FieldList Manual


FieldList is a custom data type that stores field layers (FieldLayer). Such a field layer represents a certain function or is referencing a FieldObject (::FLfield). Typically one samples this FieldList and not the layers themselves.

A FieldList parameter can be found on MoGraph effectors or the "Falloff" shader.




The FieldList is easily sampled using these functions. The "Sample" functions sample the field in a multi-threaded context. If it is needed to control the sampling process use the "Direct" functions.

  • FieldList::SampleListSimple(): Samples a block of values with default FieldInfo parameters.
  • FieldList::SampleList(): Samples a block of values with full FieldInfo parameter control.
  • FieldList::SampleListWithLambda(): Samples a block calling the given lambda functions.
  • FieldList::DirectInitSampling(): Initializes direct sampling.
  • FieldList::DirectSample(): Performs direct sampling.
  • FieldList::DirectFreeSampling(): Frees direct sampling data.

For information on FieldInfo and FieldOutput see FieldObject Manual.

// This example reads the "FIELDS" parameter of the given "Plain" effector
// to obtain the FieldList custom data. The FieldList is then sampled.
// get FieldList data
const DescID fieldParameterID = ConstDescID(DescLevel(FIELDS));
GeData data;
if (plainEffector->GetParameter(fieldParameterID, data, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE) == false)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// get FieldList
FieldList* const fieldList = data.GetCustomDataTypeWritable<FieldList>();
if (fieldList == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// prepare arrays
positions.Resize(sampleCnt) iferr_return;
uvws.Resize(sampleCnt) iferr_return;
directions.Resize(sampleCnt) iferr_return;
// set positions
Float64 xOffset = 0.0;
for (maxon::Vector& pos : positions)
pos.x = xOffset;
xOffset += stepSize;
// define points to sample
FieldInput points(positions.GetFirst(),
// sample
FieldOutput results = fieldList->SampleListSimple(*plainEffector, points) iferr_return;
Definition: asset_browser.h:1
Definition: basearray.h:414
Returns the first element of the array. For the BaseArray this is a pointer to a continuous block of ...
Definition: basearray.h:1188
Resizes the array to contain newCnt elements. If newCnt is smaller than GetCount() all extra elements...
Definition: basearray.h:1231
void Py_ssize_t * pos
Definition: dictobject.h:50
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
#define ConstDescID(...)
Definition: lib_description.h:596
maxon::Float64 Float64
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:58
maxon::Mat3< maxon::Vector64 > Matrix
Definition: ge_math.h:159
Definition: ofalloff_panel.h:16
#define iferr_return
Definition: resultbase.h:1531


The layers stored in the FieldList are accessed through:

  • FieldList::GetCount(): Returns the number of fields and groups.
  • FieldList::InsertLayer(): Inserts the given layer into the list.
  • FieldList::GetLayersRoot(): Returns the GeListHead of the layers.
  • FieldList::GetSelected(): Gets a list of all selected layers.
  • FieldList::FindByReference(): Gets the layers that match the given FieldLayerLink.


::FIELDLIST_FLAGS: are accessed through:

  • FieldList::GetFlags(): Returns the flags.
  • FieldList::SetFlags(): Sets the flags.
  • FieldList::CheckFlag(): Returns true if the given flag is set.

Further functions are:

  • FieldList::GetDirty(): Returns the dirty state of the GUI and the host object.
  • FieldList::Flush(): Frees the internal memory.
  • FieldList::HasContent(): Returns true if the list has any content.


A FieldLayer represents a certain function or is referencing a FieldObject. To implement custom layers see FieldLayerData Manual.


