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    NodeData based classic plugin classes can implement NodeData::Message() to receive various messages that are sent for several reasons. This page shows how to handle the most important messages.

    Messages sent to C4DAtom::Message() and received by NodeData::Message() are synchronous messages.

    NodeData::Message() corresponds to C4DAtom::Message() and C4DAtom::MultiMessage().



    NodeData::Message() is called by Cinema 4D to inform the plugin class about an event or to request some information from it. Additional data is handed over in form of a void pointer that has to be cast into the correct type depending on the message.

    // This example shows a primitive implementation of Message().
    virtual Bool Message(GeListNode* node, Int32 type, void* data)
    switch (type)
    case (MSG_UPDATE):
    // more cases
    Represents a C4DAtom that resides in a 4D list.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1970
    maxon::Bool Bool
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:55
    maxon::Int32 Int32
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:60
    #define MSG_UPDATE
    Must be sent if the bounding box has to be recalculated. (Otherwise use MSG_CHANGE....
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:359
    PyObject ** type
    Definition: pycore_pyerrors.h:34
    Definition: node.h:10
    If the plugin class hosts a subshader, HandleShaderMessage() must be used to relay certain messages to this subshader. Especially MSG_GETALLASSETS, MSG_RENAMETEXTURES and MSG_MULTI_CLEARSUGGESTEDFOLDER should be handled.


    With C4DAtom::MultiMessage() it is possible to send messages to the complete object hierarchy or branches (see also Heads and Branches). In this case it is possible to filter certain messages so they are not sent to the child elements of the given element.

    Return true to let the message pass and false to block it.

    The data of this message is MessageFilter:


    Messages can be used to retrieve data from an entity. For generic purposes this message exists:

    The data of this message is RetrievePrivateData:

    // This example sends MSG_RETRIEVEPRIVATEDATA to the generator to get its internal data.
    data.flags = 0; = nullptr;
    // send message to retrieve private data
    if (object->Message(MSG_RETRIEVEPRIVATEDATA, &data))
    // got data
    if ( != nullptr)
    Int32* const value = static_cast<Int32*>(;
    ApplicationOutput("Got value: @"_s, *value);
    PyObject * value
    Definition: abstract.h:715
    A generic private message to retrieve data from an object. Specific for every type of object so no pu...
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:405
    #define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
    Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:210
    Definition: object.h:105
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:878
    Int32 flags
    The flags for the retrieval.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:884
    void * data
    The address returned.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:885
    // This example receives a MSG_RETRIEVEPRIVATEDATA message
    // and sets the pointer to the internal data.
    RetrievePrivateData* const pdata = static_cast<RetrievePrivateData*>(data);
    if (pdata)
    pdata->data = &(this->_value);
    return true;


    Plugins use external assets typically by referencing the asset file in a Filename parameter. When the document is saved with "Save Project with Assets" or is rendered via Team Render these assets have to be collected. To collect these assets Cinema 4D sends these messages to all scene elements:

    MSG_GETALLASSETS is not sent to MaterialData plugins.
    // This example adds the file path stored in a parameter to the asset list.
    AssetData* const assetData = static_cast<AssetData*>(data);
    if (assetData == nullptr)
    return true;
    // checks if only texture assets should be added
    return true;
    BaseList2D* const baseList2D = static_cast<BaseList2D*>(node);
    if (baseList2D)
    // get the file name
    const Filename path = baseList2D->GetData().GetFilename(EXAMPLE_GENERATOR_PARAMETER_FILE);
    // check if the file name is set
    if (path.IsPopulated())
    // add the file name
    assetData->Add(path, nullptr);
    // This example removes the folder part of the file path of the object's parameter.
    BaseContainer& bc = (static_cast<BaseList2D*>(node))->GetDataInstanceRef();
    const Filename path = bc.GetFilename(EXAMPLE_GENERATOR_PARAMETER_FILE);
    // check if the directory part of the path contains anything
    if (path.GetDirectory().IsPopulated())
    bc.SetFilename(EXAMPLE_GENERATOR_PARAMETER_FILE, path.GetFile());
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:48
    Filename GetFilename(Int32 id, const Filename &preset=Filename()) const
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:448
    void SetFilename(Int32 id, const Filename &f)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:665
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:2371
    BaseContainer GetData()
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:2480
    Manages file and path names.
    Definition: c4d_file.h:94
    const Filename GetDirectory() const
    const Filename GetFile() const
    Bool IsPopulated() const
    Only return texture assets.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:555
    Definition: c4d_shader.h:1216
    struct _node node
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1212
    The asset data flags: ASSETDATA_FLAG.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1223
    Bool Add(const Filename &fn, BaseList2D *bl, Int32 parameterId=-1, Bool netRequestOnDemand=false, Int32 channelIndex=-1, const maxon::CString &nodePath=maxon::GetZeroRef< maxon::CString >(), const maxon::Id &nodeSpace=maxon::GetZeroRef< maxon::Id >())

