GenericContainerInterface Class Reference

#include <containerbase.h>

Public Types

enum class  INTERFACES {
  NONE ,
enum class  ITERATOR_ACCESS : UChar {
  READ ,
using GenericContainerInterfaceMarker = void

Public Member Functions

MAXON_METHOD const ContainerDataTypeGetContainerType () const
enum maxon::GenericContainerInterface::INTERFACES MAXON_ENUM_FLAGS_CLASS (INTERFACES)
MAXON_METHOD INTERFACES GetInterfaces () const
MAXON_METHOD Result< GenericContainerInterface * > MakeWritable (Bool copyContent=true) const
 MAXON_ADD_TO_COPY_ON_WRITE_REFERENCE_CLASS (ResultRef< typename std::remove_const< typename S::PrivateReferencedType >::type > MakeWritableDontCopyContent() { return StrongCOWRefHandler::MakeWritableHelper< typename std::remove_const< typename S::PrivateReferencedType >::type >::MakeWritable(this->GetBaseRef(), false, false);})
MAXON_METHOD String ToString (const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const
MAXON_METHOD HashInt GetHashCode () const
MAXON_METHOD UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode () const
MAXON_METHOD Bool IsEqual (const GenericContainerInterface *other, EQUALITY equality) const
MAXON_METHOD Int FindMemberIndex (const InternedId &name) const
MAXON_FUNCTION Int FindMemberIndex (const Member &member) const
MAXON_METHOD Result< IntGetCount () const
MAXON_METHOD Int GetIteratorStateSize (const MemberMap *map) const
MAXON_METHOD Result< IntInitIterator (ViewIteratorMember *members, const MemberMap *map, Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer *idBuffer, ITERATOR_ACCESS access) const
MAXON_METHOD Result< IntValidateIterator (Int index, ViewIteratorMember *members, const MemberMap *map, Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer *idBuffer) const
MAXON_METHOD void FreeIterator (ViewIteratorMember *members, const MemberMap *map, Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer *idBuffer) const
MAXON_METHOD Result< IntMoveIterator (Int index, ViewIteratorMember *members, const MemberMap *map, Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer *idBuffer) const
MAXON_METHOD Result< void > AdvancePersistentId (Int index, const Char *state, PersistentIdBuffer &idBuffer) const
 MAXON_ADD_TO_CONST_REFERENCE_CLASS (using Iterator=maxon::details::ContainerIterator< T, false >;using ConstIterator=maxon::details::ContainerIterator< T, true >;)

Static Public Member Functions

static GenericContainerInterfaceAlloc (const SourceLocation &)

Public Attributes


Private Member Functions

 MAXON_GENERIC ((ContainerVariance) typename T=NamedTuple<>)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ GenericContainerInterfaceMarker

Member Enumeration Documentation



This enum informs about the interfaces which are implemented by a container and also about some implementation details (see GetInterfaces()).


No interface.


The container is a virtual tuple container.


The container implements GenericArrayContainerInterface.


The container is an xform container (see XformContainerActionsInterface).


The container is a concat container (see ContainerFactory::Concat).


The container implements StaticArrayInterface.


The container implements ArrayInterface.


The container is a single-value array (see ArrayFactory::NewSingleValueArray). This is set in addition to ARRAY.


The container uses an underlying BaseArray (see ArrayFactory::NewBaseArray). This is set in addition to ARRAY.


The container is a paged array (see ArrayFactory::NewPagedArray). This is set in addition to ARRAY.


The container implements GenericIndexableContainerInterface.


The container implements MultiDomainContainerInterface.


The container is a subset of an array (see ArrayFactory::Slice). This is set in addition to ARRAY.


The container is an array pointing to member data of a source array (see ArrayFactory::ExtractMember). This is set in addition to ARRAY.



This enum is used to tell InitIterator about the access mode needed for the iterator.


The iterator will only read values.


The iterator will only write values. If a copy has to be made as part of InitIterator, the current values don't have to be copied.


The iterator will read and write values.

Member Function Documentation


MAXON_INTERFACE_SIMPLE_VIRTUAL ( GenericContainerInterface  ,


MAXON_GENERIC ( (ContainerVariance) typename  T = NamedTuple<>)

◆ Alloc()

static GenericContainerInterface* Alloc ( const SourceLocation )

◆ GetContainerType()

MAXON_METHOD const ContainerDataType& GetContainerType ( ) const


enum maxon::GenericContainerInterface::INTERFACES MAXON_ENUM_FLAGS_CLASS ( INTERFACES  )

◆ GetInterfaces()

MAXON_METHOD INTERFACES GetInterfaces ( ) const

Returns INTERFACES flags corresponding to the interfaces implemented by this container. You can safely cast the container to these interfaces.

