SubDialog Class Reference

#include <c4d_gui.h>

Inheritance diagram for SubDialog:

Detailed Description

This class is for creating sub-dialogs that can be attached to a SUBDIALOG control in an ordinary GeDialog with GeDialog::AttachSubDialog().

Public Member Functions

 SubDialog ()
virtual ~SubDialog ()
virtual Int32 Message (const BaseContainer &msg, BaseContainer &result)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GeDialog
Bool SetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Vector > &tri, Float brightness, Float maxbrightness, Int32 flags)
Bool GetFolding ()
void SetFolding (Bool allowClose)
Int32 IsDockedOrTabbed ()
 GeDialog ()
virtual ~GeDialog ()
CDialog * Get ()
const CDialog * Get () const
virtual Bool CreateLayout ()
virtual Bool InitValues ()
virtual Bool CoreMessage (Int32 id, const BaseContainer &msg)
virtual Bool Command (Int32 id, const BaseContainer &msg)
virtual Bool AskClose ()
virtual void Timer (const BaseContainer &msg)
virtual void DestroyWindow ()
Bool Open (DLG_TYPE dlgtype, Int32 pluginid, Int32 xpos=-1, Int32 ypos=-1, Int32 defaultw=0, Int32 defaulth=0, Int32 subid=0, OPENDIALOGFLAGS flags=OPENDIALOGFLAGS::NONE)
Bool Close ()
Bool Close (Bool dummy)
GeData SendMessage (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &msg)
Bool SendParentMessage (const BaseContainer &msg, Bool receiveSelf=false)
Int32 GetId () const
Bool IsOpen () const
Bool IsVisible () const
Bool IsMinimized () const
void SetTimer (Int32 timer)
void SetTitle (const maxon::String &title)
maxon::String GetTitle ()
Bool Enable (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool enabled)
Bool IsEnabled (const GadgetPtr &id)
Bool GetInputState (Int32 askdevice, Int32 askchannel, BaseContainer &res)
Bool GetInputEvent (Int32 askdevice, BaseContainer &res)
void KillEvents ()
Bool SetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 value, Int32 tristate=0)
Bool SetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 value, Int32 min=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Int32 step=1, Int32 tristate=0, Int32 min2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX)
Bool SetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, Float value, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 format=FORMAT_FLOAT, Float min2=0.0, Float max2=0.0, Bool quadscale=false, Int32 tristate=0)
Bool SetMeter (const GadgetPtr &id, Float value, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 tristate=0)
Bool SetDegree (const GadgetPtr &id, Float radians_value, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 tristate=0)
Bool SetPercent (const GadgetPtr &id, Float value, Float min=0.0, Float max=100.0, Float step=1.0, Int32 tristate=0)
Bool SetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, const BaseTime &value, const BaseTime &min=BaseTime(- 108000, 1), const BaseTime &max=BaseTime(108000, 1), Int32 stepframes=1, Int32 tristate=0)
Bool SetString (const GadgetPtr &id, const maxon::String &text, Int32 tristate=0, Int32 flags=0)
Bool SetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, const Vector &color, Float brightness, Float maxbrightness, Int32 flags)
Bool SetFilename (const GadgetPtr &id, const Filename &fn, Int32 tristate=0)
Bool GetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool &value) const
Bool GetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 &value) const
Bool GetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, Float &value) const
Bool GetVector (const GadgetPtr &id_x, const GadgetPtr &id_y, const GadgetPtr &id_z, Vector &value) const
Bool GetString (const GadgetPtr &id, maxon::String &text) const
Bool GetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, Vector &color, Float &brightness) const
Bool GetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, BaseTime &time) const
Bool GetFilename (const GadgetPtr &id, Filename &fn) const
Bool CheckTristateChange (const GadgetPtr &id)
Bool SetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid)
Bool SetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Int32 min=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Int32 step=1, Int32 min2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX)
Bool SetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 format=FORMAT_FLOAT, Float min2=0.0, Float max2=0.0, Bool quadscale=false)
Bool SetMeter (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0)
Bool SetDegree (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0)
Bool SetPercent (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Float min=0.0, Float max=100.0, Float step=1.0)
Bool SetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, const BaseTime &min=BaseTime(- 108000, 1), const BaseTime &max=BaseTime(108000, 1), Int32 stepframes=1)
Bool SetString (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid, Int32 flags=0)
Bool SetFilename (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid)
