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    PixelFormatInterface Class Reference

    #include <gfx_image_pixelformat.h>

    Inheritance diagram for PixelFormatInterface:

    Detailed Description

    This class handles image pixel formats. Each pixel format should has it's own implementation. The memory layout of different pixels is free. This class offers functions to convert from and to other pixel formats.

    This interface has only const functions and will not change it's pointers. That's why it's possible to compare PixelFormats by comparing the pointers. The PixelFormats registry provides all registered pixel formats.

    One exception is the PixelFormatIndexedColor. It allows to set a color table so this breaks the link and the object is no longer comparable by the pointer. In that case use Cast<PixelFormatIndexedColor>(pixelFormat) to check whether it's this type or not.

    Public Member Functions

    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > Init (const PixelFormatGroup &group, const Char *shortName)
    MAXON_METHOD Block< const ImageChannel > GetChannels () const
    MAXON_METHOD const PixelFormatGroup & GetPixelFormatGroup () const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< Pix * > CreatePix (Int width, Int height, Int lineAlignment=1) const
    template<typename TYPE >
    MAXON_FUNCTION Result< TYPE * > CreatePix (Int width, Int height, Int lineAlignment=1) const
    MAXON_METHOD Int GetChannelCount () const
    MAXON_METHOD const ChannelOffsetsGetChannelOffsets () const
    MAXON_METHOD BITS GetBitsPerPixel () const
    MAXON_METHOD Int GetBytesPerLine (Int width, Int lineAlignment) const
    MAXON_METHOD Int GetPackedPixelCount () const
    MAXON_METHOD Bool HasAlpha () const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< Tuple< PixelFormat, Int > > GetAlphaPixelFormat () const
    MAXON_METHOD ColorSpace GetColorSpace () const
    MAXON_METHOD const ColorProfileGetDefaultColorProfile () const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< CONVERTPIXELFUNCGetConvertPixelFunc (const PixelFormat &srcFormatPtr, const ChannelOffsets &srcChannelOffset, const ChannelOffsets &dstChannelOffset, const ColorProfile &srcColorProfile, ColorProfile *dstColorProfile, Bool forceColorProfileConversion, Bool &disableCaching) const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< CONVERTPIXELFUNCGetConvertPixelFunc (const PixelFormat &srcFormatPtr, const ChannelOffsets &srcChannelOffset, const ChannelOffsets &dstChannelOffset, const ColorProfile &srcColorProfile, ColorProfile *dstColorProfile, Bool forceColorProfileConversion, COLORCONVERSIONFLAGS colorConversionFlags, Bool &disableCaching) const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< void > ConvertPixelFromSlow (const ImageMutableBuffer &dst, Int count, const ImageConstBuffer &src, const ColorProfile &srcColorProfile, ColorProfile *dstColorProfile, CONVERTPIXELFLAGS cflags, GETPIXELFLAGS flags) const
    MAXON_METHOD Bool IsIdenticalPixel (const ImageConstBuffer &a, const ImageConstBuffer &b, Int oneTolerance) const
    MAXON_METHOD String PixToString (const Pix *src) const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< CONVERTPIXELFUNCGetConvertPixelFromFunc (const PixelFormat &srcFormatPtr, const ChannelOffsets &srcChannelOffset, const ChannelOffsets &dstChannelOffset, Bool fastSize, Bool &disableCaching) const
    MAXON_METHOD Result< CONVERTPIXELFUNCGetConvertPixelToFunc (const PixelFormat &dstFormatPtr, const ChannelOffsets &dstChannelOffset, const ChannelOffsets &srcChannelOffset, Bool fastSize, Bool &disableCaching) const
    MAXON_METHOD const CharGetShortName () const

    Private Member Functions

     MAXON_INTERFACE (PixelFormatInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_COPY_ON_WRITE, "net.maxon.image.interface.pixelformat")

    Member Function Documentation


    MAXON_INTERFACE ( PixelFormatInterface  ,

    ◆ Init()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<void> Init ( const PixelFormatGroup &  group,
    const Char shortName 


    [in]groupTODO: (Tilo) please document.
    [in]shortNameShort name of the color format for diagnostic outputs.
    OK on success.

