Open Search
    CCurve Class Reference

    #include <c4d_canimation.h>

    Inheritance diagram for CCurve:

    Detailed Description

    Represents the animation curve.
    Belongs to a track and contains keys.

    Cannot be allocated.

    Private Member Functions

     CCurve ()
     ~CCurve ()
    const CCurveoperator= (const CCurve &seq)


    Int32 GetKeyCount () const
    const CKeyGetKey (Int32 index) const
    CKeyGetKey (Int32 index)
    const CKeyFindKey (const BaseTime &time, Int32 *idx=nullptr, FINDANIM match=FINDANIM::EXACT) const
    CKeyFindKey (const BaseTime &time, Int32 *idx=nullptr, FINDANIM match=FINDANIM::EXACT)
    CKeyAddKey (const BaseTime &time, Int32 *nidx=nullptr, Bool bUndo=false, Bool SynchronizeKeys=false)
    CKeyAddKeyAdaptTangent (const BaseTime &time, Bool bUndo, Int32 *nidx=nullptr, Bool SynchronizeKeys=false)
    Bool InsertKey (CKey *ckey, Bool bUndo=false, Bool SynchronizeKeys=false)
    Bool DelKey (Int32 index, Bool bUndo=false, Bool SynchronizeKeys=false)
    Int32 MoveKey (const BaseTime &time, Int32 idx, CCurve *dseq=nullptr, Bool bUndo=false, Bool SynchronizeKeys=false)
    void FlushKeys (Bool bUndo=false, Bool SynchronizeKeys=false)


    Float64 CalcHermite (Float64 time, Float64 t1, Float64 t2, Float64 val1, Float64 val2, Float64 tan1_val, Float64 tan2_val, Float64 tan1_t, Float64 tan2_t, Bool deriv) const
    void CalcSoftTangents (Int32 kidx, Float *vl, Float *vr, BaseTime *tl, BaseTime *tr)
    void GetTangents (Int32 kidx, Float64 *vl, Float64 *vr, Float64 *tl, Float64 *tr)
    void AdjustTangentLength (Float64 keyTime1, Float64 keyTime2, Float64 &tan1_val, Float64 &tan2_val, Float64 &tan1Time, Float64 &tan2Time, Bool applyHermiteFactor) const
    void AdjustTangentAutoWeight (Int32 keyIndex)
    Float GetValue (const BaseTime &time) const


    CTrackGetTrack () const
    void SetKeyDefault (BaseDocument *doc, Int32 kidx)
    void SetKeyDirty ()
    void SortKeysByTime (Bool bUndo=false, Bool SynchronizeKeys=false)

    Start/End Time

    BaseTime GetStartTime () const
    BaseTime GetEndTime () const


    const CKeyFindNextUnmuted (Int32 idx, Int32 *ret_idx=nullptr) const
    CKeyFindNextUnmuted (Int32 idx, Int32 *ret_idx=nullptr)
    const CKeyFindPrevUnmuted (Int32 idx, Int32 *ret_idx=nullptr) const
    CKeyFindPrevUnmuted (Int32 idx, Int32 *ret_idx=nullptr)

