Vec4< T, STRIDE > Struct Template Reference

#include <vec4.h>

Detailed Description

template<typename T, Int STRIDE = 1>
struct maxon::Vec4< T, STRIDE >

A vector consisting of four components X, Y, Z and W.

Public Types

template<typename U >
using Rebind = Vec4< U, STRIDE >
using VectorStrideType = std::integral_constant< Int, STRIDE >
using ValueType = T
using ValueTypeParam = typename ByValueParam< T >::type
using Unstrided = Vec4< T, 1 >
using BoolType = decltype(T()==T())

Public Member Functions

constexpr Vec4 ()
constexpr Vec4 (ValueTypeParam in)
constexpr Vec4 (ValueTypeParam ix, ValueTypeParam iy, ValueTypeParam iz, ValueTypeParam iw)
template<typename T2 , Int S2>
constexpr Vec4 (const Vec4< T2, S2 > &v)
template<typename T2 , Int S2>
constexpr Vec4 (const Col4< T2, S2 > &v)
template<Int S2>
constexpr Vec4 (const Vec4< T, S2 > &v)
template<typename T2 , Int S2>
constexpr Vec4 (const Vec3< T2, S2 > &v, T iw=T(1))
constexpr Vec4 (ENUM_DONT_INITIALIZE v)
constexpr const Col4< T, STRIDE > & GetColor () const
Col4< T, STRIDE > & GetColor ()
constexpr const Vec3< T, STRIDE > & GetVector3 () const
Vec3< T, STRIDE > & GetVector3 ()
constexpr MAXON_IMPLICIT Vec4 (const typename std::conditional< STRIDE==1, DummyParamType, Vec4 >::type &src)
Vec4operator= (const typename std::conditional< STRIDE==1, DummyParamType, Vec4 >::type &src)
T & operator[] (Int l)
ValueTypeParam operator[] (Int l) const
template<typename T2 , Int S2>
Vec4operator+= (const Vec4< T2, S2 > &v)
Vec4operator+= (const Vec4 &v)
template<typename T2 , Int S2>
Vec4operator-= (const Vec4< T2, S2 > &v)
Vec4operator-= (const Vec4 &v)
template<typename T2 , Int S2>
Vec4operator*= (const Vec4< T2, S2 > &v)
Vec4operator*= (const Vec4 &v)
Vec4operator*= (ValueTypeParam s)
Vec4operator/= (ValueTypeParam s)
constexpr Unstrided operator* (ValueTypeParam s) const
template<typename S >
constexpr Vec4< typename MultiplicativePromotion< T, S, STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(scalar, S)>::type, 1 > operator* (S s) const
constexpr Unstrided operator/ (ValueTypeParam s) const
constexpr Unstrided operator* (const Vec4 &v) const
constexpr Unstrided operator+ (const Vec4 &v) const
constexpr Unstrided operator- (const Vec4 &v) const
constexpr Unstrided operator- () const
template<typename T2 , Int S2>
constexpr BoolType operator== (const Vec4< T2, S2 > &v) const
constexpr BoolType operator== (const Vec4 &v) const
template<typename T2 , Int S2>
constexpr BoolType operator!= (const Vec4< T2, S2 > &v) const
constexpr BoolType operator!= (const Vec4 &v) const
constexpr BoolType operator<= (const Vec4 &v) const
constexpr BoolType operator>= (const Vec4 &v) const
constexpr BoolType operator< (const Vec4 &v) const
constexpr BoolType operator> (const Vec4 &v) const
constexpr HashInt GetHashCode () const
UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode () const
BoolType IsEqual (const Vec4 &other, ValueTypeParam epsilon) const
constexpr BoolType IsZero () const
void SetZero ()
constexpr T GetAverage () const
constexpr T GetSum () const
void ClampMin (const Vec4 &other=Vec4())
void ClampMax (const Vec4 &other)
constexpr Unstrided Clamp01 () const
GetLength () const
constexpr T GetSquaredLength () const
Unstrided GetNormalized () const
Unstrided operator! () const
void Normalize ()
String ToString (const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const
constexpr T GetMin () const
constexpr T GetMax () const
constexpr Vec4 GetRightRotated (Int rots) const
void NormalizeW ()
template<typename V >
Vec4operator*= (const SqrMat4< V > &m)

Static Public Member Functions

static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const Vec4DefaultValue ()

