This is the complete list of members for ErrorInterface, including all inherited members.
_interface | ErrorInterface | static |
_staticInterface | ErrorInterface | static |
Alloc(const maxon::SourceLocation &, const ErrorInterface &src) | ErrorInterface | static |
Alloc(const maxon::SourceLocation &) | ErrorInterface | privatestatic |
maxon::ObjectInterface::Alloc(const maxon::SourceLocation &, const ObjectInterface &src) | ObjectInterface | static |
BaseInterface typedef | ObjectInterface | |
Clone() const | ObjectInterface | |
Clone() const | ObjectInterface | |
Compare(const maxon::ObjectInterface *other) const | ObjectInterface | |
ConstPtr typedef | ErrorInterface | |
CopyFrom(const ObjectInterface *src) | ObjectInterface | |
DefaultValuePtr() | ObjectInterface | static |
ErrorInterface() | ErrorInterface | private |
ErrorInterface(const ErrorInterface &) | ErrorInterface | private |
FormatMessage(const LanguageRef &language, const PartFormatter &partFormatter) const | ErrorInterface | |
FormatPart(const LanguageRef &language, const ErrorInterface::PartFormatter &fmt, const T &part) | ErrorInterface | static |
GetCause() const | ErrorInterface | |
GetClass() const | ObjectInterface | |
GetClassInfo() const | ObjectInterface | |
GetComponentInfoOfSuper(const REF *sptr, OverloadRank0) const MAXON_IF_TARGET_DEBUG( | ObjectInterface | |
GetComponentInfoOfSuper(const REF *sptr, OverloadRank1) const | ObjectInterface | |
GetHashCode() const | ObjectInterface | |
GetHashCodeImpl() const | ObjectInterface | |
GetInfoOffset() | ErrorInterface | privatestatic |
GetInterfaceId() | ErrorInterface | static |
GetLocation() const | ErrorInterface | |
GetMachine(MachineRef &machine) const | ErrorInterface | |
GetMessage() const | ErrorInterface | |
GetMessageDelegate() const | ErrorInterface | |
GetPtr() | ErrorInterface | |
GetPtr() const | ErrorInterface | |
GetStackTrace() const | ErrorInterface | |
GetUniqueHashCode() const | ObjectInterface | |
GetUniqueHashCodeImpl() const | ObjectInterface | |
HandleConstMessage(const InternedId &message, void *argument) const | ObjectInterface | |
HandleMessage(const InternedId &message, void *argument) | ObjectInterface | |
HasSameClass(const ObjectInterface *obj) const | ObjectInterface | |
InitObject(const void *argument) | ObjectInterface | |
Interface typedef | ErrorInterface | |
INTERFACE_FLAGS | ObjectInterface | static |
IsAllocType typedef | ErrorInterface | |
IsCancellation() const | ErrorInterface | |
IsEqual(const maxon::ObjectInterface *other) const | ObjectInterface | |
IsInstanceOf() const | ObjectInterface | |
IsInstanceOf(const DataType &type) const | ObjectInterface | |
maxon::ClassInterface class | ErrorInterface | friend |
maxon::ComponentDescriptor class | ErrorInterface | friend |
maxon::StrongCOWRefHandler class | ErrorInterface | friend |
MAXON_ADD_TO_CONST_REFERENCE_CLASS(RefMemberType< S > DbgStop() { DebugOutput(OUTPUT::DIAGNOSTIC, static_cast< const typename S::ReferenceClass * >(this) ->ToString());DebugStop();return this->PrivateGetRefMember();} RefMemberType< S > CritStop() { CriticalOutput(static_cast< const typename S::ReferenceClass * >(this) ->ToString());return this->PrivateGetRefMember();} RefMemberType< S > DiagOutput() { DiagnosticOutput(static_cast< const typename S::ReferenceClass * >(this) ->ToString());return this->PrivateGetRefMember();}) | ErrorInterface | |
maxon::ObjectInterface::MAXON_ADD_TO_CONST_REFERENCE_CLASS(Bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), nullptr);} Bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return !RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), nullptr);} Bool operator==(const ObjectInterface *ref) const { return RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} Bool operator!=(const ObjectInterface *ref) const { return !RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} Bool operator==(ObjectInterface *ref) const { return RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} Bool operator!