DateTimeData Manual


A DateTimeData stores a date and a time. Using a DateTime structure, it stores the year, month, day, hour, minute and second.
For more specific operation related to time, see TimeValue Manual.


Use C4DAtom::GetParameter() to retrieve the data of a parameter and cast it to DateTimeData.

// This example retrieves the actual DateTime from a sky object.
GeData data;
// Retrieves the parameter from the physical sky object.
Bool success = mySkyObject->GetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(SKY_DATE_TIME)), data, DESCFLAGS_GET::NONE);
// Checks if we retrieved the data and its type.
if (!success || data.GetType() != DATETIME_DATA)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// Retrieves the data from data container.
const DateTimeData* dateTimeData = data.GetCustomDataType<DateTimeData>();
if (dateTimeData == nullptr)
return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
Definition: customgui_datetime.h:157
Definition: c4d_gedata.h:83
const DATATYPE * GetCustomDataType() const
Definition: c4d_gedata.h:542
Int32 GetType() const
Definition: c4d_gedata.h:436
DateTime custom data ID.
Definition: customgui_datetime.h:23
maxon::Bool Bool
Definition: ge_sys_math.h:55
Definition: memoryallocationbase.h:67
#define ConstDescID(...)
Definition: lib_description.h:594
Definition: oskyshader.h:54
Represents a level within a DescID.
Definition: lib_description.h:298

Use C4DAtom::SetParameter() to set the DateTimeData of your parameter.
The custom data type must be specified in the GeData constructor.

// Sets the physical sky object parameter with the new data.
if (dt)
Bool success = mySkyObject->SetParameter(ConstDescID(DescLevel(SKY_DATE_TIME)), dat, DESCFLAGS_SET::NONE);
if (!success)
return maxon::UnknownError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
Dummy value for the default value GeData constructor.
Definition: c4d_gedata.h:65
DATATYPE * GetCustomDataTypeWritable()
Definition: c4d_gedata.h:547
void SetDateTime(const DateTime &d, Bool bSetDate=true, Bool bSetTime=true)

Add a parameter in a description

A parameter can be added to a description with the function ::GetDDescription(). To attach a custom GUI to that parameter define DESC_CUSTOMGUI settings and call SetParameter(). See DateTimeControl Manual.

// This example shows how to implement a BaseTimeData parameter with a custom GUI.
const DescID cid = ConstDescID(DescLevel(dateTimeID, DATETIME_DATA, 0));
if (!singleid || cid.IsPartOf(*singleid, nullptr))
// Sets the name
settings.SetString(DESC_NAME, "Date Time"_s);
settings.SetString(DESC_SHORT_NAME, "Date Time"_s);
// Sets the custom GUI displaying that parameter.
// GetCustomDataTypeDefault sets it to DATETIME_GUI by default.
// Activates the now button
settings.SetBool(DATETIME_NOW_BUTTON, true);
// Activates the clock
settings.SetBool(DATETIME_TIME_CONTROL, true);
// Activates the calendar
settings.SetBool(DATETIME_DATE_CONTROL, true);
// The maximized GUI is shown by default.
settings.SetBool(DESC_GUIOPEN, true);
// Inserts the parameter in the description
if (!description->SetParameter(cid, settings, ConstDescID(DescLevel(ID_OBJECTPROPERTIES))))
return false;
BaseContainer GetCustomDataTypeDefault(Int32 type)
Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:48
void SetBool(Int32 id, Bool b)
Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:572
void SetString(Int32 id, const maxon::String &s)
Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:643
void SetInt32(Int32 id, Int32 l)
Definition: c4d_basecontainer.h:579
Definition: lib_description.h:355
Bool IsPartOf(const DescID &cmp, Int32 *pos) const
DateTime custom GUI ID.
Definition: customgui_datetime.h:20
Bool true, if it is a calendar.
Definition: customgui_datetime.h:29
Bool true, if it is a clock.
Definition: customgui_datetime.h:28
Bool true, to add "Now" button.
Definition: customgui_datetime.h:30
Int32 The ID of the GUI for this element. Either a custom ID or one of: CUSTOMGUI
Definition: lib_description.h:125
String Name for standalone use.
Definition: lib_description.h:91
String Short name, for attributes dialog.
Definition: lib_description.h:92
Bool true if the maximized GUI is shown by default.
Definition: lib_description.h:130
Definition: obase.h:56

DateTime Structure

Represents a date and a time.

Inside DateTimeData, DataTime is only accessible via those functions:

// This example shows how to set and get a DateTimeData.
// Creates a DateTime for Alan Turing's birthday.
DateTime timeSet(1912, 6, 23, 23, 59, 59);
// Allocates a new DateTimeData.
if (dateTimeData == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// Sets the DateTimeData to the new time/date.
// Retrieves the DateTime From DateTimeData.
const DateTime timeGet = dateTimeData->GetDateTime();

DateTime Properties

The Structure of the DateTime is composed by those properties.


A DateTime can be created passing some argument in the constructor as follow:

DateTime (Int32 t_year, Int32 t_month, Int32 t_day, Int32 t_hour, Int32 t_minute, Int32 t_second);

// Allocates a new DateTimeData using AutoAlloc.
if (dateTimeData == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// Released the pointer if needed.
DateTimeData* anotherPointer = dateTimeData.Release();
// Another way to Alloc a DateTimeData using GeData.
if (value == nullptr)
return maxon::OutOfMemoryError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
// Creates a Date time.
DateTime dateTime(1912, 6, 23, 23, 59, 59);
// Sets the DateTimeData.
// Frees the pointer as we took ownership.
PyObject * value
Definition: abstract.h:715
TYPE * Release()
Definition: ge_autoptr.h:123
static void Free(DateTimeData *&pData)


There are several functions to manipulate dates and times.


