The Take System makes it possible to handle variations of a scene in one BaseDocument.
- The BaseDocument allows access to the TakeData object that stores all takes.
- The TakeData class stores the take data of a given BaseDocument and settings of the Take Manager. An instance of this class is returned by the BaseDocument and allows the creation and manipulation of takes. See TakeData Manual.
- A BaseTake represents a take and stores the overrides. See BaseTake Manual.
- A BaseOverride stores the settings of a certain object in a certain take. See BaseOverride Manual.
- A BaseOverrideGroup acts like a virtual null object and can assign different tags to the objects organized in that group. See BaseOverrideGroup Manual.
- Note
- The Take System introduces the "Auto Take" mode. If a plugin wants to support this mode it must create overrides when it edits elements of the scenes. See the example in the BaseTake Manual.
The Take System automatically handles the parameters of ObjectData, TagData, MaterialData and ShaderData plugins. SceneHookData, VideoPostData and NodeData plugins are not handled automatically.
Additional Elements are:
- Description Messages: The Take System sends two messages to an object to find out, if certain parameters can be overridden.
- Core Messages: The Take System sends a message when the take changed.
- Tags: If a custom tag should be available in an override group, it must be registered with a special flag.
- Custom GUIs: It is possible to disable overrides in custom GUI elements.
- Description GUI: It is possible to disable overrides for Description GUIs used in custom dialogs.
- Bits: The Take System introduces some new bits that indicate if an object is managed by a BaseOverrideGroup.
- Take Rendering: Takes can be rendered in a background thread. It is possible to check if current takes are rendered this way.
See Take System Additional Information.