Port represents a port within a NodeSystem. Each port belongs to a port list:
- The port may be a direct child of the list of input or output ports of a node. Then the port is a /top-level/ port.
- Otherwise the port is a /nested/ port, contained within another port.
Example: In the following node system a, c, e, f are top-level ports and b, d are nested ports. @graph +------------------------—+ | +--------—+ | o a --> o c | | o b o d —> e o --> f o | +--------—+ | +------------------------—+ @endgraph Port allows for read-only access to the port of the NodeSystem. If you want to make modifications, you have to use MutablePort instead.
Result< PortListSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > > | GetParent () const |
Result< Opt< const T & > > | GetPortValue () const |
Result< Opt< const T & > > | GetEffectivePortValue () const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< const T & > | GetDefaultValue (const T &def=maxon::DefaultValue< const T & >()) const |
MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< const T & > | GetConstantValue (const T &def=maxon::DefaultValue< const T & >()) const |
Result< Bool > | GetConnections (PORT_DIR dir, const ValueReceiver< const ConnectionSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > & > &conns, Wires mask=Wires::All(), NodeSystemInterface::GET_CONNECTIONS_MODE mode=NodeSystemInterface::GET_CONNECTIONS_MODE::CONNECTIONS) const |
Result< Wires > | GetWires (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target) const |
Result< Bool > | GetConnectionValues (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target, const ValueReceiver< CONNECTION_POSITION, const InternedId &, const ConstDataPtr & > &receiver) const |
Result< ConstDataPtr > | GetConnectionValue (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const InternedId &attr, const DataType &expectedType) const |
Result< Opt< const T & > > | GetConnectionValue (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const InternedId &attr) const |
Result< Opt< const typename ATTR::ValueType & > > | GetConnectionValue (const PortSelector< BASE::MUTABLE > &target, CONNECTION_POSITION position, const ATTR &attr) const |
TimeStamp | GetConnectionStamp (PORT_DIR direction) const |
Bool | IsPortOfRoot () const |
Bool | IsTopLevelPort () const |
Int | GetTopologicalLayer () const |
Result< void > | InitFromPath (typename PortFunctionsSuper< GNodeBase >::NodeSystemCtorParam system, PATH &&path, NODE_KIND check=NODE_KIND::PORT_MASK) |