DateTime can be converted as a String with:

  • FormatTime() Formats the given DateTime t and output it as a string. The format options are the same as strftime().
    // Retrieves a DateTime to a string format.
    // Displays a DateTime 22:32:44 Thursday - 23 / Aug / 2001.
    const Char* pszFormat = "%H:%M:%S - %A - %d / %b / %G";
    maxon::String dateTimeString = FormatTime(pszFormat, currentTime);
    DiagnosticOutput("The DateTime @ in string using @ format result is @", dateTimeToString, pszFormat, dateTimeString);
    maxon::Char Char
    Definition: ge_sys_math.h:56
    String FormatTime(const char *pszFormat, const DateTime &t)
  • TimeToString() Converts a time as a formatted string (e.g. "12:34:56").
  • DateToString() Converts a date as a formatted string. The format of the returned string depends on the current OS date and time settings.
    // Converts a date as a formatted string.
    const maxon::String dateToString = DateToString(currentTime);
    // The output format depends on the os Date and time settings.
    DiagnosticOutput("The current time @ converted to a string @", dateTimeToString, dateToString);
  • GetMonthName() Retrieves the name of a month in the current Cinema 4D interface language.
    // This example gets the month's name from today's Date.
    // Sets a DateTime to now.
    DateTime now;
    // Retrieves the month's name in the current Cinema 4D interface language.
    const maxon::String month = GetMonthName(now.month);
    // Outputs the result.
    DiagnosticOutput("The actual monmth is @", month);
    String GetMonthName(Int month)
    void GetDateTimeNow(DateTime &t)
    Int32 month
    Definition: customgui_datetime.h:63
    DateTime can also be parsed from String to Int32 with thoses functions:
  • ParseTimeString() Parses a time string (e.g. "12:34:56").
  • ParseDateString() Parses a date string (e.g. "31/12/2010").
    // Parses a time string to Int32.
    maxon::String time = "12:34:56"_s;
    // Checks the result of the function.
    if (!ParseTimeString(time, hrs, min, sec))
    return maxon::UnexpectedError(MAXON_SOURCE_LOCATION);
    DiagnosticOutput("This time @ can be parse to @ hours @ minutes @ seconds", time, hrs, min, sec);
    int32_t Int32
    32 bit signed integer datatype.
    Definition: apibase.h:201
    Bool ParseTimeString(String timestr, Int32 &hour, Int32 &minute, Int32 &second)
    const char Py_ssize_t const char Py_ssize_t min
    Definition: modsupport.h:58
    time_t * sec
    Definition: pytime.h:57

Julian format

Transforms DateTime to Julian date in both directions.

Current DateTime

Retrieves the current date and time.

Convert DateTime

Converts date and time to GMT or local date and time.

  • LocalToGMTime() Converts local time to GMT depending on the OS time zone settings.
    LocalToGMTime will fail if the local date is before Jan 1, 1970 2.01 am or after Jan 18, 2038 7 pm.
  • GMTimeToLocal() Converts GMT time to local depending on the OS time zone settings.
    // This example transform a DateTime to a LocalGMT time value.
    // Sets a DateTime to now.
    DateTime now;
    DateTime outGMT;
    if (LocalToGMTime(now, outGMT))
    const maxon::String localTimeToString = FormatTime("%H:%M:%S - %A - %d / %b / %G", now);
    const maxon::String gmtTimeToString = FormatTime("%H:%M:%S - %A - %d / %b / %G", outGMT);
    DiagnosticOutput("Local time @ to GMT result is @", localTimeToString, gmtTimeToString);
    DiagnosticOutput("Failed to convert the local time to a GMT");
    Bool LocalToGMTime(const DateTime &tLocal, DateTime &tGMT)

Day of week

Gets the day of the week.

  • GetDayOfWeek() Gets the day of the week of the date lYear-lMonth-lDay and return DAYOFWEEK.
    // Retrieves witch day of the week Alan Turing is born.
    // Create an array for all days of the week.
    const maxon::String days[7] = { "Monday"_s, "Tuesday"_s, "Wednesday"_s, "Thursday"_s, "Friday"_s, "Saturday"_s, "Sunday"_s };
    // GetDayOfWeek return a DAYOFWEEK so we need to cast that into a Int32 to retrieves the text in our days' array.
    const maxon::Int32 day = static_cast<maxon::Int32>(GetDayOfWeek(1912, 6, 23));
    // Outputs the result.
    DiagnosticOutput("Alan Turing is born a @", days[day]);
    DAYOFWEEK GetDayOfWeek(Int32 lYear, Int32 lMonth, Int32 lDay)


Tries to correct invalid data.

  • ValidateDate() Tries to correct invalid date values, e.g. clamping the values within valid limits. (1700-2299, 1-12, compatible day for the passed month)
  • ValidateTime() Tries to correct invalid time values, e.g. clamping the values within valid limits. (0h-23h 0-59m 0-59s)
    // Tries to correct the data of a DateTime.
    maxon::Int32 year = 2042, month = 125, day = 412, hrs = 42, min = 25, sec = 123456;
    ValidateDate(year, month, day);
    DiagnosticOutput("Date before validate @ @ @ and after @ @ @", 2042, 125, 412, year, month, day);
    DiagnosticOutput("Time before validate @ @ @ and after @ @ @", 42, 25, 123456, hrs, min, sec);
    void ValidateTime(Int32 &hour, Int32 &minute, Int32 &second)
    void ValidateDate(Int32 &year, Int32 &month, Int32 &day)


There are several operators that can be used to compare DateTime.

Further Reading