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    ParallelFor Class Reference

    #include <parallelfor.h>

    Detailed Description

    This class contains of several methods that implement a for loop which is distributing the work load on multiple threads. You can choose between static or dynamic distribution and optionally specify objects to initialize and finalize per worker thread data.


    class  BaseContext
    struct  BreakCondition
    class  BreakContext
    struct  DefaultGranularity
    class  Dummy
    struct  DynamicContext
    class  DynamicJob
    struct  ForAlignedContext
    struct  ForAlignedContext< FORCONTEXT, INDEXTYPE, Dummy, Dummy >
    struct  ForState
    struct  Granularity
    class  InvokeSelector
    struct  MinimumGranularity
    class  NoBreakContext
    class  NoContext
    class  NoContextSelector
    class  NoContextWithResult
    class  NoContextWithResultSelector
    class  ParallelForJob
    class  SingleThreadedFinalize
    class  SingleThreadedFinalize< WORKER, false >
    struct  StaticContext
    class  StaticJob
    struct  ThreadingDisabled

    Static Public Member Functions

    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static auto Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0) -> decltype(obj(to))
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobInterface *observeForCancellation, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(convertible, typename std::remove_reference< LOOP >::type, maxon::ParallelFor::Granularity), typename CONTEXT::ResultValueType >::type Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , PARALLELFORFLAGS FLAGS, typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , PARALLELFORFLAGS FLAGS, typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, JobInterface *observeForCancellation, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static auto Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0) -> decltype(obj(to))
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static Result< void > Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static Result< void > Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobInterface *observeForCancellation, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(convertible, typename std::remove_reference< LOOP >::type, maxon::ParallelFor::Granularity), typename CONTEXT::ResultValueType >::type Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename CONTEXT , PARALLELFORFLAGS FLAGS, typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0)
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static auto Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT) -> decltype(obj(to))
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobInterface *observeForCancellation, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(convertible, typename std::remove_reference< LOOP >::type, maxon::ParallelFor::Granularity), typename CONTEXT::ResultValueType >::type Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , PARALLELFORFLAGS FLAGS, typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , PARALLELFORFLAGS FLAGS, typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Dynamic (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, JobInterface *observeForCancellation, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static auto Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, Int threadCnt, const Int minChunkSize=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT) -> decltype(obj(to))
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static Result< void > Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, Int threadCnt, const Int minChunkSize=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static Result< void > Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobInterface *observeForCancellation, Int threadCnt, const Int minChunkSize=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result< void > Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, JobStatusInterface *observeForCancellation, Int threadCnt, const Int granularity=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(convertible, typename std::remove_reference< LOOP >::type, maxon::ParallelFor::Granularity), typename CONTEXT::ResultValueType >::type Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, Int threadCnt, const Int minChunkSize=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)
    template<typename CONTEXT , PARALLELFORFLAGS FLAGS, typename FROMTYPE , typename INDEXTYPE , typename LOOP , typename INIT , typename FINALIZE >
    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Static (FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const INIT &init, const LOOP &obj, const FINALIZE &finalize, Int threadCnt, const Int minChunkSize=PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY, JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT)

    Static Private Member Functions

    template<typename INDEXTYPE >
    static INDEXTYPE CalculateStaticChunkSize (UInt cnt, Int &threadCnt, Int minChunkSize)

    Member Function Documentation

    ◆ Dynamic() [1/20]

    static auto Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 
    ) -> decltype(obj(to))

    Runs a parallelized for (i = from; i < to; i++) loop using dynamic distribution.