Public Attributes

union {
   T   x
   T   _xpadding [STRIDE]
union {
   T   y
   T   _ypadding [STRIDE]
union {
   T   z
   T   _zpadding [STRIDE]
union {
   T   w
   T   _wpadding [STRIDE]


constexpr friend Unstrided operator* (ValueTypeParam s, const Vec4 &v)
constexpr friend T Dot (const Vec4 &v1, const Vec4 &v2)
Unstrided Abs (const Vec4 &v1)
template<typename T2 , Int S2>
constexpr friend MultiplicativePromotion< T, T2 >::type Dot (const Vec4 &v1, const Vec4< T2, S2 > &v2)
constexpr friend Unstrided Min (const Vec4 &a, const Vec4 &other)
constexpr friend Unstrided Max (const Vec4 &a, const Vec4 &other)
void SetMin (Vec4 &a, const Vec4 &other)
void SetMax (Vec4 &a, const Vec4 &other)
GetAngle (const Vec4 &v1, const Vec4 &v2)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Rebind

using Rebind = Vec4<U, STRIDE>

◆ VectorStrideType

using VectorStrideType = std::integral_constant<Int, STRIDE>

◆ ValueType

using ValueType = T

◆ ValueTypeParam

using ValueTypeParam = typename ByValueParam<T>::type

◆ Unstrided

using Unstrided = Vec4<T, 1>

◆ BoolType

using BoolType = decltype(T() == T())

The type returned by comparisons. If the template argument for T is a SIMD type, this will be a SIMD type, too, which contains the per-element results.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Vec4() [1/9]

constexpr Vec4 ( )

Initializes all vector components with 0.0.

◆ Vec4() [2/9]

constexpr Vec4 ( ValueTypeParam  in)

Initializes all vector components with a scalar.

◆ Vec4() [3/9]

constexpr Vec4 ( ValueTypeParam  ix,
ValueTypeParam  iy,
ValueTypeParam  iz,
ValueTypeParam  iw 

Initializes all vector components individually.

◆ Vec4() [4/9]

constexpr Vec4 ( const Vec4< T2, S2 > &  v)

Initializes components from another 4d vector.

◆ Vec4() [5/9]

constexpr Vec4 ( const Col4< T2, S2 > &  v)

Initializes components from another 4d vector.

◆ Vec4() [6/9]

constexpr Vec4 ( const Vec4< T, S2 > &  v)

Initializes components from another 4d vector.

◆ Vec4() [7/9]

constexpr Vec4 ( const Vec3< T2, S2 > &  v,
iw = T(1) 

Initializes components from a 3d vector and add an additional value for the w-component. The default value for w is 1.0.

◆ Vec4() [8/9]

constexpr Vec4 ( ENUM_DONT_INITIALIZE  v)

Skips initialization of vector (for better speed)

◆ Vec4() [9/9]

constexpr MAXON_IMPLICIT Vec4 ( const typename std::conditional< STRIDE==1, DummyParamType, Vec4< T, STRIDE > >::type src)

When STRIDE is not 1, we have to provide copy constructor and operator because the default ones would also copy the padding. When STRIDE is 1, we want to avoid to declare them (because then the type wouldn't be trivially copyable any longer), so we use DummyParamType for the parameter in that case.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetColor() [1/2]

constexpr const Col4<T, STRIDE>& GetColor ( ) const

Reinterprets the vector as color.

◆ GetColor() [2/2]

Col4<T, STRIDE>& GetColor ( )

Reinterprets the vector as color.

◆ GetVector3() [1/2]

constexpr const Vec3<T, STRIDE>& GetVector3 ( ) const

Gets the x/y/z components without w.

◆ GetVector3() [2/2]

Vec3<T, STRIDE>& GetVector3 ( )

Gets the writable x/y/z components without w.

◆ operator=()

Vec4& operator= ( const typename std::conditional< STRIDE==1, DummyParamType, Vec4< T, STRIDE > >::type src)

Copies the source vector.

[in]srcSource vector.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

T& operator[] ( Int  l)

Accesses vector component: index 0 is 'x', index 1 is 'y', index 2 is 'z'. All other values must not be used and will crash.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

ValueTypeParam operator[] ( Int  l) const

Accesses vector component: index 0 is 'x', index 1 is 'y', index 2 is 'z'. All other values must not be used and will crash.

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

Vec4& operator+= ( const Vec4< T2, S2 > &  v)

Adds two vectors.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

Vec4& operator+= ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v)

Adds a vector. We repeat the function template as non-template function, this allows the usage in contexts where the parameter is not a vector itself, but something with a conversion operator to a vector.