=(ObjectInterface *ref) const { return !RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} template< typename T > Bool operator==(T *ref) const { return RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} template< typename T > Bool operator!=(T *ref) const { return !RefCompare< MAXON_IS_COW_KIND(S::Handler::KIND), true >::template IsEqual< const ObjectInterface *, const ObjectInterface * >(this->GetPointer(), ref);} template< typename R, typename=typename maxon::details::DisableComparison< typename S::PrivateReferencedType, typename R::ReferencedType >::type > Bool operator==(const R &ref) const { static_assert(AlwaysFalse< R >::value, "Can't compare unrelated reference classes.");return false;} template< typename R, typename=typename maxon::details::DisableComparison< typename S::PrivateReferencedType, typename R::ReferencedType >::type > Bool operator!=(const R &ref) const { static_assert(AlwaysFalse< R >::value, "Can't compare unrelated reference classes.");return false;}) | ObjectInterface | |
MAXON_ADD_TO_COPY_ON_WRITE_REFERENCE_CLASS(protected:void Create(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_DECLARATION) { *static_cast< typename S::DirectlyReferencedType::Hxx1::ReferenceClass * >(this)=S::DirectlyReferencedType::Hxx1::ErrObj::GetInstance()();typename S::DirectlyReferencedType::Ptr e=this->MakeWritable(false).GetPointer();e.SetLocation(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_FORWARD);} void Create(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_DECLARATION, const String &msg) { *static_cast< typename S::DirectlyReferencedType::Hxx1::ReferenceClass * >(this)=S::DirectlyReferencedType::Hxx1::ErrObj::GetInstance()();typename S::DirectlyReferencedType::Ptr e=this->MakeWritable(false).GetPointer();e.SetLocation(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_FORWARD);e.SetMessage(msg);} void Create(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_DECLARATION, const String &msg, const Error &cause) { *static_cast< typename S::DirectlyReferencedType::Hxx1::ReferenceClass * >(this)=S::DirectlyReferencedType::Hxx1::ErrObj::GetInstance()();typename S::DirectlyReferencedType::Ptr e=this->MakeWritable(false).GetPointer();e.SetLocation(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION_FORWARD);e.SetMessage(msg);e.SetCause(cause);}) | ErrorInterface | |
MAXON_ENUM_LIST_CLASS | ObjectInterface | |
MAXON_IMPLEMENTATION_MODULE("net.maxon.kernel") | ErrorInterface | private |
MessageDelegate typedef | ErrorInterface | |
ObjectInterface() | ObjectInterface | private |
ObjectInterface(const ObjectInterface &) | ObjectInterface | private |
ObjectInterface(const ClassInfo *tbl) | ObjectInterface | explicitprivate |
operator=(const ErrorInterface &) | ErrorInterface | private |
PartFormatter typedef | ErrorInterface | |
PrivateCheckClass() | ErrorInterface | private |
PrivateFreeInstance(const ObjectInterface *o) | ObjectInterface | static |
PrivateGetCode() const | ErrorInterface | |
PrivateGetInterface() | ErrorInterface | static |
PrivateGetPreallocation() const | ErrorInterface | |
PrivateInstantiateDefaultValueHelper() | ErrorInterface | static |
PrivateIsInstanceOf(const DataType &type) const | ObjectInterface | |
PrivateSetCode(Int code) | ErrorInterface | |
PrivateSetDebugError(const Error &cause) const | ErrorInterface | |
PrivateSetPreallocation(ThreadReferencedError preallocation) const | ErrorInterface | |
Ptr typedef | ErrorInterface | |
REFERENCE_KIND | ErrorInterface | static |
RemoveReference() const | ObjectInterface | protected |
SetCause(const Error &cause) | ErrorInterface | |
SetMachine(const MachineRef &machine) | ErrorInterface | |
SetMessage(const String &message) | ErrorInterface | |
SetMessageDelegate(MessageDelegate &&message) | ErrorInterface | |
SetStackTrace(const Block< void *const > &trace) | ErrorInterface | |
SetStackTrace(Int skip=STACKTRACE_SKIP) | ErrorInterface | |
ToString(const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const | ObjectInterface | |
~ ErrorInterface() | ErrorInterface | protected |
~ ObjectInterface() | ObjectInterface | protected |