BaseDocument *doc, Int32 flags)
Bool UpdateMeshUV (Bool fullUpdate=false)
void FreeActiveUVSet (TempUVHandle *handle)
const EdgeBaseSelectGetUVSeams (const BaseObject *obj)
const EdgeBaseSelectGetUVSeams2 (const BaseObject *obj, Bool checkUVSettings=false)
Bool CallUVCommand (const Vector *padr, Int32 PointCount, const CPolygon *polys, Int32 lPolyCount, UVWStruct *uvw, BaseSelect *polyselection, BaseSelect *pointselection, BaseObject *op, Int32 mode, Int32 cmdid, const BaseContainer &settings)
Int32 IdentifyImage (const Filename &texpath)
Bool BPSetupWizardWithParameters (BaseDocument *doc, const BaseContainer &settings, AtomArray &objects, AtomArray &material)
Bool CalculateTextureSize (BaseDocument *doc, AtomArray &materials, TextureSize *&sizes)
Bool GetAllStrings_AddTexture (const void *msgdata, const BaseContainer &d)
void PainterActivateChannel (Int32 channel, Bool multi, Bool enable)
PaintTexturePainterCreateNewTextureDialog (String &result, Filename &resultdirectory, Int32 channelid, BaseMaterial *bmat)
maxon::Result< maxon::DrawportTextureInterface * > PainterGetBrush (BaseDraw *bd, PaintBrushData &brushData)

Macro Definition Documentation



Set UVW from Projection command in texture view.

Function Documentation

◆ SendPainterCommand()

void* SendPainterCommand ( Int32  command,
BaseDocument doc,
PaintTexture tex,
BaseContainer bc 

Sends commands to BodyPaint 3D.

[in]commandThe command: PAINTER
[in]docThe optional document for the operation.
[in]texThe optional paint texture for the operation.
[in]bcThe optional container for the operation: PAINTER
The BodyPaint 3D window handle. Private.

◆ GetActiveUVSet()

TempUVHandle* GetActiveUVSet ( BaseDocument doc,
Int32  flags 

Retrieves the document's active UV set.

[in]docThe document returning the active UV set.
[in]flagsThe flags: GETACTIVEUVSET
A temporary handle to the active UV set, or nullptr if there is no active UV set. Has to be freed with FreeActiveUVSet().

◆ UpdateMeshUV()

Bool UpdateMeshUV ( Bool  fullUpdate = false)

Updates the mesh based on the UVW result of interactive unwrapping.

true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ FreeActiveUVSet()

void FreeActiveUVSet ( TempUVHandle handle)

Frees the active UV set.

[in]handleThe temporary handle of the UV set to be freed.

◆ GetUVSeams()

const EdgeBaseSelect* GetUVSeams ( const BaseObject obj)

Deprecated. Use GetUVSeams2(obj, true) to have the same behavior as before, but most of the time you want the "checkUVSettings" parameter to be false. Gets the UV seam edges for obj.
The edges are indexed by 4 * polygon + edge where polygon is the polygon index and edge is the edge index between 0 and 3.

If the UV seams are disabled in the UV viewport, nullptr will be returned.
[in]objThe object of the UV set.
The UV seam edges. The UV mesh owns the pointed base select.

◆ GetUVSeams2()

const EdgeBaseSelect* GetUVSeams2 ( const BaseObject obj,
Bool  checkUVSettings = false 

Gets the UV seam edges for obj.
The edges are indexed by 4 * polygon + edge where polygon is the polygon index and edge is the edge index between 0 and 3.

[in]objThe object of the UV set.
[in]checkUVSettingsIf true and the UV seams are disabled in the UV viewport, nullptr will be return. If false, will always return the UV seams, without checking if the UV seams settings is enabled or not in the UV viewport.
The UV seam edges. The UV mesh owns the pointed base select.

