Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >, including all inherited members.

_xpaddingVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
_ypaddingVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
Abs(const Vec2 &v1)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
BoolType typedefVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
Clamp01() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
ClampMax(const Vec2 &other)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
ClampMin(const Vec2 &other=Vec2())Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
Cross(const Vec2 &v1)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
DefaultValue()Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >static
Dot(const Vec2 &v1, const Vec2 &v2)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
Dot(const Vec2 &v1, const Vec2< T2, S2, SPACE > &v2)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
GetAngle(const Vec2 &v1, const Vec2 &v2)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
GetAverage() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
GetHashCode() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
GetLength() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
GetMax() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
GetMin() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
GetNormalized() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
GetRightRotated(Int rots) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
GetSquaredLength() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
GetSum() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
GetUniqueHashCode() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
IsEqual(const Vec2 &other, ValueTypeParam epsilon) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
IsZero() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
Max(const Vec2 &a, const Vec2 &other)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
Min(const Vec2 &a, const Vec2 &other)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
Normalize()Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator!() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator!=(const Vec2< T2, S2, SPACE > &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator!=(const Vec2 &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator*(ValueTypeParam s, const Vec2 &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
operator*(ValueTypeParam s) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator*(S s) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator*(const Vec2 &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator*=(const Vec2< T2, S2, SPACE > &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator*=(const Vec2 &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator*=(ValueTypeParam s)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator*=(const Mat2< T2 > &m)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator+(const Vec2 &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator+=(const Vec2< T2, S2, SPACE > &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator+=(const Vec2 &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator-(const Vec2 &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator-() constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator-=(const Vec2< T2, S2, SPACE > &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator-=(const Vec2 &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator/(ValueTypeParam s) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator/=(ValueTypeParam s)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator<(const Vec2 &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator<=(const Vec2 &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator=(const typename std::conditional< STRIDE==1, DummyParamType, Vec2 >::type &src)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator==(const Vec2< T2, S2, SPACE > &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator==(const Vec2 &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator>(const Vec2 &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator>=(const Vec2 &v) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator[](Int l)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
operator[](Int l) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
Rebind typedefVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
SetMax(Vec2 &a, const Vec2 &other)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
SetMin(Vec2 &a, const Vec2 &other)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >friend
SetZero()Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
ToString(const FormatStatement *formatStatement=nullptr) constVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
Unstrided typedefVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
ValueType typedefVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
ValueTypeParam typedefVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
Vec2()Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
Vec2(ValueTypeParam in)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >explicit
Vec2(ValueTypeParam ix, ValueTypeParam iy)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >explicit
Vec2(const Vec2< T2, S2, SPACE > &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >explicit
Vec2(const Vec2< T, S2, SPACE > &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
Vec2(const Vec3< T2, S2 > &v)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >explicit
Vec2(const typename std::conditional< STRIDE==1, DummyParamType, Vec2 >::type &src)Vec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >
VectorStrideType typedefVec2< T, STRIDE, SPACE >