BaseList2D Manual


The class BaseList2D is based on C4DAtom and GeListNode. It is a base class for many entities of the Cinema API API and adds additional functionality.

BaseList2D objects are an instance of Tbaselist2d.


BaseList2D elements can be created with the usual tools:

  • BaseList2D::Alloc(): Creates a new BaseList2D object with the given type ID.
  • BaseList2D::Free(): Destroys the given BaseList2D object.
For most BaseList2D based classes dedicated "Alloc" and "Free" functions exist.
// This example creates an object buffer multipass.
MultipassObject* const multipass = static_cast<MultipassObject*>(BaseList2D::Alloc(Zmultipass));
if (multipass == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
BaseContainer& data = multipass->GetDataInstanceRef();
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
Object buffer multipass channel.
Definition: c4d_videopostdata.h:140
#define Zmultipass
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1303
Definition: zmultipass.h:6
Definition: zmultipass.h:8

Read-Only Properties

The following properties can be accessed:

// This example prints the name and type name of the active object.
BaseObject* const object = doc->GetActiveObject();
if (object == nullptr)
return maxon::IllegalArgumentError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
ApplicationOutput("The object: \"" + object->GetName() + "\" is a \"" + object->GetTypeName() + "\"");
#define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:204
const char * doc
Definition: pyerrors.h:226
Definition: object.h:105



BaseList2D based objects store an internal BaseContainer. This BaseContainer can store various information, like for example (but not restricted to) the values of parameters of an object or tag.

  • BaseList2D::GetData(): Returns a copy of the internal BaseContainer.
  • BaseList2D::SetData(): The internal data is merged or replaced with the given BaseContainer.
  • BaseList2D::GetDataInstance(): Returns a pointer to the internal BaseContainer.
  • BaseList2D::GetDataInstanceRef(): Returns a reference to the internal BaseContainer.

See BaseContainer Manual.

// This example implements NodeData::Init() in a plugin class.
// It sets the default values of the plugin's parameters.
virtual Bool Init(GeListNode* node, Bool isCloneInit)
if (node == nullptr || !SUPER::Init(node, isCloneInit))
return false;
// get the "real" object
BaseObject* const obj = static_cast<BaseObject*>(node);
// get data container
BaseContainer& data = obj->GetDataInstanceRef();
// set default parameter values
PyObject * obj
Definition: complexobject.h:60
maxon::Bool Bool
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:46
struct _node node
Definition: node.h:10
Typically one should use C4DAtom::SetParameter() and C4DAtom::GetParameter() to access parameters, instead of accessing the BaseContainer directly. See C4DAtom Parameters.


Various properties are not stored in parameters but are set using bits. See BIT.

  • BaseList2D::SetBit(): Sets the given bit.
  • BaseList2D::GetBit(): Returns true if the given bit is set.
  • BaseList2D::DelBit(): Deletes the given bit.
  • BaseList2D::ToggleBit(): Toggles the given bit.
  • BaseList2D::GetAllBits(): Returns all bits of the element.
  • BaseList2D::SetAllBits(): Sets all bits of the element.
// This example disables the first video post.
RenderData* const rd = doc->GetActiveRenderData();
if (rd == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
BaseVideoPost* const vp = rd->GetFirstVideoPost();
if (vp != nullptr)
Videopost is disabled.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:927

See also GeListNode NBits.


A BaseList2D based element can have a name. Often this name is used in Cinema 4D's UI, like names of objects in the Object Manager:

  • BaseList2D::GetName(): Returns the element's name.
  • BaseList2D::SetName(): Sets the element's name.
// This example changes the name of the selected object.
BaseObject* const object = doc->GetActiveObject();
if (object == nullptr)
return maxon::IllegalArgumentError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
object->SetName("This is the selected object"_s);
While BaseDocument is as well derived from BaseList2D, the "name" of a document is a Filename set with BaseDocument::SetDocumentName(). See BaseDocument Document Name and Path.


BaseList2D contain function to deal with NimbusRef.