    Further asset related messages are:

    • MSG_MULTI_MARKMATERIALS: When the given data is nullptr this is sent to scene elements to let them mark the materials they use (with BIT_MATMARK). Otherwise the message is sent to get material links translated, for example when a material is replaced. In this case the corresponding data is MarkMaterials. This is needed for example when an object that is using a material is copied.
    • MSG_RENAMETEXTURES: This message is sent to all scene elements when a bitmap image was renamed (e.g. by "Save Project" or by BodyPaint 3D) and all shaders etc. need to adjust the name. The message data is RenameTextureMessage.

    See also BaseDocument Convert and Export and Disc I/O.


    Cinema 4D sends a message to ObjectData and TagData based plugins so they can change their icon dynamically.

    The data of this message is GetCustomIconData:

    // This example simply sets a standard icon as the object's icon.
    // get data
    GetCustomIconData* const iconData = static_cast<GetCustomIconData*>(data);
    if (iconData == nullptr)
    return true;
    // set as filled
    iconData->filled = true;
    // load a standard Cinema icon
    return GetIcon(RESOURCEIMAGE_OK, iconData->dat);
    Every atom can return a custom icon with this message. The corresponding data is GetCustomIconData.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:459
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:3684
    Bool GetIcon(Int32 lIconID, IconData *pData)
    Message struct for the MSG_GETCUSTOMICON message.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1280
    IconData * dat
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1286
    Bool filled
    Set this to true if the icon data dat was changed or set.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1288

    An object or tag can include the ID_BASELIST_ICON_SETTINGS_GROUP parameter group. It is possible to add a custom color mode to that group and to define that custom color when reacting to MSG_GETCUSTOMICON.

    // This example adds a new color mode to the object's "Icon Settings" in the Init() function.
    BaseObject* const op = static_cast<BaseObject*>(node);
    BaseContainer* const bc = op->GetDataInstance();
    // add custom color mode
    BaseContainer iconSettings, iconSpecialModes;
    iconSpecialModes.SetString(0, "Custom Color Mode"_s);
    iconSettings.SetContainer(ID_ICONCHOOSER_SETTINGS_SPECIALCASES, iconSpecialModes);
    // set icon settings container into baselist2d data container
    // default color mode: custom mode
    void SetContainer(Int32 id, const BaseContainer &s)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:679
    void SetString(Int32 id, const maxon::String &s)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:651
    void SetInt32(Int32 id, Int32 l)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:587
    Definition: c4d_baseobject.h:248
    Definition: customgui_iconchooser.h:33
    Id to store icon settings data into BaseList2D basecontainer.
    Definition: customgui_iconchooser.h:29
    Definition: obaselist.h:10
    Definition: obaselist.h:12
    PyObject * op
    Definition: object.h:520
    // This example defines the color of the custom color mode as well as the ID of the used icon.
    GetCustomIconData* const cid = static_cast<GetCustomIconData*>(data);
    if (cid == nullptr)
    return false;
    BaseObject* const baseObject = static_cast<BaseObject*>(node);
    const BaseContainer& bc = baseObject->GetDataInstanceRef();
    // define color for custom color mode
    FillCustomIconSettingsFromBaseList2D(settings, bc, node->GetType(), true);
    settings._specialColors.Resize(1) iferr_ignore("Can't do anything about it here."_s);
    // get some float value from the object itself
    GeData parameterData;
    node->GetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(ICONTEST_OBJECT_VALUE)), parameterData, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE);
    // create RGB value for custom color mode
    const maxon::Float value = parameterData.GetFloat() / 360.0;
    const maxon::Color hsv { value, 1.0, 1.0 };
    const maxon::Color rgb = maxon::HsvToRgb(hsv);
    // set custom color
    settings._specialColors[0] = rgb;
    // callback defining the icon ID
    CustomIconGetIdDelegate getIdCallback = [node]() -> Int32
    // read a parameter from the object
    GeData data;
    node->GetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(ICONTEST_OBJECT_ID)), data, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE);
    const Int32 id = data.GetInt32();
    // set the icon ID based on that parameter value
    if (id > 0)
    return Ocube;
    return Osphere;
    // define custom ID
    GetCustomIcon(*cid, settings, false, &getIdCallback);
    const BaseContainer & GetDataInstanceRef() const
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:2512
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:83
    Int32 GetInt32() const
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:456
    Float GetFloat() const
    Definition: c4d_gedata.h:468
    Definition: delegate.h:240
    Bool GetCustomIcon(GetCustomIconData &cid, const CustomIconSettings &settings, Bool drawBeforeColoring=false, CustomIconGetIdDelegate *getIdCallback=nullptr, CustomIconDrawDelegate *drawCallback=nullptr)
    void FillCustomIconSettingsFromBaseList2D(CustomIconSettings &settings, const BaseContainer &data, Int32 defaultIconId, Bool fillDefault)
    Float64 Float
    Definition: apibase.h:222
    #define Ocube
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1112
    #define Osphere
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1113
    #define ConstDescID(...)
    Definition: lib_description.h:594
    Definition: gfx_image_functions_color_conversions.h:51
    #define iferr_ignore(...)
    Definition: resultbase.h:1489
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1427
    maxon::BaseArray< maxon::Color > _specialColors
    Special colors (e.g. Light Color for light object)
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1431
    Represents a level within a DescID.
    Definition: lib_description.h:298


