Open Search
    BurstTrieMap< K, V, GROUP_BITS, BUCKET_SIZE, SORT, POOL > Class Template Reference

    #include <bursttriemap.h>

    Inheritance diagram for BurstTrieMap< K, V, GROUP_BITS, BUCKET_SIZE, SORT, POOL >:

    Detailed Description

    template<typename K, typename V, Int GROUP_BITS = 4, Int BUCKET_SIZE = 16, BURSTTRIE_SORT SORT = BURSTTRIE_SORT::LINEAR_SEARCH, template< typename, typename > class POOL = PointerBurstTriePool>
    class maxon::BurstTrieMap< K, V, GROUP_BITS, BUCKET_SIZE, SORT, POOL >

    A BurstTrieMap maps unsigned integral keys to values using three levels:

    • At first, keys are divided based on their number of leading zero bits.
    • Then, a tree is traversed using groups of GROUP_BITS bits as indices into child nodes.
    • Finally, a leaf node contains a small array-map-like map of at most BUCKET_SIZE entries. When a full leaf node (BUCKET_SIZE entries) needs to get a further entry, it is split into an inner node with children. Likewise, if after erasure an inner node has less than two-thirds of BUCKET_SIZE key-value-pairs in its descendants, those pairs will be combined to a single leaf node which then replaces the inner node and its descendants.

    Performance characteristics: Like an ArrayMap, a BurstTrieMap allows an iteration in the order of the keys. But it performs much better than an ArrayMap when the number of entries gets large (say, more than 100): The number of inner nodes to visit is bounded by the maximum bit length of a key, so operations like insertion, erasure or searching are bounded by a constant time cost, too: O(1).

    See HashMap for more examples on how to use maps in general.

    Template Parameters
    KType of keys. This must be an unsigned integral type.
    VType of values.
    GROUP_BITSNumber of bits which shall be grouped to form an index into the children array of an inner node. This shouldn't exceed 4.
    BUCKET_SIZEMaximum size of a bucket of a leaf node. Reasonable values are between 4 and 40.
    SORTMode for sorting of the buckets.
    POOLMemory pool for the nodes.
    See also
    $ref maps


    class  EntryIteratorBase
    class  IteratorBase
    class  IteratorTemplate
    class  KeyIteratorBase
    class  NonConstIteratorBase
    class  ValueIteratorBase

    Public Types

    using IsBurstTrieMap = std::true_type
    using Bucket = BurstTrieBucket< K, V, BUCKET_SIZE >
    using Node = BurstTrieNode< GROUP_BITS, typename POOL< Int, Int >::Index >
    using Pool = POOL< Node, Bucket >
    using Index = typename Pool::Index
    using Super = MapBase< BurstTrieMap< K, V, GROUP_BITS, BUCKET_SIZE, SORT, POOL >, K, V, Pool, DefaultCompare >
    using Iterator = IteratorTemplate< false, EntryIteratorBase >
    using ConstIterator = IteratorTemplate< true, EntryIteratorBase >
    using KeyIterator = IteratorTemplate< false, KeyIteratorBase >
    using ConstKeyIterator = IteratorTemplate< true, KeyIteratorBase >
    using ValueIterator = IteratorTemplate< false, ValueIteratorBase >
    using ConstValueIterator = IteratorTemplate< true, ValueIteratorBase >
    - Public Types inherited from MapBase0< COLLECTION, KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, SUPER, HASH >
    using MapType = COLLECTION
    using Super = BaseCollection< COLLECTION, SUPER >
    using KeyType = KEYTYPE
    using ValueType = VALUETYPE
    - Public Types inherited from BaseCollection< COLLECTION, SUPER >
    using IsCollection = std::true_type
    using IsBaseArray = std::false_type