  • BaseList2D::GetNimbusRef() Get the NimbusRef from the object
The returned result should be assign to a NimbusBaseRef.
  • BaseList2D::RemoveNimbusRef() Remove NimbusRef from the object
  • BaseList2D::GetAllNimbusRefs() Retrieve all the NimbusRef assigned to the object.
  • BaseList2D::IsNodeBased() Checks whether the object contains nodes.


By default a BaseList2D based element can host a list of shaders. If a new shader is created and used by the element, it must be inserted into the element's shader list.

  • BaseList2D::GetFirstShader(): Returns the first shader of the shader list.
  • BaseList2D::InsertShader(): Inserts the given shader into the shader list.
// This example creates a shader and adds it to the given material.
BaseShader* const shader = BaseShader::Alloc(Xbrick);
if (shader == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
material->SetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(MATERIAL_COLOR_SHADER)), shader, DESCFLAGS_SET::NONE);
Definition: asset_browser.h:1
#define Xbrick
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1333
#define ConstDescID(...)
Definition: lib_description.h:596
Definition: mmaterial.h:294

See also GeListNode Lists and Trees.


A BaseList2D based element owns a GeMarker object.

  • BaseList2D::GetMarker(): Returns the element's marker.
  • BaseList2D::SetMarker(): Sets the element's marker.

See GeMarker Manual for more information.

// This example gets the name and the marker of the given BaseObject.
// The name is used to search for an object with the same name in the document.
// The marker is used to check if the found object is also the original object.
const String objectName = object->GetName();
const GeMarker& marker = object->GetMarker();
// search object with the same name
const BaseObject* const foundObject = doc->SearchObject(objectName);
if (foundObject != nullptr)
// check if it is the same object
const GeMarker& foundObjectMarker = foundObject->GetMarker();
// compare if the markers are equal
if (foundObjectMarker.Compare(marker) == 0)
ApplicationOutput("The found object is the original object"_s);
ApplicationOutput("The found object is not the original object"_s);

Unique ID

BaseList2D based elements can store an array of unique IDs. These IDs are typically used to identify scenes and elements written by external applications using the Melange library.

  • BaseList2D::AddUniqueID(): Adds a new unique ID.
  • BaseList2D::FindUniqueID(): Returns true if a unique ID for the given application ID was found.
  • BaseList2D::GetUniqueIDCount(): Returns the number of stored IDs.
  • BaseList2D::GetUniqueIDIndex(): Gets the data of the given application ID.
  • MAXON_CREATOR_ID: The application ID that accesses the internally stored GeMarker.
// This example adds a new ID to the given object.
// After that all stored IDs are checked.
// adding a new ID
const Int32 ID = 1111111;
Int32 value = 123456;
object->AddUniqueID(ID, (Char*)&value, sizeof(Int32));
Int32 appID = 0;
const Char* memory = nullptr;
Int bytes = 0;
// looping through all IDs
for (Int32 i = 0; i < object->GetUniqueIDCount(); ++i)
// get the unique ID data stored at the given index
if (object->GetUniqueIDIndex(i, appID, memory, bytes))
ApplicationOutput("ID: " + String::IntToString(appID));
// check if the memory block has the size of an Int32 number
if (bytes == sizeof(Int32))
const Int32 data = *(Int32*)memory;
ApplicationOutput("Value: " + String::IntToString(data));
Py_ssize_t i
Definition: abstract.h:645
PyObject * value
Definition: abstract.h:715
void const void * bytes
Definition: bytesobject.h:117
maxon::Char Char
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:47
maxon::Int32 Int32
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:51
maxon::Int Int
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:55

Animation Tracks

BaseList2D based elements store a list of CTrack objects (see also Heads and Branches). A CTrack stores the animation data for a given parameter.

  • BaseList2D::GetCTrackRoot(): Returns the GeListHead that stores the element's tracks.
  • BaseList2D::GetFirstCTrack(): Returns the first CTrack in the list.
  • BaseList2D::FindCTrack(): Returns the CTrack for the given parameter ID.
  • BaseList2D::InsertTrackSorted(): Adds the given CTrack to the object. The object takes ownership.
// This example checks if an animation track for the given parameter exists.
// If no track exists it is created.
const DescID paramID = ConstDescID(DescLevel(PRIM_SPHERE_RAD, DTYPE_REAL, 0));
// check if track exists
CTrack* track = sphere->FindCTrack(paramID);
if (track != nullptr)
return maxon::OK;
// create track
track = CTrack::Alloc(sphere, paramID);
if (track == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// insert track
return OK
Definition: apibase.h:2771
Definition: lib_description.h:67
Definition: osphere.h:6

See Animation Overview.