    Additional Inherited Members

    - Public Member Functions inherited from BaseList2D
    void SetBit (Int32 mask)
    Bool GetBit (Int32 mask) const
    void DelBit (Int32 mask)
    void ToggleBit (Int32 mask)
    Int32 GetAllBits () const
    void SetAllBits (Int32 bits)
    void SetBitEx (Int32 mask, Int32 flags)
    const CharGetViewportRenderId (VIEWPORT_RENDER_ID typeId) const
    BaseList2DGetNext ()
    const BaseList2DGetNext () const
    BaseList2DGetPred ()
    const BaseList2DGetPred () const
    BaseContainer GetData ()
    void SetData (const BaseContainer &bc, Bool add=true)
    const BaseContainerGetDataInstanceRef () const
    BaseContainerGetDataInstanceRef ()
    const BaseContainerGetDataInstance () const
    BaseContainerGetDataInstance ()
    String GetName () const
    void SetName (const maxon::String &name, Bool setDirty=true)
    String GetBubbleHelp ()
    Bool TransferGoal (BaseList2D *dst, Bool undolink)
    Bool TransferMarker (BaseList2D *dst) const
    Bool CopyDynamicDescriptionFrom (const BaseList2D *src)
    Bool Scale (Float scale)
    Bool Edit ()
    void GetIcon (IconData *dat)
    GeListHeadGetNLARoot (Bool create)
    BaseList2DAnimationLayerRemap (BaseObject **layer=nullptr)
    String GetTypeName () const
    BaseList2DGetMain () const
    void InsertTrackSorted (CTrack *track)
    Bool AddEventNotification (BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid, NOTIFY_EVENT_FLAG flags, const BaseContainer *data)
    Bool RemoveEventNotification (const BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid)
    Bool FindEventNotification (const BaseDocument *doc, BaseList2D *bl, NOTIFY_EVENT eventid)
    Bool SetDescIDState (const DescID &id, DESCIDSTATE descidstate)
    DESCIDSTATE GetDescIDState (const DescID &id, Bool tolerant) const
    GeListHeadGetOverrideRoot (Bool create)
    BaseOverrideGetFirstOverride ()
    GeListHeadGetShaderRepositoryRoot (Bool create)
    GeListHeadGetHiddenShaderRoot (Bool create)
    maxon::NimbusForwardRef GetNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId) const
    maxon::Result< maxon::NimbusForwardRefPrivateGetOrCreateNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId)
    void RemoveNimbusRef (const maxon::Id &spaceId)
    maxon::Result< maxon::HashMap< maxon::Id, maxon::NimbusForwardRef > > GetAllNimbusRefs () const
    Bool IsNodeBased () const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjects (METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjectsRec (ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, Bool withSiblings, Bool withChildren, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjectsOfHierarchy (ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjectsOfChildren (ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< BoolGetAccessedObjectsOfFirstChildHierarchy (ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK read, ACCESSED_OBJECTS_MASK write, METHOD_ID method, AccessedObjectsCallback &access) const
    maxon::Result< maxon::GenericDataGroupChanges ()
    void GetMarkerStampEx (UInt32 *l1, UInt32 *l2)
    const GeMarkerGetMarker () const
    void SetMarker (const GeMarker &m)
    Bool AddUniqueID (Int32 appid, const Char *const mem, Int bytes)
    Bool FindUniqueID (Int32 appid, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const
    Int32 GetUniqueIDCount () const
    Bool GetUniqueIDIndex (Int32 idx, Int32 &id, const Char *&mem, Int &bytes) const
    Bool SetAnimatedParameter (const CTrack *track, const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data1, const GeData &t_data2, Float mix, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
    Bool GetAnimatedParameter (const DescID &id, GeData &t_data1, GeData &t_data2, Float &mix, DESCFLAGS_GET flags) const
    BaseShaderGetFirstShader () const
    void InsertShader (BaseShader *shader, BaseShader *pred=nullptr)
    void ClearKeyframeSelection ()
    Bool FindKeyframeSelection (const DescID &id)
    Bool SetKeyframeSelection (const DescID &id, Bool selection)
    Bool KeyframeSelectionContent ()
    LayerObjectGetLayerObject (const BaseDocument *doc)
    const LayerObjectGetLayerObject (const BaseDocument *doc) const
    Bool SetLayerObject (const LayerObject *layer)
    const LayerDataGetLayerData (const BaseDocument *doc, Bool rawdata=false) const
    Bool SetLayerData (BaseDocument *doc, const LayerData &data)
    GeListHeadGetCTrackRoot (Bool create)
    const GeListHeadGetCTrackRoot () const
    CTrackGetFirstCTrack ()
    const CTrackGetFirstCTrack () const
    CTrackFindCTrack (const DescID &id)
    const CTrackFindCTrack (const DescID &id) const
    - Public Member Functions inherited from GeListNode
    GeListNodeGetNext ()
    const GeListNodeGetNext () const
    GeListNodeGetPred ()
    const GeListNodeGetPred () const
    GeListNodeGetDown ()
    const GeListNodeGetDown () const
    GeListNodeGetUp ()
    const GeListNodeGetUp () const
    GeListNodeGetDownLast ()
    const GeListNodeGetDownLast () const
    void InsertBefore (GeListNode *bl)
    void InsertAfter (GeListNode *bl)
    void InsertUnder (GeListNode *bl)
    void InsertUnderLast (GeListNode *bl)
    void Remove ()
    void FlushChilds ()
    void MoveChildrenTo (GeListNode *dest)
    GeListHeadGetListHead ()
    const GeListHeadGetListHead () const
    Int32 GetNodeID (Int32 index=0) const
    template<typename CAST >
    const CAST * GetNodeData (Int32 index=0) const
    template<typename CAST >
    CAST * GetNodeData (Int32 index=0)
    void SetCustomData (GeListNode *node)
    GeListNodeGetCustomData ()
    const GeListNodeGetCustomData () const
    const BaseDocumentGetDocument () const
    BaseDocumentGetDocument ()
    maxon::Result< BoolGetBranchInfo (const maxon::ValueReceiver< const BranchInfo & > &info, GETBRANCHINFO flags) const
    Bool IsDocumentRelated () const
    Int32 GetInfo () const
    Bool GetNBit (NBIT bit) const
    UInt32 GetNBitMask (Int32 index) const
    Bool ChangeNBit (NBIT bit, NBITCONTROL bitmode)
    - Public Member Functions inherited from C4DAtom
    Int32 GetType () const
    Int32 GetRealType () const
    Int32 GetDiskType () const
    Bool IsInstanceOf (Int32 id) const
    Int32 GetClassification () const
    Bool Message (Int32 type, void *data=nullptr)
    Bool MultiMessage (MULTIMSG_ROUTE flags, Int32 type, void *data)
    C4DAtomGetClone (COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn) const
    Bool CopyTo (C4DAtom *dst, COPYFLAGS flags, AliasTrans *trn) const
    Bool Read (HyperFile *hf, Int32 id, Int32 level)
    Bool Write (HyperFile *hf) const
    Bool ReadObject (HyperFile *hf, Bool readheader)
    Bool WriteObject (HyperFile *hf) const
    Bool GetDescription (Description *description, DESCFLAGS_DESC flags) const
    Bool GetParameter (const DescID &id, GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_GET flags) const
    Bool SetParameter (const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_SET flags)
    DynamicDescriptionGetDynamicDescriptionWritable ()
    const DynamicDescriptionGetDynamicDescription () const
    Bool CopyDynamicDescriptionFrom (const BaseList2D *src)
    Bool GetEnabling (const DescID &id, const GeData &t_data, DESCFLAGS_ENABLE flags, const BaseContainer *itemdesc) const
    Bool TranslateDescID (const DescID &id, DescID &res_id, C4DAtom *&res_at)
    UInt32 GetDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags) const
    void SetDirty (DIRTYFLAGS flags)
    UInt32 GetHDirty (HDIRTYFLAGS mask) const
    void SetHDirty (HDIRTYFLAGS mask)
    - Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseList2D
    static BaseList2DAlloc (Int32 type)
    static void Free (BaseList2D *&bl)
    - Static Public Attributes inherited from BaseList2D
    static const Int32 SETBIT_FLAG_NODIRTY
    static const Int32 SETBIT_FLAG_REMOVE