    Public Member Functions

     BurstTrieMap ()
     BurstTrieMap (Pool &&a)
     BurstTrieMap (const Pool &a)
     BurstTrieMap (BurstTrieMap &&src)
     ~BurstTrieMap ()
    template<typename MAP >
    SFINAEHelper< Result< void >, typename std::remove_reference< MAP >::type::IsBurstTrieMap >::type CopyFromImpl (MAP &&src, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, OverloadRank1)
    void Reset ()
    void Flush ()
    Int GetCount () const
    Int GetOperationCountForSearch () const
    Int GetDepth () const
    Int GetMemorySize () const
    Iterator Begin ()
    Iterator End ()
    ConstIterator Begin () const
    ConstIterator End () const
    KeyIterator GetKeys ()
    ConstKeyIterator GetKeys () const
    ValueIterator GetValues ()
    ConstValueIterator GetValues () const
    ResultMemT< IteratorInsertEntry (K key, Bool &created=BoolLValue())
    ResultMemT< IteratorInsert (K key, const V &value, Bool &created=BoolLValue())
    ResultMemT< IteratorInsert (K key, V &&value, Bool &created=BoolLValue())
    ResultRef< V > InsertKey (K key, Bool &created=BoolLValue())
    const V * FindValue (K key) const
    V * FindValue (K key)
    Iterator Find (K key)
    ConstIterator Find (K key) const
    Iterator FindFloor (K key)
    ConstIterator FindFloor (K key) const
    ResultOk< BoolErase (K key)
    template<template< Bool > class SUPER>
    IteratorTemplate< false, SUPER > Erase (const IteratorTemplate< false, SUPER > &position, Int eraseCnt=1)
    - Public Member Functions inherited from MapBase< BurstTrieMap< K, V, 4, 16, BURSTTRIE_SORT::LINEAR_SEARCH, PointerBurstTriePool >, K, V, PointerBurstTriePool< BurstTrieNode< 4, PointerBurstTriePool< Int, Int >::Index >, BurstTrieBucket< K, V, 16 > >, DefaultCompare >
    MapImpl< BurstTrieMap< K, V, 4, 16, BURSTTRIE_SORT::LINEAR_SEARCH, PointerBurstTriePool > & > ToMap ()
    MapImpl< const BurstTrieMap< K, V, 4, 16, BURSTTRIE_SORT::LINEAR_SEARCH, PointerBurstTriePool > & > ToMap () const
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE operator MapImpl< BurstTrieMap< K, V, 4, 16, BURSTTRIE_SORT::LINEAR_SEARCH, PointerBurstTriePool > & > ()
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE operator MapImpl< const BurstTrieMap< K, V, 4, 16, BURSTTRIE_SORT::LINEAR_SEARCH, PointerBurstTriePool > & > () const
    - Public Member Functions inherited from MapBase0< COLLECTION, KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, SUPER, HASH >
    template<typename... ARGS>
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Bool Contains (typename ByValueParam< KEYTYPE >::type key) const
    template<typename PAIR >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE SFINAEHelper< Bool, typename PAIR::KeyType >::type Contains (const PAIR &pair) const
    ResultRef< VALUETYPE > Append (const KEYTYPE &key)
    template<typename PAIR >
    SFINAEHelper< ResultRef< VALUETYPE >, typename PAIR::KeyType >::type Append (const PAIR &pair)
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    Result< void > AppendAllInverse (COLLECTION2 &&other)
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    Bool ContainsAllImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, OverloadRank0) const
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    Result< void > SubtractImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, OverloadRank0)
    template<typename COLLECTION2 , typename COMPARE >
    Bool IsEqualImpl (const COLLECTION2 &other, COMPARE &&cmp, OverloadRank0) const
    HashInt GetHashCode () const
    UniqueHash GetUniqueHashCode () const
    - Public Member Functions inherited from BaseCollection< COLLECTION, SUPER >
    template<typename... ARGS>
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE BaseCollection (ARGS &&... args)
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value, Bool >::type operator== (const COLLECTION2 &other) const
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value, Bool >::type operator!= (const COLLECTION2 &other) const
    template<typename COMPARE = EqualityCompare, typename COLLECTION2 >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE std::enable_if< maxon::IsCollection< COLLECTION2 >::value &&!STD_IS_REPLACEMENT(same, typename std::decay< COMPARE >::type, EQUALITY), Bool >::type IsEqual (const COLLECTION2 &other, COMPARE &&cmp=COMPARE()) const
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< void > Subtract (COLLECTION2 &&other)
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< void > Intersect (const COLLECTION2 &other)
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    Bool Intersects (const COLLECTION2 &other) const
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Result< void > CopyFromImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, OverloadRank0)
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    Result< void > AppendAllImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, COLLECTION_RESIZE_FLAGS resizeFlags, Bool overwrite, OverloadRank0)
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    Result< void > IntersectImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, OverloadRank0)
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Bool IsPopulated () const
    String ToString (const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) const
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    MAXON_ATTRIBUTE_FORCE_INLINE Bool ContainsAll (COLLECTION2 &&other) const
    template<typename COLLECTION2 >
    Bool ContainsAllImpl (COLLECTION2 &&other, OverloadRank0) const