Bool SetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bc_colid, Int32 bc_brightnessid, Float maxbrightness, Int32 flags)
Bool GetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
Bool GetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
Bool GetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
Bool GetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
Bool GetVector (const GadgetPtr &id_x, const GadgetPtr &id_y, const GadgetPtr &id_z, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
Bool GetString (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
Bool GetFilename (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bcid) const
Bool GetColorField (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer *bc, Int32 bc_colid, Int32 bc_brightnessid) const
Bool SetBool (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Bool > &tri)
Bool SetInt32 (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Int32 > &tri, Int32 min=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX, Int32 step=1, Int32 min2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MIN, Int32 max2=LIMIT< Int32 >::MAX)
Bool SetFloat (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0, Int32 format=FORMAT_FLOAT, Float min2=0.0, Float max2=0.0, Bool quadscale=false)
Bool SetMeter (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0)
Bool SetDegree (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=(-1.0e18), Float max=(1.0e18), Float step=1.0)
Bool SetPercent (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< Float > &tri, Float min=0.0, Float max=100.0, Float step=1.0)
Bool SetTime (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseDocument *doc, const TriState< BaseTime > &tri, const BaseTime &min=BaseTime(- 108000, 1), const BaseTime &max=BaseTime(108000, 1), Int32 stepframes=1)
Bool SetString (const GadgetPtr &id, const TriState< String > &tri, Int32 flags=0)
Bool Local2Global (Int32 *x, Int32 *y)
Bool Global2Local (Int32 *x, Int32 *y)
Bool Screen2Local (Int32 *x, Int32 *y)
Bool Local2Screen (Int32 *x, Int32 *y)
Bool GetColorRGB (Int32 colorid, Int32 &r, Int32 &g, Int32 &b)
void SetDefaultColor (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 colorid, Int32 mapid)
void SetDefaultColor (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 colorid, const Vector &color)
Bool LoadDialogResource (Int32 id, GeResource *lr, Int32 flags)
C4DGadgetAddCheckbox (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name)
C4DGadgetAddButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name, Int32 buttonStyle=DR_BUTTON_STYLE_NORMAL)
C4DGadgetAddStaticText (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name, Int32 borderstyle)
C4DGadgetAddArrowButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, Int32 arrowtype)
C4DGadgetAddEditText (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 editflags=0)
C4DGadgetAddMultiLineEditText (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 style=0)
C4DGadgetAddEditNumber (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=80, Int32 inith=0)
C4DGadgetAddEditNumberArrows (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=70, Int32 inith=0)
C4DGadgetAddEditSlider (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=80, Int32 inith=0)
C4DGadgetAddSlider (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=90, Int32 inith=0)
C4DGadgetAddColorField (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 colorflags=0)
C4DGadgetAddColorChooser (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 layoutflags=0, const BaseContainer &settings=BaseContainer())
C4DGadgetAddRadioButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name)
C4DGadgetAddRadioText (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw, Int32 inith, const maxon::String &name)
C4DGadgetAddEditShortcut (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Int32 shortcutflags=0)
C4DGadgetAddSeparatorH (Int32 initw, Int32 flags=BFH_FIT)
C4DGadgetAddSeparatorV (Int32 inith, Int32 flags=BFV_FIT)
Bool AddRadioGroup (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 columns=1, Int32 rows=0)
C4DGadgetAddComboBox (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Bool specialalign=false, Bool allowFiltering=false)
C4DGadgetAddComboButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Bool specialalign=false, Bool allowFiltering=false)
C4DGadgetAddPopupButton (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0, Bool allowFiltering=false)
Bool AddListView (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)
Bool LayoutChanged (const GadgetPtr &id)
Bool LayoutChangedNoRedraw (const GadgetPtr &id)
Bool Activate (const GadgetPtr &id)
Bool IsActive (const GadgetPtr &id)
UpdateDialogHelper BeginLayoutChange (const GadgetPtr &gadget, Bool disableRedraws, Bool doNotFlush=false)
Bool LayoutFlushGroup (const GadgetPtr &id)
Bool LayoutFlushDisableRedraw (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool disable)
Bool RemoveElement (const GadgetPtr &id)