    ◆ GetChannels()

    MAXON_METHOD Block<const ImageChannel> GetChannels ( ) const

    Returns a description of all the channels of this pixel format.

    Block with the description of all channels.

    ◆ GetPixelFormatGroup()

    MAXON_METHOD const PixelFormatGroup& GetPixelFormatGroup ( ) const

    Returns the corresponding PixelFormatGroup.

    ◆ CreatePix() [1/2]

    MAXON_METHOD Result<Pix*> CreatePix ( Int  width,
    Int  height,
    Int  lineAlignment = 1 
    ) const

    Allocates a buffer for a rectangle of pixels of this PixelFormat.

    [in]widthWidth of the rectangle.
    [in]heightHeight of the rectangle.
    [in]lineAlignmentAlignment for each line. E.g. 4 means that each line is aligned to a byte count of 4.
    Pointer to a memory block with the given size. You must free the memory using DeleteMem. You can access the Pixels by (pointer + yPos * GetBytesPerLine(width, lineAlignment) + GetBitsPerPixel().GetOffset(xPos)).

    ◆ CreatePix() [2/2]

    MAXON_FUNCTION Result<TYPE*> CreatePix ( Int  width,
    Int  height,
    Int  lineAlignment = 1 
    ) const

    ◆ GetChannelCount()

    MAXON_METHOD Int GetChannelCount ( ) const

    Returns the number of channels of the pixel format. E.g. RGB8i returns 3 for the 3 channels R, G and B.

    ◆ GetChannelOffsets()

    MAXON_METHOD const ChannelOffsets& GetChannelOffsets ( ) const

    Returns the offset in bits of each channel. The block is one element bigger then the channel count. offsets[GetChannelCount()] is identical to GetBitsPerPixel().

    ◆ GetBitsPerPixel()

    MAXON_METHOD BITS GetBitsPerPixel ( ) const

    Returns the size in bits of each pixel (the sum of all channels).

    ◆ GetBytesPerLine()

    MAXON_METHOD Int GetBytesPerLine ( Int  width,
    Int  lineAlignment 
    ) const

    Returns the number of bytes for a line with the given lineAlignment.

    [in]widthNumber of Pixels.
    [in]lineAlignmentValue to which a line should be aligned to (e.g. 4 would align the memory to Int32 borders).
    The number of bytes for the requested number of bytes with the given alignment.

    ◆ GetPackedPixelCount()

    MAXON_METHOD Int GetPackedPixelCount ( ) const

    Returns the number of pixels that are packed together within this image format. This means that it's not possible to access chunks with smaller pixel counts than this value. e.g. yuv encoding packs 2 pixels into 4 bytes (Y0U0Y1V1) but the u and v value is the same for both pixels.

    ◆ HasAlpha()

    MAXON_METHOD Bool HasAlpha ( ) const

    Returns true if the pixel format supports alpha.

    ◆ GetAlphaPixelFormat()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<Tuple<PixelFormat, Int> > GetAlphaPixelFormat ( ) const

    Returns the alpha pixel format (PixelFormats::ALPHA::U8/GREY16I/GREY32F/GREY64F) if a alpha channel is present. The return value contains a Tuple with the alpha pixel format as first and the byteoffset as the 2nd parameter.

    ◆ GetColorSpace()

    MAXON_METHOD ColorSpace GetColorSpace ( ) const

    Returns the color space used by the pixel format.

    ◆ GetDefaultColorProfile()

    MAXON_METHOD const ColorProfile& GetDefaultColorProfile ( ) const

    Returns the default color space.