    Static Public Attributes

    static const Int GROUP_SIZE
    static const Int GROUP_MASK
    static const Int MAX_LEN
    - Static Public Attributes inherited from MapBase0< COLLECTION, KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, SUPER, HASH >
    static const COLLECTION_KIND KIND

    Private Member Functions

    void ClearRoots ()
    Int GetDepthImpl (Index idx) const
    Int GetMemorySizeImpl (Index idx) const
    void DestructNodes (Index idx)
    Result< void > CopyNodes (Index &dest, const BurstTrieMap &srcMap, Index src)

    Private Attributes

    friend Pool
    Index _roots [MAX_LEN+1]
    Int _size


    class BurstTrieMapUtils

    Additional Inherited Members

    - Static Public Member Functions inherited from MapBase0< COLLECTION, KEYTYPE, VALUETYPE, SUPER, HASH >
    static const KEYTYPE & GetMapKey (const KEYTYPE &key)
    template<typename PAIR >
    static const KEYTYPE & GetMapKey (const PAIR &pair)

    Member Typedef Documentation

    ◆ IsBurstTrieMap

    using IsBurstTrieMap = std::true_type

    ◆ Bucket

    using Bucket = BurstTrieBucket<K, V, BUCKET_SIZE>

    ◆ Node

    using Node = BurstTrieNode<GROUP_BITS, typename POOL<Int, Int>::Index>

    ◆ Pool

    using Pool = POOL<Node, Bucket>

    ◆ Index

    using Index = typename Pool::Index

    ◆ Super

    using Super = MapBase<BurstTrieMap<K, V, GROUP_BITS, BUCKET_SIZE, SORT, POOL>, K, V, Pool, DefaultCompare>

    ◆ Iterator

    ◆ ConstIterator

    ◆ KeyIterator

    ◆ ConstKeyIterator

    ◆ ValueIterator

    ◆ ConstValueIterator

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ◆ BurstTrieMap() [1/4]

    ◆ BurstTrieMap() [2/4]

    BurstTrieMap ( Pool &&  a)

    ◆ BurstTrieMap() [3/4]

    BurstTrieMap ( const Pool a)

    ◆ BurstTrieMap() [4/4]

    BurstTrieMap ( BurstTrieMap< K, V, GROUP_BITS, BUCKET_SIZE, SORT, POOL > &&  src)

    ◆ ~BurstTrieMap()

    Member Function Documentation



    ◆ CopyFromImpl()

    SFINAEHelper<Result<void>, typename std::remove_reference<MAP>::type::IsBurstTrieMap>::type CopyFromImpl ( MAP &&  src,

    ◆ Reset()

    void Reset ( )

    Resets the map. This destructs all entries and frees any memory held by the map, so the map will be in a state as if it had been newly constructed.

    ◆ Flush()

    void Flush ( )

    Flushes the map. For a BurstTrieMap, this does the same as Reset(), namely it destructs all entries and frees any memory held by the map.

    ◆ SetCapacityHint()

    Does nothing for a BurstTrieMap.

    Always true.

    ◆ GetCount()

    Int GetCount ( ) const

    Returns the number of entries in this map.

    Number of entries.

