CKey Manual


A CKey represents a key of an animation track. CKey objects are stored in a CCurve which in return is stored in a CTrack object.

CKey objects are an instance of CKbase.

// This code loops through all tracks and all keys of the given object.
CTrack* track = activeObject->GetFirstCTrack();
while (track != nullptr)
CCurve* const curve = track->GetCurve();
if (curve == nullptr)
const Int32 keyCount = curve->GetKeyCount();
for (Int32 i = 0; i < keyCount; ++i)
CKey* const key = curve->GetKey(i);
if (key)
// do something with the key
ApplicationOutput("Found a key!");
track = track->GetNext();
Py_ssize_t i
Definition: abstract.h:645
PyObject * key
Definition: abstract.h:289
#define ApplicationOutput(formatString,...)
Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:204
maxon::Int32 Int32
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:51


CKey objects are accessed via the host CCurve:

  • CCurve::GetKeyCount(): Returns the number of keys.
  • CCurve::GetKey(): Returns the CKey at the given index.
  • CCurve::FindKey(): Returns the (next) CKey at the given time.
  • CCurve::FindNextUnmuted(): Returns the next unmuted key searching from the given index. (included)
  • CCurve::FindPrevUnmuted(): Returns the previous unmuted key searching from the given index. (included)

See CCurve Manual.

// This example searches for a key left from the given time.
const BaseTime time = doc->GetTime();
CKey* const leftKey = curve->FindKey(time, nullptr, FINDANIM::LEFT);
if (leftKey)
// move this key to the current time
leftKey->SetTime(curve, time);
Modify the left tangent handle.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1
const char * doc
Definition: pyerrors.h:226

The host objects are accessed with:

  • CKey::GetCurve(): Returns the CCurve of the key.
  • CKey::GetTrack(): Returns the CTrack of the key.


A CKey object can be created with the usual tools:

  • CKey::Alloc(): Creates a new CKey.
  • CKey::Free(): Deletes the given CKey.
  • CCurve::InsertKey(): Inserts a key into the CCurve. The CCurve takes ownership.

But typically keys are created using the host CCurve:

  • CCurve::AddKey(): Adds a new key to the CCurve.
  • CCurve::AddKeyAdaptTangent(): Adds a new key to the CCurve but retains the curve's current curvature.

Keys can also be created using auto key functionality of the BaseDocument:

  • BaseDocument::RecordKey(): Creates a key at the given time for the given parameter.
  • BaseDocument::AutoKey(): Creates keys automatically if auto key mode is enabled.
  • BaseDocument::Record(): Creates keyframes for all selected objects. Parameters must be added to the keyframe selection.

The default settings of a key are defined in the BaseDocument:

  • BaseDocument::GetDefaultKey(): Returns the default key template.
  • BaseDocument::SetDefaultKey(): Sets the default key template.

See also BaseDocument Animate.


CKey objects are manipulated with the host CCurve object.

  • CCurve::DelKey(): Deletes the key at the given index.
  • CCurve::MoveKey(): Moves the key at the given index.
  • CCurve::FlushKeys(): Removes all keys from the curve.
  • CCurve::SetKeyDirty(): Sets the keys dirty.
  • CCurve::SetKeyDefault(): Sets the default settings for the key at the given index.
  • CTrack::FillKey(): Fills the given key with default values.
// This example creates a new key and sets the default values.
CKey* const newKey = curve->AddKey(time, &index);
if (newKey == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
track->FillKey(doc, obj, newKey);
curve->SetKeyDefault(doc, index);
PyObject * obj
Definition: complexobject.h:60
Py_ssize_t * index
Definition: abstract.h:374
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:69



The parameters of a key can be edited as usual with C4DAtom::SetParameter() and C4DAtom::GetParameter(). The parameter IDs are defined in ckvalue.h.

// This example sets the "Break Tangents" parameter of the first key.
CKey* key = curve->GetKey(0);
if (key)
key->SetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(ID_CKEY_BREAK)), true, DESCFLAGS_SET::NONE);
Definition: asset_browser.h:1
Definition: ckvalue.h:20
#define ConstDescID(...)
Definition: lib_description.h:592
The boolean parameters of a key are stored internally as bits, see Bits.


In Cinema 4D there can be up to four Timeline windows. A key can be selected in one or multiple of these windows. The selection state is stored as a bit:

// This example selects the first key in the first timeline window.
CKey* key = curve->GetKey(0);
if (key)
Definition: c4d_baselist.h:1
Selection bit for Timeline 1.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:7


An animation key is defined by its position in time:

  • CKey::GetTime(): Returns the time position of the key.
  • CKey::SetTime(): Sets the time position of the key.
// This example moves the current key one frame along the timeline.
BaseTime time = key->GetTime();
time = time + BaseTime(1, doc->GetFps());
key->SetTime(curve, time);

See also BaseTime Manual.