    ◆ GetConvertPixelFunc() [1/2]

    MAXON_METHOD Result<CONVERTPIXELFUNC> GetConvertPixelFunc ( const PixelFormat &  srcFormatPtr,
    const ChannelOffsets srcChannelOffset,
    const ChannelOffsets dstChannelOffset,
    const ColorProfile srcColorProfile,
    ColorProfile dstColorProfile,
    Bool  forceColorProfileConversion,
    Bool disableCaching 
    ) const

    Creates a CONVERTPIXELFUNC which is able to convert from a given srcFormatPtr to the own pixel format. The function builds dynamic code which converts the 2 pixel formats effectively from one into the other. This function is slow and should be cached. It uses spin locks internally.

    [in]srcFormatPtrThe pixel format to convert from.
    [in]srcChannelOffsetChannel offset in bytes of the src pixel format.
    [in]dstChannelOffsetChannel offset in bytes of the destination (own) pixel format.
    [in]srcColorProfileOptional parameter which is only necessary if the color spaces of the given pixel formats doesn't match. In that case the conversion will be performed using the correct color conversion.
    [in,out]dstColorProfileOptional parameter which is only necessary if the color spaces of the given pixel formats doesn't match. In that case the conversion will be performed using the correct color conversion. Returns the effective destination color profile after the conversion is applied. If the color space of the source and dest pixel format is identical no color profile conversion is performed and the result is srcColorProfile. If the color spaces are different the resulting color profile is the same as dstColorProfile.
    [in]forceColorProfileConversionTrue to force the color profile conversion even is the color space is identical, false will not perform color profile transformation if the color space is identical.
    [out]disableCachingSet to true if the conversion must not be cached (e.g. because a color table is used like in the indexed pixel format). Otherwise let the value unchanged!
    Closure to call directly to convert from one format to the other. This closure is only valid for the given channel offsets of both formats.

    ◆ GetConvertPixelFunc() [2/2]

    MAXON_METHOD Result<CONVERTPIXELFUNC> GetConvertPixelFunc ( const PixelFormat &  srcFormatPtr,
    const ChannelOffsets srcChannelOffset,
    const ChannelOffsets dstChannelOffset,
    const ColorProfile srcColorProfile,
    ColorProfile dstColorProfile,
    Bool  forceColorProfileConversion,
    COLORCONVERSIONFLAGS  colorConversionFlags,
    Bool disableCaching 
    ) const

    Creates a CONVERTPIXELFUNC which is able to convert from a given srcFormatPtr to the own pixel format. The function builds dynamic code which converts the 2 pixel formats effectively from one into the other. This function is slow and should be cached. It uses spin locks internally.

    [in]srcFormatPtrThe pixel format to convert from.
    [in]srcChannelOffsetChannel offset in bytes of the src pixel format.
    [in]dstChannelOffsetChannel offset in bytes of the destination (own) pixel format.
    [in]srcColorProfileOptional parameter which is only necessary if the color spaces of the given pixel formats doesn't match. In that case the conversion will be performed using the correct color conversion.
    [in,out]dstColorProfileOptional parameter which is only necessary if the color spaces of the given pixel formats doesn't match. In that case the conversion will be performed using the correct color conversion. Returns the effective destination color profile after the conversion is applied. If the color space of the source and dest pixel format is identical no color profile conversion is performed and the result is srcColorProfile. If the color spaces are different the resulting color profile is the same as dstColorProfile.
    [in]forceColorProfileConversionTrue to force the color profile conversion even is the color space is identical, false will not perform color profile transformation if the color space is identical.
    [in]colorConversionFlagsColorconversion flags (with COLORCONVERSIONFLAGS::BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION, this matches the function without this parameter).
    [out]disableCachingSet to true if the conversion must not be cached (e.g. because a color table is used like in the indexed pixel format). Otherwise let the value unchanged!
    Closure to call directly to convert from one format to the other. This closure is only valid for the given channel offsets of both formats.

