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    StaticJobGroupRef< T > Class Template Reference

    #include <jobgroup.h>

    Inheritance diagram for StaticJobGroupRef< T >:

    Detailed Description

    template<typename T>
    class maxon::StaticJobGroupRef< T >

    Reference to a group with static maximum job count (StaticJobGroupInterface).

    Public Types

    using ReferencedType = StaticJobGroupInterface< T >
    - Public Types inherited from BaseRef< T, HANDLER >
    using ReferencedType = T
    using ConstReferencedType = typename ConstIf< T, Bool(HANDLER::KIND &VALUEKIND::DEEP_CONSTNESS)>::type
    using DirectlyReferencedType = T
    using SelfType = BaseRef< T, HANDLER >
    template<typename D >
    using IsGenericBaseOf = std::true_type
    using Handler = HANDLER
    using RefCompareType = RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(HANDLER::KIND), IsInterfaceType< T >::value >

    Public Member Functions

    void Add (StaticJobArray< T > &jobs) const
    const StaticJobGroupRef< T > & Enqueue (JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT) const
    Result< void > EnqueueAndWait (JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT) const
    Bool Wait (TimeValue timeout=TIMEVALUE_INFINITE, WAITMODE mode=WAITMODE::DEFAULT) const
    Result< void > GetResult (TimeValue timeout=TIMEVALUE_INFINITE, WAITMODE mode=WAITMODE::DEFAULT) const
    ObservableFinishedBase< JobGroupInterfaceObservableFinished () const
    void Cancel () const
    void CancelAndWait (WAITMODE mode=WAITMODE::DEFAULT) const
     operator const JobGroupRef & () const
    String ToString (const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const
    - Public Member Functions inherited from BaseRef< T, HANDLER >
    T * GetPointer ()
    ConstReferencedTypeGetPointer () const
    T * operator-> ()
    ConstReferencedTypeoperator-> () const
    std::conditional< std::is_void< T >::value, DeleteReturnType01, T >::typeoperator* ()
    std::conditional< std::is_void< ConstReferencedType >::value, DeleteReturnType01, T >::typeoperator* () const
     operator T* ()
     operator ConstReferencedType * () const
     operator Bool () const
     operator Bool ()
    const std::conditional< std::is_void< T >::value, DeleteReturnType01, T >::typeoperator[] (Int) const =delete
    ResultRef< typename std::remove_const< T >::typeMakeWritable (Bool resetOnError=true)
    ResultRef< typename std::remove_const< T >::typeMakeWritableDontCopy ()
    Bool HasMultipleReferences () const
    std::conditional< std::is_void< T >::value, DeleteReturnType01, T >::typeGetOrDefault () const
     BaseRef ()
    MAXON_IMPLICIT BaseRef (std::nullptr_t)=delete
    MAXON_IMPLICIT BaseRef (T *o)
    template<typename PTR >
     BaseRef (ForwardResultPtr< PTR > o)
     BaseRef (ResultPtr< T > o, Int)
     BaseRef (const BaseRef &src)
    template<typename REF , typename = typename std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(base_of, BaseRef, REF) && maxon::HasErasedBase<typename REF::ReferencedType, ReferencedType>::value>::type>
    MAXON_IMPLICIT BaseRef (const REF &src)
    template<typename REF , typename = typename std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(base_of, BaseRef, REF) && maxon::HasErasedBase<typename REF::ReferencedType, ReferencedType>::value>::type>
    MAXON_IMPLICIT BaseRef (REF &src)
    BaseRefoperator= (T *src)
    BaseRefoperator= (std::nullptr_t src)
    BaseRefoperator= (const BaseRef &src)
    template<typename REF , typename = typename std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(base_of, BaseRef, REF) && maxon::HasErasedBase<typename REF::ReferencedType, ReferencedType>::value>::type>
    BaseRefoperator= (const REF &src)
    template<typename REF , typename = typename std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(base_of, BaseRef, REF) && maxon::HasErasedBase<typename REF::ReferencedType, ReferencedType>::value>::type>
    BaseRefoperator= (REF &src)
     BaseRef (BaseRef &&src)
    template<typename REF , typename = typename std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(const, REF) && !STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(base_of, BaseRef, REF) && maxon::HasErasedBase<typename REF::ReferencedType, ReferencedType>::value>::type>
    MAXON_IMPLICIT BaseRef (REF &&src)
    BaseRefoperator= (BaseRef &&src)
    template<typename REF , typename = typename std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(const, REF) && !STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(base_of, BaseRef, REF) && maxon::HasErasedBase<typename REF::ReferencedType, ReferencedType>::value>::type>
    BaseRefoperator= (REF &&src)
     ~BaseRef ()
    Bool operator== (const BaseRef &b) const
    Bool operator!= (const BaseRef &b) const
    Bool operator< (const BaseRef &b) const
    Bool operator== (const T *b) const
    Bool operator!= (const T *b) const
    Bool operator== (typename std::remove_const< T >::type *b) const
    Bool operator!= (typename std::remove_const< T >::type *b) const
    Bool operator== (std::nullptr_t) const
    Bool operator!= (std::nullptr_t) const
    HashInt GetHashCode () const
    UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode () const
    std::conditional< Bool(HANDLER::KIND &VALUEKIND::COW_MASK), typename std::remove_const< T >::type, T >::typeDisconnect ()
    void PrivateSetTarget (ResultPtr< T > src)
    void PrivateSetPointer (T *ptr)

