Interface Methods


An interface declares various methods. These methods must either be defined in an implementation of that interface or in the interface itself. Depending on the type of function, a method will also be part of the generated reference class.


The attribute MAXON_METHOD declares a function that must be defined in an implementation of the given interface.

A declaration of a MAXON_METHOD looks like this:

// This example shows an interface that declares a MAXON_METHOD function
// that can be defined in any implementation of this interface.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Primitive automobile class.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class AutomobileInterface : MAXON_INTERFACE_BASES(maxon::ObjectInterface)
MAXON_INTERFACE(AutomobileInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxonexample.interfaces.automobile1");
// Returns the number of wheels.
MAXON_METHOD maxon::Int GetWheelCount() const;
Int64 Int
signed 32/64 bit int, size depends on the platform
Definition: apibase.h:213
Definition: interfacebase.h:1184
Definition: objectbase.h:1120
Definition: interfacebase.h:1012
Definition: objectbase.h:1049

The implementation of this MAXON_METHOD is defined as:

// This example implements an interface and the MAXON_METHOD declared in the interface.
// implementation of AutomobileInterface
class TruckImplementation : public maxon::Component<TruckImplementation, AutomobileInterface>
MAXON_METHOD maxon::Int GetWheelCount() const
return 6;
Definition: objectbase.h:2641
Definition: objectbase.h:2199

Finally this method can be used with the generated reference class:

// This example creates an object of the given implementation and calls the implemented function.
// access component class
const maxon::Class<AutomobileRef> componentClass = maxon::Classes::Get<AutomobileRef>(id);
// create new object
const AutomobileRef truck = componentClass.Create() iferr_return;
// use object
const maxon::Int wheels = truck.GetWheelCount();
DiagnosticOutput("Wheels: @", wheels);
Definition: objectbase.h:696
#define DiagnosticOutput(formatString,...)
Definition: debugdiagnostics.h:170
#define iferr_return
Definition: resultbase.h:1524

If a MAXON_METHOD marked function is private or protected, it can still be defined in an implementation. But it will not be added to the reference class.


The attribute MAXON_FUNCTION defines a method that cannot be defined in a component. Instead it must be defined in the interface declaration. The method is added to the generated reference class.

A MAXON_FUNCTION can be a function template.
// This example shows an interface that declares a MAXON_FUNCTION function.
// This function must be implemented in the interface and is available in the reference class.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Primitive automobile class.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class AutomobileInterface : MAXON_INTERFACE_BASES(maxon::ObjectInterface)
MAXON_INTERFACE(AutomobileInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxonexample.interfaces.automobile2");
// Returns the number of wheels.
MAXON_METHOD maxon::Int GetWheelCount() const;
// Returns the number of wheels as a maxon::Float value.
MAXON_FUNCTION maxon::Float GetWheelCountFloat()
return maxon::Float(GetWheelCount());
Float64 Float
Definition: apibase.h:222
Definition: interfacebase.h:1033

The method can be used with the reference class.

// This example creates an object of the given implementation and calls a function implemented in the interface itself.
// access component class
const maxon::Id id { "net.maxonexample.class.automobiles.functions" };
const maxon::Class<AutomobileRef> componentClass = maxon::Classes::Get<AutomobileRef>(id);
// create new object
const AutomobileRef truck = componentClass.Create() iferr_return;
// use object
const maxon::Float wheels = truck.GetWheelCountFloat();
DiagnosticOutput("Wheels: @", wheels);
Definition: apibaseid.h:239

Plain Functions

A function that is added to an interface without any attribute cannot be defined in a component and will not be part of the generated reference class. It can only act as an (internal) utility function that is used within other functions.

// This example shows an interface that declares a MAXON_METHOD function and some plain function.
// The plain function must be implemented in the interface and can only be used in implementations of the interface,
// not in reference classes.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Primitive automobile class.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class AutomobileInterface : MAXON_INTERFACE_BASES(maxon::ObjectInterface)
MAXON_INTERFACE(AutomobileInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxonexample.interfaces.automobile3");
// Returns the number of wheels.
MAXON_METHOD maxon::Int GetWheelCount() const;
// Returns half the number of wheels. For internal use.
maxon::Int GetHalfWheelCount() const;
// This example implements a plain function declared in the interface.
maxon::Int AutomobileInterface::GetHalfWheelCount() const
return GetWheelCount() / 2;

Reference Class Attributes

With these attributes it is possible to add any additional code (e.g. simple functions) to the generated reference class.

The code marked with these attributes is simply copied into the .hxx files. It can also be used for typedefs, using, etc.
In most cases it is recommended to rather use MAXON_FUNCTION.
// This example shows an interface that declares a MAXON_METHOD function.
// An additional function is added to the reference class using the specific macro.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Primitive automobile class.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
class AutomobileInterface : MAXON_INTERFACE_BASES(maxon::ObjectInterface)
MAXON_INTERFACE(AutomobileInterface, MAXON_REFERENCE_NORMAL, "net.maxonexample.interfaces.automobile4");
// Returns the number of wheels.
MAXON_METHOD maxon::Int GetWheelCount() const;
// Returns half the number of wheels.
maxon::Int GetHalfWheelCount() const
return this->GetWheelCount() / 2;
Definition: interfacebase.h:1281

The function that was defined this way is simply used with the reference class:

// This example creates a reference to the given implementation and
// calls a function that was added to the reference class.
// access component class
const maxon::Id id { "net.maxonexample.class.automobiles.const" };
const maxon::Class<AutomobileRef> componentClass = maxon::Classes::Get<AutomobileRef>(id);
// create new object
const AutomobileRef truck = componentClass.Create() iferr_return;
// use object
const maxon::Int wheels = truck.GetHalfWheelCount();
DiagnosticOutput("Wheels: @", wheels);

Often interfaces contain both const and non-const functions to access internal data. This can easily be implemented with MAXON_NONCONST_COUNTERPART. See Generic Macros.

Further Reading