◆ CallUVCommand()

Bool CallUVCommand ( const Vector padr,
Int32  PointCount,
const CPolygon polys,
Int32  lPolyCount,
UVWStruct uvw,
BaseSelect polyselection,
BaseSelect pointselection,
BaseObject op,
Int32  mode,
Int32  cmdid,
const BaseContainer settings 

Calls UV commands.

if (!handle)
return false;
CallUVCommand(pPoints, lPointCount, pPolys, lPolyCount, pUVW, pPolySel, pPointSel,
Bool CallUVCommand(const Vector *padr, Int32 PointCount, const CPolygon *polys, Int32 lPolyCount, UVWStruct *uvw, BaseSelect *polyselection, BaseSelect *pointselection, BaseObject *op, Int32 mode, Int32 cmdid, const BaseContainer &settings)
TempUVHandle * GetActiveUVSet(BaseDocument *doc, Int32 flags)
Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:48
const wchar_t * mode
Definition: fileutils.h:96
Combine all flags except the enable status and ignore UV view private option.
Definition: c4d_painter.h:218
Fit UV To Canvas.
Definition: c4d_painter.h:316
PyObject * op
Definition: object.h:520
Definition: c4d_painter.h:63
Bool SetUVW(UVWStruct *uv)
[in]padrThe address of the points array.
[in]PointCountThe number of points in padr array.
[in]polysThe address of the polygons array.
[in]lPolyCountThe number of polygons in polys array.
[in]uvwThe address of the UV array.
[in]polyselectionThe polygon selection.
[in]pointselectionThe UV points selection.
The points are indexed by 4 * polygon + point where polygon is the polygon index and point is the point index between 0 and 3.
[in]opThe object of the UV set.
[in]modeThe UV editing mode: EditorModes
[in]cmdidThe UV command: UVCOMMAND
[in]settingsThe optional settings for the UV command.
true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ IdentifyImage()

Int32 IdentifyImage ( const Filename texpath)

Identifies an image's file format.

[in]texpathThe texture's file path.
The image's file format: FILTER

◆ BPSetupWizardWithParameters()

Bool BPSetupWizardWithParameters ( BaseDocument doc,
const BaseContainer settings,
AtomArray objects,
AtomArray material 

Runs BodyPaint 3D paint wizard.

[in]docThe document.
[in]settingsThe settings for the paint wizard: AMSI
[in]objectsAn array with the objects the paint wizard is using.
[in]materialAn array with the materials the paint wizard is using.
true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ CalculateTextureSize()

Bool CalculateTextureSize ( BaseDocument doc,
AtomArray materials,
TextureSize *&  sizes 

Calculates the texture size based on the geometry and the size of the UV polygons.

[in]docThe document.
[in]materialsAn array containing the materials the texture size calculation is applied to.
[in]sizesAn array with the texture sizes, equals the number of materials. Must be freed with DeleteMem.
true if successful, otherwise false.

◆ GetAllStrings_AddTexture()

Bool GetAllStrings_AddTexture ( const void *  msgdata,
const BaseContainer d 


◆ PainterActivateChannel()

void PainterActivateChannel ( Int32  channel,
Bool  multi,
Bool  enable 

Activates/deactivates paint channels.

[in]channelThe paint channel: CHANNEL
[in]multitrue for multi channel painting, false for single channel painting.
[in]enabletrue to activate the paint channel, false to deactivate the paint channel.

◆ PainterCreateNewTextureDialog()

PaintTexture* PainterCreateNewTextureDialog ( String result,
Filename resultdirectory,
Int32  channelid,
BaseMaterial bmat 

Opens the texture creation dialog for a material.

[out]resultFilled with the texture's name (e.g. the filename).
[out]resultdirectoryThe directory of the texture.
[in]channelidThe channel type: CHANNEL
[in]bmatThe material of the texture.
The created paint texture if successful, otherwise nullptr. Cinema 4D owns the pointed paint texture.

◆ PainterGetBrush()

maxon::Result<maxon::DrawportTextureInterface*> PainterGetBrush ( BaseDraw bd,
PaintBrushData brushData 