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    Wires Struct Reference

    #include <graph.h>

    Detailed Description

    A port connection consists of up to seven independent wires:

    1. The /value/ wire is used to pass data values along the connection.
    2. The /dependency/ wire is only needed for internal connections within evaluation nodes such as core node wrappers. A computed output port needs to have a dependency wire from each input port which is required for its computation.
    3. The /context/ wire connects a port which shall define a context to an input port which introduces that context.
    4. The /hidden/ wire is used mark a connection as hidden. What this means exactly is model-specific, for example NodesGraphModelInterface doesn't show those connections.
    5. The /inhibit/ wire is used to temporarily disable the other wires. When this wire is present, the other wires should be considered as non-existing.
    6. The /slink/ wire is a marker which is used for node-specific purposes, where the source port of the connection determines the meaning. For example it connects the output port of a context parameter node to the input port which introduces the context.
    7. The /tlink/ wire is a marker which is used for node-specific purposes, where the target port of the connection determines the meaning.

    In most cases you only need a combination of a value and dependency wire.

    The Wires class has the members value, dependency, context, hidden, inhibit, slink, tlink to store information about these wires for a connection. Each of them has the enumeration type WIRE_MODE with the following possible values:

    • WIRE_MODE::NONE means that there is no such wire in the connection. This does not necessarily mean that there is no such wire at all because a wire might be inherited from a base node system, or there may be an implicit wire due to an enclosing connection.
    • WIRE_MODE::MIN, WIRE_MODE::NORMAL and WIRE_MODE::MAX indicate that a wire exists. The values are priorities, so whenever an ambiguity between multiple wires has to be resolved, the wires with highest priority are taken.

    The wires of a connection can also be accessed by index, see VALUE, DEPENDENCY, CONTEXT, HIDDEN, INHIBIT, SLINK, TLINK and operator[]. For a loop over the wires you have to use COUNT as upper bound:

    for (Int i = 0; i < Wires::COUNT; ++i)
    // do something with w[i]
    w.value = WIRE_MODE::NONE;
    w[Wires::VALUE] = WIRE_MODE::NONE; // same as line above
    Py_ssize_t i
    Definition: abstract.h:645
    maxon::Int Int
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:64
    static const Int COUNT
    The number of wires (currently 8). Use this for a loop over all possible wire indices.
    Definition: graph.h:160
    static const Int VALUE
    The index to address the value part, used in operator[] and Wires(Int,WIRE_MODE).
    Definition: graph.h:152
    constexpr Wires()=default
    Constructs an empty Wires object. All wire modes are set to WIRE_MODE::NONE.

    A Wires object can also be used as a mask to test another Wires object. Wires masks use the mask values of WIRE_MODE (WIRE_MODE::NONE, WIRE_MODE::ALL, WIRE_MODE::IMPLICIT, WIRE_MODE::ALL_INCLUDING_IMPLICIT, WIRE_MODE::INHERIT, WIRE_MODE::FULL_MASK). Testing against a mask is done by the bitwise operators & and |.

    See also
    $ref usernodes_wires

    Public Member Functions

    constexpr Wires ()=default
    constexpr MAXON_IMPLICIT Wires (WIRE_MODE mode)
     Wires (Int index, WIRE_MODE mode=WIRE_MODE::NORMAL)
    constexpr Wires (WIRE_MODE val, WIRE_MODE dep)
    constexpr Wires (WIRE_MODE val, WIRE_MODE dep, WIRE_MODE ctx, WIRE_MODE hid, WIRE_MODE inh, WIRE_MODE sln, WIRE_MODE tln)
    WIRE_MODE operator[] (Int index) const
    WIRE_MODEoperator[] (Int index)
     operator Bool () const
    Wiresoperator&= (Wires other)
    Wires operator& (Wires other) const
    Wiresoperator|= (Wires other)
    Wires operator| (Wires other) const
    Wires operator~ () const
    Bool operator== (Wires other) const
    Bool operator!= (Wires other) const
    HashInt GetHashCode () const
    UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode () const
    Wires Concat (const Wires &other) const
    Wires Combine (const Wires &other) const
    Wires MaskByPriority (const Wires &priorityMask) const
    Wires ToMask () const
    Wires EqualWires (const Wires &other) const
    String ToString (const FormatStatement *fs=nullptr) const
    MAXON_IMPLICIT Wires (UInt64)=delete

    Static Public Member Functions

    static constexpr Wires All (WIRE_MODE mode=WIRE_MODE::ALL)
    static constexpr Bool TriviallyHashable ()

    Public Attributes

    WIRE_MODE value
    WIRE_MODE unused
    WIRE_MODE dependency
    WIRE_MODE context
    WIRE_MODE hidden
    WIRE_MODE inhibit
    WIRE_MODE slink
    WIRE_MODE tlink

    Static Public Attributes

    static const Int VALUE
    static const Int UNUSED
    static const Int DEPENDENCY
    static const Int CONTEXT
    static const Int HIDDEN
    static const Int INHIBIT
    static const Int SLINK
    static const Int TLINK
    static const Int COUNT
    static const WIRE_MODE NONE

    Private Member Functions

    UInt64 ToInt () const
     Wires (UInt64 i, Bool)
    constexpr Wires (WIRE_MODE val, WIRE_MODE un, WIRE_MODE dep, WIRE_MODE ctx, WIRE_MODE hid, WIRE_MODE inh, WIRE_MODE sln, WIRE_MODE tln)

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ◆ Wires() [1/8]

    constexpr Wires ( )

    Constructs an empty Wires object. All wire modes are set to WIRE_MODE::NONE.