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ◆ CCurve()

    CCurve ( )

    ◆ ~CCurve()

    ~CCurve ( )

    Member Function Documentation

    ◆ operator=()

    const CCurve& operator= ( const CCurve seq)

    ◆ GetKeyCount()

    Int32 GetKeyCount ( ) const

    Gets the number of keys in the curve.

    The number of keys.

    ◆ GetKey() [1/2]

    const CKey* GetKey ( Int32  index) const

    Gets the const key at index in the curve.

    [in]indexThe key index: 0 <= index < GetKeyCount()
    The const key, or nullptr. The curve owns the pointed key.

    ◆ GetKey() [2/2]

    CKey* GetKey ( Int32  index)

    Gets the key at index in the curve.

    [in]indexThe key index: 0 <= index < GetKeyCount()
    The key, or nullptr. The curve owns the pointed key.

    ◆ FindKey() [1/2]

    const CKey* FindKey ( const BaseTime time,
    Int32 idx = nullptr,
    ) const

    Finds the const key at the given time.

    [in]timeThe time to find the key at.
    [out]idxAssigned the index of the found key.
    [in]matchThe search method.
    The found const key, or nullptr. The curve owns the pointed key.

    ◆ FindKey() [2/2]

    CKey* FindKey ( const BaseTime time,
    Int32 idx = nullptr,

    Finds the key at the given time.

    [in]timeThe time to find the key at.
    [out]idxAssigned the index of the found key.
    [in]matchThe search method: FINDANIM
    The found key, or nullptr. The curve owns the pointed key.

    ◆ AddKey()

    CKey* AddKey ( const BaseTime time,
    Int32 nidx = nullptr,
    Bool  bUndo = false,
    Bool  SynchronizeKeys = false 

    Adds a key to the curve.

