RayLightShadow Struct Reference

#include <c4d_raytrace.h>

Public Attributes

Float density
Vector color
Bool transparency
Bool clippinginfluence
Int32 mapsizex
Int32 mapsizey
Float bias
Bool absolute
Int32 sampleradius
Float parallelwidth
Bool outline
Bool shadowcone
Float coneangle
Bool softcone
Float accuracy
Int32 minsamples
Int32 maxsamples
Bool highquality
Int32 samplingBoost

Protected Member Functions

 RayLightShadow ()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RayLightShadow()

RayLightShadow ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ density

Float density

The shadow density.

◆ color

Vector color

The shadow color.

◆ transparency

Bool transparency

true if the shadow supports transparency.

◆ clippinginfluence

Bool clippinginfluence

true to evaluate clipping areas.

◆ mapsizex

Int32 mapsizex

The soft shadow map horizontal resolution.

◆ mapsizey

Int32 mapsizey

The soft shadow map vertical resolution.

◆ bias

Float bias

The soft shadow bias.

◆ absolute

Bool absolute

The absolute bias.

◆ sampleradius

Int32 sampleradius

The soft shadow sample radius.

◆ parallelwidth

Float parallelwidth

The soft shadow parallel width.

◆ outline

Bool outline

The outline soft shadow.

◆ shadowcone

Bool shadowcone

The soft shadow cone.

◆ coneangle

Float coneangle

The soft shadow cone angle.

◆ softcone

Bool softcone

true for soft falloff at the edges.

◆ accuracy

Float accuracy

The area shadow accuracy.

◆ minsamples

Int32 minsamples

The area shadow min samples.

◆ maxsamples

Int32 maxsamples

The area shadow max samples.

◆ highquality

Bool highquality

The soft shadow omni light is calculated with the best quality.

◆ samplingBoost

Int32 samplingBoost

The soft shadow sampling boost.