INTERFACES flags for this container.

◆ MakeWritable()

MAXON_METHOD Result<GenericContainerInterface*> MakeWritable ( Bool  copyContent = true) const

Returns a writable copy of this container. This may return a different implementation of the interface if the current implementation only supports read-only access (for example a container implementation where all elements have the same value). If there's just a single reference to the container, the container itself may be returned.

By default the value of copyContent is true. Then the content of the copy will be equal to the content of the original container. However if you don't need that because you're going to overwrite the complete content anyway, you can use false for copyContent. Then the content of the copy is unspecified, so the implementation is free to skip copying the content and the returned copy may even be empty. In particular any indexed read or write access to elements without a prior call to a method like Resize may fail.

Don't confuse this method with the MakeWritable function of reference classes. The latter makes sure that the object held by a COW reference is writable by calling this MakeWritable function (with default true value for copyContent) and then replacing the object of the COW reference by the returned object. This MakeWritable method is a const method which doesn't change anything. For containers the COW reference class has an additional MakeWritableDontCopyContent function which uses false for copyContent, you can use that function to make the object of a COW reference writable when you are going to overwrite its complete content.
[in]copyContentTrue (the default) if the content shall be copied, false otherwise (then just a new object with a writable implementation is created, its content is unspecified and may be empty).
Pointer to the writable container object. @MAXON_ANNOTATION{refclass=false}


MAXON_ADD_TO_COPY_ON_WRITE_REFERENCE_CLASS ( ResultRef< typename std::remove_const< typename S::PrivateReferencedType >::type > MakeWritableDontCopyContent() { return StrongCOWRefHandler::MakeWritableHelper< typename std::remove_const< typename S::PrivateReferencedType >::type >::MakeWritable(this->GetBaseRef(), false, false);}  )

◆ ToString()

MAXON_METHOD String ToString ( const FormatStatement formatStatement = nullptr) const

◆ GetHashCode()

MAXON_METHOD HashInt GetHashCode ( ) const

◆ GetUniqueHashCode()

MAXON_METHOD UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode ( ) const

◆ IsEqual()

MAXON_METHOD Bool IsEqual ( const GenericContainerInterface other,
EQUALITY  equality 
) const

◆ FindMemberIndex() [1/2]

MAXON_METHOD Int FindMemberIndex ( const InternedId name) const

Finds the member index of the member with the given name in this. If no such member can be found, -1 is returned.

[in]nameName of the member to find.
Index of the member, or -1 if it doesn't exist. @MAXON_ANNOTATION{default=-1}

◆ FindMemberIndex() [2/2]

MAXON_FUNCTION Int FindMemberIndex ( const Member member) const

◆ GetCount()

MAXON_METHOD Result<Int> GetCount ( ) const


◆ GetIteratorStateSize()

MAXON_METHOD Int GetIteratorStateSize ( const MemberMap map) const



◆ InitIterator()

MAXON_METHOD Result<Int> InitIterator ( ViewIteratorMember members,
const MemberMap map,
Char state,
PersistentIdBuffer idBuffer,
) const


◆ ValidateIterator()

MAXON_METHOD Result<Int> ValidateIterator ( Int  index,
ViewIteratorMember members,
const MemberMap map,
Char state,
PersistentIdBuffer idBuffer 
) const


◆ FreeIterator()

MAXON_METHOD void FreeIterator ( ViewIteratorMember members,
const MemberMap map,
Char state,
PersistentIdBuffer idBuffer 
) const


◆ MoveIterator()

MAXON_METHOD Result<Int> MoveIterator ( Int  index,
ViewIteratorMember members,
const MemberMap map,
Char state,
PersistentIdBuffer idBuffer 
) const


◆ AdvancePersistentId()

MAXON_METHOD Result<void> AdvancePersistentId ( Int  index,
const Char state,
PersistentIdBuffer idBuffer 
) const



MAXON_ADD_TO_CONST_REFERENCE_CLASS ( using  Iterator = maxon::details::ContainerIterator< T, false >;using ConstIterator=maxon::details::ContainerIterator< T, true >;)

Member Data Documentation