    Static Public Member Functions

    static ResultMemT< StaticJobGroupRefCreate (JobQueueInterface *queue, Int &threadCnt, STATICJOBGROUPFLAGS flags, Int extraBufferSize=0)
    static ResultMemT< StaticJobGroupRefCreate (Int jobCnt, STATICJOBGROUPFLAGS flags=STATICJOBGROUPFLAGS::DEFAULT, Int extraBufferSize=0)
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const StaticJobGroupRefDefaultValue ()
    - Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseRef< T, HANDLER >
    static void PrivateLookupFn ()
    static std::false_type GenericVarianceCheck (const void *)
    template<typename... ARGS>
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE ResultMemT< BaseRefCreate (ARGS &&... args)
    static const BaseRefDefaultValueRef ()
    static std::conditional< Bool(HANDLER::KIND &VALUEKIND::UNIQUE_REFERENCE), BaseRef, const BaseRef & >::type DefaultValue ()

    Private Types

    using Ptr = StrongRef< StaticJobGroupInterface< T > >

    Additional Inherited Members

    - Static Public Attributes inherited from BaseRef< T, HANDLER >
    static constexpr Bool DIRECT_REF
    - Protected Attributes inherited from BaseRef< T, HANDLER >
    union {
       T *   _object
       const void *   _impl

    Member Typedef Documentation

    ◆ Ptr

    using Ptr = StrongRef<StaticJobGroupInterface<T> >

    ◆ ReferencedType

    Member Function Documentation



    ◆ Create() [1/2]

    static ResultMemT<StaticJobGroupRef> Create ( JobQueueInterface queue,
    Int threadCnt,
    Int  extraBufferSize = 0 

    ◆ Create() [2/2]

    static ResultMemT<StaticJobGroupRef> Create ( Int  jobCnt,
    Int  extraBufferSize = 0 

    Creates a StaticJobGroup.

    [in]jobCntThe maximum number of jobs for this group.
    [in]flagsSTATICJOBGROUPFLAGS::DEFAULT by default, the other custom modes are for ParallelFor only.
    [in]extraBufferSizeBy default 0. Size of a private buffer that can be allocated together with the group.
    StaticJobGroupRef on success, OutOfMemoryerror on failure.

    ◆ Add()

    void Add ( StaticJobArray< T > &  jobs) const

    Adds an array with multiple jobs of the same type to the group (faster than single Add()s).