    ◆ Wires() [2/8]

    constexpr MAXON_IMPLICIT Wires ( WIRE_MODE  mode)

    Constructs a normal wire for values and dependencies. The value and dependency members will be set to the given mode, all other members to WIRE_MODE::NONE.

    [in]modeThe mode to use for the value and dependency wires.

    ◆ Wires() [3/8]

    Wires ( Int  index,

    Constructs a single wire. The wire indexed by the given index will be set to the given mode, all other members to WIRE_MODE::NONE.

    [in]indexThe index of the wire, one of VALUE, DEPENDENCY, CONTEXT, HIDDEN, INHIBIT, SLINK.
    [in]modeThe mode to use for the wire.

    ◆ Wires() [4/8]

    constexpr Wires ( WIRE_MODE  val,
    WIRE_MODE  dep 

    Constructs the wires using the given modes.

    [in]valThe mode for the value wire.
    [in]depThe mode for the dependency wire.

    ◆ Wires() [5/8]

    constexpr Wires ( WIRE_MODE  val,
    WIRE_MODE  dep,
    WIRE_MODE  ctx,
    WIRE_MODE  hid,
    WIRE_MODE  inh,
    WIRE_MODE  sln,
    WIRE_MODE  tln 

    Constructs the wires using the given modes.

    [in]valThe mode for the value wire.
    [in]depThe mode for the dependency wire.
    [in]ctxThe mode for the context wire.
    [in]hidThe mode for the hidden wire.
    [in]inhThe mode for the inherit wire.
    [in]slnThe mode for the slink wire.
    [in]tlnThe mode for the tlink wire.

    ◆ Wires() [6/8]

    MAXON_IMPLICIT Wires ( UInt64  )

    ◆ Wires() [7/8]

    Wires ( UInt64  i,

    Only for internal use, dummy Bool parameter to disambiguate constructor calls.

    ◆ Wires() [8/8]

    constexpr Wires ( WIRE_MODE  val,
    WIRE_MODE  un,
    WIRE_MODE  dep,
    WIRE_MODE  ctx,
    WIRE_MODE  hid,
    WIRE_MODE  inh,
    WIRE_MODE  sln,
    WIRE_MODE  tln 

    Constructs the wires using the given modes.

    [in]valThe mode for the value wire.
    [in]unThe mode for the unused wire.
    [in]depThe mode for the dependency wire.
    [in]ctxThe mode for the context wire.
    [in]hidThe mode for the hidden wire.
    [in]inhThe mode for the inherit wire.
    [in]slnThe mode for the slink wire.
    [in]tlnThe mode for the tlink wire.

    Member Function Documentation

    ◆ operator[]() [1/2]

    WIRE_MODE operator[] ( Int  index) const

    Returns the mode for the wire indexed by index.

    [in]indexThe index of the wire, one of VALUE, DEPENDENCY, CONTEXT, HIDDEN, INHIBIT, SLINK, TLINK.
    Mode for the wire.

    ◆ operator[]() [2/2]

    WIRE_MODE& operator[] ( Int  index)

    Returns the mode for the wire indexed by index.

    [in]indexThe index of the wire, one of VALUE, DEPENDENCY, CONTEXT, HIDDEN, INHIBIT, SLINK, TLINK.
    Mode for the wire.

    ◆ All()

    static constexpr Wires All ( WIRE_MODE  mode = WIRE_MODE::ALL)

    Returns a Wires value where all wire modes are set to the given mode. With the default WIRE_MODE::ALL this can be used as a mask which represents all wires, this is useful as argument to PortTemplate::GetConnections to get all connections.

    [in]modeThe mode to use for all wires, WIRE_MODE::ALL by default.
    Wires value having all wire modes set to mode.

    ◆ operator Bool()

    operator Bool ( ) const

    Checks if there is any wire.

    True if at least one of the wire modes differs from WIRE_MODE::NONE, false otherwise.

    ◆ operator&=()

    Wires& operator&= ( Wires  other)

    Applies a mask to this Wires object. This is implemented by a bitwise and of the underlying integral values.

    [in]otherA mask. The wire modes of other should only be mask values of WIRE_MODE.
    Reference to this.

    ◆ operator&()

    Wires operator& ( Wires  other) const

    Returns the bitwise and of the underlying integral values. This makes sense only if one of the two Wires objects is a mask where the wire modes are mask values of WIRE_MODE.

    [in]otherAnother Wires object.
    The bitwise and of both Wires object.

    ◆ operator|=()

    Wires& operator|= ( Wires  other)

    Adds the wires of other to this Wires object. This is implemented by a bitwise or of the underlying integral values, and it makes sense only if both Wires objects only use mask values of WIRE_MODE, or if they don't have overlapping wires. For a parallel combination of two general Wires see Combine().