    [](Int i)
    // ... do something ...
    Py_ssize_t i
    Definition: abstract.h:645
    static auto Dynamic(FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0) -> decltype(obj(to))
    Definition: parallelfor.h:265
    Py_ssize_t PyObject * from
    Definition: unicodeobject.h:502
    maxon::Int Int
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:64
    [in]fromStart index.
    [in]toEnd index (excluded)
    [in]objLambda or object with operator (), object will be referenced.
    [in]granularityThe number of iterations after which a thread shares work with idle threads (1 means best distribution at the cost of higher synchronization, PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY is the default).
    [in]queueOptional queue that the parallel for is executed within.
    [in]deprecatedThrCntDon't use and tweak granularity instead (you might have to set it to 1 if you want one iteration per worker thread)!
    Template Parameters
    FROMTYPEAn integral type used for the from variable, might be different than INDEXTYPE but is not allowed to have a bigger range.
    INDEXTYPEAn integral type used for the index of the loop.
    LOOPA class containing an operator ()(INDEXTYPE) used for the loop.
    Depending on the type of #LOOP either void or Result<void> (OK on success. Will only return an error if your loop object returns one). Any errors will be returned as an AggregatedError which you can iterate to check for individual errors.

    ◆ Dynamic() [2/20]

    static Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    ◆ Dynamic() [3/20]

    static Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobInterface observeForCancellation,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    ◆ Dynamic() [4/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    Runs a parallelized for (i = from; i < to; i++) loop using dynamic distribution.

    ParallelFor::Dynamic<ParallelFor::BreakContext>(from, to,
    [&shouldWeBreak](Int i, ParallelFor::BreakContext& context)
    // ... example for a break condition ...
    if (shouldWeBreak)
    // tell ParallelFor that it should cancel the loop and return from the closure
    // ... do something ...
    void * context
    Definition: pycapsule.h:49
    [in]fromStart index.
    [in]toEnd index (excluded)
    [in]objLambda or object with operator (), object will be referenced.
    [in]granularityThe number of iterations after which a thread shares work with idle threads (1 means best distribution at the cost of higher synchronization, PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY is the default).
    [in]queueOptional queue that the parallel for is executed within.
    [in]deprecatedThrCntDon't use and tweak granularity instead (you might have to set it to 1 if you want one iteration per worker thread)!
    Template Parameters
    CONTEXTA class derived from ParallelFor::BaseContext.
    FROMTYPEAn integral type used for the from variable, might be different than INDEXTYPE but is not allowed to have a bigger range.
    INDEXTYPEAn integral type used for the index of the loop.
    LOOPA class containing an operator ()(INDEXTYPE, CONTEXT&) used for the loop.
    Depending on the type of #LOOP and #CONTEXT either void or Result<void> (OK on success. Will only return an error if your loop object returns one). Any errors will be returned as an AggregatedError which you can iterate to check for individual errors.

    ◆ Dynamic() [5/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    ◆ Dynamic() [6/20]

    static std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(convertible, typename std::remove_reference< LOOP >::type, maxon::ParallelFor::Granularity), typename CONTEXT::ResultValueType >::type Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    Runs a parallelized for (i = from; i < to; i++) loop using dynamic distribution. The init method is called concurrently per worker thread whereas the finalize method is called synchronously (no concurrency) after the loop has finished.

    struct MyContext : public ParallelFor::BaseContext
    // your thread local data ...
    ParallelFor::Dynamic<MyContext>(from, to,
    [](MyContext& context)
    // ... init thread local data ...
    [](Int i, MyContext& context)
    // ... computation in the loop body ...
    [](MyContext& context)
    // ... finalize thread local data ...
    [in]fromStart index.
    [in]toEnd index (excluded)
    [in]initLambda being called before the loop starts (threaded)
    [in]objLambda or object with operator (), object will be referenced.
    [in]finalizeLambda being called after the loop has finished (synchronous)
    [in]granularityThe number of iterations after which a thread shares work with idle threads (1 means best distribution at the cost of higher synchronization, PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY is the default).
    [in]queueOptional queue that the parallel for is executed within.
    [in]deprecatedThrCntDon't use and tweak granularity instead (you might have to set it to 1 if you want one iteration per worker thread)!
    Template Parameters
    CONTEXTA class derived from ParallelFor::BaseContext for thread local data storage.
    FROMTYPEAn integral type used for the from variable, might be different than INDEXTYPE but is not allowed to have a bigger range.
    INDEXTYPEAn integral type used for the index of the loop.
    LOOPA class containing an operator ()(INDEXTYPE, CONTEXT&) used for the loop.
    INITA class containing an operator ()(CONTEXT&) for per-thread initialization before the loop.
    FINALIZEA class containing an operator ()(CONTEXT&) for per-thread cleanup after the loop.
    Depending on the type of #LOOP and #CONTEXT either void or Result<void> (OK on success. Will only return an error if your loop object returns one). Any errors will be returned as an AggregatedError which you can iterate to check for individual errors.

