FieldObject Manual


A FieldObject represents a field in the Cinema 4D scene. Such a field can be sampled in 3D space to obtain values and colors. Field objects are typically used with MoGraph effectors.

A FieldObject is an instance of Ofield.


A new FieldObjects is created with the usual tools:

  • FieldObject::Alloc(): Creates a new FieldObject. See c4d_fielddata.h for IDs.
  • FieldObject::Free(): Deletes the given FieldObject.
// This example creates a new "Random" field object.
// allocate random field object
FieldObject* const fieldObject = FieldObject::Alloc(Frandom);
if (fieldObject == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// insert into the document
doc->InsertObject(fieldObject, nullptr, nullptr);
static const Int32 Frandom
Random/noise field.
Definition: c4d_fielddata.h:54
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69
const char * doc
Definition: pyerrors.h:226

Sampling Fields

A FieldObject can be sampled using FieldObject::Sample(). How the field is sampled is defined using the classes FieldInfo, FieldShared, FieldInput and FieldOutput.

  • FieldObject::GetFieldFlags(): Returns the ::FIELDOBJECT_FLAG flags.
  • FieldObject::InitSampling(): Prepares the sampling.
  • FieldObject::Sample(): Samples the FieldObject.
  • FieldObject::FreeSampling(): Frees internal memory after sampling.
// This example samples the given FieldObject.
// prepare arrays for sample points
positions.Resize(sampleCnt) iferr_return;
uvws.Resize(sampleCnt) iferr_return;
directions.Resize(sampleCnt) iferr_return;
// set positions
Float64 xOffset = 0.0;
for (maxon::Vector& pos : positions)
pos.x = xOffset;
xOffset += stepSize;
// prepare results
FieldOutput results;
results.Resize(sampleCnt, FIELDSAMPLE_FLAG::VALUE) iferr_return;
FieldOutputBlock block = results.GetBlock();
// define points to sample
FieldInput points(positions.GetFirst(),
// context
const FieldInfo info = FieldInfo::Create(caller, points, FIELDSAMPLE_FLAG::VALUE) iferr_return;
maxon::GenericData extraData;
// sample the object
fieldObject->InitSampling(info) iferr_return;
fieldObject->Sample(points, block, info, extraData) iferr_return;
fieldObject->FreeSampling(info, extraData);
Definition: basearray.h:415
Returns the first element of the array. For the BaseArray this is a pointer to a continuous block of ...
Definition: basearray.h:1174
Resizes the array to contain newCnt elements. If newCnt is smaller than GetCount() all extra elements...
Definition: basearray.h:1217
void Py_ssize_t * pos
Definition: dictobject.h:50
Sample only the value at the current point (minimum must still sample the value)
Definition: ge_prepass.h:0
static auto Create(ARGS &&... args)
Definition: apibase.h:2823
maxon::Float64 Float64
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:58
FieldOutputBlockTemplate< false > FieldOutputBlock
Definition: operatingsystem.h:300
maxon::Mat3< maxon::Vector64 > Matrix
Definition: ge_math.h:159
_Py_clock_info_t * info
Definition: pytime.h:197
#define iferr_return
Definition: resultbase.h:1531


A FieldInfo object provides information on the context of the sampling operation.

A FieldInfo object is created with:

  • FieldInfo::Create(): Creates a new FieldInfo object.
  • FieldInfo::CopyFrom(): Copies the data from the given FieldInfo.


  • FieldInfo::_flags: ::FIELDSAMPLE_FLAG flags.
  • FieldInfo::_threadIndex: Index of the current thread.
  • FieldInfo::_totalThreadCount: Number of threads.
  • FieldInfo::_callerThread: Calling thread.
  • FieldInfo::_doc: Calling document.
  • FieldInfo::_inputData: FieldInput input data.
  • FieldInfo::_callerStack: Calling BaseList2D objects.



FieldShared is the object reponsible to share data between fields.