Existing layer types are:

  • ::FLplugin: FieldLayer plugin.
  • ::FLfolder: Folder.
  • ::FLbase: FieldLayer base.
  • ::FLfield: Field object based layer.
  • ::FLsolid: Solid value/color layer.
  • ::FLdescid: DescID based layer.
  • ::FLnoise: Noise remapping layer.
  • ::FLclamp: Clamping remapping layer.
  • ::FLremap: Between values remapping layer.
  • ::FLcurve: Curve remapping layer.
  • ::FLgradient: Gradient remapping layer.
  • ::FLquantize: Quantize remapping layer.
  • ::FLinvert: Invert remapping layer.
  • ::FLcolorize: Colorize remapping layer.
  • ::FLrangemap: Colorize remapping layer.
  • ::FLspline: Spline mapping layer.
  • ::FLdelay: Delay layer.
  • ::FLdecay: Decay layer.
  • ::FLstep: Step layer.
  • ::FLweight: Weight layer.
  • ::FLproximity: Proximity layer.
  • ::FLformula: Formula Layer.
  • ::FLtime: Time layer.
  • ::FLpython: Python layer.
  • ::FLmograph: MoGraph layer.
  • ::FLpolygonobject: Polygon object.
  • ::FLvolumeobject: Volume object, see VolumeObject Manual.


A new layer is created with:

  • FieldLayer::Alloc(): Returns a new FieldLayer.
  • FieldLayer::Free(): Deletes the given FieldLayer.

The FieldLayer tree can be navigated with:

  • FieldLayer::GetUp(): Returns the parent layer.
  • FieldLayer::GetDown(): Returns the child layer.
  • FieldLayer::GetNext(): Returns the next layer in the list.
  • FieldLayer::GetPred(): Returns the previous layer in the list.
  • FieldLayer::GetDownLast(): Returns the last layer.
// This example creates a new "Quantize" layer and inserts it into the FieldList of the given "Plain" effector.
const DescID fieldParameterID = ConstDescID(DescLevel(FIELDS));
GeData data;
if (plainEffector->GetParameter(fieldParameterID, data, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE) == false)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// get FieldList
FieldList* const fieldList = data.GetCustomDataTypeWritable<FieldList>();
if (fieldList == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// create new "Quantize" layer
FieldLayer* const layer = FieldLayer::Alloc(FLquantize);
if (layer == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// configure new layer
layer->SetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(FIELDLAYER_QUANTIZE_STEPS)), 10, DESCFLAGS_SET::NONE);
// insert layer
fieldList->InsertLayer(layer, nullptr, nullptr) iferr_return;
// store data
plainEffector->SetParameter(fieldParameterID, data, DESCFLAGS_SET::NONE);
Definition: flquantize.h:6
static const Int32 FLquantize
FieldLayer quantize remapping layer.
Definition: c4d_fielddata.h:84


If the layer links to another element in the scene this element can be accessed through:

  • FieldLayer::GetLinkedObject(): Returns the FieldLayerLink to the scene element.
  • FieldLayer::SetLinkedObject(): Set the reference to the scene element.

The strength of a layer is defined by:

  • FieldLayer::GetStrength(): Returns the strength applied to the layer.
  • FieldLayer::SetStrength(): Sets the strength applied to the layer.

The blending mode (see flbase.h) is set/get by:

  • FieldLayer::SetBlendingMode(): Sets the current blending mode.
  • FieldLayer::GetBlendingMode(): Returns the current blending mode.

The channel flags (::FIELDLAYER_CHANNELFLAG) are accessed through:

  • FieldLayer::GetChannelFlags(): Returns the channel flags.
  • FieldLayer::SetChannelFlags(): Sets the channel flags.
  • FieldLayer::GetChannelFlag(): Returns true if the given flag is set.
  • FieldLayer::SetChannelFlag(): Sets the state of the given flag.

The channel flags are:

The layer flags (::FIELDLAYER_FLAG) are set/get by:

  • FieldLayer::SetLayerFlags(): Sets the layer flags.
  • FieldLayer::GetLayerFlags(): Returns the layer flags.

The layer flags are:

Mask layers are handled with:

  • FieldLayer::GetMaskHead(): Returns the GeListHead containing the mask layers.
  • FieldLayer::AddMask(): Adds a mask.
  • FieldLayer::RemoveMask(): Removes the mask.


A layer can directly be sampled by these functions:

  • FieldLayer::InitSampling(): Initializes the sampling
  • FieldLayer::Sample(): Samples the layer.
  • FieldLayer::Aggregate(): Used to call FieldLayerData::Aggregate().
  • FieldLayer::FreeSampling(): Frees internal data after sampling.


FieldListGui is the custom GUI element to display FieldList data. The GUI ID is CUSTOMGUI_FIELDLIST.

Further Reading