    It is possible to drag and drop something onto objects and tags in the Object Manager. These elements are informed about this event with this message:

    • MSG_DRAGANDDROP: Received by an element in the Object Manager when something is dropped on it. The corresponding data is DragAndDrop.
    // This example checks if the file dropped onto an object is neither image nor scene file.
    // If so, the file path will be stored in one of the object's parameters.
    // get data
    DragAndDrop* const dnd = static_cast<DragAndDrop*>(data);
    if (dnd == nullptr)
    return false;
    // ignore this when the object itself is dragged
    return true;
    // check if a file (scene or image) is dragged onto the object
    const Bool typeIsNotFilename = dnd->type != DRAGTYPE_FILENAME_OTHER;
    const Bool dataNotSet = dnd->data == nullptr;
    if (typeIsNotFilename || dataNotSet)
    return false;
    // drop
    // get filename
    Filename* const file = static_cast<Filename*>(dnd->data);
    // set parameter
    node->SetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(EXAMPLE_GENERATOR_PARAMETER_FILE)), *file, DESCFLAGS_SET::NONE);
    return true;
    Other filename.
    Definition: gui.h:788
    Drag and drop message is send to the source objects (objects that were dragged).
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:948
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:944
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:943
    Received by an element in the Object manager when something is dropped on it. The corresponding data ...
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:463
    const char const char const char * file
    Definition: object.h:439
    Message struct for the MSG_DRAGANDDROP message.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:965
    UInt32 flags
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:973
    void * data
    The pointer to the dragged elements. Depends on the drag type.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:976
    Int32 type
    The drag type: DRAGTYPE.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:975

    When the user double clicks on an icon in the Object Manger this message is sent to the corresponding element.

    // This example simply opens a message dialog when one
    // double-clicks on the icon in the Object Manager.
    case MSG_EDIT:
    MessageDialog("You double-clicked on this object!"_s);
    void MessageDialog(const maxon::String &str)
    #define MSG_EDIT
    Allows elements to do some action if the user edits the element (double-click e.g....
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:403

    Attribute Manager Interaction

    Users edit scene elements and their parameters with the Attribute Manager. The Attribute Manager sends multiple messages to the edited object to inform about the interaction.

    // This example just opens a message dialog when a button was pressed.
    if (dc == nullptr)
    return false;
    // check the ID of the pressed button
    if (dc->_descId[0].id == EXAMPLE_GENERATOR_BUTTON)
    MessageDialog("You pressed the button."_s);
    Sent by for example BUTTON description element. The corresponding data is DescriptionCommand.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:395
    DescID _descId
    Description ID of the parameter that triggered the command.
    Definition: lib_description.h:940
    Message struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_COMMAND.
    Definition: lib_description.h:948

    Further messages are:

    // This example defines the content of a popup menu of a "POPUP" parameter element.
    DescriptionPopup* const dp = static_cast<DescriptionPopup*>(data);
    // check the ID of the popup element
    if (dp->_descId[0] == EXAMPLE_GENERATOR_POPUP)
    // if nothing is chosen
    // the menu should be build
    if (dp->_chosen == 0)
    menu.InsData(1, "Options"_s);
    menu.InsData(10, "Option A"_s);
    menu.InsData(20, "Option B"_s);
    dp->_popup.InsData(0, menu);
    const Int32 option = dp->_chosen;
    ApplicationOutput("You chose option @", option);
    GeData * InsData(Int32 id, const GeData &n)
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:258
    Allows popup menu handling in the Attribute Manager. The corresponding data is DescriptionPopup.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:396
    Message struct for MSG_DESCRIPTION_POPUP.
    Definition: lib_description.h:958
    BaseContainer _popup
    Popup container.
    Definition: lib_description.h:961
    Int32 _chosen
    Selected element of the popup.
    Definition: lib_description.h:959
    // This example receives a custom GUI messages sent from
    // the Attribute Manager. If the messages is sent from
    // a specific custom GUI type, the message data is printed.
    if (dcgn)
    // get parameter ID
    const Int32 parameterID = dcgn->_descId[-1].id;
    ApplicationOutput("Message from parameter: " + String::IntToString(parameterID));
    // check the type of custom GUI
    if (dcgn->_customGuiId == ID_CUSTOMGUI_COLORSTRING_GFG)
    // check the message ID
    // get data from the message
    const BaseContainer* messageData = dcgn->_data;
    if (messageData)
    const Vector color = messageData->GetVector(MSG_DESCRIPTION_COLORSTRING_COLOR);
    ApplicationOutput("New Color: " + String::VectorToString(color));
    Vector GetVector(Int32 id, const Vector &preset=Vector()) const
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:416
    static String IntToString(Int32 v)
    Definition: c4d_string.h:497
    static String VectorToString(const Vector32 &v, Int32 nnk=-1)
    Definition: c4d_string.h:573
    Sent by a custom GUI to the parent. The corresponding data is DescriptionCustomGuiNotification.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:425
    Definition: lib_description.h:1008
    const BaseContainer * _data
    The data of the message, can be nullptr.
    Definition: lib_description.h:1011
    Int32 _customGuiId
    The custom GUI plugin ID.
    Definition: lib_description.h:1009
    Int32 _subId
    The message type sub-ID. Depending on the custom GUI implementation a different sub-ID can be passed ...
    Definition: lib_description.h:1010

    See also Description Notifications.

    These messages are related to the Take system:


    • MSG_MENUPREPARE: Allows tags, objects, shaders etc. to do some setup work when called from the menu. The corresponding data is the current BaseDocument. Is called before the object is added to the document.
    // This example adds a tag to the object when it is created from the menu.
    BaseObject* const op = static_cast<BaseObject*>(node);
    BaseTag* const annotationTag = op->MakeTag(Tannotation);
    if (annotationTag)
    const String annotation { "This is a new object." };
    Definition: c4d_basetag.h:52
    Bool SetParameter(const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
    Definition: c4d_string.h:41
    Allows tags, objects, shaders etc. to do some setup work when called from the menu....
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:404
    #define Tannotation
    Definition: ge_prepass.h:1410
    Definition: tannotation.h:21

    Document Related

    Certain events trigger a broadcast message that is sent to all elements of a BaseDocument.

    Some messages are just send to SceneHookData plugins. See also BaseDocument::SendInfo().

    // This example catches MSG_DOCUMENTINFO in a ObjectData::Message() function.
    // When the document is loaded the value of a old (legacy) parameter is copied
    // into a new parameter.
    DocumentInfoData* const msg = static_cast<DocumentInfoData*>(data);
    if (msg == nullptr)
    return false;
    // switch message sub-type
    switch (msg->type)
    BaseObject* const op = static_cast<BaseObject*>(node);
    if (!op)
    return false;
    BaseContainer& bc = op->GetDataInstanceRef();
    bc.SetInt32(NEW_PARAMETER, bc.GetInt32(OLD_PARAMETER));
    ApplicationOutput("document is loaded"_s);
    Int32 GetInt32(Int32 id, Int32 preset=0) const
    Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:348
    Document was loaded.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:478
    Sent as broadcast message by the document when it is loaded, saved , merged etc. The corresponding da...
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:467
    const char const char * msg
    Definition: object.h:438
    Message struct for the MSG_DOCUMENTINFO message.
    Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1151

    Also these messages are sent to all elements:

    A special message is sent when the element is animated:

    • MSG_ANIMATE: Sent to elements after they have been animated. Only sent to objects with keyframes.

    Further Reading