Open Search

    Detailed Description


    typedef Int32 CDialogMessage(CDialog *cd, CUserArea *cu, BaseContainer *msg)
    typedef void ListViewCallBack(Int32 &res_type, void *&result, void *userdata, void *secret, Int32 cmd, Int32 line, Int32 col, void *data1)
    typedef void IlluminationModel(VolumeData *sd, RayLightCache *rlc, void *dat)
    typedef void(* BrowserPopupCallback) (void *userdata, Int32 cmd, SDKBrowserURL &url, const maxon::Id &assetId)
    typedef Bool(* BaseDrawMessageHook) (BaseDraw *pBaseDraw, BaseDocument *pDoc, BASEDRAW_HOOK_MESSAGE msg, void *pData)
    typedef void ThreadMain(void *data)
    typedef Bool ThreadTest(void *data)
    typedef const CharThreadName(void *data)
    typedef void ProgressHook(Float p, RENDERPROGRESSTYPE progress_type, void *context)
    typedef void WriteProgressHook(WRITEMODE mode, BaseBitmap *bmp, const Filename &fn, Bool mainImage, Int32 frame, Int32 renderTime, Int32 streamnum, const maxon::String &streamname, void *context)
    typedef void BakeProgressHook(BakeProgressInfo *info)
    typedef void * HierarchyAlloc(void *main)
    typedef void HierarchyFree(void *main, void *data)
    typedef void HierarchyCopyTo(void *main, void *src, void *dst)
    typedef Bool HierarchyDo(void *main, void *data, BaseObject *op, const Matrix &mg, Bool controlobject)
    typedef void(* LASTCURSORINFOFUNC) ()
    typedef Bool(* SaveCallbackImageFunc) (RDATA_SAVECALLBACK_CMD cmd, void *userdata, BaseDocument *doc, Int32 framenum, BaseBitmap *bmp, const Filename &fn)
    typedef Bool BackgroundHandler(void *data, BACKGROUNDHANDLERCOMMAND command, BACKGROUNDHANDLERFLAGS parm)
    typedef void(* C4D_CrashHandler) (Char *crashinfo)
    typedef void(* C4D_CreateOpenGLContext) (void *context, void *root, UInt32 flags)
    typedef void(* C4D_DeleteOpenGLContext) (void *context, UInt32 flags)
    typedef GeData CodeEditorCallback(BaseList2D *obj, const BaseContainer &msg)

    Typedef Documentation

    ◆ CDialogMessage

    typedef Int32 CDialogMessage(CDialog *cd, CUserArea *cu, BaseContainer *msg)

    Internal. dialog hook.

    ◆ ListViewCallBack

    typedef void ListViewCallBack(Int32 &res_type, void *&result, void *userdata, void *secret, Int32 cmd, Int32 line, Int32 col, void *data1)

    Internal. listview hook.

    ◆ IlluminationModel

    typedef void IlluminationModel(VolumeData *sd, RayLightCache *rlc, void *dat)

    Hook passed to IlluminanceSimple(). Called during illuminance calculations.

    [in]sdThe volume data for the point being calculated.
    [in]rlcThe light data cache for the point being calculated.
    [in]datThe private data sent to IlluminanceSimple().

    ◆ BrowserPopupCallback

    typedef void(* BrowserPopupCallback) (void *userdata, Int32 cmd, SDKBrowserURL &url, const maxon::Id &assetId)

    Callback for BrowserLibraryPopup().

    [in]userdataThe data sent to BrowserLibraryPopup().
    [in]cmdThe browser command ID.
    [in]urlThe URL of the preset.

    ◆ BaseDrawMessageHook

    typedef Bool(* BaseDrawMessageHook) (BaseDraw *pBaseDraw, BaseDocument *pDoc, BASEDRAW_HOOK_MESSAGE msg, void *pData)


    ◆ ThreadMain

    typedef void ThreadMain(void *data)

    Internal. thread hook.

    ◆ ThreadTest

    typedef Bool ThreadTest(void *data)

    Internal. thread hook.

    ◆ ThreadName

    typedef const Char* ThreadName(void *data)

    Internal. thread hook.

    ◆ ProgressHook

    typedef void ProgressHook(Float p, RENDERPROGRESSTYPE progress_type, void *context)

    Callback for the progress of RenderDocument().