    ◆ Dynamic() [7/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    Runs a parallelized for (i = from; i < to; i++) loop using dynamic distribution. The FLAGS template parameter can be used to specify if the init or finalize closure are called serialized or threaded.

    struct MyContext : public ParallelFor::BaseContext
    // your thread local data ...
    ParallelFor::Dynamic<MyContext, PARALLELFORFLAGS::INITTHREADED_FINALIZESYNC>(from, to,
    [](MyContext& context)
    // ... init thread local data ...
    [](Int i, MyContext& context)
    // ... computation in the loop body ...
    [](MyContext& context)
    // ... finalize thread local data ...
    [in]fromStart index.
    [in]toEnd index (excluded)
    [in]initLambda being called before the loop starts (threaded by default)
    [in]objLambda or object with operator (), object will be referenced.
    [in]finalizeLambda being called after the loop has finished (synchronous by default)
    [in]granularityThe number of iterations after which a thread shares work with idle threads (1 means best distribution at the cost of higher synchronization, PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY is the default).
    [in]queueOptional queue that the parallel for is executed within.
    [in]deprecatedThrCntDon't use and tweak granularity instead (you might have to set it to 1 if you want one iteration per worker thread)!
    Template Parameters
    CONTEXTA class derived from ParallelFor::BaseContext for thread local data storage.
    FLAGSFlags that specify whether init or finalize will be called threaded or synchronously.
    FROMTYPEAn integral type used for the from variable, might be different than INDEXTYPE but is not allowed to have a bigger range.
    INDEXTYPEAn integral type used for the index of the loop.
    LOOPA class containing an operator ()(INDEXTYPE, CONTEXT&) used for the loop.
    INITA class containing an operator ()(CONTEXT&) for per-thread initialization before the loop.
    FINALIZEA class containing an operator ()(CONTEXT&) for per-thread cleanup after the loop.
    Depending on the type of #LOOP and #CONTEXT either void or Result<void> (OK on success. Will only return an error if your loop object returns one). Any errors will be returned as an AggregatedError which you can iterate to check for individual errors.

    ◆ Dynamic() [8/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 
    Template Parameters
    CONTEXTA class derived from ParallelFor::BreakContext for thread local data storage.

    ◆ Dynamic() [9/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    ◆ Dynamic() [10/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    JobInterface observeForCancellation,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    ◆ Static() [1/14]

    static auto Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 
    ) -> decltype(obj(to))

    Runs a parallelized for (i = from; i < to; i++) loop using static distribution.

    [](Int i)
    // ... do something ...
    static auto Static(FROMTYPE from, INDEXTYPE to, const LOOP &obj, const Granularity &granularity=Granularity(), JobQueueInterface *queue=JOBQUEUE_CURRENT, Int deprecatedThrCnt=0) -> decltype(obj(to))
    Definition: parallelfor.h:461
    [in]fromStart index.
    [in]toEnd index (excluded)
    [in]objLambda or object with operator (), object will be referenced.
    [in]granularityMinimum number of loops that one thread should handle (default is PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY)
    [in]queueOptional queue that the parallel for is executed within.
    [in]deprecatedThrCntDon't use and tweak granularity instead (you might have to set it to 1 if you want one iteration per worker thread)!
    Template Parameters
    FROMTYPEAn integral type used for the from variable, might be different than INDEXTYPE but is not allowed to have a bigger range.
    INDEXTYPEAn integral type used for the index of the loop.
    LOOPA class containing an operator ()(INDEXTYPE) used for the loop.
    Depending on the type of #LOOP either void or Result<void> (OK on success. Will only return an error if your loop object returns one). Any errors will be returned as an AggregatedError which you can iterate to check for individual errors.