    [in]timeThe time to add the key at.
    [out]nidxAssigned the index of the added key.
    [in]bUndoIf true this action will be undoable.
    [in]SynchronizeKeysSince R18. If true the routine is called on other components of the vector (if valid). Curve must be part of a Track.
    The added key. The curve owns the pointed key.

    ◆ AddKeyAdaptTangent()

    CKey* AddKeyAdaptTangent ( const BaseTime time,
    Bool  bUndo,
    Int32 nidx = nullptr,
    Bool  SynchronizeKeys = false 

    Adds a key to the curve but retains the curve's current curvature.

    [in]timeThe time to add the key at.
    [in]bUndoIf true this action will be undoable.
    [out]nidxAssigned the new key index.
    [in]SynchronizeKeysSince R18. If true the routine is called on other components of the vector (if valid). Curve must be part of a Track.
    The added key, or nullptr if it failed.

    ◆ InsertKey()

    Bool InsertKey ( CKey ckey,
    Bool  bUndo = false,
    Bool  SynchronizeKeys = false 

    Inserts a key into the curve.

    [in]ckeyThe key to insert. The curve takes over the ownership of the pointed key.
    [in]bUndoIf true this action will be undoable.
    [in]SynchronizeKeysSince R18. If true the routine is called on other components of the vector (if valid). Curve must be part of a Track.
    true if the key was inserted, otherwise false.

    ◆ DelKey()

    Bool DelKey ( Int32  index,
    Bool  bUndo = false,
    Bool  SynchronizeKeys = false 

    Deletes a key from the curve.

    [in]indexThe index of the key to delete: 0 <= index < GetKeyCount()
    [in]bUndoIf true this action will be undoable.
    [in]SynchronizeKeysSince R18. If true the routine is called on other components of the vector (if valid). Curve must be part of a Track.
    true if the key was deleted, otherwise false.

    ◆ MoveKey()

    Int32 MoveKey ( const BaseTime time,
    Int32  idx,
    CCurve dseq = nullptr,
    Bool  bUndo = false,
    Bool  SynchronizeKeys = false 

    Moves a key in the curve.

    [in]timeThe time to move the key to.
    [in]idxThe index of the key to move: 0 <= index < GetKeyCount()
    [in]dseqAn optional destination curve to move the key to.
    [in]bUndoIf true this action will be undoable.
    [in]SynchronizeKeysSince R18. If true the routine is called on other components of the vector (if valid). Curve must be part of a Track.
    The new index of the moved key.

    ◆ FlushKeys()

    void FlushKeys ( Bool  bUndo = false,
    Bool  SynchronizeKeys = false 

    Removes all keys from the curve.

    [in]bUndoIf true this action will be undoable.
    [in]SynchronizeKeysSince R18. If true the routine is called on other components of the vector (if valid). Curve must be part of a Track.

    ◆ CalcHermite()

    Float64 CalcHermite ( Float64  time,
    Float64  t1,
    Float64  t2,
    Float64  val1,
    Float64  val2,
    Float64  tan1_val,
    Float64  tan2_val,
    Float64  tan1_t,
    Float64  tan2_t,
    Bool  deriv 
    ) const

    Calculates the Hermite spline between two sets of key values.

    Does not take into account any modes (like zero length), so this method should normally not be used. Call GetTangents() instead.
    Only valid for 'Spline' interpolation curves.
    [in]timeThe time to evaluate.
    [in]t1The first time.
    [in]t2The second time.
    [in]val1The first value.
    [in]val2The second value.
    [in]tan1_valThe first tangent value.
    [in]tan2_valThe second tangent value.
    [in]tan1_tThe first tangent time.
    [in]tan2_tThe second tangent time.
    [in]derivIf true the derivative is calculated instead of the value.
    The spline value at the given coordinates/parameters.

    ◆ CalcSoftTangents()

    void CalcSoftTangents ( Int32  kidx,
    Float vl,
    Float vr,
    BaseTime tl,
    BaseTime tr 

    Calculates the soft tangents (i.e. auto interpolation) around a key.

    [in]kidxThe key index: 0 <= kidx < GetKeyCount()
    [out]vlAssigned the left value.
    [out]vrAssigned the right value.
    [out]tlAssigned the left time.
    [out]trAssigned the right time.

    ◆ GetTangents()

    void GetTangents ( Int32  kidx,
    Float64 vl,
    Float64 vr,
    Float64 tl,
    Float64 tr 

    Computes the tangents of a key, taking into account all options like zero slope, link slope etc.