Keyframe Selection

Parameters can be part of a so called keyframe selection:

  • BaseList2D::ClearKeyframeSelection(): Clears the keyframe selection.
  • BaseList2D::FindKeyframeSelection(): Returns true if the given parameter ID is part of the keyframe selection.
  • BaseList2D::SetKeyframeSelection(): Sets the keyframe selection status of the given parameter ID.
  • BaseList2D::KeyframeSelectionContent(): Returns true if there are any parameters in the current keyframe selection.
// This example checks if there is a keyframe selection on the given object.
// If yes, all available description IDs are checked if they are part of that selection.
AutoAlloc<Description> description;
if (description == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// check if any parameters on the object are part of the keyframe selection
if (object->KeyframeSelectionContent())
// read description from the object
if (!object->GetDescription(description, DESCFLAGS_DESC::NONE))
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
void* handle = description->BrowseInit();
const BaseContainer* bc = nullptr;
DescID id, gid;
// loop through the description
while (description->GetNext(handle, &bc, id, gid))
// check if the parameter ID is part of the keyframe selection
if (object->FindKeyframeSelection(id) && bc)
ApplicationOutput("Parameter \"" + bc->GetString(DESC_NAME) + "\" is part of the keyframe selection");
String Name for standalone use.
Definition: lib_description.h:90

See also C4DAtom Parameter Properties and Animate.


A BaseList2D based element can be part of a layer:

  • BaseList2D::GetLayerObject(): Returns the LayerObject representing the element's layer or nullptr.
  • BaseList2D::SetLayerObject(): Sets the layer of the element.
  • BaseList2D::GetLayerData(): Returns the layer data of the object's layer.
  • BaseList2D::SetLayerData(): Sets the layer data of the object's layer.
// This example gets the LayerObject from the given object
// and checks if it should be visible or not.
// get layer object
LayerObject* const layer = object->GetLayerObject(doc);
if (layer != nullptr)
// get layer data
const LayerData* const ld = object->GetLayerData(doc);
if (ld != nullptr)
// check if elements should be visible in the Editor
if (ld->view)

See also Layer Manual.

DescID State

For each parameter ID a certain state can be defined. This is typically managed by the Xref or Take system.

  • BaseList2D::SetDescIDState(): Sets the state of the given parameter ID.
  • BaseList2D::GetDescIDState(): Returns the state of the given parameter ID.

The flags are:

// This example toggles the "locked" state of the sphere's "Radius" parameter.
const DESCIDSTATE state = sphere->GetDescIDState(ConstDescID(DescLevel(PRIM_SPHERE_RAD)), true);
sphere->SetDescIDState(ConstDescID(DescLevel(PRIM_SPHERE_RAD)), ~DESCIDSTATE::LOCKED & state);
sphere->SetDescIDState(ConstDescID(DescLevel(PRIM_SPHERE_RAD)), DESCIDSTATE::LOCKED | state);
Locked description property.
Definition: customgui_descproperty.h:11
Definition: ge_prepass.h:5559
Definition: grammar.h:37


BaseList2D based elements can be edited with these functions:

  • BaseList2D::TransferGoal(): Changes all BaseLink objects pointing to this element to point to the given BaseList2D.
  • BaseList2D::Scale(): Scales all parameters with length units with the given factor.
  • BaseList2D::Edit(): Triggers the edit action for the object by sending the MSG_EDIT message (see Interaction).
// This example creates a clone of the given object.
// This clone is scaled and all links pointing to the
// original object are redirected to the clone.
C4DAtom* const atomClone = object->GetClone(COPYFLAGS::NONE, nullptr);
BaseObject* const clone = static_cast<BaseObject*>(atomClone);
if (clone == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
doc->InsertObject(clone, nullptr, nullptr);
// scale the clone's float parameters
// all links should now refer to the clone
object->TransferGoal(clone, false);
// edit the clone

Further Reading