  • FieldShared::Flush(): Flushes the data.
  • FieldShared::CopyFrom(): Copies the data from the given FieldShared object.
  • FieldShared::ResetDirty(): Resets the dirty count.

The public members are:

  • FieldShared::_finalOutput
  • FieldShared::_finalOutputDirty
  • FieldShared::_customData: Custom data (BaseContainer) to be used.
  • FieldShared::_customDataDirty: Dirty state of the custom data.


A FieldInput object defines points in space that should be sampled. Optionally further data like directions or UV-coordinates can be added.

  • FieldInput::CopyFromRaw(): Copies the data from the given FieldInput.
  • FieldInput::GetSubBlock(): Returns a FieldInput filled with a subset of the original data.

The public members are:

  • FieldInput::_position: An array of points.
  • FieldInput::_direction: An array of directions.
  • FieldInput::_uvw: An array of UVW coordinates.
  • FieldInput::_blockCount: The number of elements to be processed.
  • FieldInput::_blockOffset: The offset of the elements to be processed.
  • FieldInput::_fullArraySize: The size of the source data.
  • FieldInput::_transform: Transformation matrix into world space.


A FieldOutput object stores the data generated by the sampling process.

A FieldOutput can be created with:

  • FieldOutput::Alloc(): Creates a new FieldOutput object.
  • FieldOutput::Free(): Deletes the given FieldOutput object.
  • FieldOutput::Create(): Creates a new FieldOutput object.
  • FieldOutput::Resize(): Resizes the object.
  • FieldOutput::CopyFrom(): Copies the data from the given FieldOutput object.
  • FieldOutput::CopyArrayContentFrom(): Copies from the array content from given source.

These functions are provided:

  • FieldOutput::GetBlock(): Returns the FieldOutputBlock.
  • FieldOutput::GetSubBlock(): Returns a FieldOutputBlock filled with a subset of the data.
  • FieldOutput::Flush(): Flushes all data.
  • FieldOutput::GetCount(): Returns the number of elements.
  • FieldOutput::ClearDeactivated(): Clears the deactivated array.
  • FieldOutput::ClearMemory(): Resets the data.
  • FieldOutput::CalculateCrc(): Returns a maxon::Crc32C for the internal data.
  • FieldOutput::Reset(): Resets the object to an empty state.
  • FieldOutput::IsValid(): Returns true if allocations and sizes are valid.

The public members are:

  • FieldOutput::_value: An array of weights.
  • FieldOutput::_alpha: An array of alpha values.
  • FieldOutput::_color: An array of colors.
  • FieldOutput::_direction: An array of directions.
  • FieldOutput::_deactivated: An array of activation states.
  • FieldOutput::_rotation: An array of directions.
  • FieldOutput::_pivot: The rotational velocity.


The FieldCallerStack defines the list of BaseList2D objects calling the sampling function. If no object is calling the sampling function, an unique ID (UInt) must be provided.

  • FieldCallerStack::FieldCallerStack(): Default constructor.
  • FieldCallerStack::Create(): Creates a new FieldCallerStack object.
  • FieldCallerStack::Add(): Adds a BaseList2D object to the caller stack.
  • FieldCallerStack::CopyFrom(): Copies the data of the given FieldCallerStack object.

The stack data is accessed with:

  • FieldCallerStack::GetCount(): Returns the number of stack elements.
  • FieldCallerStack::operator[](): Accesses the stack at the given index.
  • FieldCallerStack::operator const UInt &(): Returns the value of the stack.
  • FieldCallerStack::RecalcValue(): Calculates the ID of the caller stack.
  • FieldCallerStack::UpdateValue(): Updates the ID of the caller stack.
  • FieldCallerStack::GetValue(): Returns the stack ID.
  • FieldCallerStack::IsValid(): Returns is true if the stack is not empty.

Public members are:

  • FieldCallerStack::_value: Value.
  • FieldCallerStack::_callers: Array of BaseList2D elements.

Further Reading