    [in]kidxThe key index: 0 <= kidx < GetKeyCount()
    [out]vlAssigned the left value.
    [out]vrAssigned the right value.
    [out]tlAssigned the left time.
    [out]trAssigned the right time.

    ◆ AdjustTangentLength()

    void AdjustTangentLength ( Float64  keyTime1,
    Float64  keyTime2,
    Float64 tan1_val,
    Float64 tan2_val,
    Float64 tan1Time,
    Float64 tan2Time,
    Bool  applyHermiteFactor 
    ) const

    Adjusts Tangent Length to avoid curve intersection

    [in]keyTime1First key Time value.
    [in]keyTime2Second key Time value.
    [in,out]tan1_valFirst key right tangent value.
    [in,out]tan2_valSecond key left tangent value.
    [in,out]tan1TimeFirst key right tangent time.
    [in,out]tan2TimeSecond key left tangent time.
    [in]applyHermiteFactorApply the Hermite factor to tangent.

    ◆ AdjustTangentAutoWeight()

    void AdjustTangentAutoWeight ( Int32  keyIndex)

    Adjusts Tangent Time and Value to reflect an auto-tangent (slope is preserved). Consider if broken tangent is active for weighted auto-tangent

    [in]keyIndexThe key index: 0 <= kidx < GetKeyCount()

    ◆ GetValue()

    Float GetValue ( const BaseTime time) const

    Gets the value calculated at time, taking into account things like time curves.

    [in]timeThe time to calculate the value at.
    The calculated value.

    ◆ GetTrack()

    CTrack* GetTrack ( ) const

    Gets the track of the curve.

    The track.

    ◆ SetKeyDefault()

    void SetKeyDefault ( BaseDocument doc,
    Int32  kidx 

    Sets the defaults for key kidx of the curve.
    This includes lock, mute, clamp, break, auto properties, interpolation and tangents.
    This setup a value and complete the missing properties with the defaults.

    [in]docThe curve's document.
    [in]kidxThe key index.

    ◆ SetKeyDirty()

    void SetKeyDirty ( )

    Sets keys dirty.

    Equivalent to SetDirty(DIRTYFLAGS::CHILDREN).

    ◆ SortKeysByTime()

    void SortKeysByTime ( Bool  bUndo = false,
    Bool  SynchronizeKeys = false 


    ◆ GetStartTime()

    BaseTime GetStartTime ( ) const

    Gets the start time of the curve.

    The start time of the curve.

    ◆ GetEndTime()

    BaseTime GetEndTime ( ) const

    Gets the end time of the curve.

    The end time of the curve.

    ◆ FindNextUnmuted() [1/2]

    const CKey* FindNextUnmuted ( Int32  idx,
    Int32 ret_idx = nullptr 
    ) const

    Finds the next unmuted key (read-only). The key index passed as argument is included in the test.

    [in]idxThe key index to start (included) the search from: 0 <= idx < GetKeyCount()
    [out]ret_idxAssigned the found key index.
    The first unmuted key founded in the next direction, or nullptr if there is none.

    ◆ FindNextUnmuted() [2/2]

    CKey* FindNextUnmuted ( Int32  idx,
    Int32 ret_idx = nullptr 

    Finds the next unmuted key (writable).

    [in]idxThe key index to start (included) the search from: 0 <= idx < GetKeyCount()
    [out]ret_idxAssigned the found key index.
    The first unmuted key founded in the next direction, or nullptr if there is none.

    ◆ FindPrevUnmuted() [1/2]

    const CKey* FindPrevUnmuted ( Int32  idx,
    Int32 ret_idx = nullptr 
    ) const

    Finds the previous unmuted key (read-only). The key index passed as argument is included in the test.

    [in]idxThe key index to start (included) the search from: 0 <= idx < GetKeyCount()
    [out]ret_idxAssigned the found key index.
    The first unmuted key founded in the previous direction, or nullptr if there is none.

    ◆ FindPrevUnmuted() [2/2]

    CKey* FindPrevUnmuted ( Int32  idx,
    Int32 ret_idx = nullptr 

    Finds the previous unmuted key (writable). The key index passed as argument is included in the test.

    [in]idxThe key index to start (included) the search from: 0 <= idx < GetKeyCount()
    [out]ret_idxAssigned the found key index.
    The first unmuted key founded in the previous direction, or nullptr if there is none.