    See also
    [in]pThe progress, between 0.0 and 1.0.
    [in]progress_typeThe render progress type: RENDERPROGRESSTYPE
    [in]contextThe context passed to RenderDocument(). The caller owns the pointed context.

    ◆ WriteProgressHook

    typedef void WriteProgressHook(WRITEMODE mode, BaseBitmap *bmp, const Filename &fn, Bool mainImage, Int32 frame, Int32 renderTime, Int32 streamnum, const maxon::String &streamname, void *context)

    Callback for the write progress of RenderDocument().

    See also
    [in]modeThe write mode.
    [in]bmpThe bitmap written to.
    [in]mainImagetrue for main image, otherwise false.
    [in]frameThe frame number.
    [in]renderTimeThe bitmap frame time.
    [in]streamnumThe stream number.
    [in]streamnameThe stream name.
    [in]contextThe context data passed. The caller owns the pointed data.

    ◆ BakeProgressHook

    typedef void BakeProgressHook(BakeProgressInfo *info)

    Callback for the progress of texture baking.

    [in]infoThe bake progress information.

    ◆ HierarchyAlloc

    typedef void* HierarchyAlloc(void *main)

    Internal. hierarchy hook.

    ◆ HierarchyFree

    typedef void HierarchyFree(void *main, void *data)

    Internal. hierarchy hook.

    ◆ HierarchyCopyTo

    typedef void HierarchyCopyTo(void *main, void *src, void *dst)

    Internal. hierarchy hook.

    ◆ HierarchyDo

    typedef Bool HierarchyDo(void *main, void *data, BaseObject *op, const Matrix &mg, Bool controlobject)

    Internal. hierarchy hook.


    typedef void(* LASTCURSORINFOFUNC) ()

    Callback invoked when mouse cursor leaves a user area.

    See also

    ◆ SaveCallbackImageFunc

    typedef Bool(* SaveCallbackImageFunc) (RDATA_SAVECALLBACK_CMD cmd, void *userdata, BaseDocument *doc, Int32 framenum, BaseBitmap *bmp, const Filename &fn)


    ◆ BackgroundHandler

    typedef Bool BackgroundHandler(void *data, BACKGROUNDHANDLERCOMMAND command, BACKGROUNDHANDLERFLAGS parm)

    Callback for background handlers registered with GeAddBackgroundHandler()
    Example from the active material rendering:

    Bool Handler_ActiveMaterial(void *data, Int32 command, Int32 flags)
    switch (command)
    return world->materialpreview && world->materialpreview->IsRunning();
    } break;
    if (world->materialpreview)
    } break;
    return CheckActiveMaterialPreview(world->GetActiveDocument());
    } break;
    return true;
    PyCompilerFlags * flags
    Definition: ast.h:14
    maxon::Bool Bool
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:55
    maxon::Int32 Int32
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:60
    Return true if the handler is currently running, otherwise false.
    @ STOP
    Stop the current activity. Return true when the activity has stopped.
    Material preview.
    [in]dataThe data passed to GeAddBackgroundHandler()
    [in]commandThe callback command: BACKGROUNDHANDLERCOMMAND
    [in]parmThe flags given to GeStopBackgroundThreads(): BACKGROUNDHANDLERFLAGS
    Depends on the background handler command.

    ◆ C4D_CrashHandler

    typedef void(* C4D_CrashHandler) (Char *crashinfo)

    A custom crash handler.
    See the SDK examples and main.cpp.

    [in]crashinfoThe crash information text.

    ◆ C4D_CreateOpenGLContext

    typedef void(* C4D_CreateOpenGLContext) (void *context, void *root, UInt32 flags)

    Create OpenGL context hook.

    ◆ C4D_DeleteOpenGLContext

    typedef void(* C4D_DeleteOpenGLContext) (void *context, UInt32 flags)

    Delete OpenGL context hook.

    ◆ CodeEditorCallback

    typedef GeData CodeEditorCallback(BaseList2D *obj, const BaseContainer &msg)

    Callback for CodeEditor_Open().

    [in]objThe object the source belongs to.
    [in]msgThe message container.
    A GeData depending on the message.