IDs into the information container for a description parameter.
anonymous enum |
Enumerator | |
DESC_NAME | String Name for standalone use. |
DESC_SHORT_NAME | String Short name, for attributes dialog. |
DESC_VERSION | Int32 Show in versions: |
DESC_VERSION_DEMO | Demo versions. |
DESC_VERSION_XL | XL Versions. |
DESC_VERSION_ALL | All versions. |
DESC_CHILDREN | BaseContainer Internal. |
DESC_MINEX | Bool true if DESC_MIN is exclusive, otherwise it is inclusive. |
DESC_MAXEX | Bool true if DESC_MAX is exclusive, otherwise it is inclusive. |
DESC_ANIMATE | Int32 Animation mode: |
DESC_ANIMATE_OFF | Parameter is not animatable. |
DESC_ANIMATE_ON | Parameter is animatable. |
DESC_ANIMATE_MIX | Parameter is animatable, but needs to know the left and right data element. |
DESC_ASKOBJECT | Bool true means ask object for this parameter, false means look in container. |
DESC_CYCLE | BaseContainer Contains members of cycle as string. (E.g. |
DESC_HIDE | Bool Indicates whether the property is hidden or not. |
DESC_ACCEPT | BaseContainer Contains the accepted IDs as strings. For C4DAtom::IsInstanceOf() checks. (E.g. |
DESC_SEPARATORLINE | Bool true if separators should have a visible line. |
DESC_REFUSE | BaseContainer Contains the refused IDs as strings. For C4DAtom::IsInstanceOf() checks. (E.g. |
DESC_PARENTID | Int32 The ID of the parent element used for indentation and animation track. |
DESC_CUSTOMGUI | Int32 The ID of the GUI for this element. Either a custom ID or one of: CUSTOMGUI |
DESC_COLUMNS | cineware::Int32 Number of columns for layout groups (DTYPE_GROUP). |
DESC_LAYOUTGROUP | cineware::Bool true for layout groups (LAYOUTGROUP). |
DESC_REMOVEABLE | cineware::Bool true if entry is removable. |
DESC_GUIOPEN | cineware::Bool true if the maximized GUI is shown by default. |
DESC_EDITABLE | cineware::Bool true if entry is editable. |
DESC_MINSLIDER | cineware::Int32/Float/Vector Minimum value for slider. |
DESC_MAXSLIDER | cineware::Int32/Float/Vector Maximum value for slider. |
DESC_GROUPSCALEV | cineware::Bool Allow the group height to be scaled. |
DESC_SCALEH | cineware::Bool Scale element horizontally. |
DESC_LAYOUTVERSION | cineware::Int32 Layout version. |
DESC_ALIGNLEFT | cineware::Bool Align element left. |
DESC_FITH | cineware::Bool Fit element. |
DESC_NEWLINE | cineware::Bool Line break. |
DESC_TITLEBAR | cineware::Bool Main group title bar. |
DESC_CYCLEICONS | BaseContainer Icon IDs for cycle. |
DESC_CYCLESYMBOLS | BaseContainer String identifiers for help symbol export. |
DESC_PARENT_COLLAPSE | cineware::Int32 Parent collapse ID. |
DESC_FORBID_INLINE_FOLDING | cineware::Bool Instructs the Attribute Manager to not allow expanding inline objects for entry. |
DESC_FORBID_SCALING | cineware::Bool Prevents auto-scaling of the parameter with the scale tool (for DESC_UNIT_METER). |
DESC_ANGULAR_XYZ | cineware::Bool true for XYZ as angular representation, or false for HPB. |
DESC_INPORT | cineware::Bool GV in port. |
DESC_OUTPORT | cineware::Bool GV out port. |
DESC_STATICPORT | cineware::Bool GV static port. |
DESC_NEEDCONNECTION | cineware::Bool GV needs connection. |
DESC_MULTIPLE | cineware::Bool GV multiple ports allowed. |
DESC_PORTONLY | cineware::Bool GV port only. |
DESC_CREATEPORT | cineware::Bool GV create port. |
DESC_PORTSMIN | cineware::Int32 GV minimum number of ports. |
DESC_PORTSMAX | cineware::Int32 GV maximum number of ports. |
DESC_NOTMOVABLE | cineware::Bool GV not movable. |
DESC_EDITPORT | cineware::Bool GV editable. |
DESC_ITERATOR | cineware::Bool GV iterator port. |
DESC_PARENTMSG | cineware::Int32 Used in the Material Editor on the boolean tabs to specify which section to open. |
DESC_MATEDNOTEXT | cineware::Bool No text in Material Editor window. |
DESC_COLUMNSMATED | cineware::Int32 Number of columns in left Material Editor window. |
DESC_SHADERLINKFLAG | cineware::Bool Specifies that this element is a shader link. (Only if datatype==DTYPE_BASELISTLINK.) |
DESC_NOGUISWITCH | cineware::Bool Disables GUI switching for this description element. |
DESC_TEMPDESCID | Internal. Used internally to store the preferred description ID. |
DESC_IDENT | String Resource identifier, e.g. |