    [in]otherAnother Wires object.
    Reference to this.

    ◆ operator|()

    Wires operator| ( Wires  other) const

    Returns the bitwise or of the underlying integral values. This makes sense only if both Wires objects only use mask values of WIRE_MODE, or if they don't have overlapping wires. For a parallel combination of two general Wires see Combine().

    [in]otherAnother Wires object.
    The bitwise or of both Wires object.

    ◆ operator~()

    Wires operator~ ( ) const

    Returns the bitwise inverse of the underlying integral values. This makes sense only if this Wires object is a mask where the wire modes are mask values of WIRE_MODE. Then the returned object is the inverse of this mask.

    The inverse of this mask.

    ◆ operator==()

    Bool operator== ( Wires  other) const

    Checks if this @CLASS equals other.

    [in]otherAnother @CLASS.
    True if this equals other, false otherwise.

    ◆ operator!=()

    Bool operator!= ( Wires  other) const

    Checks if this @CLASS is not equal to other.

    [in]otherAnother @CLASS.
    True if this is not equal to other, false otherwise.

    ◆ GetHashCode()

    HashInt GetHashCode ( ) const

    Returns the hash code of this @CLASS.

    Hash code of this @CLASS.

    ◆ TriviallyHashable()

    static constexpr Bool TriviallyHashable ( )

    ◆ GetUniqueHashCode()

    UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode ( ) const

    ◆ Concat()

    Wires Concat ( const Wires other) const

    Returns the concatenation of this Wires object and other. This takes the minimum of each wire value.

    [in]otherAnother Wires object.
    The concatenation (minimum) of the wires.

    ◆ Combine()

    Wires Combine ( const Wires other) const

    Returns the parallel combination of this Wires object and other. This takes the maximum of each wire value.

    [in]otherAnother Wires object.
    The parallel combination (maximum) of the wires.

    ◆ MaskByPriority()

    Wires MaskByPriority ( const Wires priorityMask) const

    Returns a Wires object which contains only those wires of this Wires object which aren't below the priority values given in #priorityMask.

    [in]priorityMaskAnother Wires object.
    Those wires which aren't below the values of #priorityMask.

    ◆ ToMask()

    Wires ToMask ( ) const

    Converts this Wires object into a mask which uses WIRE_MODE::FULL_MASK for wires which are set in this Wires object, otherwise WIRE_MODE::NONE.

    Mask object to mask those wires which are present in this Wires object.

    ◆ EqualWires()

    Wires EqualWires ( const Wires other) const

    Returns the wire-wise comparison of this and other. This uses WIRE_MODE::FULL_MASK for a wire with the same value in this and other, or WIRE_MODE::NONE if the values differ.

    [in]otherAnother Wires object.
    Wire-wise comparison of this and other.

    ◆ ToString()

    String ToString ( const FormatStatement fs = nullptr) const

    Returns a String representation of this @CLASS.

    [in]formatStatementNullptr or additional formatting instruction.
    String representation of this @CLASS.

    ◆ ToInt()

    UInt64 ToInt ( ) const

    Only for internal use.

    Member Data Documentation

    ◆ value

    WIRE_MODE value

    The mode for the value part of the connection.

    ◆ unused

    WIRE_MODE unused


    ◆ dependency

    WIRE_MODE dependency

    The mode for the dependency part of the connection.

    ◆ context

    WIRE_MODE context

    The mode for the context part of the connection.

    ◆ hidden

    WIRE_MODE hidden

    The mode for the hidden part of the connection.

    ◆ inhibit

    WIRE_MODE inhibit

    The mode for the inhibit part of the connection.

    ◆ slink

    WIRE_MODE slink

    The mode for the slink part of the connection.

    ◆ tlink

    WIRE_MODE tlink

    The mode for the tlink part of the connection.

    ◆ VALUE

    const Int VALUE

    The index to address the value part, used in operator[] and Wires(Int,WIRE_MODE).

    ◆ UNUSED

    const Int UNUSED

    The index to address the unused part, used in operator[] and Wires(Int,WIRE_MODE).


    const Int DEPENDENCY

    The index to address the dependency part, used in operator[] and Wires(Int,WIRE_MODE).


    const Int CONTEXT

    The index to address the context part, used in operator[] and Wires(Int,WIRE_MODE).

    ◆ HIDDEN

    const Int HIDDEN

    The index to address the hidden part, used in operator[] and Wires(Int,WIRE_MODE).


    const Int INHIBIT

    The index to address the inhibit part, used in operator[] and Wires(Int,WIRE_MODE).

    ◆ SLINK

    const Int SLINK

    The index to address the slink part, used in operator[] and Wires(Int,WIRE_MODE).

    ◆ TLINK

    const Int TLINK

    The index to address the tlink part, used in operator[] and Wires(Int,WIRE_MODE).

    ◆ COUNT

    const Int COUNT

    The number of wires (currently 8). Use this for a loop over all possible wire indices.

    ◆ NONE

    const WIRE_MODE NONE

    Constant indicating no wires at all.