[in]vVector to be added.

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

Vec4& operator-= ( const Vec4< T2, S2 > &  v)

Subtracts two vectors.

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

Vec4& operator-= ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v)

Subtracts a vector. We repeat the function template as non-template function, this allows the usage in contexts where the parameter is not a vector itself, but something with a conversion operator to a vector.

[in]vVector to be substracted from this.

◆ operator*=() [1/4]

Vec4& operator*= ( const Vec4< T2, S2 > &  v)

Multiplies two vectors component-wise.

◆ operator*=() [2/4]

Vec4& operator*= ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v)

Multiplies with vector component-wise. We repeat the function template as non-template function, this allows the usage in contexts where the parameter is not a vector itself, but something with a conversion operator to a vector.

[in]vVector to be multiplied with.

◆ operator*=() [3/4]

Vec4& operator*= ( ValueTypeParam  s)

Multiplies each vector component by a scalar.

◆ operator/=()

Vec4& operator/= ( ValueTypeParam  s)

Divides each vector component by a scalar. The passed argument is checked for 0.0.

◆ operator*() [1/3]

constexpr Unstrided operator* ( ValueTypeParam  s) const

Multiplies each vector component by a scalar.

◆ operator*() [2/3]

constexpr Vec4<typename MultiplicativePromotion<T, S, STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(scalar, S)>::type, 1> operator* ( s) const

Multiplies each vector component by a scalar.

◆ operator/()

constexpr Unstrided operator/ ( ValueTypeParam  s) const

Divides each vector component by a scalar. The scalar value is tested for 0.0.

◆ operator*() [3/3]

constexpr Unstrided operator* ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v) const

Multiplies two vectors component-wise.

◆ operator+()

constexpr Unstrided operator+ ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v) const

Adds two vectors.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

constexpr Unstrided operator- ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v) const

Subtracts vector v2 from v1.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

constexpr Unstrided operator- ( ) const

Negates vector v.

◆ operator==() [1/2]

constexpr BoolType operator== ( const Vec4< T2, S2 > &  v) const

Equality operator.

[in]vComparison vector.
True if this and v are equal, otherwise false.

◆ operator==() [2/2]

constexpr BoolType operator== ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v) const

Equality operator. We repeat the function template as non-template function, this allows the usage in contexts where the parameter is not a vector itself, but something with a conversion operator to a vector

[in]vComparison vector.
True if this and v are equal, otherwise false.

◆ operator!=() [1/2]

constexpr BoolType operator!= ( const Vec4< T2, S2 > &  v) const

Inequality operator.

[in]vComparison vector.
False if this and v are equal, otherwise true.

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

constexpr BoolType operator!= ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v) const

Inequality operator. We repeat the function template as non-template function, this allows the usage in contexts where the parameter is not a vector itself, but something with a conversion operator to a vector

[in]vComparison vector.
False if this and v are equal, otherwise true.

◆ operator<=()

constexpr BoolType operator<= ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v) const

Compares this vector with v. Note that this doesn't define a total order but just a partial order, so for a pair of vectors it can happen that neither {v <= w} nor {v >= w}.

[in]vComparison vector.
True if this.c <= v.c for all components c of the vectors, false otherwise.

◆ operator>=()

constexpr BoolType operator>= ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v) const

Compares this vector with v. Note that this doesn't define a total order but just a partial order, so for a pair of vectors it can happen that neither {v <= w} nor {v >= w}.

[in]vComparison vector.
True if this.c >= v.c for all components c of the vectors, false otherwise.

◆ operator<()

constexpr BoolType operator< ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v) const

Compares this vector with v. Note that this doesn't define a total order but just a partial order, so for a pair of vectors it can happen that neither {v < w} nor {v > w} nor {v == w}. Also note that {v < w} is not the same as {v <= w && v != w}.

[in]vComparison vector.
True if this.c < v.c for all components c of the vectors, false otherwise.

◆ operator>()

constexpr BoolType operator> ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v) const

Compares this vector with v. Note that this doesn't define a total order but just a partial order, so for a pair of vectors it can happen that neither {v < w} nor {v > w} nor {v == w}. Also note that {v > w} is not the same as {v >= w && v != w}.

[in]vComparison vector.
True if this.c > v.c for all components c of the vectors, false otherwise.

◆ GetHashCode()

constexpr HashInt GetHashCode ( ) const

Returns the hash code of the vector (used for hash maps and comparisons).

