RayHemiSample Struct Reference

#include <c4d_raytrace.h>

Detailed Description

Each sample as computed when sampling the indirect illumination.
The RayHemiSample is the point on the RayHemisphere used for computing the indirect illumination when caches are used.
Contains all the information needed to compute the gradients for GI. When gradients are used these values should be used to compute the indirect illumination.

Public Attributes

Vector dir
Vector col
Float dist_sum
Float dist_weight
Float cos_theta
Float sin_theta

Member Data Documentation

◆ dir

Vector dir

[READ ONLY] The point direction (in normal vector frame space).

◆ col

Vector col

[WRITE] The accumulated irradiance.

◆ dist_sum

Float dist_sum

[WRITE] Store the average distance (sum) to the intersecting geometry that is used later on during gradient computation.

◆ dist_weight

Float dist_weight

[WRITE] Store the average distance (weight) to the intersecting geometry that is used later on during gradient computation.

◆ cos_theta

Float cos_theta

[READ ONLY] Cosinus of angle precomputed for speed.

◆ sin_theta

Float sin_theta

[READ ONLY] Sinus of angle precomputed for speed.