CAReferencePSD Manual


A morph can use the mixing mode "Correctional PSD" (Pose Space Deformation). A CAReferencePSD object allows accessing the related data. The class is defined in the lib_ca.h header file.


The CAReferencePSD object is obtained from the CAMorphNode object, see CAMorphNode Points.

// This example accesses the PSD data of the given point morph.
// expand data to access it
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, expandFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::ABS);
// check stored data
if (mnode->GetInfo() & CAMORPH_DATA_FLAGS::POINTS)
// get PSD data
CAReferencePSD* const psd = mnode->GetPSDReference();
if (psd)
// loop through all controllers
const Int32 controllerCount = psd->GetExternalControllerCount();
for (Int32 controllerIndex = 0; controllerIndex < controllerCount; ++controllerIndex)
BaseObject* const controller = psd->GetExternalController(controllerIndex);
if (controller == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
ApplicationOutput("Controller: " + controller->GetName());
// collapse data
morph->SetMode(doc, poseMorphTag, collapseFlags, CAMORPH_MODE::AUTO);
Filter for all types.
Definition: asset_browser.h:0
Definition: lib_ca.h:849
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
#define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:204
Definition: lib_birender.h:1
Points morphing.
Definition: lib_ca.h:3
Expand data. Needs to be passed before accessing any data.
Definition: lib_ca.h:1
Absolute morph data.
Definition: lib_ca.h:0
Collapse data. Needs to be passed to collapse the expanded data, for instance after data access.
Definition: lib_ca.h:0
maxon::Int32 Int32
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:51
const char * doc
Definition: pyerrors.h:226


For auto-weighting an interpolation mode is used:

  • CAReferencePSD::GetInterpolationMode(): Returns the interpolation mode.
  • CAReferencePSD::SetInterpolationMode(): Sets the interpolation mode.

The modes are:

// This example switches the interpolation setting
// of the given CAReferencePSD.
const CAMORPH_PSDINTERPOLATION_MODE interpolation = psd->GetInterpolationMode();
Definition: lib_ca.h:908
Per joint interpolation (joint axis average).
Definition: lib_ca.h:1
Per joint axis.
Definition: lib_ca.h:0


The joints referenced in the used weight tag can be forced to work as drivers for the PSD.

  • CAReferencePSD::IsJointForcedAsDriver(): Checks if the joint with the given index is forced as a driver.
  • CAReferencePSD::ForceJointAsDriver(): Forces the joint with the given index as a driver.
  • CAReferencePSD::ClearAllForcedDrivers(): Clears all forced drivers.
// This example loops through all joints weighted in the
// referenced Weight tag. All joints are forced as drivers.
GeData data;
poseMorphTag->GetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(ID_CA_POSE_WEIGHTTAG_UI_ONLY)), data, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE);
C4DAtom* const wTag = data.GetLinkAtom(doc, Tweights);
if (wTag)
CAWeightTag* const weightTag = static_cast<CAWeightTag*>(wTag);
const Int32 jointCount = weightTag->GetJointCount();
for (Int32 jointIndex = 0; jointIndex < jointCount; ++jointIndex)
psd->ForceJointAsDriver(jointIndex, true);
Definition: asset_browser.h:1
#define Tweights
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1462
#define ConstDescID(...)
Definition: lib_description.h:596
Definition: tcaposemorph.h:54


The PSD is based on a skeleton reference pose.

  • CAReferencePSD::RestoreReferencePose(): Restores the reference pose.
  • CAReferencePSD::UpdateReferencePose(): Uses the current pose as the reference.
// This example restores the reference pose of the CAReferencePSD.
// get PSD data
CAReferencePSD* const psd = mnode->GetPSDReference();
if (psd)


Non-joint objects can also be used as controllers.

  • CAReferencePSD::GetExternalControllerCount(): Returns the number of external controllers.
  • CAReferencePSD::GetExternalController(): Returns the external controller for the given index.
  • CAReferencePSD::GetExternalControllerMatrix(): Returns the matrix stored for the controller of the given index.
  • CAReferencePSD::SetExternalControllerMatrix(): Sets the matrix stored for the controller of the given index.
  • CAReferencePSD::RemoveExternalController(): Removes the external controller at the given index.
  • CAReferencePSD::ClearAllExternalControllers(): Removes all external controllers.
// This example sets all selected non joint objects
// as a controller object of the given point morph.
// get PSD data
CAReferencePSD* const psd = mnode->GetPSDReference();
if (psd)
AutoAlloc<AtomArray> objects;
if (objects)
// get selected objects
doc->GetActiveObjects(objects, GETACTIVEOBJECTFLAGS::NONE);
// loop through all objects
const Int32 objectCount = objects->GetCount();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < objectCount; ++i)
C4DAtom* const atom = objects->GetIndex(i);
BaseObject* const baseObject = static_cast<BaseObject*>(atom);
// only add non-joint objects
if (baseObject && !baseObject->IsInstanceOf(Ojoint))
// add object as controller
const Matrix mg = baseObject->GetMg();
psd->SetExternalControllerMatrix(baseObject, mg);
Py_ssize_t i
Definition: abstract.h:645
#define atom
Definition: graminit.h:72
#define Ojoint
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1097
maxon::Mat3< maxon::Vector64 > Matrix
Definition: ge_math.h:159

Further Reading