    ◆ ConvertPixelFromSlow()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<void> ConvertPixelFromSlow ( const ImageMutableBuffer dst,
    Int  count,
    const ImageConstBuffer src,
    const ColorProfile srcColorProfile,
    ColorProfile dstColorProfile,
    ) const

    Converts Pixels from one format into another. This is a convenience function. This function is not as fast pixelFormat.GetConvertPixelFunc() followed by calls of the returned closure.

    [in]dstImageMutableBuffer of the destination data/format.
    [in]countNumber of pixels to convert.
    [in]srcImageConstBuffer of the source data/format.
    [in]srcColorProfileOptional parameter which is only necessary if the color spaces of the given pixel formats doesn't match. In that case the conversion will be performed using the correct color conversion.
    [in,out]dstColorProfileOptional parameter which is only necessary if the color spaces of the given pixel formats doesn't match. In that case the conversion will be performed using the correct color conversion. Returns the effective destination color profile after the conversion is applied. If the color space of the source and dest pixel format is identical no color profile conversion is performed and the result is srcColorProfile. If the color spaces are different the resulting color profile is the same as dstColorProfile.
    [in]cflagsFlags to control the conversion. See CONVERTPIXELFLAGS.
    [in]flagsFlags to control the conversion. See GETPIXELFLAGS;.
    OK on success.

    ◆ IsIdenticalPixel()

    MAXON_METHOD Bool IsIdenticalPixel ( const ImageConstBuffer a,
    const ImageConstBuffer b,
    Int  oneTolerance 
    ) const

    Compares 2 pixels. Both pixels must be in the same pixel format!

    [in]aImageConstBuffer pointing to the first pixel.
    [in]bImageConstBuffer pointing to the second pixel.
    [in]oneToleranceTrue if a tolerance of one digit is allowed. Tolerances can happen when converting from formats with different resolutions.
    True if the pixels are identical.

    ◆ PixToString()

    MAXON_METHOD String PixToString ( const Pix src) const

    Converts a pixel into a readable format.

    [in]srcPointer to the data of one packed pixel.
    String representation of the pixel.

    ◆ GetConvertPixelFromFunc()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<CONVERTPIXELFUNC> GetConvertPixelFromFunc ( const PixelFormat &  srcFormatPtr,
    const ChannelOffsets srcChannelOffset,
    const ChannelOffsets dstChannelOffset,
    Bool  fastSize,
    Bool disableCaching 
    ) const

    For overloading in your own implementation. do not call from outside!

    [in]srcFormatPtrTODO: (Tilo) please document.
    [in]srcChannelOffsetTODO: (Tilo) please document.
    [in]dstChannelOffsetTODO: (Tilo) please document.
    [in]fastSizeTODO: (Tilo) please document.
    [out]disableCachingSet to true if the conversion must not be cached (e.g. because a color table is used like in the indexed pixel format). Otherwise let the value unchanged!
    Conversion function or nullptr if no conversion found. An error will only be returned in case of a real error (out of memory etc).

    ◆ GetConvertPixelToFunc()

    MAXON_METHOD Result<CONVERTPIXELFUNC> GetConvertPixelToFunc ( const PixelFormat &  dstFormatPtr,
    const ChannelOffsets dstChannelOffset,
    const ChannelOffsets srcChannelOffset,
    Bool  fastSize,
    Bool disableCaching 
    ) const

    For overloading in your own implementation. do not call from outside!

    [in]dstFormatPtrTODO: (Tilo) please document.
    [in]dstChannelOffsetTODO: (Tilo) please document.
    [in]srcChannelOffsetTODO: (Tilo) please document.
    [in]fastSizeTODO: (Tilo) please document.
    [out]disableCachingSet to true if the conversion must not be cached (e.g. because a color table is used like in the indexed pixel format). Otherwise let the value unchanged!
    Conversion function or nullptr if no conversion found. An error will only be returned in case of a real error (out of memory etc.).

    ◆ GetShortName()

    MAXON_METHOD const Char* GetShortName ( ) const

    Returns the short name set in the init function.