    [in]jobsA StaticJobArray that was initialized with this group.

    ◆ Enqueue()

    const StaticJobGroupRef<T>& Enqueue ( JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT) const

    Enqueues all jobs of the group including subgroups (will add a reference and remove it when the object is no longer needed). THREADSAFE.

    [in]queueThe queue, use JOBQUEUE_CURRENT for the current queue.
    Always reference to itself (for concatenation).

    ◆ EnqueueAndWait()

    Result<void> EnqueueAndWait ( JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT) const

    Enqueues all jobs of the group including subgroups and waits for them. This implicitely indicates to the system that the current job cannot continue until the group has finished. THREADSAFE.

    [in]queueThe queue, use JOBQUEUE_CURRENT for the current queue.
    OK on success.

    ◆ Wait()

    Bool Wait ( TimeValue  timeout = TIMEVALUE_INFINITE,
    ) const

    Waits until all jobs of the group have been executed.

    Wait() might execute other jobs in the current queue until the group you are waiting for has finished or is timed out. Therefore you may never lock a shared resource another job might use as well and then wait. For one this could dead-lock and conceptually this would result in single-threaded performance.

    If you try to call Wait() from a job which did not enqueue the group it will immediately return false because this would lead to a deadlock.

    Instead of waiting for some group to start some action after it has finished you can subscribe to ObservableFinished(). This cannot dead-lock, is more efficient and can even be used to run the observer in a different queue. For example you can run a job and register an observer for it that will run on the main thread's queue and updates the UI. THREADSAFE.

    [in]timeoutMaximum wait interval (or TIMEVALUE_INFINITE for no time-out).
    [in]modeWAITMODE::DEFAULT by default. WAITMODE::RETURN_ON_CANCEL means that Wait() will return if the caller has been cancelled even if the condition has not been set yet.
    True if successful, false if you try to wait inside an enqueued job.

    ◆ GetResult()

    Result<void> GetResult ( TimeValue  timeout = TIMEVALUE_INFINITE,
    ) const

    Waits until the group has been executed and returns OK on success or any errors returned by its jobs. If there are errors this might return an AggregatedError. THREADSAFE.

    [in]timeoutMaximum wait interval (or TIMEVALUE_INFINITE for no time-out).
    [in]modeWAITMODE::DEFAULT by default. WAITMODE::RETURN_ON_CANCEL means that Wait() will return if the caller has been cancelled even if the condition has not been set yet.
    OK on success.

    ◆ ObservableFinished()

    ObservableFinishedBase<JobGroupInterface> ObservableFinished ( ) const

    ObservableFinished is an observable that is triggered after this group has been executed. THREADSAFE.

    Custom observable.

    ◆ Cancel()

    void Cancel ( ) const

    Asks the group to cancel execution of all jobs that are enqueued. Currently running jobs are not affected unless they call IsCancelled(). If this is a subgroup the parent group will be cancelled too. The call will not wait for the group to cancel and it can be called from any thread or job. THREADSAFE.

    ◆ CancelAndWait()

    void CancelAndWait ( WAITMODE  mode = WAITMODE::DEFAULT) const

    Asks the group to cancel execution and waits until it has finished. THREADSAFE.

    [in]modeWAITMODE::DEFAULT by default.

    ◆ operator const JobGroupRef &()

    operator const JobGroupRef & ( ) const

    Returns a more generic JobGroupRef. THREADSAFE.

    Cast to JobGroupRef.

    ◆ DefaultValue()

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const StaticJobGroupRef& DefaultValue ( )

    Returns a default value of the StaticJobGroupRef (see defaultvalue.h for more details).

    A default value of the StaticJobGroupRef.

    ◆ ToString()

    String ToString ( const FormatStatement formatStatement = nullptr) const

    Returns a readable string of the content.

    [in]formatStatementNullptr or additional formatting instruction. Currently no additional formatting instructions are supported.
    The converted result.