    ◆ Static() [2/14]

    static Result<void> Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    ◆ Static() [3/14]

    static Result<void> Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobInterface observeForCancellation,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    ◆ Static() [4/14]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    Runs a parallelized for (i = from; i < to; i++) loop using static distribution.

    ParallelFor::Static<ParallelFor::BreakContext>(from, to,
    [&shouldWeBreak](Int i, ParallelFor::BreakContext& context)
    // ... example for a break condition ...
    if (shouldWeBreak)
    // tell ParallelFor that it should cancel the loop and return from the closure
    // ... do something ...
    [in]fromStart index.
    [in]toEnd index (excluded)
    [in]objLambda or object with operator (), object will be referenced.
    [in]granularityMinimum number of loops that one thread should handle (default is PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY)
    [in]queueOptional queue that the parallel for is executed within.
    [in]deprecatedThrCntDon't use and tweak granularity instead (you might have to set it to 1 if you want one iteration per worker thread)!
    Template Parameters
    CONTEXTA class derived from ParallelFor::BaseContext.
    FROMTYPEAn integral type used for the from variable, might be different than INDEXTYPE but is not allowed to have a bigger range.
    INDEXTYPEAn integral type used for the index of the loop.
    LOOPA class containing an operator ()(INDEXTYPE) used for the loop.
    Depending on the type of #LOOP and #CONTEXT either void or Result<void> (OK on success. Will only return an error if your loop object returns one). Any errors will be returned as an AggregatedError which you can iterate to check for individual errors.

    ◆ Static() [5/14]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    ◆ Static() [6/14]

    static std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(convertible, typename std::remove_reference< LOOP >::type, maxon::ParallelFor::Granularity), typename CONTEXT::ResultValueType >::type Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    Runs a parallelized for (i = from; i < to; i++) loop using static distribution. The init method is called concurrently per worker thread whereas the finalize method is called synchronously (no concurrency) after the loop has finished.

    struct MyContext : public ParallelFor::BaseContext
    // your thread local data ...
    ParallelFor::Static<MyContext>(from, to,
    [](MyContext& context)
    // ... init thread local data ...
    [](Int i, MyContext& context)
    // ... computation in the loop body ...
    [](MyContext& context)
    // ... finalize thread local data ...
    [in]fromStart index.
    [in]toEnd index (excluded)
    [in]initLambda being called before the loop starts (threaded)
    [in]objLambda or object with operator (), object will be referenced.
    [in]finalizeLambda being called after the loop has finished (synchronously)
    [in]granularityMinimum number of loops that one thread should handle (default is PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY)
    [in]queueOptional queue that the parallel for is executed within.
    [in]deprecatedThrCntDon't use and tweak granularity instead (you might have to set it to 1 if you want one iteration per worker thread)!
    Template Parameters
    CONTEXTA class derived from ParallelFor::BaseContext for thread local data storage.
    FROMTYPEAn integral type used for the from variable, might be different than INDEXTYPE but is not allowed to have a bigger range.
    INDEXTYPEAn integral type used for the index of the loop.
    LOOPA class containing an operator ()(INDEXTYPE, CONTEXT&) used for the loop.
    INITA class containing an operator ()(CONTEXT&) for per-thread initialization before the loop.
    FINALIZEA class containing an operator ()(CONTEXT&) for per-thread cleanup after the loop.
    Depending on the type of #LOOP and #CONTEXT either void or Result<void> (OK on success. Will only return an error if your loop object returns one). Any errors will be returned as an AggregatedError which you can iterate to check for individual errors.

