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    maxon::CustomNodeGui Namespace Reference


    static const Int32 GradientId

    Variable Documentation

    ◆ GradientId

    const Int32 GradientId

    Identifier for the node-based gradient GUI which is extracted by UiConversions::UiVariadicPort from the attribute 'DESCRIPTION::UI::NET::MAXON::UI::VARIADICPORT::COMPLEXCUSTOMUI'.

    This GUI can be used to represent a custom-defined variadic port bundle. In order for the GUI to operate the IDs of inputs in the bundle have to fulfill certain requirements:

    • Port Id = [color]; Port Data Type = [Color, ColorA]
    • Port Id = [position]; Port Data Type = [Float]
    • Port Id = [bias]; Port Data Type = [Float]
    • Port Id = [interpolation]; Port Data Type = [Enum of InternedId's] with values = {smoothknot, cubicknot, linearknot, none, blend} The name mapping is case-insensitive and searches for substrings.