    ◆ GetOperationCountForSearch()

    Int GetOperationCountForSearch ( ) const

    Returns an estimate of the number of operations needed to locate a given key in this map. This is used when two collections are compared: The iteration goes over the collection which would require more operations for search, and each entry is searched in the other collection.

    Estimate for the number of operations.

    ◆ GetDepth()

    Int GetDepth ( ) const

    Returns the maximum depth of this trie.

    Maximum trie depth.

    ◆ GetMemorySize()

    Int GetMemorySize ( ) const

    Returns the memory usage of this map.

    Memory size in bytes.

    ◆ Begin() [1/2]

    Iterator Begin ( )

    Returns an iterator pointing to the first entry of this map. Unless the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE, the iteration order corresponds to the order of the keys.

    Iterator for this map pointing to the first element.

    ◆ End() [1/2]

    Iterator End ( )

    Returns an iterator pointing just behind the last entry of this map. Unless the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE, the iteration order corresponds to the order of the keys.

    Iterator for this map pointing behind the last element.

    ◆ Begin() [2/2]

    ConstIterator Begin ( ) const

    Returns an iterator pointing to the first entry of this map. Unless the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE, the iteration order corresponds to the order of the keys.

    Iterator for this map pointing to the first element.

    ◆ End() [2/2]

    ConstIterator End ( ) const

    Returns an iterator pointing just behind the last entry of this map. Unless the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE, the iteration order corresponds to the order of the keys.

    Iterator for this map pointing behind the last element.

    ◆ GetKeys() [1/2]

    KeyIterator GetKeys ( )

    Returns a foreach iterator to iterate over all keys of this map. Unless the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE, this will yield all keys in ascending order.

    Foreach iterator over all keys.

    ◆ GetKeys() [2/2]

    ConstKeyIterator GetKeys ( ) const

    Returns a foreach iterator to iterate over all keys of this map. Unless the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE, this will yield all keys in ascending order.

    Foreach iterator over all keys.

    ◆ GetValues() [1/2]

    ValueIterator GetValues ( )

    Returns a foreach iterator to iterate over all values of this map. Unless the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE, this will yield all values in ascending order of the corresponding keys.

    Foreach iterator over all values.

    ◆ GetValues() [2/2]

    ConstValueIterator GetValues ( ) const

    Returns a foreach iterator to iterate over all values of this map. Unless the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE, this will yield all values in ascending order of the corresponding keys.

    Foreach iterator over all values.

    ◆ InsertEntry()

    ResultMemT<Iterator> InsertEntry ( key,
    Bool created = BoolLValue() 

    Finds the entry with the given key, or creates such an entry if it doesn't exist yet, and returns an iterator pointing to the entry. The value of a new entry has to be initialized afterwards (but its default constructor has already been invoked).

    [in]keyKey of the entry to find or create.
    [out]createdThis will be set to true if a new entry has been created successfully, otherwise it will be set to false.
    Iterator to the entry for the given key or OutOfMemoryError if the allocation failed.

    ◆ Insert() [1/2]

    ResultMemT<Iterator> Insert ( key,
    const V &  value,
    Bool created = BoolLValue() 

    Finds the entry with the given key, or creates such an entry if it doesn't exist yet, Then the value of the entry is set to the given value, whether the entry existed before or not.

    [in]keyKey of the value to find or create.
    [in]valueValue to which the key shall map.
    [out]createdThis will be set to true if a new entry has been created successfully, otherwise it will be set to false.
    Iterator to the entry for the given key or OutOfMemoryError if the allocation failed.

    ◆ Insert() [2/2]

    ResultMemT<Iterator> Insert ( key,
    V &&  value,
    Bool created = BoolLValue() 

    Finds the entry with the given key, or creates such an entry if it doesn't exist yet, Then the value of the entry is set to the given value, whether the entry existed before or not.

    [in]keyKey of the value to find or create.
    [in]valueValue to which the key shall map. It will be moved into the map.
    [out]createdThis will be set to true if a new entry has been created successfully, otherwise it will be set to false.
    Iterator to the entry for the given key or OutOfMemoryError if the allocation failed.