The vector's hash code.

◆ GetUniqueHashCode()

UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode ( ) const

◆ IsEqual()

BoolType IsEqual ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  other,
ValueTypeParam  epsilon 
) const

Tests component-wise if the difference is no bigger than 'epsilon'.

◆ IsZero()

constexpr BoolType IsZero ( ) const

Checks if each component is zero.

◆ SetZero()

void SetZero ( )

Sets all components to zero.

◆ GetAverage()

constexpr T GetAverage ( ) const

Calculates the average value of 'x', 'y', 'z' and 'w'.

◆ GetSum()

constexpr T GetSum ( ) const

Calculates the sum of 'x', 'y', 'z' and 'w'.

◆ ClampMin()

void ClampMin ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  other = Vec4< T, STRIDE >())

Set the minimum of each component.

◆ ClampMax()

void ClampMax ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  other)

Set the maximum of each component.

◆ Clamp01()

constexpr Unstrided Clamp01 ( ) const

Returns a vector that is clamped to the range [0.0 .. 1.0].

◆ GetLength()

T GetLength ( ) const

Returns the length of the vector.

◆ GetSquaredLength()

constexpr T GetSquaredLength ( ) const

Returns the squared length of the vector.

◆ GetNormalized()

Unstrided GetNormalized ( ) const

Returns a normalized vector, so that GetLength(vector)==1.0.

◆ operator!()

Unstrided operator! ( ) const

Returns a normalized vector, so that GetLength(vector)==1.0.

◆ Normalize()

void Normalize ( )

Normalizes this vector, so that GetLength()==1.0.

◆ ToString()

String ToString ( const FormatStatement formatStatement = nullptr) const

Returns a readable string of the content.

[in]formatStatementNullptr or additional formatting instruction. See also Formatting Floating point values.
The converted result.

◆ GetMin()

constexpr T GetMin ( ) const

Returns the minimum of 'x', 'y', 'z' and 'w'.

◆ GetMax()

constexpr T GetMax ( ) const

Returns the maximum of 'x', 'y', 'z' and 'w'.

◆ GetRightRotated()

constexpr Vec4 GetRightRotated ( Int  rots) const

Returns a vector where the components have been rotated to the right (in the usual (x, y, z, w)-representation). E.g., with a value of 1 for rots, the result will be (w, x, y, z).

[in]rotsNumber of rotations, may be negative. The result depends only on the number modulo 4.
Vector with rotated components.

◆ NormalizeW()

void NormalizeW ( )

Scales this vector such that w equals 1.

◆ operator*=() [4/4]

Vec4& operator*= ( const SqrMat4< V > &  m)

Multiplies vector by a matrix.

◆ DefaultValue()

static MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE const Vec4& DefaultValue ( )

Returns a default value of the vector (see defaultvalue.h for more details).

A default value of the vector.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator*

constexpr friend Unstrided operator* ( ValueTypeParam  s,
const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v 

Multiplies each vector component by a scalar.

◆ Dot [1/2]

constexpr friend T Dot ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v1,
const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v2 

Calculates dot product of v1 and v2.

◆ Abs

Unstrided Abs ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v1)

Returns the vector with absolute value for each entry

[in]v1input vector to work on
component wise absolute value vector of input vector

◆ Dot [2/2]

constexpr friend MultiplicativePromotion<T, T2>::type Dot ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v1,
const Vec4< T2, S2 > &  v2 

Calculates dot product of v1 and v2.

◆ Min

constexpr friend Unstrided Min ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  a,
const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  other 

Calculates the minimum of each component.

◆ Max

constexpr friend Unstrided Max ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  a,
const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  other 

Calculates the maximum of each component.

◆ SetMin

void SetMin ( Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  a,
const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  other 

Set the minimum of each component.

◆ SetMax

void SetMax ( Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  a,
const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  other 

Set the maximum of each component.

◆ GetAngle

T GetAngle ( const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v1,
const Vec4< T, STRIDE > &  v2 

Calculates angle (in radians) between v1 and v2.

Member Data Documentation

◆ x

T x

◆ _xpadding

T _xpadding[STRIDE]


union { ... }

◆ y

T y

◆ _ypadding

T _ypadding[STRIDE]


union { ... }

◆ z

T z

◆ _zpadding

T _zpadding[STRIDE]


union { ... }

◆ w

T w

◆ _wpadding

T _wpadding[STRIDE]


union { ... }