    ◆ Static() [7/14]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    const Granularity granularity = Granularity(),
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT,
    Int  deprecatedThrCnt = 0 

    Runs a parallelized for (i = from; i < to; i++) loop using static distribution. The FLAGS template parameter can be used to specify if the init or finalize closure are called serialized or threaded.

    struct MyContext : public ParallelFor::BaseContext
    // your thread local data ...
    ParallelFor::Dynamic<MyContext, PARALLELFORFLAGS::INITTHREADED_FINALIZESYNC>(from, to,
    [](MyContext& context)
    // ... init thread local data ...
    [](Int i, MyContext& context)
    // ... computation in the loop body ...
    [](MyContext& context)
    // ... finalize thread local data ...
    [in]fromStart index.
    [in]toEnd index (excluded)
    [in]initLambda being called before the loop starts (threaded by default)
    [in]objLambda or object with operator (), object will be referenced.
    [in]finalizeLambda being called after the loop has finished (synchronously by default)
    [in]granularityMinimum number of loops that one thread should handle (default is PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY)
    [in]queueOptional queue that the parallel for is executed within.
    [in]deprecatedThrCntDon't use and tweak granularity instead (you might have to set it to 1 if you want one iteration per worker thread)!
    Template Parameters
    CONTEXTA class derived from ParallelFor::BaseContext for thread local data storage.
    FLAGSFlags that specify whether init or finalize will be called threaded or synchronously.
    FROMTYPEAn integral type used for the from variable, might be different than INDEXTYPE but is not allowed to have a bigger range.
    INDEXTYPEAn integral type used for the index of the loop.
    LOOPA class containing an operator ()(INDEXTYPE, CONTEXT&) used for the loop.
    INITA class containing an operator ()(CONTEXT&) for per-thread initialization before the loop.
    FINALIZEA class containing an operator ()(CONTEXT&) for per-thread cleanup after the loop.
    Depending on the type of #LOOP and #CONTEXT either void or Result<void> (OK on success. Will only return an error if your loop object returns one). Any errors will be returned as an AggregatedError which you can iterate to check for individual errors.

    ◆ Dynamic() [11/20]

    static auto Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 
    ) -> decltype(obj(to))

    ◆ Dynamic() [12/20]

    static Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Dynamic() [13/20]

    static Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobInterface observeForCancellation,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Dynamic() [14/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Dynamic() [15/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Dynamic() [16/20]

    static std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(convertible, typename std::remove_reference< LOOP >::type, maxon::ParallelFor::Granularity), typename CONTEXT::ResultValueType >::type Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Dynamic() [17/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Dynamic() [18/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Dynamic() [19/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Dynamic() [20/20]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Dynamic ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    JobInterface observeForCancellation,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Static() [8/14]

    static auto Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    Int  threadCnt,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 
    ) -> decltype(obj(to))

    ◆ Static() [9/14]

    static Result<void> Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    Int  threadCnt,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Static() [10/14]

    static Result<void> Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobInterface observeForCancellation,
    Int  threadCnt,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Static() [11/14]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Static() [12/14]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE Result<void> Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    JobStatusInterface observeForCancellation,
    Int  threadCnt,
    const Int  granularity = PARALLELFOR_DEFAULTGRANULARITY,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Static() [13/14]

    static std::enable_if<!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(convertible, typename std::remove_reference< LOOP >::type, maxon::ParallelFor::Granularity), typename CONTEXT::ResultValueType >::type Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    Int  threadCnt,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ Static() [14/14]

    static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_NO_INLINE CONTEXT::ResultValueType Static ( FROMTYPE  from,
    INDEXTYPE  to,
    const INIT &  init,
    const LOOP &  obj,
    const FINALIZE &  finalize,
    Int  threadCnt,
    JobQueueInterface queue = JOBQUEUE_CURRENT 

    ◆ CalculateStaticChunkSize()

    static INDEXTYPE CalculateStaticChunkSize ( UInt  cnt,
    Int threadCnt,
    Int  minChunkSize 

    Computes chunk size for static distribution. If only one thread is used, the index is signed and the range of the loop requires an unsigned counter the return value will overflow, but the loops that assign the chunks to the jobs take care of this.

    [in]cntNumber of iterations.
    [in,out]threadCntNumber of threads to use.
    [in]minChunkSizeMinimum chunk size.
    Template Parameters
    INDEXTYPEAn integral type used for the index of the loop.
    Size of a chunk.