    ◆ InsertKey()

    ResultRef<V> InsertKey ( key,
    Bool created = BoolLValue() 

    Finds the value associated with the given key, or creates a corresponding entry if it doesn't exist yet. The value of a new entry has to be initialized afterwards (but its default constructor has already been invoked).

    [in]keyKey of the value to find or create.
    [out]createdThis will be set to true if a new entry has been created successfully, otherwise it will be set to false.
    Pointer to value for the given key, or nullptr if an entry didn't exist and allocation of a new entry failed.

    ◆ FindValue() [1/2]

    const V* FindValue ( key) const

    Finds the value associated with the given key in this map.

    [in]keyKey to search for.
    Pointer to value for the given key, or nullptr if no entry exists for the key.

    ◆ FindValue() [2/2]

    V* FindValue ( key)

    Finds the value associated with the given key in this map.

    [in]keyKey to search for.
    Pointer to value for the given key, or nullptr if no entry exists for the key.

    ◆ Find() [1/2]

    Iterator Find ( key)

    Finds the entry for the given key in this map.

    [in]keyKey to search for.
    Iterator pointing to the entry with the given key, or an invalid iterator if this doesn't exist.

    ◆ Find() [2/2]

    ConstIterator Find ( key) const

    Finds the entry for the given key in this map.

    [in]keyKey to search for.
    Iterator pointing to the entry with the given key, or an invalid iterator if this doesn't exist.

    ◆ FindFloor() [1/2]

    Iterator FindFloor ( key)

    Finds the entry with the greatest key less than or equal to the given key. If no such entry exists, the returned iterator will be invalid (its operator Bool will return false). This function is not supported when the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE.

    [in]keyKey to search for.
    Iterator pointing to the entry with greatest key less than or equal to the given key, or an invalid iterator if this doesn't exist.

    ◆ FindFloor() [2/2]

    ConstIterator FindFloor ( key) const

    Finds the entry with the greatest key less than or equal to the given key. If no such entry exists, the returned iterator will be invalid (its operator Bool will return false). This function is not supported when the sorting mode is BURSTTRIE_SORT::NONE.

    [in]keyKey to search for.
    Iterator pointing to the entry with greatest key less than or equal to the given key, or an invalid iterator if this doesn't exist.

    ◆ Erase() [1/2]

    ResultOk<Bool> Erase ( key)

    Removes an entry with the given key from this map (if possible).

    [in]keyKey of the map entry to be be removed.
    True if an entry was found and removed for key, otherwise false.

    ◆ Erase() [2/2]

    IteratorTemplate<false, SUPER> Erase ( const IteratorTemplate< false, SUPER > &  position,
    Int  eraseCnt = 1 

    Removes eraseCnt elements from this map starting at the position given by position. The returned iterator will point to the element behind the last removed element.

    [in]positionIterator pointing to the first element to be removed.
    [in]eraseCntNumber of elements to remove.
    Iterator pointing to the element behind the last removed element.



    ◆ ClearRoots()

    void ClearRoots ( )

    ◆ GetDepthImpl()

    Int GetDepthImpl ( Index  idx) const

    ◆ GetMemorySizeImpl()

    Int GetMemorySizeImpl ( Index  idx) const

    ◆ DestructNodes()

    void DestructNodes ( Index  idx)

    ◆ CopyNodes()

    Result<void> CopyNodes ( Index dest,
    const BurstTrieMap< K, V, GROUP_BITS, BUCKET_SIZE, SORT, POOL > &  srcMap,
    Index  src 

    Friends And Related Function Documentation

    ◆ BurstTrieMapUtils

    friend class BurstTrieMapUtils

    Member Data Documentation


    const Int GROUP_SIZE


    const Int GROUP_MASK

    ◆ MAX_LEN

    const Int MAX_LEN

    ◆ Pool

    friend Pool

    ◆ _roots

    Index _roots[MAX_LEN+1]

    Trie roots, indexed by the position of the highest non-zero group of the key.

    ◆ _size

    Int _size

    Total number of key-value entries.