An animation key defines a certain value at a certain time:

  • CKey::GetValue(): Returns the float value of the key.
  • CKey::SetValue(): Sets the float value of the key.
  • CKey::GetGeData(): Returns the generic data of the key (see also GeData Manual).
  • CKey::SetGeData(): Sets the generic data of the key.
Data of special tracks can be read and set using C4DAtom::GetParameter() and C4DAtom::SetParameter().
To set the keyframe for a Vector parameter one must define tracks and keyframes for each vector component.
// This example handles the key value depending on the track category.
// check if the track is "value" track (float)
if (track->GetTrackCategory() == CTRACK_CATEGORY_VALUE)
Float value = key->GetValue();
value = value + 1.0;
key->SetValue(curve, value);
// check if the track is "data" track
else if (track->GetTrackCategory() == CTRACK_CATEGORY_DATA)
GeData data = key->GetGeData();
// handle GeData
key->SetGeData(curve, data);
PyObject * value
Definition: abstract.h:715
Value track.
Definition: c4d_canimation.h:632
Data track.
Definition: c4d_canimation.h:633
maxon::Float Float
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:57

See also CTrack Read-Only Properties and CCurve Animation.


A key also defines the local tangents. These tangents influence the interpolation between the keys.

  • CKey::GetAutomaticTangentMode(): Returns the AutoTangent mode of the key.
  • CKey::SetAutomaticTangentMode(): Sets the AutoTangent mode of the key.

The modes are:

The left and right tangents are defined by two points. These two points are defined by time and value.

The time property of the tangents can be accessed with:

  • CKey::GetTimeLeft(): Returns the time of the left tangent.
  • CKey::SetTimeLeft(): Sets the time of the left tangent.
  • CKey::GetTimeRight(): Returns the time of the right tangent.
  • CKey::SetTimeRight(): Sets the time of the right tangent.

The value property of the tangents can be accessed with:

  • CKey::GetValueLeft(): Returns the value of the left tangent.
  • CKey::SetValueLeft(): Sets the value of the left tangent.
  • CKey::GetValueRight(): Returns the value of the right tangent.
  • CKey::SetValueRight(): Sets the value of the right tangent.

The left and right tangent can be adjusted with:

  • CKey::SetTimeLeftAdjustValue(): Sets time of the left tangent and adjusts the value so the angle stays the same.
  • CKey::SetTimeRightAdjustValue(): Sets time of the right tangent and adjusts the value so the angle stays the same.
// This example shortens the left tangent by one frame
// while preserving the angle by adapting the value.
BaseTime time = key->GetTimeLeft();
time = time + BaseTime(1, doc->GetFps());
key->SetTimeLeftAdjustValue(curve, time);


There are different ways to interpolate between the values of the animation keys. The interpolation from one key to the next is defined per key:

  • CKey::GetInterpolation(): Returns the interpolation.
  • CKey::SetInterpolation(): Sets the interpolation.

Interpolation modes are:

// This example sets the interpolation of the given key to linear.
key->SetInterpolation(curve, CINTERPOLATION::LINEAR);
Definition: lib_birender.h:1

Quaternion Interpolation

Quaternion interpolation can be used on the rotation of a BaseObject. The kind of interpolation can be refined per key.

  • CKey::GetQuatInterpolation(): Returns the interpolation mode.
  • CKey::SetQuatInterpolation(): Sets the interpolation mode.
  • ::ROTATIONINTERPOLATION_QUATERNION: The rotation interpolation mode.
    • ROTATIONINTERPOLATION_QUATERNION::SLERP: Quaternion Spherical LERP Interpolation (Linear)
    • ROTATIONINTERPOLATION_QUATERNION::CUBIC: Quaternion Smooth Cubic Interpolation (formerly known as Losch)

See also BaseObject Quaternion Rotation Mode.


Several presets exist to manage the clamp, slope and overshoot behaviour of a key.

  • CKey::GetKeyPreset(): Return the preset mode of the key.
  • CKey::SetKeyPreset(): Sets the preset mode of the key.

The preset modes are:

// This example checks the preset used by the given key.
// If certain preset is used, a different preset is set.
const CKEYPRESET preset = key->GetKeyPreset();
// change preset
key->SetKeyPreset(curve, CKEYPRESET::AUTO_OVERSHOOT);
Auto, Auto Angle, Clamp.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:0
Auto, Auto Angle, remove Overshooting.
Definition: ge_prepass.h:1
Definition: ge_prepass.h:4255


A new CKey can be created by copying an existing one.

  • CKey::CopyDataTo(): Copies the data of the key into the given CKey.
  • CKey::GetClone(): Returns a copy of the CKey.
// This example creates a clone of the given key
// and places it one second "later" in the timeline.
CKey* const clone = key->GetClone(nullptr);
if (clone == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
const BaseTime time = key->GetTime() + BaseTime(1.0);
clone->SetTime(curve, time);


The data stored in a key can easily be flushed.

  • CKey::FlushData(): Empties and resets data of the key.


The boolean parameters of a key are stored internally as bits. These bits can be edited directly.

  • NBIT::CKEY_LOCK_T: Lock key time.
  • NBIT::CKEY_LOCK_V: Lock key value.
  • NBIT::CKEY_MUTE: Mute key.
  • NBIT::CKEY_CLAMP: Clamp key tangents.
  • NBIT::CKEY_BREAK: Break key tangents.
  • NBIT::CKEY_KEEPVISUALANGLE: Keep visual angle.
  • NBIT::CKEY_LOCK_O: Lock key tangents angles.
  • NBIT::CKEY_LOCK_L: Lock key tangents length.
  • NBIT::CKEY_AUTO: Key auto tangents
  • NBIT::CKEY_REMOVEOVERSHOOT: Remove Overshooting.
  • NBIT::CKEY_AUTOWEIGHT: Automatic Weighting.

See also Parameters.

Further Reading