Bool HideElement (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool hide)
Bool IsElementHidden (const GadgetPtr &id)
void ForceAllowMouseWheel (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool force)
Bool RestoreLayout (Int32 pluginid, Int32 subid, void *secret)
Bool AddChild (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 subid, const maxon::String &child)
Bool FreeChildren (const GadgetPtr &id)
Bool SetPopup (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &bc)
Bool AddChildren (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &bc)
C4DGadgetAddUserArea (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)
Bool AttachUserArea (GeUserArea &ua, const GadgetPtr &id, USERAREAFLAGS userareaflags=USERAREAFLAGS::COREMESSAGE)
Bool AddSubDialog (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)
Bool AttachSubDialog (SubDialog *userdlg, Int32 id)
Bool AddDlgGroup (Int32 type)
Bool GroupBeginInMenuLine ()
Bool TabGroupBegin (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 tabtype=TAB_TABS)
Bool GroupBegin (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 cols, Int32 rows, const maxon::String &title, Int32 groupflags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)
Bool GroupEnd ()
Bool GroupSpace (Int32 spacex, Int32 spacey)
Bool GroupBorder (UInt32 borderstyle)
Bool GroupBorderNoTitle (UInt32 borderstyle)
Bool GroupBorderSpace (Int32 left, Int32 top, Int32 right, Int32 bottom)
Bool GroupWeightsSave (const GadgetPtr &id, BaseContainer &weights)
Bool GroupWeightsLoad (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &weights)
Bool SetGroupBackgroundColor (Int32 colorId)
Bool SetGroupBackgroundColor (Int32 r, Int32 g, Int32 b)
Bool SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor (Int32 colorId)
Bool SetGroupInnerBackgroundColor (Int32 r, Int32 g, Int32 b)
Bool GetItemDim (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 *x, Int32 *y, Int32 *w, Int32 *h) const
Bool GetDragPosition (const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 *x, Int32 *y)
Bool GetDragObject (const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 *type, void **object)
Bool SetDragDestination (Int32 cursor, Int32 gadgetid=0)
Bool CheckDropArea (const GadgetPtr &id, const BaseContainer &msg, Bool horiz, Bool vert)
Bool GetVisibleArea (Int32 scrollgroupid, Int32 *x1, Int32 *y1, Int32 *x2, Int32 *y2)
Bool SetVisibleArea (Int32 scrollgroupid, Int32 x1, Int32 y1, Int32 x2, Int32 y2)
Bool ScrollGroupBegin (Int32 id, Int32 flags, Int32 scrollflags, Int32 initw=0, Int32 inith=0)
Bool MenuFlushAll ()
Bool MenuSubBegin (const maxon::String &string)
Bool MenuSubEnd ()
Bool MenuAddCommand (Int32 cmdid)
Bool MenuAddString (Int32 id, const maxon::String &string)
Bool MenuAddSeparator (const maxon::String &title=maxon::String())
Bool MenuFinished ()
Bool MenuInitString (Int32 id, Bool enabled, Bool checked)
Bool MenuSetResource (Int32 id)
void * FindCustomGui (Int32 id, Int32 pluginid)
template<typename T >
T * FindCustomGui (Int32 id)
void * AddCustomGui (Int32 id, Int32 pluginid, const maxon::String &name, Int32 flags, Int32 minw, Int32 minh, const BaseContainer &customdata)
template<typename T >
T * AddCustomGui (Int32 id, const maxon::String &name, Int32 flags, Int32 minw, Int32 minh, const BaseContainer &customdata)
Bool SetMultiLineMode (const GadgetPtr &id, SCRIPTMODE mode)
Bool SetMultiLineLock (const GadgetPtr &id, Bool lock)
Bool SetMultiLinePos (const GadgetPtr &id, Int32 line, Int32 pos)
Bool CheckClose ()
Bool CheckValueRanges ()
Float GetPixelRatio () const
Bool ReleaseLink ()
Bool OpenPopUpMenu (Int32 menuid, Int32 localx=-1, Int32 localy=-1, Int32 watchhotkey=0)
Bool CheckCoreMessage (const BaseContainer &msg, Int32 *ownlastcoremsg=nullptr)
void * GetWindowHandle ()
void * GetWindowInterface ()

Private Attributes

Bool dlg_result

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GeDialog
static void HandleHelpString (const BaseContainer &msg, BaseContainer &result, const maxon::String &sym)
static void * GetGuiInterface ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from GeDialog
Bool createlayout

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SubDialog()

SubDialog ( )

Creates the sub-dialog.

◆ ~SubDialog()

virtual ~SubDialog ( )

Destroys the sub-dialog.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Message()

virtual Int32 Message ( const BaseContainer msg,
BaseContainer result 

Called when a message is received.
Override this function to react to special messages. Normally this is not necessary.

If overriden, include a call to the base version of this function, SubDialog::Message().
See also
The article GUI Messages for more information.
[in]msgThe message container.
[in]resultA container to place results in.
Depends on the message.

Reimplemented from GeDialog.

Reimplemented in iCustomGui.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dlg_result

Bool dlg_result